Salvation of the Scum Fifth Prince

[57 – hope; lies with you]

The journey to the forest was a long and confusing one. Like the others, it could not easily be found, specifically revealing themselves to its intended target. 

The Forest of the Lost would appear before wandering souls that questioned the very meaning of existence, the Forest of Beginnings and Endings would appear before those desperately searching for a place, and the Forest of Good and Evil would appear before those walking on the delicate line between the two sides.

However, if one knew where to look, the Forests could be found without meeting those requirements.

It just so happened the group possessed the leader of a tribe that knew all knowledge across the continent, and a princess who could deeply sense nature.

"We'll stop here for tonight." said Raphael suddenly. "It's better not to use all of our energy when we don't know what'll happen."

"Okay~" Brioc happily crouched down, crossing his legs. 

"I see. Then I will go with Celine to see if there is food or items we can use in the nearby town." said Vendra smoothly, as if it were planned all along. "May one of you please start a fire?"

Surprisingly, it had been Soren who stepped forward. "I can."

Raphael looked at him suspiciously. "Can you really?"

"I can." affirmed the prince with a yawn. "I read it in a book."

"...I don't really think that's how things work."

"It is."


The roles were delegated, and before long a cozy resting area had been created. The fire — with supervision from Raphael — had successfully burned bright, its flames tickling the entire area with its colour.

A curtain of darkness had draped over the skies, now littered with millions of twinkling stars far beyond reach. In the soundless forest, the only sounds that existed were from the crinkling of flames and light chatter.

Brioc had been the first to start a conversation as a pot of stew boiled over the rolling fire. "So. I think there's something quite important that we've overlooked."

Soren frowned. "...?"

"You wore a dress, but didn't allow us to have a proper glimpse before changing." said the magician with an utterly straight face that was much unlike him. "I feel so betrayed, Renren...!"


"But, your legs looked lovely in the white stockings." continued Brioc, blissfully ignoring the murderous glare from the person in front of him. "If you choose to cross dress again, I'll happily be your partner."

Before Soren could pull out his chain, Raphael moved between them with a sigh, curling one leg up as he lazily took his place.

"Before blood is shed, I'll stop you there, magician."

"Oh~" There was a lecherous look on Brioc's youthful face, violet eyes twinkling with mischievous thinking. Soren squinted, moving to leave before Brioc said, "I get it, Raphy. I really do."

Raphael raised a brow. "Get what?"

The magician had the nerve to clear his throat loudly, brightly speaking with the utmost confidence, "Of course, you want to keep the image of Soren in a dress to yourself."

".....and why exactly would I want to do that?" 

It's hardly been one day, and Raphael already feels a headache creeping in. He wondered if deciding to come along was a terrible idea after all, because he'd likely lose his sanity surrounded by these troublesome people.

As expected, Brioc's grin widened even further, the illumination from the flames only making him seem more irritating. 

"You're in love, obviously~"

Raphael, "....." 

Silence surrounded the fire in awkward confusion. However, Alvara's eyes gleamed as she watched, and Vendra stiffed a laugh on the side, peeking at Celine, who grinned with the same mischief that Brioc had.

"Well, well, prince. I wouldn't have guessed." remarked Celine with a laugh. "You're pretty active despite being busy, aren't you?" 

Soren, from where he curled up by the fire to melt in the warmth, blinked. "In love?"

Everybody fell silent. 

It wasn't that Soren was an innocent person, no, he was far from it. But hearing his response they felt that perhaps this person they were teasing with romance... may not have been the best person to tease.

Because Soren sounded completely lost.

Not that it could be helped. The prince had only just learned to understand emotions through the memories of the original, yet to fully develop his own understanding when it came to himself.

Brioc laughed loudly, tilting his head. "Renren, have I mentioned that you're pretty cute~"

Disgust immediately crossed the other's expression. "....."

"What, you don't agree?" frowned Brioc in mock pain as he spun his head to Raphael, who only stared back suspiciously. "Come on Raphy~ I'm sure you agree."

"......" Raphael sighed deeply, rubbing his temples before deciding to do what Brioc wanted, lest the magician keep talking. "Yes, I find this little prince incredibly endearing."

Celine winked. "Endearing, hm?"

Vendra looked at them thoughtfully as she started to spoon the stew into bowls. "My, I'd have to agree with that. Soren can be quite endearing, despite his quirks."

Alvara nodded in agreement. "I agree too!"

