Salvation of the Scum Fifth Prince

[90 – time; the concept of farewell]

'Is this living? Tell me, please.'

He was back in the darkness, when the ground faded from under his feet and his body was pulled by gravity into the tossing air, floating aimlessly once more. His voice wasn't working; he could not speak. He couldn't see beyond the pitch, nor could he hear anything but his own thoughts.

'I... alive?'

The man wondered, what had he been trying to protect? Was it worth saving, worth this endless eternity? Time was both slow and fast; he wasn't sure how long it'd been. 

Everthing was painful.

When would the pain stop? Would it ever? He wanted to turn off his mind. He wanted to forget. But whenever he thought of that, something screamed, echoing across the silent galaxy, yelling to not think of such horrible thoughts. 

Were the things he wished to remember that important? He was starting to forget.


'I need to remember,'

There was a single name that still bounced off the walls of his empty mind. Curling up further, bring knees to his weightless chest, he repeated the name like a mantra. 


'I want to live. I will live. I am living.'

'Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael.Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael.''

His eyes snapped open, and he suddenly uncurled his body, stretching out. Legs unfolded, arms spread wide and sight—unable to see, yet open nevertheless. 

Falling prey to this frightening, comfortable darkness wasn't an option. So Soren stood up, standing on empty space, and started to walk.


"Are you losing hope already?" asked Celine, landing a loud slap onto Raphael's back, who had been staring off into the distance with a terrifying expression over his features. Like he was ready to flip the universe over, to set the continent aflame. 

He glanced at her. "I'm considering all possibilities." Lydia was sitting in the room beside, working with Alvara's sleeping memories while Damien kept an eye on things. "There's a chance that even if she's able to find him, he won't be able to return."

"Aren't you negative?"

A soundless chuckle. "When you've fallen victim to failure many times, it's easy to lose hope."

"And what will you do," There was a gleam in her wild eyes. "If that girl fails to save him?"

"I'll forsake my humanity." The reply was immediete, as Raphael raised his head and smiled somewhat helplessly. "There's little I want left in life than to save the life of that foolish man."

Soren had been an unexpected arrival in this world, one that Raphael couldn't have forseen. Originally, his thoughts torwards the prince who had nothing but terrible rumours surrounding him, had been indifferent. He was more interested in learning the circumstances of this world, than the history of some bothersome figure that would be insignificant in his life. 

Only, that figure was anything but insignificant. The first time Raphael had seen Soren again, in the auction conincidentally after their meeting, he thought of it as an unlucky coincidence. 

Buying the book had been on a whim, a playful and sneaky trick that brought a rather amusing expression on those cold features. For a second, Raphael had thought of Soren as 'interesting'. 

Then, after their abrupt fight at the competition that Raphael attended solely to keep an eye on Erlen, at the request of his new friend, Vincent, Raphael thought of Soren as 'endearing'. Although some of the comments that cold-hearted man made had a way of messing with one's mind, Raphael found it to be not completely intolerable.

And then, at some point along the journey, Soren had gone from suspicious, unimportant and irritating, to irrevocably irreplaceable. 

At that point, he was in too deep to turn back.

"I forgave life for many things. This is the one thing that I can't."

Celine stared at him, leaning back in her chair with a loud, purposeful sigh. "You're so negative now, hero. You've always been the one to save everyone, right? You're not cut out for destruction at all. It's more likely for Alvara to become evil, than for you to."

"Well, I know." He shrugged, his fingers tapping a steady beat on the hilt of his sword, entire body restless and eager to move. "But people change when the world that they know changes. Nothing is constant."

"Cut your nonsense life lessons out. You're not panicking or freaking out, not like that magician brat, or like that girl probably is—but you're the least calm of all of us, and it shows."

Raphael let out a shallow breath. His hands were shaking. "I'm terrified."


"Losing him again."

The woman stopped, straightening her back with a frow tugging on her lips. "...did you just say, again? No, actually, I don't want to know. Don't tell me."

She had a bad feeling that whatever it was she questioned had something to do with things that were out of her grasp, things that she shouldn't involve herself with. It was true. Raphael closed his eyes, resting against the wall. 

