Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 34: Talks

Master Jiraiya told us how to operate the bath in Lady Mito's personal bathroom, which was now ours. It was through doors that connected it to the master bedroom. I had seen it earlier when we unpacked our furniture and cleaned the place up. I had located the bathroom with its shower and large tub and packed away our toiletries and beautiful products, but I assumed the plumbing was off.

If I had known about the special Uzumaki water seals, I would have freshened up before our other 'activities' and really talked to Hinata about the possibility of me fucking Master Jiraiya beforehand. I had suspected SOMETHING to happen, but Lady Tsunade showing up drunk and horny threw me off.

As did Hinata's willingness to join in with Naruto's permission. Hinata and I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. The four of us were already mostly naked when we came upstairs, so Hinata and I just had to take our headbands off. The two of us then worked together to supply enough chakra to fill the tub up with hot water.

I asked for her help as I assumed it would drain me a lot, but it appeared those seals were very efficient, as I barely noticed the chakra loss. We climbed into the hot water and sighed in relief. Honestly, the tub was big enough to fit four people comfortably, more like a pool. It made me wonder why Lady Mito had it made so big.

"Ohhh! That feels so good!" I exclaimed as I sank into the water, facing Hinata, who had done the same.

"It really does." Hinata agreed, looked down between her legs and then got quiet. She looked like she wanted to say something but was hesitant. Damn, I really hoped she didn't regret it after all. I would have felt so bad if I had pressured her into doing something she didn't really want to do.

"Something on your mind, Hinata?" I asked.

"Well... it's silly..." She mumbled, embarrassed.

"We're married; I won't think anything you have to say is silly or laugh at you. What is it?" I tried to reassure her and asked again.

"It's just... It's leaking out of me, and I realised I haven't been washing out my... places after being with you and Naruto. Should I have been? Also, I'll need more of that cream... for my ass..." She barely managed to get out while avoiding my eyes.

"I'll give you more cream for it later. And to answer your question, no, don't wash it out. The first time you and I had sex, you were pretty out of it, so you probably don't remember it flowing out of you in the bath. It will come out on its own; you probably just didn't notice the other times if you only took showers. Your vagina has its own cleaning process, and your rectum is designed to... push stuff out. So just wash the outsides like normal."

His face became bright red, but then she giggled.

"What is it?"

"You say pussy and ass all the time but say vagina and rectum when talking about medical matters. Why is that?"

I shrugged. "I guess I just automatically use the correct terms when discussing medical matters. It's what my master taught me. And it's a turn off if you say "vagina" and "rectum" during intercourse. Not very sexy."

"Intercourse?" She asked with a smile.

"Stop it," I replied with my own smile. "I can be professional when it calls for it. It's automatic. Anyway, don't worry. I'll take care of you. Try not to feel too embarrassed, and ask me questions if you have them. Whether it's about sex, your body or relationships." And with that, I subtly prodded her to move onto the baku in the room.

Her smile wilted for a split second, then she took a deep breath and continued.

"I liked it, but..."


"I wouldn't do it again without you or Naruto there in person. Otherwise, it's cheating... Wait, I didn't me-"

"It's fine. We are talking about you, not me; please continue." I rubbed my legs gently against hers.

"Like... We all had sex TOGETHER. You were with me when I blew Master Jiraiya; Naruto was fucking me at the same time as Master Jiraiya, and even when you left to go over to Lady Tsunade and Naruto's clone popped, I could still hear you two and even used my byakugan to keep you both in sight as I rode Master Jiraiya. If neither of you were there, I would feel like I was cheating."

"Is that why you keep Master Jiraiya's face pressed against your tits?"

"I don't like the way my face looks when it activates... it's ugly..."

"Eh, it's scary and intimidating but not ugly."

"Either way, I didn't want him to see me like that as we had sex... but do you get what I mean?"

"Totaly. You're a swinger, not a slut." I answered.

"A what?" She asked, confused.

"You like having sex with other people WITH your partner, or partners in this case. You need to be in the same room and KNOW they can stop you, or you can stop them if either of you wants."

"Is that okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"That I said it would be cheating unless one of you was there? I didn't mean to say you'd be cheating on us if you did it alone." She said, looking down.

"I won't lie, that did kinda bother me. We just have different definitions of cheating. Naruto said it was okay if I fucked other guys; at least, he did before we married. In my opinion, if he is okay with it, then it isn't cheating as long I have permission, and I'm not hiding anything, but I suppose I never did ask you if it was okay for me to be with other people."

"No other girls..." She mumbled.

