Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 17: Walk of Pride

While I was deciding if I should get involved or even get the others involved, the decision was made for me.

"Knock! Knock! Erm... I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave... We have received... er... You were... singing too loudly, and we have received complaints..."

There was knocking on the wall next to the door frame, I couldn't see who it was because of the curtain, but it sounded like the barmaid who had been serving drinks to the booth. Though I had "entertained" people in the booths in the past, I guess we were too loud this time for the bar to keep plausible deniability.

In the Leaf, there were two main political ideologies. The followers of the First Hokage and the followers of the Second. The followers of the First tend to be more liberal and peace-seeking, while the Followers of the Second tend to be more conservative and militant.

The followers of each side have opposite stances on many subjects. Followers of the First tend to be more sex-positive, while followers of the Second tend to be more prudish. And while there has never been a Hokage who followed the Second's teachings apart from the man himself, the Foundation and the village elders of the time did.

Lady Tsunade and the previous Hokage since the Third have tried to legalise prostitution but never could due to the opposition. So technically, it is against the law for people to have sex outside private residences. So even though no one profited from our little private party, the bar's owner could be subject to fines if they knew and allowed "indecent acts" to take place under their roof.

But only if they knew about it and let it happen. Punishing a business every time a pair of horny teens got frisky on the premises would be unreasonable. So bars tended to only enforce those prudish laws if they lost plausible deniability. And our chanting of 'suck his dick' plus the sounds of Naruto's explosive orgasm shattered that deniability.

We wouldn't be reported by the bar if we left, but they had to cover their bases by evicting us on the spot if one of the other patrons snitched. The possibility of that happening was low but not zero.

"Sorry, we're leaving now!"

I shouted back before taking my hands away from Lee and Kiba's dicks. I then stood up and addressed the group.

"I hope you all enjoyed yourself, but it looks like the party is over now. I suggest we all head home. Thank you, Nadae."

I said with a wink at Lady Tsunade. She rabidly licked and slurped Hinata's face clean, but her dress and hair were another issue. Hinata returned the favour in a drunken haze. Lady Tsunade had to push her away to stand up.

"I want more cummies..."

Hinata whimpered as Lady Tsunade stood up out of her reach.

"It's been fun, Sakura. See you around, Naruto."

After saying that, Lady Tsunade blew Naruto a kiss and darted past the curtain. Bits of cum dripped off her onto the floor as she went. I guessed she was going to the bathroom to undo her transformation, clean up and change back into the real clothes she wore to the bar. Naruto stared at me with a confused look.

"What did she mean by that? Who was that girl?"

I tried my best to hold in my laughter.

"Just one of my slutty friends. I bumped into her and thought it would be fun to have her give you a private dance in front of everyone though I honestly didn't see it going this far."

While I was talking to Naruto, everyone else was getting ready to leave, apart from Hinata, who was still on her knees in a daze. Neji and Kiba looked like they wanted to help her but seemed hesitant. Probably because of all of Naruto's cum that she was covered in.

I walked over and picked her up. The cum on her clothes and hair stained me, but I didn't care.

"I'll take Hinata home and get her cleaned up. I'll take her back to the compound in the morning."

I said to Neji. It looked like he wanted to protest, but he eventually nodded after a few seconds of silence.

"Fine, but Sakura, I want to talk to you later."

He said with a touch of anger in his voice before grabbing Tenten's arm and storming out of the booth. Tenten gave me a look of sympathy but didn't say anything. It seemed like she was telling me she couldn't defend me from Neji this time. I wasn't worried. I wasn't above blackmail, and I knew there was no way Neji would risk me telling everyone he was cheating on his future bride with me- especially the prospective bride herself.

The Ino-Shika-Cho trio carried Temari out; she seemed too drunk to walk alone. Kiba and Lee looked at me with longing in their eyes before Shino grabbed their arms and started to drag them out of the booth.

"Sorry, but we got to go."

He said before they exited the booth. It was just Naruto, Hinata, and I left in the booth.

"Naruto, I'm sorry, but could you help me carry Hinata home. I'm still hurt from the training with Kakashi-sensei."

He looked hesitant to touch Hinata.

"Hurry the fuck up! This is all YOUR cum, so what's the matter?"