When the God of Death returned Soren's memories and disappeared, Raphael's locked away memories of the first few worlds had started their careful journey back into his head. 

He remembered going crazy, mad with anger and frustration after failing to save the world again, knowing that there was a silly reaper waiting for him to return. Ren had become a tresure in his mind, a dream he couldn't reach. A goal. 

Every world. Every hour, every second. 

Raphael had been losing his sanity, and nobody could stop it. Even as he continued to venture into the next world and the next, he always remained in the past, among the rubbles and by that cloaked figure's side. The dreams at night would tell him of what he longed for, and on the worse days, illusions would crowd his sight. 

When had his feelings become an illness?  To the point that it had to be erased?

"Raphael." A soft voice called out, breaking him from his trance. He turned, staring up at the ocean-eyed woman who smiled gently. "You need to breathe, slowly."

"Vendra." grinned Celine, jumping from her seat to greet the woman with enthusiasm. Vendra laughed lightly, but kept her eyes focused on Raphael who was slowly blinking.

She didn't witness the prince's fall, being the last person to hear about it since she'd been busy tending to the injured for the majority of the time. And when there was time to finally rest, the news had crashed into her, crushing any spirit left.

The seemingly unkillable man who spoke with such confident indifference, one couldn't help but believe in his words and promises. For the most part, Soren hadn't failed to follow through what he swore to do. 

It was a tragedy. 

But the greater tragedy, thought Vendra, didn't lie in his death but instead the chaos that polluted the minds of those who learned of it. A chain of despairing reactions that spread across from person to person.

She walked over, patting his back with care. "I passed their room a moment ago, and it seems to be working successfully. Don't worry. If we can't do anything at all, then at least we should hope. It's only when we stop hoping that we let outselves become prey to destiny."

Raphael lowered his head to his trembling hands, bent over as his thoughts continued to spin around. He just couldn't lose somebody again, he really couldn't.

Then, a shrill scream rung out, making all of their heads snap to the wall. Chairs screeched, and they slammed the doors open and rushed to the next room. 

"Stay there, and do not speak!" barked Lydia when they burst through the doors, holding a finger to stop them, eyes narrowed and anything but warm. 

The necromancer has escaped to the corner of the dimly lit room, crouched down and bloody eyes dilating, confused and fearful. She clutched her head that was aching, being hammered with information that she couldn't bear. 

Raphael looked in surprise, noticing something. Two burning eyes glowed in the darkness. Her eyes.

Damien lowered himself a distance away, but close enough to grab her if anything went wrong. He said nothing, glancing at Lydia impatiently. It was clear that he wasn't satisfied with the turn of events.

The woman let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm afraid, although it'd be my pleasure to have this be a painless process, it is beyond my ability to do so." 

She walked over to Alvara and lifted the girl's chin up, carefully observing her state. The latter trembled, but obediently remained still. 

"Jones is dead." mused Lydia sorrowfully. "I had wondered if she'd come back through you, but you are only her past self with her powers. Unfortunately, you can never be the same. You lovely, pitiful girl. Don't fear the power that burns in your veins, embrace it. Time is simply your toy to manipulate. Reclaim your title, your godlyhood. For the sake of the one you wish to save."

Alvara stared unblinkingly, a strange calm layerd over her face as Lydia's words flowed into her waiting ears. 

"If you want time to stop, order it to stop."

Damien blinked once, and when his eyes opened after that fraction of a second, he realized that the girl wasn't sitting anymore, now standing up in the corner in a trance. He frowned, watching cautiously. With a vision trained to see the smallest of movements, he hadn't seen her move.

"If you want time to turn back, command it to."

A single blink. 

"Stay there, and do not speak!" barked Lydia when they burst through the doors, holding a finger to stop them, eyes narrowed and anything but warm. 

The necromancer has escaped to the corner of the dimly lit room, crouched down and bloody eyes dilating, confused and fearful. She clutched her head that was aching, being hammered with information that she couldn't bear. 

Raphael looked in surprise, noticing something. Two burning eyes glowed in the darkness. Her eyes.

Damien lowered himself a distance away, but close enough to grab her if anything went wrong. He said nothing, glancing at Lydia impatiently. It was clear that he wasn't satisfied with the turn of events.

