Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 28: Unexpected Developments

I opened the door to see Temari's concerned face.

"Come in."

I returned to the bed and sat on it in my meditation pose. I opened the first Gate, which I hoped would help me stay composed. Temari spoke first.

"I already talked with Naruto. He said you came on to him and thought you were enjoying it until you started crying. He seemed very concerned and even a bit guilty." She sat on one of the chairs next to the bed from when Naruto and Kankuro came to talk.

I sighed.

"What he said was true. I just... got emotional halfway through and need some time to get myself together.

"Been there..." Temari said softly.

"I haven't... expect for the first time." I tried not to think about my first time as I was embarrassed. It was with Kakashi-sensei, and I cried into his arms about Naruto and Sasuke leaving us. I then confessed my love for Kakashi-sensei before being swiftly but gently rejected. But I wasn't going to tell Temari about that. Not only was it embracing, but it could also have been seen as Kakashi-sensei taking advantage of one of his students.

"So... are you two a thing then?" Temari hesitantly asked. "Because I thought..."

"That he was with Hinata, and I'm the village whore? Both true. Which is part of the issue." I clarified.


"I was conflicted between wanting to be with him and not wanting to be with him while also dealing with the aftermath of being subjected to the best, longest and most intense orgasm of my life. Which is relatively short, but considering how much sex I've had, trust me when I say that was intense."

Temari looked shocked and curious.

"What did you to do?"

"It wasn't even that extreme, by my standards anyway, a DP with a single clone. But it was... romantic. Intense, and he fucked me hard, both of them did, but it was romantic."

"Just one clone, but you were covered? Does he cum that-"

"You walk in on round two. Round one was with three clones, but that was just regular debauchery. No weird, unexpected emotions. At least on my part."

Temari took a moment to think.

"Well, I can say nothing illegal happened, so I've fulfilled my duty as a Sand Ninja overseeing Leaf Ninja in our village, but I got to say I'm surprised and curious." She was visibly excited and leaned forward.

"How intense?"

I smiled.

"Imagine the best orgasm you've ever had, but it's multiplied by ten and lasted for around a minute... with two cock filling you up at the same time nonstop throughout."

"A minute? Surly you exagerate."

"One. Minute. No lie. Part of me thought it really wasn't going to stop."

"How? Shikamaru only las-" She cut herself off as soon as she realised what she was saying. I looked at her and grinned.

"Fuck it." She exclaimed and continued. "Shikamaru only cums for, like, ten seconds. Every other guy I've been with, which isn't a lot, mind you, is about the same."

"Naruto is special... in many ways."

"Wow... Okay, real talk? I've been DP'd before, and it was also the best orgasm of my life, but it wasn't a minute long. Maybe twenty seconds. But that was just me. The two guys again only came for about ten seconds."

"Slut." I said jokingly.

"Ha, ha. Most ninja women have. Honestly, you are only a little more active than most women; you just flaunt it more than anyone else."

I doubted that. While it was true that most ninja women sleep around, though they keep it under wraps, I still thought I was far more active than average. Even I had relationships and one-night stands that I kept private.

"I'm definitely more than a little bit above the average, but that's beside the point. I gave you details so I want some in return. You and Shikamaru. Talk."

Temari looked a little apprehensive but eventually sighed and spoke.

"The first time we got drunk, and he invited me back to his place, we fucked. The next day, we said we would forget about it and move on, but it kept happening whenever we were alone. I think it's real. I'm not seeing anyone else, and I don't think he is. Honestly, I sort of wanted to ask you if he's still fucking you."

She looked a little embarrassed, but I didn't mind. I took a moment to think.

"Let me see. The last time we did anything was... about two months ago."

Temari let out a breath.

"Well, we never verbally said we were exclusive, but I got to be honest, I'm glad we are."

"How do you know he hasn't been with any other girls," I said teasingly.

Temari frowned, and I laughed.

"Ha, ha! The look on your face, you got it bad, girl! I'm just messing with you. I'm pretty sure he has only been with three women ever. Me, you and Ino. And Ino has been complaining to me for weeks that he's stopped fucking her." I said through giggles.

