Salvation of the Scum Fifth Prince

[32 – destination; forest of beginning and endings]

"Amnesia." repeated Brioc with a grin, twirling a stick he had picked up at some random time. 

Alvara seemed to consider it but frowned, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I remember everything, though. I don't know when I ended up, well, in the mountain, but I remember what happened before that perfectly fine."

"Then do tell." said Brioc slowly. "What exactly type of person you were."

"It's a boring story, though."

"So what?"

She looked at him in contemplation before shaking her head. "I don't... it's... ugh." 

The girl wasn't good at talking to people to begin with, and being surrounded by three charming — in their own strange ways — people, she wasn't sure what to say.

Soren's gaze bore into her. "Last thing you remember is...?

"Dying." said the girl without hesitation.

He paused, digesting her words. It was better not to jump to conclusions, but it was a similar story to his own. Only, Soren had a feeling that the situation was very, very different.

Brio wondered, "So, you're some reborn person or something?"

Alvara tilted her head and messed up her hair in frustration.  "I don't know?  I, well, I just feel like..." She swung her head to Soren. "You are a Prince, right? Of what Kingdom?"

"The Qazia Kingdom."

She widened her eyes. "I've heard of that Kingdom!" Then, her expression immediately returned to confusion. "Did they not have only a Princess, however? I don't remember history well, but her name was... Adrianne? Aether? Alison?"

"Those are all pretty different names." remarked Brioc with a loose laugh. "However, I believe I understand. There was indeed a time where the in heir of the Qazia Kingdom was a single Princess. It was an incredible mess with politics and all, one of the only reasons I remembered it."

He laughed again, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he smiled with amusement at Alvara. "Miss, I think you've been sleeping for a few too many decades. It's closer to a century?"

"That isn't—"

"Possible?" offered Brioc with a grin, his violet eyes all so annoying. "I can't say that it is, Miss. The world's a fairly curious place, after all."

"Yes, well, it's hard to accept." said the girl finally after a long gap of silence, flopping to the ground. She buried her face in her palms, taking long, deep breaths. When she lifted her head, she seemed a little nervous. "So. Royalty?"

"Yes, that's correct."



Alvara blinks a few times and took a deep breath again. "The last thing I remember before dying was running away from traders in the slums."

Vendra knitted her elegant brows with a purse of her lips. "Could you possibly mean..."

"Slave traders." confirmed Alvara with a slight wince at the thought, smiling wryly. "Like I said, it isn't that interesting of a story."

"That's awful. Worry not, in this age of time, most traders are abolished and eliminated once discovered. The humans have provided protection to those in the slums as well."

"I guess, that's really great." 

Her words were genuine though sorrowful carrying regrets of the past. If this future, or now, her present was so ideal, then were all those children in her time simply unlucky? Born with the right souls in the wrong time, missing an opportunity that could've changed their lives.

She was not Soren who could quickly accept reincarnation despite his confusion, but a simple teenage girl who had survived by the skin of her teeth — until her death, that was.

"Alright." said the girl after another long gap of silence, lifting her crimson eyes to stare at the three royals. "Thanks, really. But it's true that I am not a necromancer, so I can't help you even if I wanted to.

"If you weren't, you'd be dead." said Soren calmly as Alvara looked at him in confusion. 

"You see Miss, that dead mana wasn't normal, and it was little either. The normal person would've died." explained Brioc at the side, crossing his arms. "Only necromancers can be perfectly fine in such high concentrates of such darkness."

"You know quite a lot regarding magic, magician." commented Vendra as the other grinned, raising his arms into the air with mock hurt.

 "Hey, I do my research, alright?" 

Though his words, as always, sounded sarcastic and playful, the novel had indeed portrayed Brioc in such a mannerly, despite it contrasting his personality. 

For a sheltered prince to survive alone outside and gain a skill that most couldn't possibly dream of mastering — it hadn't come easy.  Not in the slightest bit. However, with Brioc's tricky personality, it was hard to believe.

But he didn't care, not really. Who was he trying to prove himself to? There was only one answer to that. The past and foolish prince who he'd rather erase than become again. That was the only person he needed to stand against.

Therefore, after hearing what Vendra said, he couldn't help but smile despite his teasing  words. 

"Since I'm the expert on this, let me tell you this with certainty." His lips stretched out into a wide grin. "If you were a simple human before, you're anything but that now."

"So congratulations on being reborn, Miss necromancer."

"....." Then, she laughed loudly and sharply, running a hand through her midnight hair. "Yeah. Here's to another life."

She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly and looked at Soren. "Are you the leader of this group?"


"Oh, aren't you? Sorry."

Brioc shook his head, interrupting. "Oh he's the leader alright. I'm only the tour guide."

Soren cast him a look and Brioc smiled widely, not a trace of regret in his eyes. Well, this magician regretted few things to begin with, and this certainly wouldn't be one of them.

Alvara smiled but sighed tiredly. "I'd like to help you, really, but I don't have a clue of what to do."

Suddenly, Vendra spoke up, her serene eyes filled with knowledge of histories none of them knew. "Can you imagine what the Barren Kingdom might look like?"

