Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 31: Finalisation

"Well, I suppose we should go find him and ask." I tried to sound confident as I led Hinata away from the office building. The first place I thought we should try was Ichiraku's. Hinata whispered to me as we walked.

"W-what if he s-says no?" Hinata's voice trembled with fear, her vulnerability shining through.

"Calm down, girl," I said, trying to keep up the act of being calm myself. "He'll say yes, and on the off chance, he doesn't... we'll just marry each other and form our own clan. We could start a brothel slash casino, with blackjack and ho-"

"You're as n-nervous as I am, a-aren't you?" Hinata saw through my act.

"I'm an emotional wreck. Ha, ha. I'm this close to opening the First Gate, but like when we confessed to you, I don't want to dull this emotion in case this all works out." I admitted with a nervous laugh. Hinata smiled back at me. We sped up and raced towards Ichiraku's.


When we got there, we found Naruto eating ramen with Iruka-sensei. When he saw us approach, he smiled merrily and waved. When Iruka-sensei followed his gaze, he grinned, gently elbowed Naruto in the side and whispered something that made Naruto blush.

"Naruto!" Hinata and I both yelled simultaneously, which wiped the grins off both Naruto and Iruka-sensei as worry took hold in their faces.

"W-what's wrong?" He quickly asked as we reached him.

"Will you m-" Hinata began, but I gently grasped her shoulder, and I cut her off.

"Not here," I emphasised my point by looking around at the people staring at us. She nodded in understanding. This 'mission' required us to get married, form a clan and file all the paperwork before any news got back to her family or any other party that opposed either polyamorous or same-sex relationships, such as the village elders.

"Naruto, we need to talk in private." I gave an apologetic look to Iruka-sensei. I knew if Naruto said yes, he would want both Iruka-sensei and Master Jiraiya there. Maybe Kakashi-sensei, too, but he was still bedridden. "Iruka-sensei, please go find Master Jiraiya. Then, both of you meet us in Lady Tsunade's office. Tell no one else. Naruto, we'll talk on the way."

Neither Naruto nor Iruka-sensei hesitated. Both stood up and paid their bills without another word. Iruka-sensei raced off to find Master Jiraiya, and Naruto followed Hinata and me as we returned to the Hokage's office.

"Saukra wha-" He began.

"Not here; wait till we get inside the office." I may have been paranoid, or I may have just been procrastinating. But my internal logic was sound. Naruto may be under servalance, and I didn't want to risk being overheard. Lady Tsunade's office was always warded against surveillance jutsu and could be completely soundproof at the push of a button under her desk.


The three of us walked silently until we got to Lady Tsunade's office. I could tell she already activated the barriers, so I walked in and didn't bother knocking. Lady Tsunade and Shizune were both going through papers on her desk. My Master looked up at us and smiled.

"Great, you're already here." She said before going back to looking over the documents. "Fill him in and get his answer." She said without looking back up at us.

"Sakura!!! What's going on?" Naruto shouted at me, clearly filled with worry and growing anger at being left in the dark.

"Neji thinks Hinata's father might place a curse seal on her if she announces she's dating the two of us. So we are forming our own clan before they find out. We need you to marry us. Right now."

Naruto was speachless.

"Sakura!!!" Lady Tsunade shouted at me as she raised her head to look at us. "That is NOT how you propose to someone. No coercion, no using Lord Hiashi as a threat." She lowered her voice and smiled at me. "Just ASK him."

I turned back to face Naruto and Hinata and took each of their hands in my own. "Naruto, Hinata, this may be sudden and rushed, but I really do want this... Will you marry me?" I asked while squeezing their hands.

Hinata spoke before Naruto could.

Hinata looked deep into Naruto's eyes. "Naruto, I have loved you since I was a child when you saved me with no desire for any reward. Since then, you have given me strength just by being you." Hinata then looked at me. "And Sakura, you gave me a different kind of strength, but it was just as important. Without you, I would have stayed on the sidelines and never gone for my dream. I want to be with both of you."

Her gaze then returned to Naruto. "Sakura and I seem to both be in agreement, but it's up to you, Naruto. Will you marry us?"

Naruto quickly looked between the two of us, then to Lady Tsunade and Shizune, and then back to us.

"I-I'm not sure what's going on exactly," he grinned at us, "but if you both truly want to marry me, how could I say no?"

"Y-you m-mean..." I barely managed to say anything through warm tears.

"Yes. My answer is yes."

"That's all I need to hear. As the Fifth Hokage, I-"

"Wait!!!" Hinata and I shouted at Lady Tsunade, who jumped back at our combined voices.

"We need to wait for Irkua-sensei and Master Jiraiya!" I began.