"What was that?"

"No other girls unless I'm in the room. 'I' am your wife." She said confidently this time.

I nodded. "I can promise that, but I need some clarification. Define 'being' with other girls. For example, could Ino and I fuck someone together if you and Naruto weren't there?"

She took a moment to think. "You can both suck his dick... and kiss... grope each other with your hands... but no eating each other out, fucking each other with a summoned dick or fingering each other."

"I take it that means strap-ons are also out."

"Why would yo- Oh, I remember, you said sometimes you let non-ninjas girls fuck you with them. Yeah, no straps-ons unless I'm there, of course."

I could work with that. Part of me knew I might cave in eventually as the idea of cheating did turn me one, but I was genuinely going to try and keep my promise. However, I wasn't going to tell Hinata that.

"I have an idea, but could you explain your feelings about the matter?"

Hinata blushed again. "You and I have something special; I know you really love Naruto, and I don't expect you to fall in love with another man, but I want to be there to stop you if I think you are getting too emotionally intimate with another woman. That is why I'm banning you from doing the more intimate things with women when one of us isn't around. I'm okay with Naruto having sex with other women if you or I are there because we are his wives, and we can stop him from getting too emotionally intimate with another woman. I'm guessing he has done stuff with Lady Tsunade before tonight, besides me and her blowing him when she was disguised, but I'm going to ask him not to do it again with her unless one of us is there. Please back me up."

It looked like Hinata had insecurities and was unsure if I loved her as much as I loved Naruto, and she didn't think Naruto loved her as much as she loved him. I hoped that would change in time and decided not to bring it up.

"Sure thing. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"Yeah, I may not want to fuck other people without one of you two around, but I w-want other people to w-want to f-fuck me..." She asked while looking away again. "I want to be n-noticed and d-desired."

"Well, the first thing you need to do is work on your eye contact. You have to act confident to be sexy." I said, smiling, which caused her to look back at me and return it. "I already promised to give you a makeover, which I'm really looking forward to doing. It will be easy as you're using chakra clothes now. Let's get washed first; I'll scrub your back and hair if you do mine."

She turned around in the bath, and I began to wash her hair with the shampoo I brought from my old apartment.


After getting washed and dried, Hinata and I walked out of the bathroom into our new bedroom. We found Naruto already there, sitting on his bed in his underwear; we weren't wearing any clothes. Hinata and I still got amassed at his jaw-dropping whenever he saw us naked, but after he composed himself, his face became serious.

"Pervy-Sage has already left, and he took Granny with him. I think we should talk." We both nodded and took a seat on either side of him.

Hinata went first.

"Sakura and I spoke in the bath. I don't regret what we did, and I would be willing to do something like that again, but only if you or Sakura were there. And I don't want you having sex with another woman unless Sakura or I are there." She didn't bother explaining the conditions she imposed on me being with other women, as they wouldn't be in effect if Naruto were there.

He let out a breath. "I can agree to that. Can I ask why, though?"

"Basically, I want another one of us there at all times to stop things if one of us looks like they are getting too emotionally involved with someone. If that looks like it's happening, we stop and discuss it together. Maybe we can bring them into the family if we have to." Hinata explained and looked at me.

"I'm not concerned with Sakura being with other men as she has been doing this a lot longer than either of us and never gets too emotionally involved with any man. But as she got involved with me, I've placed conditions with her being alone with other women."

I noticed a hole in her logic. I got emotionally involved with one man, Naruto, so I could do so again. So, to me, it sounded like she didn't care if I got too close to another man, just not any other woman. I think Hinata wanted to remain the only woman I was in love with but didn't care if I loved other men. I doubted I ever would, and I didn't bring this up as we waited for Naruto to way in.

"I can see your point and agree to your conditions. I'll talk with Granny about it and promise not to do anything with her or any other woman unless one of you is there. I promised Sakura she could be with other men when she agreed to date me, so I felt like I couldn't go back on my word, but since I married both of you and want to treat you equally, I had to give you the option too, Hinata, and I want to have sex with Mo- er, Granny. So, I accepted Pervy-Sage's offer. I don't regret what we did either, but I'm glad we talked about it and know where we all stand."

"Also, Hinata wants to dress more like me; I assume you don't have a problem with that?" I asked as Naruto kissed Hinata's forehead.

"What? No, I'd love to see her wear sexy clothes. Besides, I don't have the right to tell her no. Even I know most husbands aren't that controlling these days."

I smiled. "That's the right answer. Lay down; it's time for your reward. You never fucked me tonight."

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