I got a little angry at him. He was happy enough to drench the girl but not to touch her. Plus, I really was hurt from the training. I was okay at that moment, but I knew if I tried to carry an adult woman on my own all the way back home, I'd tear some of the chakra threads holding my tendons to my bones.

"S-Sorry, Sakura."

He apologised and ran to Hinata's other side. We each had one of her arms over our shoulders. He seemed a little grossed out whenever his cum made part of her dress stick to his suit, but he didn't let go of her.

We started to walk out of the booth with Hinata. She let us carry her and moved her feet in the direction we led her, but if we let go of her, she would definitely collapse back to her knees. We were already out of the bar and halfway to my place when she finally said something coherent.

"W-Where did Lady Fifth go?"

"That wasn't Granny Tsunade. It was a friend of Sakura's dressed up as her. Well, a pervy version of her."

"N-No. When she was dancing in front of Naruto, I used my Byakugan to see through Naruto's clothes. To see how his chakra network responded to her dance moves. But when I looked at her, her chakra network was the same as Lady Fifth's."

'Oh fuck!' I thought, but I didn't say anything. We were all so busy looking at Lady Tsunade and Naruto we must not have seen Hinata activate her Byakugan. I knew the Byakugan could see through the transformation jutsu, but as a rule, the Hyuga don't use it outside missions or training to protect people's privacy. As it can be used to see through people's clothes and homes.

Naruto stopped moving and let go of Hinata. She seemed steady enough to stand and talk now, so I let her go too.

"S-Sakura... w-who was that girl. What's h-her full name, and where does she l-live?"

It was hard to tell what was going on in Naruto's mind. His voice sounded nervous and embarrassed, and his face looked angry, but I could see his dick grow stiff through his pants. So a little embarrassed, angry and horny.

I didn't see any point in lying to them. It seemed more important to tell them the truth so they understood just how serious it would be if this got back to the village elders.

"Not now. Just be quiet, and I'll explain everything once we get back to my place."

I said while looking around the street. It was empty, but since Naruto was the village's Jinchuriki, it wasn't unreasonable for the Foundation to have someone spying on him. They wouldn't care if Naruto got his dick sucked by a classmate and some random stripper in a bar, but if that random stripper turned out to be the Hokage, that would be a very different story.

"Hinata, you up to checking if anyone is following us?"

She still didn't seem back to one hundred per cent, but she nodded, activated her Byakugan and looked around. After a few seconds, she spoke.

"...I don't see anyone following us or even looking our way. In fact, all the villagers seemed to be staying clear of us for some reason..."

"...That's because your dripping cum all over the place, Honey..."

Hinata looked down and seemed to finally realise the state of her clothes.

" new dress..."

Naruto averted his eyes from mine when I looked at him, but I caught the guilt in them. I walked over and hugged her.

"It's okay. Naruto will buy you a new one."


He started to protest, but I cut him off.

"As a thank you and compensation for what he did to your brand new dress that you got made just for him."

I glared at him over Hinata's sticky shoulder. He sighed and smiled at me.

"Yeah, it's only fair. A man needs to take care of his woman, you know!"

He said after putting a hand on her other shoulder. I could feel Hinata shiver from his touch, but she whispered happily into my ear.

"Thank you, Sakura..."

The sound of Naruto's hand unsticking from Hinata's cum covered shoulder didn't seem to spoil the moment, and I saw no disgust in Naruto's expression.

Naruto and Hinata walked back to my place holding hands, and this time I decided to walk a few feet away from them and let Hinata have him to herself for a bit. Just a bit, I still stood by what I said to her. I do what I want with whoever I want whenever I want to. But at that moment, I didn't want to do anything with Naruto. But that would change when we got back to my apartment.

When we returned to my apartment, I led Naruto and Hinata inside and locked the door behind me. I could tell Hinata wanted to get cleaned up as soon as possible, so I started to run a hot bath, but I needed to explain some things while the tub filled.

"Naruto, Hinata, I need to talk to you two about Lady Tsunade. Please take a seat."

I pointed to my sofa and sat in the armchair opposite it. Hinata stood and looked at me, then at the sofa and back to me.

"Erm... but... I-I don't want to get s-stains on your furniture..."

"It's fine. Please sit."

They sat next to each other on the sofa and waited for me to explain.

"Before I start, Hinata, are you sure no one is watching or listening to us?"