On the side of the conversation, the target of the words sat staring blankly into the fire with a deep frown — confusion splayed over his face. How had the conversation come to this? What were they even talking about at this point?

Raphael, taking notice of the incredibly lost prince, chuckled and stood up to help hand out the bowls of steaming stew, the rich smell wafting in the air. "Alright, let's eat now."

While eating, everybody had wandered off to different places to enjoy the meal. Night was a time for thoughts to emerge and wander in one's mind.

In a dark corner of the forest, just in sight of the flickering flames, Celine crouched down against a tree. Footsteps sounded in front of her, and she lifted her head.

Vendra smiled, her ocean blue curls blowing lightly in the night's gentle breeze. "What are you doing here alone, Celine?"


"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm a horrible person, Vendra." said Celine with a mocking laugh, scoffing at the skies above. "Even if I've changed sides now, it doesn't rid of my past. I can't forgive myself for it."

Vendra looked at her quietly and moved to sit down, gracefully settling beside her. She rested her head on the broad shoulders of Celine peacefully, a small smile on her lips. 

"In life, everybody makes mistakes, El. It is something we cannot prevent nor ignore, and the only one who can forgive ourself for the crime is ourselves. Because once everything disappears, we only have ourselves left."

"You're nice, but you're wrong. I'm irredeemable scum, and I know it."

"It isn't a matter of being nice." said Vendra, staring out at the landscape through ocean eyes which seemed to see the world so clearly even if it was painted in shades of black. "In this present, you are needed. You are necessary. And if you intend to drown yourself in your negativity, there is nothing I, nor anyone can do."

Vendra stared at her friend, who'd she once searched for desperately along the passing months. Even if Celine said she'd become a horrible person, even if the world agreed, all the selkie could see was the determined girl from her youth, always aiming for the stars.

Celine was like the sun, standing in all her glory as her spirit glowed bright with fierce resolution. 

From childhood, Vendra had always chased that free sun.

She breathed softly, words sweet and convincing. "You can only look at the present, and hope for the future. The past should not be forgotten, but accepted."

There was a light laugh, smoothly turning into rumbling chuckles, before Celine threw her head back and shouted all her joy at the world. Her cherry hair rocked with her movements, and her eyes glazed in memory.

"I suppose you're right, Vendra. You always had such a way with words, ay?"

Vendra simply smiled gingerly and brushed a hand over Celine's own. It promised long lost warmth and comfort, and Celine felt she might've cried if not for expending all her tears earlier.

Celine, even if she had not personally been aware of all the horrors, she had been aware of what the Third Religion was capable of. Aware of what sort of person the leader was. 

The leader was secretive and hid many things from person to person — her title as second in command was practically a joke. And yet, she had not questioned anything.

For that, she could not forgive herself.

But right now, right and wrong blurred into two divides that couldn't be deciphered. She was wrong, but hating herself and drowning in regrets would do nothing. Moving forward was the only option.

In saving the world, she would save herself. That was the selfish bit of desire she had, even as she decided to risk her life.

From a nearby tree, a certain fox sat high in the branches, observing everything down below. He occasionally changed locations, depending on who was nearby.

It was always such a fascinating thing, human emotions were. So volatile and unpredictible, and ever changing. There were a few exceptions to that, though Damien found that those people who rarely expressed feelings could reveal it in such a way that was intense and remarkable.

Casually, he pulled out a small artifact, lightly grazing his finger over the surface. The last thing of his parents'. When they had found it, that necromancer had looked close to tears in excitement, despite being covered in dirt and grime from searching.


The emerald eyes, almost glowing in the deep darkness, lowered. "Master. Were you looking for me?"

"No, but I sensed you." said Soren as he walked over to the stump of the tree and sat down lazily, making himself comfortable in the tangle of roots. "What happened to the child?"

Damien was quick to understand. "We're keeping an eye on his condition. The Third Religion's mark cannot be removed, and it seems to have a psychological effect. But he's requested that I thank you for saving him."

"Did you punish him?"

The fox's eyes were cold. "To a reasonable extent. As a member of my tribe, it's my duty to punish crimes and betrayal."

"I see."

There was a peaceful silence before Soren said, "Can you tell me more about this world?"

Something flickered in Damien's eyes. As he thought, the most interesting people were those who expressed little. It was in their random actions that displayed everything they felt.

"Are you finally curious about this world, master?"

"Not really." The prince's gaze remained on the glow of the fire ahead of him. It wasn't really that he was curious about the world, but, "I want to see the world like he does."