The woman let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm afraid, although it'd be my pleasure to have this be a painless process, it is beyond my ability to do so." 

She walked over to Alvara, before stopping in her steps and realizing that the necromancer was now standing, staring. Lydia's red lips parted in surprise before stretching into a smile of wonder. 

"Ah, I see how it is. How lovely. You are as wonderful as my deceased friend, if not even more intriguing. Now, I'm assuming I went through the past and present, so there is only the future. Do not manipulate the future, for it may result in only diaster." warned the woman, searching for acknowledgment in the girl's glowing eyes.


Alvara nodded, but her mind wasn’t completely there as she seemed to have a faraway glaze over her eyes. Damien tilted his head, curiously watching before he stood up in understanding.

“Have you already turned back time, Alvara?”

A nod.

“Do you feel tired?”

A shake of the head.

“Do you feel prepared, or ready?”

Another nod. 

His questions had been kept simple, answered with an easy gesture or movement. Whether the girl could speak at the moment was unknown, and he didn’t want to force her to do more than she could. 

He circled her once, being careful to watch for any signs of danger. When he was satisfied that she was safe, he stopped.

“The bond I created with you yesterday was my tribe’s ritual. It cannot be undone, but with it, I will be able to contact you wherever it is you’re going.”

She tilted her head too, mimicking his action. The quiver of a smile tugged at his lips. 

“I think,” said the girl slowly with difficulty, smiling too. “I’m okay with that. The bond, I mean.”

There was a faint sheen of happiness painted over his calm expression. “Is that so?”

Raphael also couldn't help but smile despite his turbulent feelings. He turned to Lydia, returning to his solemn look. "Jones' powers won't overwhelm her, will they?"

"They shouldn't." assured the woman with a polite nod. She walked over to a chair, pulling it out and sitting leisurely. "It would go against my best interest if even a strand of hair was harmed on that child."

"You say really pretty words, Lydia. If that kid is harmed, I hope you know that I'm more than able to reverse all of your hard work in saving this world."

She laughed aloud, a bright, startling sound that rang in their ears. "I'll keep that in mind, oh wonderful hero. I am the last person who would underestimate your threats, I assure you."

"Now," she clasped her hands together, leaning against them as her eyes settled on every person in the room, pausing momentarily while the corner of her lips curved. "You will have to return to the Forest of Beginnings and Endings. All of you may travel with Alvara and Raphael for the first length of the journey, in fact, it would do you good to. The second length, however, will be theirs to accomplish."

Brioc, who'd rushed in at some point, creeping around and making sure Alvara was alive, or somewhat alive, before he crouched down against a wall, spoke suddenly. "Wow~ we're going back there again?"

"It will lead you to where you wish to go. However, this time, it will lead you to places you don't recognize, and perhaps worlds you don't know. The destination will be wherever Soren lies, but the journey will be confusing to you all."

"Define confusing, hm, Didi~?"

She paused, raising her eyebrows in surprise before sweetly saying, "What a lovely nickname. Would you like one as well, perhaps, Bribri, or...?"

"Oh~ I'd be happy with whatever you'd like to call me~" 

Lydia came to the conclusion that it was best not to start a flattery competition with this shameless magician who could say whatever he pleased without consequence. "As for confusing, it means you will see things you've never seen before. Or, things that not all of you have seen before. Pure chaos, is what I'd best describe it as."

"That sounds like my kind of adventure~!"

"I'm sure it does." said Lydia, before glancing at Raphael and Damien, the ones most likely to take charge. Born leaders they were, one in the brilliance of the shining sun, and the other commanding in the shadows with quiet whispers. "No matter what you do, don't turn back. Because the moment you stop moving forward, then your path will become unclear and you won't be able to reach him."

"I won't stop." replied Raphael, straightening his back. 

"Are you resolved, hero? It may end up with you abandoning everything you've worked to save?" laughed the woman slyly, a wicked edge to her tone. 

"I've resolved myself to save the world, as I always have."  Raphael leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. "The only difference, is now, that foolish, death-seeking man is the world I wish to save."

Lydia laughed, standing up and making way for the door. "That's a good answer, Raphael Han."

"Are you heading off, Lydia?"