"As much as I can be. No one is spying on us unless someone is using some sort of jutsu that counters the Byakugan."

"I suppose there isn't much we can do if they are... Okay, that woman I introduced as 'Nadae' WAS Lady Tsunade using the transformation jutsu. She snuck into our party as an eighteen-year-old brunette, but I recognised and talked to her. She said she wanted to speak with Naruto about his time with Jiraiya but knew he wouldn't tell her everything if he knew it was her."

"So... she sucked my dick with Hinata in front of everyone because...?"

"My guess is she was hoping to do that from the start, but probably less publicly and alone. She said she hates being forced to be the Hokage all the time and needs to blow off some steam in disguise from time to time. I just gave her a nudge and convinced her to give you a lap dance in front of everyone. She seemed to get off on the idea that no one would know it was her. But I swear I never told her to suck you off. Care to explain how that happened, Hinata?"

We both looked at Hinata, who was looking down and pressing her fingertips together. But when she looked at us, she resolved herself and spoke confidently. With a smile, she said;

"That was my idea!"


Asked Naruto.

"When she started dancing, I used my Byakugan to check Naruto's chakra network. I was trying to see how his body responded to visual stimuli. You know, what t-turned him o-on."

Her confident cadence faltered there for a second but not by much.

"I was planning to study what moves he liked so I could dance for him myself, but when I realised it was actually Lady Fifth, I got angry and pushed her. Then I started trying to dance myself. Realising such a strong, confident kunoichi and a member of the Legendary Sannin was in love with Naruto, too, made me get competitive."

Once she realised what she had said, she went silent and blushed. It seemed Naruto still hadn't realised Hinata said she loved him. So I pressed her to continue before he did.

"And then? Keep telling the story, Hinata."

"W-Well... I started dancing with Lady Fifth, and it was really fun. I got caught up in everyone looking at me, and I got h-horny... So when we started hugging and dancing on the table, I whispered to her that we should s-suck Naruto's d-dick. At first, she refused, but I could tell she wanted to, so I insisted. Then when we crawled to his knees, we both got second thoughts. But after you and everyone else started clapping and chanting, those went away... at least for me."

"So you never told her you knew who she really was?"

"No, I guessed she would stop the show if she knew someone found her out."

Hinata smiled.

"I just really liked the thought that I was equal with a Sannin... even if it was just for a moment and no one else knew. We were both the centre of attention."

"And what about you, Naruto? How do you feel about what happened?"

Hinata's newfound confidence seemed to shatter when Naruto started speaking, and she just blushed and looked down while playing with her fingertips while he spoke. Though, when it was clear Naruto was also embarrassed, she looked up again. They both had red faces while Naruto told his side of the story.

"I-I really enjoyed it. Before I knew it was Granny Tsunade, I thought it was just a costume and it... t-turned me o-on. The thought of it being Granny Tsunade, I-I m-mean... But the best part was when you joined in Hinata... I was shocked when you gave me a h-handjob and d-drank m-my cum at the dinner, but when you broke out the dance moves, I thought you were fantastic."

Hinata's face lit up when he said that.

"And when you both started to s-suck my c-cock in front of everyone... Everyone saw I could get two hot girls to suck me off at the same time, even though everyone was watching. I felt like everyone would have to acknowledge me... at least my sexual prowess."

So that was why Naruto was getting so confident and dominant. He thrives off an audience. Which made sense, given his personality. And it seemed so did Hinata. She was so used to being ignored by everyone that she enjoyed having their attention for a change. And she must have finally realised she is stunning. At least, that was my interpretation of their actions.

"But now I know that was really Granny Tsunade... I'm glad but also nervous about seeing her again..."

That was my turn to speak.

"Listen carefully, you two; you can't tell anyone. If this got back to the village elders, they'd take it to the Lord of Fire and make him replace Lady Tsunade with the Sixth Hokage. Do you both understand?"

They both looked at me seriously and nodded.


They both said in unison. After that, I stood up and pointed to my bathroom.

"The bathtub should be ready if you want to get cleaned up, Hinata."

She got up and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I sat back in the armchair across from Naruto on the sofa and crossed my legs. I got very horny watching Hinata, and Lady Tsunade suck Naruto's dick. The question was, how do I get off.

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