Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 584: Understanding

584. Understanding

Vianna went flying.

She had her Grand Skill active— it should have protected her. It should have rebuked any oncoming attacks with ease. It drew power from the anger she felt in her soul.

At one point, she had been a Primeval Demon of Pride. But now, she was a Primeval Demon of Wrath. And her Grand Skill— [My Rage Shall Burn Forever]— had only been granted to her after her kin was slaughtered.

Vianna believed that it was not pure chance that she had learned this power now. She believed that it was the tool she needed to exact her revenge. With it, she was going to kill all those who had wronged her— who destroyed her sanctuary.

And with it, she was going to save her captured kin.

Or at least, that was what she had thought. But now, as she tumbled through the air, her spinning gaze landing on the group of Archdemons, she wasn’t sure if that was even a possibility anymore.

She crashed into the cliffside as her eyes closed. The blue flames coating her body flickered. The flames sparked out as she thought of her kin.

“Vianna, run—”

A voice cried out in her head. The echoes of a distant memory. She saw the image of a young [Hellwolf] screaming— then there was nothing but darkness and pain.

The Primeval Demon of Wrath rose back to her feet, emboldened. Her anger— her rage— continued coursing through her.

She was not going to fail. She was going to avenge her kin no matter what.

And she snarled as she lashed out again.

Haec didn’t want to fight her. But the [Hellreaper] refused to back down. She came at him fast, and his eyes flickered. He saw the bright blue ball of flames zipping between the rocks before shooting towards him.

He raised his hand, blocking her attack. Her claws clamped down into his forearms as he gritted his teeth.

“I don’t want to fight you!”

The former Heir of the Netherworld shouted, before swinging up with his fist. A surge of strength overcame him as he landed his fist on her stomach. Her aura of blue flames rushed in to protect her— but the [Hellreaper] still yelped as she was thrown into the air once again.

Taburas took a step forward, creating ashen spears aimed at the Primeval Demon. But Haec stopped her.

“No— let me handle this, Taburas.”

“But Haec…?”

She blinked back at him. He shook his head, turning to face the [Hellreaper]. The Primeval Demon landed back on the ground, growling as she faced him.

“Please don’t get involved. I don’t want to resolve this with violence.”

Haec whispered softly as his companion stared at him. He knew that she was worried for him. And he also knew that the more involved in the battle she was, the stronger their connection would become. His Grand Skill would allow him to draw even more of her essence, empowering him even further.

But he didn’t want to be forced to do that. Instead, he stepped forward. Even as Taburas looked on. Even as Betrugil tried to usher the watching Aemula away.

“Let him get himself killed! Let’s get out of here!”

“No— we have to support him!”

Betrugil and Aemula argued. But Haec ignored their chatter. His gaze landed on the [Hellreaper], and he refused to back down.

The Primeval Demon charged at him once again as he braced himself. Her claws struck his skin, spilling his black blood onto the stone floor. He returned with a barrage of punches, but this time, she was prepared for it and she leapt back.

He watched as the [Hellreaper] circled dangerously around him. He felt his forearms ache from the cuts he had sustained. It was stupid. Even with his Grand Skill, this wasn’t going to be an easy fight. And it was not like he could harm her with her flaming aura of protection.

But despite knowing this, Haec confronted the [Hellreaper]. Because he could see the look in her eyes— he saw her anger. The darkness that she hid within. It reminded him of himself.

The hatred he had felt for Regnorex.

Haec remembered it so well. It was so long ago— right after he had lost Salvos to Lucerna. He had been driven by pure hatred. The desire to exact revenge on the one responsible for separating him from his leader.

The [Hellreaper]... she must have felt the same thing. After all, she had also lost those who were important to her to the Demon King. So that was why Haec knew he understood how she felt. That was why he believed he could speak with her.

“Please, listen to me! We are not enemies!”

Haec pleaded with the Primeval Demon. And yet she continued her onslaught of attacks. Her strikes ripped apart the earth, and the shockwaves sent the other three Archdemons flying back. But the former Heir of the Netherworld remained steadfast.

“I understand how you feel— I lost so much to the Demon King as well! We all have!”

He took a step forward, gesturing at Taburas, Betrugil, and Aemula. He recalled the memories he had shared with Salvos. He thought of the Dukes and Duchesses— how they were sacrificed so senselessly like they were mere tools to use.

Haec felt the anger boiling within his heart. But he steeled himself. His eyes flickered as he watched the [Hellreaper] circle around him like a blur. When she finally pounced on him, she screamed.


She was fast. But he was prepared for it. He sidestepped her attack, landing a knee on her stomach. Once again, her Grand Skill took effect. The coat of blue flames protected her, burning Haec.