She smiled. "It's time for my own little journey. I pray that you'll find what you seek, at whatever cost."

And the door closed shut behind her. 

'Is this living? Tell me, please.'

He was back in the darkness, when the ground faded from under his feet and his body was pulled by gravity into the tossing air, floating aimlessly once more. His voice wasn't working; he could not speak. He couldn't see beyond the pitch, nor could he hear anything but his own thoughts.

'I... alive?'

The man wondered, what had he been trying to protect? Was it worth saving, worth this endless eternity? Time was both slow and fast; he wasn't sure how long it'd been.

Everything was painful.

When would the pain stop? Would it ever? He wanted to turn off his mind. He wanted to forget. But whenever he thought of that, something screamed, echoing across the silent galaxy, yelling to not think of such horrible thoughts.

Were the things he wished to remember that important? He was starting to forget.


'I need to remember,'

There was a single name that still bounced off the walls of his empty mind. Curling up further, bring knees to his weightless chest, he repeated the name like a mantra.


'I want to live. I will live. I am living.'

'Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael. Raphael.''

His eyes snapped open, and he suddenly uncurled his body, stretching out. Legs unfolded, arms spread wide and sight—unable to see, yet open nevertheless.

Falling prey to this frightening, comfortable darkness wasn't an option. So Soren stood up, standing on empty space, and started to walk.


"Are you losing hope already?" asked Celine, landing a loud slap onto Raphael's back, who had been staring off into the distance with a terrifying expression over his features. Like he was ready to flip the universe over, to set the continent aflame.

He glanced at her. "I'm considering all possibilities." Lydia was sitting in the room beside, working with Alvara's sleeping memories while Damien kept an eye on things. "There's a chance that even if she's able to find him, he won't be able to return."

"Aren't you negative?"

A soundless chuckle. "When you've fallen victim to failure many times, it's easy to lose hope."

"And what will you do," There was a gleam in her wild eyes. "If that girl fails to save him?"

"I'll forsake my humanity." The reply was immediate, as Raphael raised his head and smiled somewhat helplessly. "There's little I want left in life than to save the life of that foolish man."

Soren had been an unexpected arrival in this world, one that Raphael couldn't have foreseen. Originally, his thoughts towards the prince who had nothing but terrible rumours surrounding him, had been indifferent. He was more interested in learning the circumstances of this world, than the history of some bothersome figure that would be insignificant in his life.

Only, that figure was anything but insignificant. The first time Raphael had seen Soren again, in the auction coincidentally after their meeting, he thought of it as an unlucky coincidence.

Buying the book had been on a whim, a playful and sneaky trick that brought a rather amusing expression on those cold features. For a second, Raphael had thought of Soren as 'interesting'.

Then, after their abrupt fight at the competition that Raphael attended solely to keep an eye on Erlen, at the request of his new friend, Vincent, Raphael thought of Soren as 'endearing'. Although some of the comments that cold-hearted man made had a way of messing with one's mind, Raphael found it to be not completely intolerable.

And then, at some point along the journey, Soren had gone from suspicious, unimportant and irritating, to irrevocably irreplaceable.

At that point, he was in too deep to turn back.

"I forgave life for many things. This is the one thing that I can't."

Celine stared at him, leaning back in her chair with a loud, purposeful sigh. "You're so negative now, hero. You've always been the one to save everyone, right? You're not cut out for destruction at all. It's more likely for Alvara to become evil, than for you to."

"Well, I know." He shrugged, his fingers tapping a steady beat on the hilt of his sword, entire body restless and eager to move. "But people change when the world that they know changes. Nothing is constant."

"Cut your nonsense life lessons out. You're not panicking or freaking out, not like that magician brat, or like that girl probably is—but you're the least calm of all of us, and it shows."

Raphael let out a shallow breath. His hands were shaking. "I'm terrified."


"Losing him again."

The woman stopped, straightening her back with a frown tugging on her lips. "...did you just say, again? No, actually, I don't want to know. Don't tell me."

She had a bad feeling that whatever it was she questioned had something to do with things that were out of her grasp, things that she shouldn't involve herself with. It was true. Raphael closed his eyes, resting against the wall.

When the God of Death returned Soren's memories and disappeared, Raphael's locked away memories of the first few worlds had started their careful journey back into his head.