Alvara want certain — she could imagine something, but what good would it do? It was unlikely to be accurate when she'd never seen such a place before. "I could..."

"Then, shall we try that?"


"If you are the key to finding the lost land, yet cannot recall anything related to it, then another answer must exist. For a person who can create an image, but does not know the way, there is a place that will lead you anywhere. Perhaps your strange likeness to a necromancer will lead you to the Barren Kingdom." 

"My, I've heard that the Fox tribe uses this passage to move across the continent." continued Vendra with a bright smile, excitedly. 

Brioc stared at her and seemed to have come up with an idea. Even Soren blinked a few times knowingly, the passages of the novel unraveling in his mind.

Alvara turned to Soren in confusion. "Um, the name of that place is...?

Soren frowned reluctantly, but he answered nevertheless, 

"The Forest of Beginnings and Endings."

The place he had always remembered, but also forgotten. The destination that had dragged him into this world, where Soren Rosenbaum died and Ren Suzuki lived again.

However, "Only those with a clear image will find their destination, right? So what's the plan, when this little Miss doesn't even know her own identity?"

Brioc's words cut through the air, slicing between any connecting thoughts or ideas. 

Vendra didn't refute his words and smiled patiently. "Do you know, young magician, that a clear and vivid image can be formed by emotions, so overpowering that they create an entire world in their own consuming sensations?"

"Isn't this child's all-consuming mana a manifestation of the very existence of the Barren Kingdom? Where all necromancers are born."

"There are times, when details do not rely on the physical aspects of things."

Her idea was unique and unexpected, but also strange. However, people had thoughts for them to be explored. The Forest of Beginnings and Endings wasn't a place bound by rules.

The only limitations were the ones Soren had assume based off the words of the novel. But in a story whose ending was never completed, anything could derail of the path.

Alvara was a similar sort to Damien, with her endless curiosity gained from her lacking understanding in the world which she hadn't been allowed to see. For that reason, at Vendra's words, she immediately nodded.

"Yes! I'd be fine with testing it out." said the girl eagerly, though her interest was more in witnessing the legendary Forest of Beginnings and Endings.

Brioc shrugged and gave a lopsided grin. "Worth a try. We haven't much else to do, I guess. Where's the nearest human entrance to the forest?"

"There is a location I know of back at the Selkie land." suggested Vendra.

"No." Soren's reply was swift and absolute. 

It had been one thing to travel all the day back after going to the place to begin with, but going back and forth again was something Soren had no interest in doing.

Then, Alvara widened her scarlet eyes in surprise, drawing the attention of the group as they turned around.


Standing their with a cheery smile and a wave was Hazel, a person Soren had parted with several days prior, and known for only a couple of hours. There were faint shadows under her warm eyes her smile showing a glimmer of her canine which stuck out.

Before anybody could ask, Hazel introduced herself. "Hazel, a member of the Fox tribe. We sensed your presence, so I was sent over. Now, I couldn't help but overhear the last part — would you like some assistance?"

Brioc tilted his head and laughed. "Is it the hobby of your tube to ears drop? I respect that."

Hazel flushed, coughing into her hand. "No..! I only heard that last part, unintentionally too, sorry. I don't want to know where you're trying to go either."

"Don't want to?" asked Soren from the side, his eyes boring into her with that languid expression.

Hazel smiled at the familiar face. "We sell information, that's our purpose. What we don't know, we can't sell. So some of us can't help but turn a blind eye to secrets that shouldn't be known."

"Doesn't matter."

"Your highness, take running away a little more seriously. We've had several requests already regarding you, don't you know?"

The prince narrowed his eyes with a frown. The ones he made contact with were few in number, and he couldn't find a reason for them to seek him out. If it were his brothers, it wouldn't make sense for Damien to risk trouble with royalty.

Then, "Who?"

"A strange variety, actually. A random disciple from the Death temple, one of your brothers who simply asked if you were doing alright in the end and those kids I was told you saved before."

The brother she mentioned was likely to be Deimos, Soren figured. He was the only who seemed to care for Soren’s well-being, though one couldn’t help but be cautious.

As for Lock and Kat, who he had saved during the underground competition, it wasn’t surprising either. Soren, an emotionally lacking fool that he was, could realize the attachment they might’ve gained for Soren, who had saved them.

The issue was the disciple from the Death temple. It wouldn’t be Celine, or Hazel would’ve recognized her as the Death Saint, rather than a complete stranger.

Had the third religion’s roots spread so far as to infiltrate into the Death temple?

Celine could handle the chaos that might ensue, but there would be a limit where everything fell apart like a broken dam, hurls of raging water crashing upon everything.

Soren decided that he’d sent a letter of warning. Later.

One day, or, whenever he remembered. 

“Anyway, Leader gave me permission to help you out. We were keeping an eye on this area anyway — thankfully I was the one watching at this time.”

“Tell him,” said Soren slowly, “thank you.” 

Hazel’s smile seemed a little brighter at his words as her eyes curved joyfully. “Of course. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to hear that as well.”

