Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 36: Make-Over

We all washed up, and to make sure we didn't fool around, we used the gender-segregated showrooms. Though Hinata and I may have been slightly too 'enthusiastic' when scrubbing each other. 'Fuck it, it won't take long and Naruto got to cum once.' I thought as Hinata, and I brought each other to orgasm once each using our hands.

After 'washing', I helped Hinata change her look and added a few details to my own outfit. But she was still a little nervous about letting anyone other than me see it.

"Does it really look good?" She asked, looking at herself in one of the shower room mirrors.

"You look banging! Naruto and everyone else will love it!" I reassured her as I tried to drag her out of the room.

"Okay." She said as I pulled her along. Then, she stopped walking and looked back at the mirror. "But are you sure it looks good on me?"

"Do you think it's too much, cos we can tone it down if you want?"

"No! Er, I mean, that's not it... I really like it; I'm just not sure I can pull it off... I want people to think I'm s-sexy, not l-laugh at me..." She looked down and started mumbling. "I know I'm attractive, physically, at least; I got big boobs and a pretty face, but..." I couldn't hear the rest, but it was good to know she was aware of how hot she was; that was half the battle.

"But what?" I asked as I gently lifted her chin so we were eye to eye.

"But what if I'm not interesting or fun to talk to? I have trouble speaking when I'm nervous. I freeze up, and I can't even flirt playfully or make jokes."

"What did you talk to your teammates and friends about?" I was conscious not to mention her family.

"Just mission stuff and training. You were the only person I really talked about personal matters with, and that was all about sex and Naruto."

"Erm, how do you feel when we are having sex and you talk dirty?" I tried to work out a way for her to be more confident around people who aren't Naruto and me.

"I, er, I'm not sure. I just get h-horny and caught up in the moment. It's like I'm a different version of me, like a shadow clone, and when it's over, I get all the memories back."

"Okaaaay... How about this, when you dress like this and go outside our home, you're sexy, horny Hinata, but when it's just the three of us back here, you are regular Hinata, and we can discuss all the things sexy Hinata said and did. Think you can do that?"

She nodded.

It wasn't my long-term solution. I planned to get Hinata to think she was a different version of herself for long enough that she'd eventually realise both versions were the real Hinata.

"Okay, and remember, you can go slow. You don't need to tease everyone you see and make dirty jokes right away. But be confident standing around in public, look people in the eye and try your best to speak clearly like you do when you tell us what to do to you." And with that, I took her hand and led her out of the showroom. We walked downstairs to the main entrance.

Naruto was already there, and when he saw Hinata, he was more shocked than when he first saw her in her sexy dress at the party and even when he saw her naked for the first time.

I had her conjure her whole outfit out of chakra as well as make-up, though she did wear a pouch belt like I did since we were going on duty. And her headband was still real and around her neck.

But she 'wore' an orange bra, the same shade as Naruto's tracksuit. Over it was a black see-through fishnet crop top. Below the genuine belt was a black mini-skirt that barely covered her ass, and she had a g-string thong the same colour and shade as the bra pulled up past the skirt around her hips. She had thigh-high fishnets and black open-toed high heels on her legs. It turned out she had been practising wearing heels since the day after the party while Naruto and I went after Gaara. With her taijutsu skills and excellent sense of balance, she quickly learned how to walk and even fight in them with no problem.

For her make-up, we went with orange lipstick and eye shadow. We had to actually curl her eyelashes. But we kept her hair the same. I kept my outfit the same, but Hinata and I now both 'wore' an armband with the Uzumaki symbol on it, mine on my left bicep and Hinata's on her right.

"Soooo, Naruto, what do you think." He took a few more seconds to run his eyes across Hinata's body, which I was glad to see didn't make her look away or blush, though as that was Naruto, it wasn't guaranteed she wouldn't run for cover if a stranger or comrade saw her.

Eventually, Naruto pulled his eyes away from her very noticeable tits to her face and gave her a thumbs up while smiling, "You look great, Hinata."

"That doesn't say much c-coming from you a-and your fashion s-sense." She tried to pull off a witty gab and almost passed, only stuttering a few times but keeping eye contact.

Naruto, of course, didn't take any offence as he knew Hinata was trying to banter. "Let me put it another way: We weren't supposed to report for duty, and I'd already have you bent over and screaming my name like you did last night."

That caused Hinata to blush, but she tried to retort. "Aww, shame, you know how much I love it up the ass." By the Sage, the girl even fluttered her eyes at him. I was so proud I almost shed a tear.

"**Sniff!** Huh, we better get going." I wiped my eyes and headed out the door; Hinata followed by she tightened her grip on my hand.


As we made our way from the Uzumaki compound to the Hokage offices, Hinata caught a lot of looks. I was already well-known in the village at that point, but Hinata's new look was surprising. She got a few catcalls, wolf whistles and even one "DAMN!!" from a shopkeeper I used to fuck for free stuff till his wife found out and made him break it off, or she would divorce him.

That one made Hinata smile, but she still turned bright red. Luckily, we didn't run into any Hyuga. However, when we passed by the bathhouses, Master Jiraiya spotted us from the window, called Hinata's name and ran out wearing only a towel.