"That blonde bitch?" Temari asks with venom in her voice. "With you and me here, she's got him to herself."

"True, but I honestly doubt he'll do anything with her. For now. But I suggest you let him know you want to be exclusive soon. Ino is almost as skilled as me. She'll wear him down eventually if he thinks you aren't serious. I know men, and they tend to need reasons to turn down beautiful women."

Temari took a moment to think it over.

"Maybe you're right... Well, I should go. I hope you work out your feelings towards Naruto. You guys saved my little brothers, so although we aren't exactly friends yet, I don't want to see you guys in pain."

"Thanks. However, I would like to become your friend." We smiled at each other, and Temari got up and walked to the door. When she opened it, Naruto fell through. Seems he was trying to listen through the door. Temari simply stood over him and walked out. Naruto looked up at me from his hand and knee and gave me an awkward smile that I returned.

I patted the bed, and he sat next to me.



We both tried to talk at the same time.

I decided to go first.

"I'm sorry. I stand by what I said. We wouldn't be a good fit together, and I would cheat on you. But I think Hinata would let us continue being with each other. That is enough for me. And it's all I want."

He looked down at his feet.

"If that is what you think is best... I'm new to adulting, but I don't see the difference between us being together the way we have been and you being my girlfriend. We both care about each other and have sex. And we are both cheating on each other with Hinata. What if we just keep doing that? I wouldn't mind if you were with other guys."

"You want us to be in a polyamorous relationship?" I ask, surprised.

"A what?"

"You want us both to be your girlfriends, and we'd also be each other's girlfriends. At the same time, I have casual sex with people outside our group. Is that what you mean?"

He nodded his head.

"Naruto, do you really think you could handle that?"

"I handled you fucking Kakashi-sensei well enough."

I blushed. "You heard us?"

"I suspected when I noticed you two were away from camp. But you just confirmed it. And I'm still okay with it."

I felt another surge of emotion while imagining us all being together and them both accepting my lifestyle.

"Naruto... You're going to make me cry again..." I wiped my eyes. "But we need to talk to Hinata before deciding anything."

"So that's a yes?" He asked me with a radiant smile.

"Yes!" I hugged him tightly. I tried to keep calm, reminding myself that Hinata might say no, but it was no use. I was a greedy bitch. I wanted to love and be loved by both of them and still get to fuck whoever I wanted whenever I wanted. If that made me a horrible person, I didn't care.

Naruto hugged me back and whispered to me.

"I love you, Sakura."

"I love you too, Naruto," I whispered back.


Naruto and I didn't have sex again. I think we both wanted to take a break till we talked things over with Hinata. I could have gone to Kakashi-sensei, Guy-sensei, Lee or any other man in the Sand, but for the first time in a while, I was reluctant to have sex. I still wanted to and resorted to getting fucked by my own shadow clone that night.

The following day, the Sand held a funeral for Lady Chiyo. I got a few harsh glares from people for showing up in my usual revealing outfit, but I didn't care. Lady Chiyo accepted me the way I was in life, so I saw no reason to change myself for her in death.

I was fully recovered, physically at least, so the rest of Team Kakashi, Team Guy and I assembled at the Sand Village main gate. Temari, Kankura and Gaara saw us off.

"I guess this is the part where we shake hands or something. I'm not really good at these sorts of things, so let's just-" Naruto awkwardly said to Gaara before he was cut off as Gaara offered his hand to Naruto. Some sand gently gathered around Naruto's hand, bringing it up to meet Gaara's. Naruto smiled and shook the Kazekage's hand. I swear I saw a few tears well up in Temari's eyes as she looked at her little brother. I looked forward to getting closer to her the next time we saw each other.

Having said our goodbyes, we headed into the desert. Kakashi-sensei was still exhausted from using his Mangekyo Sharingan, so Guy-sensei gave him a piggyback ride and ran across the sands. We were forced to run to keep up. I caught Neji glaring at me a few times. Seems he was still angry at me for what happened with Hinata at Naruto's party and the resulting conversation the next day. Naruto went to speak, but I gestured for him to keep quiet. The mission doesn't end till you're debriefed at the Leaf. It was the time to hash out personal drama.