He remembered going crazy, mad with anger and frustration after failing to save the world again, knowing that there was a silly reaper waiting for him to return. Ren had become a treasure in his mind, a dream he couldn't reach. A goal.

Every world. Every hour, every second.

Raphael had been losing his sanity, and nobody could stop it. Even as he continued to venture into the next world and the next, he always remained in the past, among the rubbles and by that cloaked figure's side. The dreams at night would tell him of what he longed for, and on the worse days, illusions would crowd his sight.

When had his feelings become an illness? To the point that it had to be erased?

"Raphael." A soft voice called out, breaking him from his trance. He turned, staring up at the ocean-eyed woman who smiled gently. "You need to breathe, slowly."

"Vendra." grinned Celine, jumping from her seat to greet the woman with enthusiasm. Vendra laughed lightly, but kept her eyes focused on Raphael who was slowly blinking.

She didn't witness the prince's fall, being the last person to hear about it since she'd been busy tending to the injured for the majority of the time. And when there was time to finally rest, the news had crashed into her, crushing any spirit left.

The seemingly immortal man who spoke with such confident indifference, one couldn't help but believe in his words and promises. For the most part, Soren hadn't failed to follow through what he swore to do.

It was a tragedy.

But the greater tragedy, thought Vendra, didn't lie in his death but instead the chaos that polluted the minds of those who learned of it. A chain of despairing reactions that spread across from person to person.

She walked over, patting his back with care. "I passed their room a moment ago, and it seems to be working successfully. Don't worry. If we can't do anything at all, then at least we should hope. It's only when we stop hoping that we let ourselves become prey to destiny."

Raphael lowered his head to his trembling hands, bent over as his thoughts continued to spin around. He just couldn't lose somebody again, he really couldn't.

Then, a shrill scream rung out, making all of their heads snap to the wall. Chairs screeched, and they slammed the doors open and rushed to the next room.

"Stay there, and do not speak!" barked Lydia when they burst through the doors, holding a finger to stop them, eyes narrowed and anything but warm.

The necromancer has escaped to the corner of the dimly lit room, crouched down and bloody eyes dilating, confused and fearful. She clutched her head that was aching, being hammered with information that she couldn't bear.

Raphael looked in surprise, noticing something. Two burning eyes glowed in the darkness. Her eyes.

Damien lowered himself a distance away, but close enough to grab her if anything went wrong. He said nothing, glancing at Lydia impatiently. It was clear that he wasn't satisfied with the turn of events.

The woman let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm afraid, although it'd be my pleasure to have this be a painless process, it is beyond my ability to do so."

She walked over to Alvara and lifted the girl's chin up, carefully observing her state. The latter trembled, but obediently remained still.

"Jones is dead." mused Lydia sorrowfully. "I had wondered if she'd come back through you, but you are only her past self with her powers. Unfortunately, you can never be the same. You lovely, pitiful girl. Don't fear the power that burns in your veins, embrace it. Time is simply your toy to manipulate. Reclaim your title, your powers. For the sake of the one you wish to save."

Alvara stared unblinkingly, a strange calm layered over her face as Lydia's words flowed into her waiting ears.

"If you want time to stop, order it to stop."

Damien blinked once, and when his eyes opened after that fraction of a second, he realized that the girl wasn't sitting anymore, now standing up in the corner in a trance. He frowned, watching cautiously. With a vision trained to see the smallest of movements, he hadn't seen her move.

"If you want time to turn back, command it to."

A single blink.

"Stay there, and do not speak!" barked Lydia when they burst through the doors, holding a finger to stop them, eyes narrowed and anything but warm.

The necromancer has escaped to the corner of the dimly lit room, crouched down and bloody eyes dilating, confused and fearful. She clutched her head that was aching, being hammered with information that she couldn't bear.

Raphael looked in surprise, noticing something. Two burning eyes glowed in the darkness. Her eyes.

Damien lowered himself a distance away, but close enough to grab her if anything went wrong. He said nothing, glancing at Lydia impatiently. It was clear that he wasn't satisfied with the turn of events.

The woman let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm afraid, although it'd be my pleasure to have this be a painless process, it is beyond my ability to do so."