A world worth saving. Strangers worth struggling for. Soren wanted to understand that, because in doing so, he would understand that foolish person even more.

Damien didn't question the identity of the person — it was easy to guess, so long as you observed correctly. There was something unique and intriguing between those two people, Damien had decided long ago. 

Something they had yet to understand, but the fox could. It was easier to figure things out from an outsider's perspective, after all.

"Then what would you like to know?"

"Everything." said Soren, leaning back into the trunk. "I want to know everything."

And so, under the wide shade of the ancient trees, beneath the sea of stars above, the stories begun.

Periodically, a laugher would cut through the calm. 

Brioc grinned slyly at Alvara, as he shamelessly scooped up that last portion of stew. He wasn't really hungry, having eaten this whole time, but after everybody went their own ways, he found himself incredible bored.

What better way to spend the time than to find somebody to annoy?

"I know you're not hungry." complained Alvara with a frown. "You might as well split it with me."

"Mmm... mph..." replied Brioc, gulping down the soup in one swift swallow. "Sorry~ I was starving."


"Bullying children are you, magician?" interrupted a voice as a cluster of deep pink hair entered the view. Alvara looked at Celine as if the woman were her saviour, and Brioc felt rather offended.

Personally, he concluded, being with him was the best thing anybody could ever wish for.

"I wouldn't dare."

"You're the person I would least trust in this entire group." 

"Woah~ I'm offended."

As the necromancer watched the bickering, she took the opportunity to escape before it was too late to anymore.

Alvara walked to the side, lazily sitting on the large branch that jutted out. Her crimson eyes wandered over the playful scene before her, lit by the gentle hue of the campfire. A man stood nearby, leaning against the tree as his night eyes gazed at the same scene.

But in his eyes, thought Alvara as she watched, the emotions seemed much more vivid, dancing across like flecks of fire.

She watched as Soren strolled into the crowd, taking a spot by the fire where he positively melted in lazy warmth. 

She saw the prince reflected in those abyssal eyes.

"To you, what is he?" Alvara asked, swinging her legs as she peered at the man curiously.

She couldn't help but be curious. Raphael was an icon, somebody who stood at the top of the world in terms of strength and ability. A leader, respected by all.

Yet there was a similar sense of disconnection, just like Soren.

If Raphael dared to harm the other, she would not stand for it. Even if he was all-mighty. Soren was the saviour who'd pulled her from that darkness, and she would stake her life on his survival.

"What sort of question is this?"

"Are you unable to answer?" asked Alvara in return. "Or do you not know where your opinion lies?"

Raphael paused and said in a low voice, "He's somebody who's weak."


Her hobby of probing was the same as Damien. A really annoying hobby, it was. Raphael decided that he wasn't the biggest fan of teenagers, specifically, teenagers who liked to question everything.

Regardless, as he stared ahead, he continued.

"I have seen many worlds fall and collapse. People who were strong could not survive, much less those like him. He makes large promises from somebody who had so little."

Alvara frowned. "You say he's weak, but he is the sole reason we're all alive."

"You talk too much." frowned Raphael knowingly as he glanced at the teenager through his raven eyes. She stared back.

"You talk too little." retorted Alvara. "You're not telling me the whole truth, and I want to know."

His eyes seemed to be impassive, unwilling to answer. Alvara squinted, carefully observing. Perhaps there were things that couldn't be said to her. Perhaps he didn't even know the answer himself.

But just as she thought he wouldn't answer, he spoke.

"This world may fall." His tone was deep and meaningful. "But even if it falls, I do not wish to see his demise."

"You asked me who Soren Rosenbaum is to me."

Raphael leaned back, an unknown look in his narrowed gaze reflected by the starry night sky as he smiled.

"He is my last hope."

I like fluffy moments like these. I find, it's when there isn't a lot of action happening that characters have time to relax and have meaningful conversations, no matter how simple they may seem. (and we can pretend this is a 100% wholesome and happy story cough)

Here's another shameless promotion for one of my all time favourite authors, yiyuehua's now completed novel: Moon Theory~ Really, Moon Theory is so beautifully written for all you apocalypse fans!

And also valliantxvillainous' new novel with the most stunning illustration I've ever witnessed: The Villainous Mage King Knows No Shame (the title alone promises you comedy, fun moments... and who knows? Val has a way of surprising the readers~)

Yes, I am trying to drag you all into a reading pit with me. The more the merrier ^^

That's all until Monday, I wish you all a fabulous day freeee of worries and stress~~

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