Sailing: Admiral The Black Dragon, Concubine From Momousagi

Chapter 52

52. Bell Mel Joined Marine, And Nami And Nuo Qigao Also Joined Marine

Nine ten in the morning.

The warship slowly docked on the shore.

“Colonel Eric, this is Cocosia Village!”

The soldiers were very respectful.

During this time, they accompanied Eric from one place to another, and they respected and admired Eric more and more.


Eric waved his hand and walked into the village.

on the way.

Eric looked at the surrounding environment, it was quiet, quiet, clean and tidy, and the folk customs were very simple.

At this time, the Dragon Pirates had not yet appeared, and the village was naturally not damaged.

At this time, the villagers couldn’t help but exclaimed when they saw Eric.

“My God, such a young colonel?!”

“How could it be the colonel, stop joking!”

“Didn’t you see the epaulettes, a bar of three stars!”

“I wipe…”

“I’ve seen one or two of those soldiers in the back, they must be real…”

“It’s terrible, such a young colonel, so powerful!”


At this time, the village policeman Kensuke stepped up and said respectfully: “Colonel Eric, welcome to Cocosia Village!”

Eric glanced at him. There was no scar on his face at this time. After all, the Dragon Pirates hadn’t appeared yet, so his face would naturally not be injured.

“You can call Kensuke, let’s go, accompany me to stroll here.”

Eric smiled with a friendly attitude.

Kensuke was taken aback and said in disbelief, “Colonel Eric, I didn’t expect you to know my name.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll show you around Cocosia Village.”

Then, Kensuke walked in front and began to take Eric around.

At this time, two little boys appeared in front of him, looking at Eric curiously.

“It turned out to be Johnny and Joseph, interesting.”

Eric looked at the two of them and said with a smile: “You two are in good spirits, are you interested in joining Marine?”

Immediately, the two froze.

Kensuke said quickly: “Johnny, Joseph, this is Colonel Eric.”

Johnny was taken aback and said in disbelief, “Colonel Eric? He looks a few years older than me, so he can become a colonel?!”

Joseph said in shock: “I am 13 years old, and Johnny is 12 years old. Colonel Eric looks similar to us, so he must be in his teens.”

Eric smiled, “I’m 17 years old.”

“You two have good qualifications. If you join Marine, you will definitely be able to make a difference.”

Johnny widened his eyes and murmured, “It’s amazing to be a colonel at the age of 17!”

Joseph looked at Eric’s beautiful appearance and said enviously, “I want to be a Marine, a mighty Haki like Colonel Eric.”

Johnny hurriedly followed, “Me too, Colonel Eric, I want to join the Marine too.”

Eric smiled slightly and said, “Okay, you can leave with me later.”

Then, Kensuke led Eric and continued to move forward.

Soon, the group came to an orange orchard.

At this time, three women came out from the garden.

Bell Mel, Little Nami, Noki Gao.

Kensuke quickly introduced: “Bell Mel, this is Colonel Eric.”


Bellmel looked at Eric, her beautiful eyes widened in shock.

Little Nami covered his mouth and said in disbelief, “Such a young colonel, is it true?!”

Nuo Qigao said in surprise: “It’s too scary, it’s amazing!”

Eric smiled slightly, and said softly: “I know your identity, Bellmel, you are an Excellent Marine soldier.”

Bell Mel was taken aback, “Colonel Eric, you, you know me?”

Eric nodded and said with a smile: “I took over the 16th branch, I have read the information of the soldiers, and your name is among them.”

“Bell Mel, I intend to restore the glory of Marine, and I sincerely invite you to join Marine again.”

Hearing this, Bell Meyer fell into a tangle.

At this time.

Little Nami wrinkled her nose and snorted, “Colonel Eric, if Bellmel and Aunt follow you, what will happen to me and Nuoqigao, we will starve to death.”

Nuo Qigao nodded her head, and said in a tender voice: “We are all orphans, and we were finally adopted by Bell Mel Aunt, and we don’t want to leave her.”

Eric touched Nami’s little head, and said with a gentle smile, “All of you join Marine, and follow me to Branch 16.”

“Now the branch is under construction, and the salary has also risen. It is still a good choice to be a Marine.”

Immediately, Nami’s eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: “Has Marine raised her salary? That’s great. Nami likes money the most.”

Nuoqi gave her a contemptuous look, and said speechlessly: “Nami, don’t you always like money so much, okay? You’re like a little money addict.”

Nami snorted, “What do you know? In this world, money makes people happy. What’s wrong with me, I’m a little money fan. I just like money.”

Eric laughed and said in a good mood: “Nami, if you like money so much, then join Marine.”

“I think you are eccentric, and you will definitely do well in the future. Money and status will not be a problem by then.”

“Okay, I’m going to join Marine and I’m going to make lots and lots of Baileys!”

Nami waved his little hand, his little face was full of excitement.

At this moment, Bellmel hurriedly said: “Colonel Eric, I am also willing to join the Marine.”

“Before I was raising Nami and Nuo Qigao, otherwise I would not have resigned as a Marine. I like the sacred profession of Marine very much.”

Eric nodded and said with a smile: “Okay, then you can go with me.”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t intend to continue the research, and walked back to the original road.

Bell, Mel and others hurriedly followed…

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