She walked over to Alvara, before stopping in her steps and realizing that the necromancer was now standing, staring. Lydia's red lips parted in surprise before stretching into a smile of wonder.

"Ah, I see how it is. How lovely. You are as wonderful as my deceased friend, if not even more intriguing. Now, I'm assuming I went through the past and present, so there is only the future. Do not manipulate the future, for it may result in only disaster." warned the woman, searching for acknowledgment in the girl's glowing eyes.

Alvara nodded, but her mind wasn’t completely there as she seemed to have a faraway glaze over her eyes. Damien tilted his head, curiously watching before he stood up in understanding.

“Have you already turned back time, Alvara?”

A nod.

“Do you feel tired?”

A shake of the head.

“Do you feel prepared, or ready?”

Another nod.

His questions had been kept simple, answered with an easy gesture or movement. Whether the girl could speak at the moment was unknown, and he didn’t want to force her to do more than she could.

He circled her once, being careful to watch for any signs of danger. When he was satisfied that she was safe, he stopped.

“The bond I created with you yesterday was my tribe’s ritual. It cannot be undone, but with it, I will be able to contact you wherever it is you’re going.”

She tilted her head too, mimicking his action. The quiver of a smile tugged at his lips.

“I think,” said the girl slowly with difficulty, smiling too. “I’m okay with that. The bond, I mean.”

There was a faint sheen of happiness painted over his calm expression. “Is that so?”

Raphael also couldn't help but smile despite his turbulent feelings. He turned to Lydia, returning to his solemn look. "Jones' powers won't overwhelm her, will they?"

"They shouldn't." assured the woman with a polite nod. She walked over to a chair, pulling it out and sitting leisurely. "It would go against my best interest if even a strand of hair was harmed on that child."

"You say really pretty words, Lydia. If that kid is harmed, I hope you know that I'm more than able to reverse all of your hard work in saving this world."

She laughed aloud, a bright, startling sound that rang in their ears. "I'll keep that in mind, oh wonderful hero. I am the last person who would underestimate your threats, I assure you."

"Now," she clasped her hands together, leaning against them as her eyes settled on every person in the room, pausing momentarily while the corner of her lips curved. "You will have to return to the Forest of Beginnings and Endings. All of you may travel with Alvara and Raphael for the first length of the journey, in fact, it would do you good to. The second length, however, will be theirs to accomplish."

Brioc, who'd rushed in at some point, creeping around and making sure Alvara was alive, or somewhat alive, before he crouched down against a wall, spoke suddenly. "Wow~ we're going back there again?"

"It will lead you to where you wish to go. However, this time, it will lead you to places you don't recognize, and perhaps worlds you don't know. The destination will be wherever Soren lies, but the journey will be confusing to you all."

"Define confusing, hm, Didi~?"

She paused, raising her eyebrows in surprise before sweetly saying, "What a lovely nickname. Would you like one as well, perhaps, Bribri, or...?"

"Oh~ I'd be happy with whatever you'd like to call me~"

Lydia came to the conclusion that it was best not to start a flattery competition with this shameless magician who could say whatever he pleased without consequence. "As for confusing, it means you will see things you've never seen before. Or, things that not all of you have seen before. Pure chaos, is what I'd best describe it as."

"That sounds like my kind of adventure~!"

"I'm sure it does." said Lydia, before glancing at Raphael and Damien, the ones most likely to take charge. Born leaders they were, one in the brilliance of the shining sun, and the other commanding in the shadows with quiet whispers. "No matter what you do, don't turn back. Because the moment you stop moving forward, then your path will become unclear and you won't be able to reach him."

"I won't stop." replied Raphael, straightening his back.

"Are you resolved, hero? It may end up with you abandoning everything you've worked to save?" laughed the woman slyly, a wicked edge to her tone.

"I've resolved myself to save the world, as I always have." Raphael leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. "The only difference, is now, that foolish, death-seeking man is the world I wish to save."

Lydia laughed, standing up and making way for the door. "That's a good answer, Raphael Han."

"Are you heading off, Lydia?"

She smiled. "It's time for my own little journey. I pray that you'll find what you seek, at whatever cost."

And the door closed shut behind her. 

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