After a few days, we arrived back at the village and headed right to the Hokage's office. Kakashi-sensei still couldn't walk on his own; as the team medic, I ordered Neji to take him to the hospital. Kakashi-sensei complained, but Neji didn't even flinch, and there was no back talk or glare. Say what you want about his outdated and hypocritical view on sex and romance, but the man was all business when it came down to it.

The rest of us reported to Lady Tsunade. We had already forwarded her our reports via Ninja Falcon, but we weren't through everything from the beginning again in person; I left out the stuff about Kakshi-sensei fucking me in the ass and the breakdown I had with Naruto in the apartment. It was all personal stuff that didn't affect the mission.

In the end, I gave my opinion on what to do next.

"I regret not taking Sasori alive for questioning, given he said he has an agent that helped Orochimaru kill the Fourth Kazekage. If we had discovered their identity, we may have had a lead on finding both Orochimaru and Sasuke."

"You saw a chance to end the fight and took it. You did the right thing. When fighting an S-ranked opponent, you should always aim to kill." Lady Tsunade reassured me.

She continued.

"Given you said Kakashi is unfit for missions right now, I'm merging you two into another team until he recovers. Any preferences?"

"Team Kurenai," I said instantly. I looked at Naruto. It took him a few moments to remember who was on that team, but eventually, he did and agreed.

Lady Tsunade gave us a knowing smirk before saying, "Very well. Report to Kurenai tomorrow morning. Is there anything else?"

No one else spoke, but I had nothing on my mind.

"I think we should warn the other villages about the Akatsuki. We rescued the Kazekage, but they succeeded in stealing the One-Tail from the Sand. Given that they tried to-" Tsunade cut me off.

"Sakura, please wait. Everyone apart from Naruto and Sakura is dismissed." Guy-sensei, Lee and Tenten looked at each other in confusion for a bit but quickly responded with a collective "Understood!" and promptly left the office.

When they were gone, Lady Tsunade continued.

"I take it you worked out Naruto has the Nine-Tails sealed inside him and that the other villages have their own Tailed Beasts."

"Yes, Master." I had that on my mind since finding out about the Jinchuriki from Lady Chiyo.

"Given that the Akatsuki tried to capture Naruto three years ago and this theft of the One-Tail, it's clear to me they intend to capture them all. I have no idea how many they already have, but whatever they hope to accomplish by collecting them all is against the best interests of the Leaf and every other village."

"I agree... The problem is that the other villages haven't announced that they have been stolen, which makes sense as the whole point of controlling the tailed beasts is to make use of them as a deterrent or weapon... Very well, I will send you and Team Kurenai to the Cloud. We know they should have two, the Two-Tails and the Eight-Tails. Publicly, this mission will be to foster good relations between our villages, but your true mission will be to determine if they still possess their Tailed Beats and, if they do, to guard them, but don't sacrifice yourselves. We can't let them take Naruto's Nine-Tails."

"Understood!" Naruto and I acknowledged.

"Before you leave, I want you both to speak with Jiraiya. He knows more about the Nine-Tails. I think it's time we tried to weaponise it."

We both looked at Naruto, who seemed slightly conflicted but finally responded with an "Understood, Granny."

Maybe to break the tension or maybe because she gently felt that way, Lady Tsunade sighed and said, "Naruto, please stop calling me that. If you can't address me by my title, at least just call me 'Tsunade'. Given what we have done, you calling me 'Granny' creeps me the fuck out."

"What have you two done, Tsunade?" I asked teasingly.

She glared at me.

"You still have to address me with respect."

I straightened up.

"Yes, Master!"

Naruto and Lady Tsunade looked at each other and tried to suppress their laughter but failed. I could get mad, but I was now convinced she did that on purpose to break the tension caused by ordering us to weaponise the Nine-Tails.

With that, we were dismissed. In the hallway, Naruto and I looked at each other. He held out his hand for me to take, and I did after a moment's hesitation. It was weird, but after everything holding his hand like that felt more intimate than fucking him. He looked at me and asked, "Should we go talk to Hinata now?"

I nodded silently, and we held hands as we left the Hokage's office.

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