Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 12: Leaf Dirty Dozen… well, eleven plus Temari

Naruto and I arrived at Ichiraku Ramen at exactly 6:57PM. Apart from Mister Teuchi and his daughter Ayame, only three people were there. Team Guy: Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten, minus Guy-sensei himself. I wanted everyone to cut loose, and I thought having them around would make everyone too reserved, so I respectfully asked all the senseis to stay away from us tonight.

"It is a pleasure to see you, Naruto!"

Lee got up from the table around the side of the stand that he, Neji and Tenten were sitting at and ran up to Naruto. After greeting him, he looked at me, blushed and resumed his greeting.

"And it is a pleasure to see you too, Sakura!"

"It's great to see you, Bushy-Brow. As well as you Neji, and... erm..."

I nudged his side with my elbow and whispered:


"Tenten! You are as beautiful as ever. How are your kunai?"

Tenten was clearly angry that Naruto had forgotten her name but also seemed to be blushing from being called beautiful. So she just smiled and responded with:

"They are as sharp as ever."

"Naruto, it is great to see you again. But I should inform you that although Tenten is beautiful, she and I are engaged, so please... be respectful."

Neji said, standing behind Tenten with his hands on her shoulders. He had gotten a little aggressive when he and Tenten started dating. They got engaged not long after that, and he got even worse. He took the honour of his bride very seriously. Rock Lee had shown up in his regular green jumpsuit, but both Neji and Tenten arrived in ceremony Hyuga kimonos. Tenten's hair was done up nicely, and Neji was as handsome as ever... Despite being protective of his bride, he didn't mind fooling around with me behind her back. But he didn't know I fooled around with her behind his.

"Neji, calm down."

Tenten said to her future husband.

"I'm sorry. I apologise, Naruto. Please, come sit and tell us about your adventures with Lord Jiraiya."

"Er... Sure."

Naruto still seemed awkward about the small confrontation but took a seat anyway. I followed after and sat beside him to his right. Across the table from me sat Tenten. To her right sat Neji, directly in front of Naruto and to Neji's right sat Lee. None of the three members of Team Guy or the ramen chefs commented on my outfit. At that point, everyone in the village knew me as a trashy dresser as well as a slut. The two terms didn't always denote the other, but in my case, they did.

Naruto and the others started talking, but I didn't pay attention. I was getting concerned about the others. For one, even though Naruto didn't want a big party at first, now that I had promised him one, I didn't want him to get depressed if most of his friends didn't show up. But my main worry was Hinata. I really hoped she hadn't chickened out at the last minute and stayed home.

Just as I was getting distraught, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, and Temari showed up. Choji, Shikamaru and Temari showed up in thier regular work clothes. I guess Choji didn't see the point of dressing up, Shikamaru just came from working on the Chunnin exams, and I assume Tamari didn't bring any party clothes to the village. Ino, on the other hand, came in a purple backless dress that showed off one leg and a moderate amount of cleavage. Plus, matching heels, though there were shorter than mine.

I didn't invite Tamari, and she would have to pay for her own meal, but I wasn't going to tell her to leave or that it was a private party. I guessed either she tagged along because she was hungry from working all day or one of the other three members of Team 10 invited her. My money was on Shikamaru. I shouted over to them.

"We're sitting over here since the stand is too small for all the guests. Just give Mister Teuchi and Ayame your order and come join us. They'll bring it out to all of us when everyone is here. Sorry Tamari, but you'll need to pay for yours. I only pre-payed for eleven meals."

Tamari didn't seem to mind. The four ordered at the stand, Tamari paying with cash from a surprisingly cute purse, a large fan with a smiley face on an old fashion clip purse. Then all came around to the table and sat down. Ino sat next to me on my right, Choji directly across from her in the last available seat on the table closest to the stand. Shikamaru sat on Naruto and I's side of the table across from Lee, with Tamari beside him.

All that was left was Team 8, Shino, Kiba and most importantly, Hinata. I whispered to Ino, sitting on my right.

"Have you seen Hinata?"

She whispered back. Luckily, Naruto was too busy catching up with old friends to notice our secret communication.

"I last saw her about an hour ago. She came to my place earlier today; she wanted me to help her prepare for tonight. I assume the dress was your idea?"

I nodded.

"Well, I helped her with her make-up and told her how to put on the dress. The poor thing had no idea how the straps worked; I had to do it for her. She seemed like a nervous wreck, so I gave her some sake which she hammered back. After three shots, I cut her off, and she said she would find Shino and Kiba. But I made sure to contact Shino and Kiba ahead of time with my Mind Jutsu. They said they'd find her, calm her down, and bring her here."

I had a terrible feeling. I hadn't considered Hinata getting drunk BEFORE the party. I hopped she didn't get too wasted and ruin our plan.

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