Sailing: Admiral The Black Dragon, Concubine From Momousagi

Chapter 90

90. Eric Vs Ghost Spider! Participating In The Headquarters Meeting For The First Time

At this moment, Eric could no longer see the figure.

Standing at the door, Makino asked with a smile, “Sister, do you really not plan to continue being a Marine?”

Bell nodded and whispered softly, “My husband has already become a Vice Admiral. At this stage, if he wants to be promoted, he can only rely on his own, and I can’t help him.”

“Since this is the case, I might as well spend all my time on cultivation. As long as my strength improves, I can still help my husband.”

heard the words.

Makino sighed and said: “Sister, you are right, I want to learn from you, and I have to work hard to become stronger.”

Nami snorted: “Bell Mel Aunt doesn’t go to work, and he doesn’t help with cooking.”

“Bell, Mel, and Aunt have to work hard to practice, where there is no time to cook, Nami, you can’t say that, you know?” Nuo Qigao quickly warned.

Bell said “eight nine seven” Nami took a look, and said angrily: “You should hurry up and draw your chart, day by day is really…”

“I’m ignoring you.” Nami said with a smile, and ran into the house.

Makino smiled and said: “Sister, you should practice hard and leave the cooking to me. Being able to cook for my husband is what I want to do most.

Bell Mel: “Sister, thank you for your hard work, I’m going to practice.”

the coast.

At this time, a warship stopped here.

Depart on time at 8:30, and head to Malindo with Marine.

The soldiers on the warship greeted Eric after seeing Eric.

“Eric Vice Admiral~…”

Eric nodded in response.

At this time.

Eric saw many familiar faces.

Akainu, Kizaru, Dauberman and others are all on this warship.

Apparently, they live in this place too.

“Yo yo, Eric, you’re wearing Vice Admiral’s clothes.”

Kizaru tilted his mouth, looking obscene.

Eric smiled slightly and said, “Kizaru Admiral, good morning!”


The ghost spider walked over, smoking a cigar, and said gloomyly: “Eric Vice Admiral, do you have time, how about a discussion?”

Immediately, the people around all turned their gazes over.

Eric put his arms around his body and said with a faint smile: “We are all Vice Admirals, if you want to compete, I will naturally not refuse. y

Ghost Spider nodded, with a cold expression on his face, “In that case, at three o’clock in the afternoon, I will wait for you at the training ground.”

After speaking, he walked towards Akainu.

Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and said strangely: “It’s really interesting, this must be a very exciting exchange, don’t miss it!”

The flying squirrel said calmly: “I will definitely visit this competition.”

“I’m curious about Eric Vice Admiral’s strength, and I’ll be there this afternoon.” Huoshaoshan took a puff of cigarette and smiled gently.

at the same time.

The Marine soldiers on the side also discussed it one after another.

“You say, who will win this match?”

“I see, it must be the Ghost Spider Vice Admiral, after all he is a veteran Vice Admiral.

“I also like the ghost spider Vice Admiral, he is no ordinary Vice Admiral.”

“Ghost Spider Vice Admiral, is an elite Vice Admiral, extremely powerful!

“You don’t know, Eric Vice Admiral is a space fruit capable person, he can travel through space…

“Also, Eric Vice Admiral is the nemesis of ability users, and ghost spider Vice Admiral is ability users, so it will naturally be restrained.”

“One is Logia Dark Fruit, and the other is Zoan Spider Fruit, the difference between the two is too great, which already explains the problem…

“Hey hey, anyway, I will definitely go over and have a look at the discussion in the afternoon.”

“plus 1..”

Not for a while.

The warship then arrived at Marineford.

Everyone went to the office building.

second floor.

Eric just got here.

Staff Officer Crane happened to come over from the corridor, and said lightly: “Eric Vice Admiral, come with me, I will take you to the office.

“Thanks, Chief of Staff!”

Eric smiled and responded.

Then, Staff Officer Crane led Eric to the front.


The two stopped.

Staff Officer He pointed to an office and said calmly, “This is 218, and it will be your personal office from now on.”

After finishing speaking, Staff Officer He left here, looking very busy.

Eric stepped into the office and looked around.

The space is very spacious, everything is neatly arranged, and it is cleaned very cleanly. It looks like an office……

Eric nodded secretly, very satisfied.

“Starting from today, I have to sit in this position for many years.”

Eric is very clear that his promotion has reached the limit, and it is currently impossible to continue to improve.

After all, his age is there, he is too young, and it is impossible for him to become an Admiral.

Nine thirty in the morning.

Inside the conference room.

At this time, the generals came in one after another, ready to start the daily morning meeting.

Eric stepped in and took a look.

“As expected of the headquarters’ meeting room, it’s really spacious!”

Eric muttered secretly.

At this time.

Garp laughed loudly and said, “Eric, here is your seat, seat 7, you are so old.”

It turns out that the location here is not just for sitting.

Sengoku is seat 1 and belongs to the main seat.

Garp is No. 2, the Marine hero, second only to the Marshal.

Crane Staff Officer is No. 3.

Akainu No. 4, Aokiji No. 5, Kizaru No. 6.

And Eric is No. 7, which belongs to the frontmost position under Admiral.

“If you want to sit on number 7, you have to have that strength.

The ghost spider said something coldly with a cigar in its mouth.

Dauberman said with a ferocious expression: “The discussion in the afternoon is over, and the position of number 7 must be changed.”

0.3 For these two mad dogs, Eric didn’t bother to pay attention, and walked towards his own position.

Next to him, is Aokiji, sound asleep.

“It really is a wonder!”

Eric thought secretly, and sat in his seat.

Not for a while.

The generals are all seated.

Boom boom boom…

Sengoku knocked on the desk and said in a deep voice, “Before the meeting starts, I want to say one thing.”

Turning his head to look at Eric and the ghost spider, he said seriously: “I heard that you two are going to have a sparring session this afternoon, is there such a thing?”

(PS: Some readers said that the writing of emotional dramas was embarrassing, this little brother must admit it. I really don’t know how to write emotional dramas, so in the next chapters, emotional dramas will be briefly mentioned, and I won’t write more about this aspect. Hereby inform you.).

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