Thrilled wasn’t an expression Soren could quite imagine on Damien, but he nodded regardless.

“Well, let’s go, yeah?” 

They all nodded and followed behind at their own pace, Hazel leisurely strolling in the front as she weaved between crooks and twists. It all seemed natural with her, while Soren almost got lost in all the turns and Alvara slipped against a dent in the ground.

For the the method of travel used by the Fox tribe, the path to the forest was confusing and tricky in the most subtle of ways,

Brioc whispered, in a not-so-quiet voice, “The Master she speaks of, it couldn’t be that butler of yours, could it?”

When Soren glanced at him and didn’t reply, Brioc’s smile in understanding.

“You’re such an interesting person, Renren. Really.” said Brioc with a hum before turning to Hazel. “Boss Zel, how is that Leader of yours doing? I always had an urge to fight him, from when we first met.”

Hazel looked at him oddly, her honest emotions splayed across her face for all to see. Then, she turned to Soren, ignoring Brioc, and asked,  ”Are you curious too?”


“Really? That is—“

“Hey, Boss Zel. It’s rude to ignore people, y’know?”

Hazel stopped and wrinkled her nose. “What in the world is your issue against calling people properly?”

“It’s a compliment.” said Brioc casually with a laugh. “I only dare to call you boss because I respect you.”

Although the magician’s tongue could be slick and charming, his tone naturally contained traces of sarcastic teasing which revealed his entire act. Brioc knew that, but cared little. It was a one man show, not play.

“Then, you don’t respect Soren?” Alvara blinked at Brioc who had been distracted by her words and shook his head shamelessly. 

“For him, he got a cute nickname that I came up with after much deliberation.”

Soren gave him a look that read, ‘you’re full of bs’. Brioc, being Brioc, ignored it as if he truly believed that his nicknames were lovely. But they weren’t, and he knew it. Everybody did.

“Leader is working hard to fix the mess that was caused, but it will take a while.” said Hazel, eager to share the news, it was rare for her to meet somebody who her Leader trusted enough to allow into their base.

Hazel understood well that the recent situation was only the beginning of a large plot, yet to be discovered. In an uncertain future, the most reliable things were family.

Family not tied by blood, but in emotional blooms that bounded people by warmth. 

For her young leader who cared so mature, she couldn’t help but be fond of any person he befriended, in any sort of way.

“We’re waiting for the boy to heal before any talks of punishment come. It might take a while — he’s been in and out of consciousness. But Leader doesn’t see the point in forcing an interrogation with somebody at their death bed.”

Damien was also not one to only use brute force, even if he wasn’t scared of violence. Empathetic and reasonable was the young fox, who had to weigh choices and values on a daily basis.

“I see.” said Soren calmly. 

Hazel smiled, her eyes facing forward. “Everything is going mad, and I’m almost certain that chaos is going to ensue. You know, I just have that feeling. It’s dreadful, and awfully scary but,”

The woman was emotional and reckless, acting off what she felt. However, it was for this reason her thoughts sometimes sank into deep contemplation, twisted by dangerous forebodings of the future.

“I’m willing to do whatever to not lose anymore family.”

Vendra also smiled sweetly at this, her soft eyes kinder at Hazel. “It is those who can appreciate the present that can persevere through the future. I believe we will cross paths again, Hazel. My name is Vendra Selis.”

In Hazel, Vendra sensed a familiar determined spirit. Therefore, her appreciation for the woman rose, despite their titles as strangers.

“Haha, maybe.”

Sometimes, it was the most random of moments, under bland forest leaves and surrounded by oaken trunks standing tall and proud that comradeship could be felt.

Hazel stopped in a clearing which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. They were in the forest, between the tangles of trees and swaying branches, but there was no clear entrance. Not even a landmark to remember this location by.

“Your highness.” said Hazel with a grin. “Let’s meet again.”

Soren’s gaze flickered to her, and in a single blink, she vanished with the whistling wind. 

Hazel was willing to put everything on the line to save the tribe she cared for, and Vendra desperately wished to save the world.

Damien was only a teenager, yet would play a large part in the upcoming climax.

Finally, Raphael was a hero who had lost over and over again, but still chose to help the people in the end despite his cursed history.

They were reminders of what Soren thought to be foolish and couldn’t understand, but admired all the same. He had never looked back on his choices, walking forward with his ever flowing time.

But as he stepped forward, in the plain yet complex entrance of the Forest of Beginning and Endings, he couldn’t help but wonder.

What destination did he want to reach?

I finished the cover work for this novel, but cannot, for the life of me, think of a way  how to format the text. I’ll keep trying, haha. 

Also, next week my friend has spontaneously decided a camping trip, so there will only be one update on the Wedns, not the Sat. Replying to comments way later too, just a bit tired from work.

Also, I think I’ll do the editing on my work wifi for previous chapters (using helpful grammar checks from comments that I am very much thankful for) it’s just that my iPad, I try to edit it and then it just.

It’s frustrating rip. So it will be done on Tuesday, thanks for your patience~ hope you have the most brilliantly satisfying week!

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