But he pushed through the pain, grabbing her by her tail. Even as he burned, he spun her around, speaking through gritted teeth.

“I am not a liar! I am Haec— the former Heir of the Netherworld!”

He let go of the [Hellreaper]’s tail as she yelped, and she crashed into the cliffside. Large chunks of rock and massive boulders collapsed onto her, before she roared, tearing her way out. Her eyes burned in fury.

But then she paused as her flames seemed to flicker. It was only for a brief moment, but it was long enough for Haec to take notice of it. She shook her head as the aura of blue flames burned brighter than before now.

And he brushed it off before he took a step forward.

“I have seen the evil of the Demon King firsthand— I have heard his lies, and I have watched as he callously sacrificed thousands of our people for his personal desires.”

Haec remembered when he first heard of the plan to merge the planes. It had been Oracli who told the then Heir of the Netherworld about the monumental sacrifices needed for the ritual to be completed. It had appalled Haec.

And yet, for some reason, Oracli was fine with it. Not just him. But Alia and Latus had taken it in stride too. Everyone who resided in the Demon King’s palace had known about this plan, and they supported it.

They zealously believed in Regnorex’s vision for Demonkind. And many of them were willing to throw away their lives to carry out his plan into fruition.

Haec had seen this… world that had been crafted. He hated it. It was not a world of equals— not like him and Salvos, or him and Taburas. Rather, it was one where the entire world orbited the Demon King.

And Haec rejected this world.

That was why he left the Demon King’s Domain.

That was why he wanted to help the [Hellreaper]. That was why he didn’t want to kill her. So that she could achieve her dreams, just as he hoped to achieve his. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to be easy.

“I do not care who you are— I will kill you!”

The [Hellreaper] screamed as she sprinted straight at him. Her aura of blue flames flickered again. This time, for a moment even longer. Haec didn’t move out of the way. He held his hands up, bracing himself. And he accepted her attack.

She blinked as he went flying, coughing out blood. Taburas shouted in terror.


“That idiot…”

Betrugil clicked his tongue, and Aemula looked on with round eyes. But Haec picked himself up as the [Hellreaper] growled. He shook his head, straightening to face the Primeval Demon.


The [Hellreaper] started, and Haec lowered his guard. Her eyes narrowed as she slowly circled around him.

“What are you doing?”

She thought it was a trap. Haec could tell by her tone of voice that she was confused. He just spoke simply.

“I told you, I don’t want to fight you. I want to work together with you.”

The [Hellreaper] blinked, before growling. She took another step forward, edging closer as Haec didn’t flinch.

“We have the same enemy. We can be allies. We can bring down Regnorex—”

“Shut up with your lies!”

She cut him off as she lashed out. But Haec stood his ground. He only dodged her attacks or blocked her clawed strikes. Even though he was bleeding, he refused to punch back.

“I feel your pain. I understand your anger. That is why I don’t want you to hurt anymore—”

His words were cut off by her snarling. She snapped her jaws for his head, and he barely ducked out of the way. He saw Taburas looking on in horror in the distance, and he gritted his teeth.

Haec knew he couldn’t keep this up. Even with his Grand Skill, he was still outmatched. He closed his eyes and took a step back. He raised his head as the [Hellreaper] swung her claws for his head.

He saw her rage. He understood her— no he was mistaken. He wanted to understand her. But he couldn’t. At first, he had thought she was wild. Now, he knew she wasn’t. And yet, he still couldn’t possibly understand what she had gone through.

Not yet.

Haec readied himself to duck under her oncoming strike, but the [Hellreaper] paused.

She staggered back as her aura of blue flames seemed to flicker. Then it twisted, before bursting out like it was burning her. She hissed, before steeling herself.

Haec narrowed his eyes.

“Her Grand Skill is… falling apart?”

Or it was starting to break. Taburas noticed it too. She called out to him as he glanced back at the watching Archdemon.

“Now, Haec!”

The [Hellreaper] backed up warily as her aura of flames continued to burn her. She was in pain. And Haec— had to make it clear that he understood her. That he knew how she felt. He couldn’t just claim that he understood her without actually trying. After all, that made him no different from the Demon King whom he so despised.

Haec lowered his hand. He clenched his fists. The [Hellreaper] stumbled away from him, wide-eyed. She opened her mouth, and he raised his hand. She flinched. Taburas, Betrugil, and Aemula watched with bated breath.

He brought his hand forward as the [Hellreaper] winced. And he proffered his hand to her.

“Please— may I know your name?”

And that made the [Hellreaper] pause.

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