"And we need dresses!" Hinata finished.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have time. I know Danzo has spies among my staff. He could inform the elders any minute, and they'll bog us down in paperwork till they can change the wording of the laws."

An alarm sounded, stealing our attention. Shizue looked at a monitor that rose out of the desk. "Master Jiraiya and Iruka... they're at the door." She informed us with a perplexed expression.

"Let them in!" I shouted at Shizune and turned to Hinata. "Copy my design." I focused my chakra and reformed my clothes into a white wedding dress and heels... well, with some of MY style thrown in.


"Really, Sakura?" Lady Tsunade asked disapprovingly, but I could see a faint smile on her face. Hinata didn't hesitate and reformed her clothes to match mine. Our dresses barely contained our breasts and they were mostly see-through, but it was my wedding, and I was going to dress for it how I liked. And Hinata seemed to enjoy it, too.

The office door opened, and in came Master Jiraiya and Iruka-sensei.

"Tsunade, what the fuck is goin'- Holy shit!" Master Jiraiya started questioning Lady Tsunade but was stuck dumb when he saw Hinata and me in our dresses. Iruka-sensei was no better.

"Get in and close the door!" Lady Tsunade barked at them.

"Pervy-Sage, Iruka-sensei, I'm getting married! Can you believe it?" Naruto was giddy.

"What?" Iruka-sensei was yelled.

"To both of them?" Master Jiraiya asked while leering at Hinata and me.

"Everyone, silence!" Tsunade bellowed. "You three stand at the wall before the Fourth Hokage's photo." The three of us obeyed. I was confused about why we needed to stand in front of the Fourth's photo, but Hinata and Naruto were lost in their own words and didn't seem to notice or care. I decided I didn't either and let it go.

The three of us stood under the Fourth's photo, holding hands in a circle, facing Lady Tsunade, who stood before us. Master Jiraiya, Iruka-sensei and Shizune stood behind her, watching us. Iruka-sensei still looked confused and shocked. Shizune was getting misty-eyed and grinning while holding a bored-looking Tonton, and Master Jiraiya was furiously documenting the event in his notebook.

"While this is sudden, rushed and out of the ordinary, I fully believe in your love for each other and bless this union as the Fourth Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. And if anyone should stand opposed to this marriage, they will know my wrath. You may kiss... but don't go too far." She ended her speech with a smile.

Naruto looked at me, but I subtly nodded to Hinata before she noticed. Naruto leaned down, gave Hinata a short but passionate kiss, and then did the same to me. And finally, Hinata and I kissed each other. When we were done, we turned to Lady Tsunade.

"Naruto, remove your headband." He was confused but did so, holding it in his right hand, only for Lady Tsunade to look up at him and gesture for him to bend his knees. He did so, and she leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Congratulations! Also, you've gotten a lot taller since last time." She said with a radiant smile. Then, she quickly turned and walked over to the desk. "Shizune?"

"All ready, Lady. We just need your and their signatures."

"Come on then, Uzumakis" She called for us to follow. Shizune had us fill out various forms with Lady Tsunade. They kept coming so fast we came up reading them; when we were done, Lady Tsunade said, "One last thing, Naruto, give me some ryo."

"Come one, Granny, I need all the money I have!" Naruto complained.

"Stop calling me that! Fu- **Sigh!** Just give me a single coin." She managed to keep her calm and held out a hand. Naruto reluctantly gave her a single ten ryo coin.

"And sign here," Shizune said as she slid over another document. Naruto sighed as he filled it out. "What's this for?" He asked when he finished.

"I just sold you the old Uzumaki clan compound. It's been abandoned for years and needs renovations, but most buildings remain intact." Lady Tsunade said smugly.

"What?" The three of us exclaimed.

"I would have gifted it to you, but you need a bill of sale to reform the clan. So I charged you ten ryo. This is the last one, I promise." She slid over the last document. "It's your clan charter. Shizune and I filled out all the usual stuff; we just need you to fill out your clan's beliefs, practises, marriage customs and any other things you want your clan to represent. Then sign it."

"Sakura, Hinata." Naruto looked at us. "I'm no good at this stuff. Could you help me?" We both nodded and began writing down everything we thought we would need.


In the end, we made it so that the newly reformed Uzumaki clan allowed same-sex marriage, same-sex relations, and polyamory and any number of clan members to marry each other, regardless of gender, provided they each consented and were of legal age. Naruto was granted the rank of Chunin and made the clan head.

When we were finally done, the alarm went off again, and Shizune confirmed with the monitor before announcing, "It's Shino and someone I don't recognise."

Lady Tsunade nodded and said, "You three should go move all your stuff from your old places to the Uzumaki compound. I'll meet you there later."