"Oh, my. You look lovely, Hinata. I really enjoyed last night; we should do it again sometime." He said as he leared at her. To her credit, Hinata didn't blush or avert her eyes.

"I enjoyed it to Master Jiraiya, though I'm afraid I could only do that if either my wife or husband was there two." That made me think Hinata might felt more confident talking to people she had already had sex with.

"That's fine with me, lovely Hinata'. What about you, Sakura?" He turned to me.

"Anytime, anywhere. I'd fuck you here and now if we didn't have somewhere to be. This bitch stole the cum 'I' was working out of your big dick." I answered honestly and licked my lips. "I want what you owe me."

That made everyone, even Master Jiraiya, blush, and I saw his towel begin to tent.

"W-wow..." That is all Master Jiraiya said.

"Anyway, we best be off," I said cheerfully as I pulled both Naruto and Hinata away by their hands.


It took a bit before either one of them spoke, but as we neared the Hokage offices, Hinata muttered, "I have a long way to go." And Naruto added, "Is it weird I find it hot that you can make even Pervy-Sage blush?"

"Yes, you do have a way to go, and no, it's not weird," I answered them both as we entered the building.


We walked into the waiting room and spotted Shino, Kiba and Kurenai-sensei. When they Hinata, Kiba and Kurenai-sensei were speechless. But Shino greeted her normally, "Hello, Hinata, nice outfit. Naruto, Sakura, I heard you two will join our Team until Kakashi-sensei recovers.

Hinata blushed slightly but didn't look away and tried to stand naturally under their gazes but managed to reply to Shino. "Thank you."

"Yeah, we are being folded into your Team," I confirmed, though I didn't say what the mission was as that wasn't my place, and we were inside the secure office yet.

Finally, Kiba spoke. "Hinata, why are you dressed like that? I know you got wild at Naruto's party, and I figured you were dating him, but why is he dressing you like a skank?!"

"Kiba!" It was Kurenai-sensei who reprimanded Kiba. "I know she is your friend, but you will stay professional while on duty. It is not your place to comment on her personal life or sense of fashion."

Kiba looked apologetic and shut up. I had developed a good relationship with Kurenai-sensei over the years Naruto was away. In the same way as Hinata, I had taught Kurenai-sensei some sex tips when we were off duty, though she wasn't into girls and fully committed to Asuma-sensei, so we never got physical with each other. We just talked in the bars in the village. Plus, she wasn't a virgin when we started, so I didn't need to explain every little detail about sex and relationships.

I think because she wasn't my direct superior, she felt more comfortable talking frankly about personal matters with me than with her own teammates.

The mood got awkward, so Naruto decided just to open the door and head into Lady Tsuande's office. All of us hurriedly followed after him.

"Yo, Granny!" He called as he entered.

Lady Tsunade held her head in her hands as she looked down at her desk with her eyes closed.

"Not now, Naruto sweetie, I'm hungover. If you let me rest, I'll let you fuck my- My my, you are all here early!" She quickly changed her sentence as she looked up from her desk and saw the rest of us.

I think everyone but Kiba caught what she said, as he was still too busy staring at Hinata's ass, but none of us said anything.

"Erm, Lady Hokage, we're standing by and ready to receive our orders!" Kurenai-sensei quickly stood at attention, and we all followed.

"Erm, yes, since Kakashi is still recovering from his fight wi- Wow, Hinata, what are you wearing?" She again changed the topic mid-sentence as her gaze found Hinata standing beside me.

"N-New look. F-Fancied a change." She hastily replied.

"Er, well, as I was saying, as Kakashi-sensei is still recovering, we are combining the last two active members of Team 7 with Team 8. Your mission will be to travel to the Cloud Village and seek an audience with the Raikage in an effort to build good relations between the Cloud and Leaf in repose to the threat posed by the Akatsuki." She then pressed the button that completely soundproofed the room.

"That is all true enough, but your real objective will be to discover if the Cloud still possesses their two Jinchuriki, the Two-Tails and the Eight-Tails. And to protect them if they do and the Akatsuki strike. And in full transparency, I believe I should inform you of the identity of the Nine-Tails." She looked at Naruto with a warm yet sad smile.

"He is none other than the current head of the Uzumaki Clan, Naruto Uzumaki. And you are to protect him at all costs, even if it means allowing the Atatsuki to capture the Cloud's Jinchuriki." Lady Tsunade broke the news that not only was Naruto the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails but also the head of his own clan. 

Only Naruto and I knew both of these facts. Hinata and Shino, of course, knew he was the head of a clan as they were there when its formation was discussed, and Hinata joined the clan, but we never told her about the Nine-Tails; I hoped she wasn't mad we, her spouses, kept secrets from her. Kurenai-sensei and all of the other members of the last generation knew Naruto was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but she didn't know Naruto was now head of a clan. Kiba was utterly in the dark about everything.

"Naruto, Sakura, I'm you're wife and I demand to know why this was all kept from me." Hinata said sterly as she turned to Naruto and I.

"What the hell is going on!" Kiba demanded to know.

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