Hinata and I stayed in our wedding dresses. We were already married, so there was nothing anyone could do. The three of us, plus Master Jiraiya and Iruka-sensei, walked to the door and opened it. We were met by Shino, a nervous-looking man with short black hair who was about my height.

I didn't recognise him and assumed he wasn't a ninja.

Shino looked Hinata and me up and down and said, "Looking good," before passing us, leading his nervous-looking companion into Lady Tsunade's office. When the door closed behind us, the five of us stood in the hallway for a moment. Master Jiraiya was the first to speak.

"That's my boy," he cheered as he slapped Naruto on the back. "Marrying two babes at once."

Iruka-sensei walked up to Naruto and held out his hand, which Naruto promptly shook. "I must say, Naruto, I would rather you had a proper ceremony, and I had more time to contribute, but I'm happy for you. And I'm proud of you. Head of you're own clan? Wow. But don't expect me to call you 'Lord', okay." He grinned.

Naruto started to tear up.

"Thank you, Sensei."

While they were talking, Master Jiraiya stood beside me and whispered, "Damn. So you're off the market now? Missed my chance to tap that ass, huh?"

I blushed and whispered back. "I might not be, but let me talk with Naruto and Hinata first." Though they agreed to let me continue to sleep around when we decided to date, we never talked about where the same rules applied now that we were married. I hope they did; I really did. But I had to be sure before I messed everything up.

Master Jiraiya grabbed one of my large ass cheeks through my thin wedding dress and whispered, "I guessed as much, you fucking whore." I shivered with pleasure but regained my composure before Naruto or Iruka-sensei noticed, but I caught Hinata giving me a raised eyebrow, so it looked like she saw everything.

Master Jiraiya pulled his hand away when Naruto turned back to us.

"Let's go move in."

"Yes, husband!" Hinata and I said in unison.


We did my house first with the aid of Master Jiraiya and Iruka-sensei. Luckily, Master Jiraiya kept his hands to himself while we worked. He helped us by sealing my furniture and medical supplies into scrolls. I talked with my landlord and got my deposit back, though I got weird looks from everyone due to my sexy wedding dress.

When we were done, I gave him back my key, and we headed to the Hyuga compound. This would be the hard part. Hinata and I each took one of Naruto's arms as we walked, and we had Master Jiraiya and Iruka-sensei as backup.

It would have been easier if we had changed out of our dresses, but Hinata budged. And since she refused to change, so did I.

We almost made it to her room when Lord Hiashi himself finally stopped us.

"What is the meaning of this?" He demanded as he glared at Hinata, wearing s slutty wedding dress and holding onto Naruto with me.

"Father, I have left the Hyuga clan!" Hinata announced loudly for her father and every passerby to hear.

"What?" Lord Hiashi's anger took a back seat to his shock and puzzlement at her words.

"Lord Fifth has just married Sakura, Naruto and I. And Naruto has formed his own clan with himself as the head. This should serve you well; I'm out of the picture and can no longer embarrass the Hyuga clan. Hanabi is the official heir to the clan, so it's not like I'm putting you in much trouble. I just came here to collect my belongings and move them to the Uzumaki compound."

And with that, Lord Hiashi's rage resurfaced.

"This is outrageous! For one, you can't marry without my permission; secondly, this 'marriage' is a mockery! Two women can't marry one man!"

"You are wrong on three fronts, Father:

  1. I didn't need your permission as I had Lady Fifth's.
  2. Our laws state that anyone can marry anyone. They make no mention of gender or a limit to the number of spouses.
  3. Sakura and I are married to each other and Naruto."

She held up her fingers for each point she made.

"Hinata... you have gone too far... I was willing to forgive your public acts of indecency and even let you court this boy as long as you promised to connect yourself with respect when in public!" Lord Hiashi spat with a gesture to Naruto, who barely managed to keep quiet. We told him before we arrived not to interfere and to let Hinata do all the talking.

"Father, I love you, but I also love Naruto AND Sakura. I did what I needed to live with the people I loved. I don't regret that, but I still wish to be your daughter."

He sighed deeply before gesturing to the door to Hinata's room. "Get your things and get out of my sight, Mrs Uzumaki," he said with resignation and walked away.

Hinata's big eyes began to fill with tears as her arm shook around Naruto's. "Goodbye, Papa," she whispered to his retreating back.

"Hinata... let's get your things and go home," I said softly. She nodded, and we went inside her room.


Hinata only took her ninja weapons, tools, and photos of herself, her friends, and her teammates; she left behind all her clothes and photos of herself and her family. Though I did catch her packing away a small stuffed teddy, I pretended not to notice.

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