Save a Failed Idol’s Life

Chapter 35: Where the Hell Is That, You Bastard

Chapter 35 Where the Hell Is That, You Bastard

Everyone’s eyes turned to one place at the same time. 

Are you crazy? You slept in and skipped the meeting, and you came in 10 minutes before the live broadcast?

“Mr. Yugeon, please sit down at the host’s seat right away. We can’t do the screen test, so we’ll just check if the mic works.”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

Surprisingly, he didn’t look sorry at all. He acted as if we were all invisible and sat down at the host’s seat. Only then did he meet my eyes.

“Aha. Mic test. It works well.”

Seon-woo was slightly different from me in terms of genre, but he was a scary-looking jerk.

He was so handsome that I lost my words as soon as I saw his face. Who wouldn’t be annoyed by this guy here?

No matter who he passed the mic to, the answer was the same.

The picture I saw online was a neat brown hair style that was not messy.

But he had bleached his hair in the meantime, and his bright blonde hair stood out.

In terms of his face, body, and star quality, Yugeon was at the top that no one could deny.

“I’m late for the first time meeting you. Hello, senior. I’m Yugeon.”

Yugeon smiled softly and looked down at me. He was sitting on a chair, but I could tell he was very tall.

About 180cm? His physique was as good as Ye-jun’s in our group. He had his own exercise routine.

With that much muscle mass, he must weigh over 80kg. I reflexively thought of Seon-woo when he was at a similar weight and held back a laugh.

‘He was… far from having a solid physique… terribly…’

It wasn’t a state that could be called well-built even as a joke.

“I’m meeting you in person for the first time too. I look forward to working with you.”

He was 23, right? He was older than Seon-woo, Seong-won, and Ye-jun, and younger than me and Kyung Hwa.

But it was only a difference of one or two years, a trivial height comparison.

Yugeon skipped Ye-jun in the middle and asked me for a handshake. I blinked and opened my eyes, and grabbed his hand.

The feeling at the end of his palm was cold like touching raw fish. It wasn’t an expression that could be used for a person.

“Wow, can I shake hands with you too?”

Ye-jun, who was in between, pushed his hand toward Yugeon with a bright smile. Yugeon’s eyes moved to Ye-jun for a moment, and he responded with a light laugh.

“You’re Oh Ye-jun, right? I’ve heard a lot about you.”


Everyone’s ears perked up at the unexpected remark.

“Huh? You heard about me?”

“Yes. Jung Yo Seop hyung talked a lot about you. He said there’s one friend in the same agency that he’s envious of.”

Who’s Jung Yo Seop? They all have wide connections. I need to expand my network in the entertainment industry too. I felt the need to find a way.

“Ah~. Did you work with Yo Seop hyung?”

Ye-jun tried to stir up the conversation, but the staff caught his attention.

“We’re going on screen now. Wait for the opening and everyone, please stand by.”




Short answers burst out from here and there, and a live chat screen appeared next to the monitor screen.

“Hello, this is Yugeon’s radio that you listen to with your eyes. I hope you have a great afternoon and let’s start.”

Yugeon read the script that he must have seen for the first time without any hesitation. He ended the opening with a simple greeting that seemed to be sent by the viewers.

And then he played the first song and smiled naturally in front of the camera.

‘The viewers only know the smooth progress and his arrogant face.’

In front of the members, there were chat monitoring screens for each of them, and the chat was full of Yugeon’s fans.

I didn’t expect a great response, but my heart sank a little.

Then he introduced the sponsor and the story related to the first song, and the real progress began.

While the ads were running, they all looked nervously at the cue sheet in front of them.

‘He doesn’t get nervous and ruins everyone’s schedule…’

I glanced at Yugeon while the guest’s camera was still off.

It was about 20 minutes after the radio started. It was finally time to introduce the guest.

“Today’s guest is, chosen by Yoo Nul, the idol that I wish would come to my house and cook for me in 2021. Let’s bring in Climax!”


The chat room went up with the cheers that Yugeon and Ye-jun made themselves.

“Then, can you please introduce yourself one by one?”

With Yugeon’s lead, the introduction began, and some chats about Climax came up.

There were repeated questions asking if they were rookies. Some people were annoyed and kept correcting that they debuted five years ago.

“Hello~ I’m Oh Ye-jun, the youngest but not the youngest, in charge of energy in Climax.”

“What do you mean by the youngest but not the youngest? The youngest is determined by age, isn’t it?”

“Ah~. Actually, we have a separate youngest. Over here, can you see our flower-like youngest?”

“So there’s a real youngest, then what about you, Ye-jun?”

“I usually act like the youngest, causing trouble and being noisy and cute! That’s my role, so I’m the youngest but not the youngest.”

Their voices were not high and had a moderate tone, so the conversation was pleasant to hear.

The viewers also seemed to think the same, and there were some similar chats.

[Today’s guests look nice lol lol lol]

[Did he lose his youngest position lol lol lol lol]

[Wow, the youngest is really… amazing visuals]

Then it was my turn to introduce myself, and I spit out the words I had been thinking in my head.

“I’m the main dancer of Climax, and I’m in charge of everyone’s diet…”

Maybe it was because I had rarely introduced myself as someone in my life as a thousand-year-old. I made a mistake that I didn’t make in the last live broadcast.


Fortunately, I managed to recover quickly before I made a stupid mistake.


I wondered if he had caught me almost saying nonsense, and my heartbeat quickened. I took a deep breath inside and looked at Yugeon.

“Wow~. I Se. I’m following Seon Young noona. The last time, she posted something that looked so delicious on her feed, I almost DM’ed her.”

“Oh, were you curious about where she got it from?”

“Yes. I’m worried that our fans might be surprised if they hear this, but I’m not contacting you personally or showing any personal interest. It’s just that it looks so delicious.”

“So that’s why you posted a separate article that time.”

The conversation flowed naturally as we talked about Yeui’s diet. He said he wanted to be invited someday to taste it, and that there were three more members behind him…

I wondered if he was spending too much time on me, when the turn finally passed to Seon-woo.

“Sunbae-nim, you promised to make me something delicious next time, right?”

Yugeon repeatedly made him swear in public and turned the turn to Seon-woo.

As soon as Seon-woo appeared on the main screen, the chat window rose up at an incredible speed.

“Hello, I’m Na Seon-woo, the visual of Climax, the real maknae.”

“You’re the one, Seon-woo-ssi, the main character of Climax’s amazing buzz, right?”

“Ah, yes. I didn’t know that being robbed of my lunch box by my sister would be such a hot topic.”

“Aww, the K-POP fans all over the country will remember you as the brother who got his lunch box stolen by his sister. Are you on good terms with Sunyoung sunbae-nim?”

“Good… I guess?”

“Wow, the courage to answer a question with a question! I like it. Since you brought it up, how about showing us some aegyo that will strike the hearts of the national sisters?”

He suddenly got a lot of attention and his worries about stuttering like last time were gone.

The conversation was not very fluent, but it was not awkward either.

Maybe it was because he had makeup and taping today, and he was much more confident than usual.

His speech was much more natural than usual. The other members seemed to be surprised as well.

“Ah… aegyo?”

Seon-woo’s shy reaction made Ye-jun lift the mood right away.

“Ah, aegyo is my specialty!”

“Really? Then how about we see Ye-jun-ssi’s aegyo first?”

In a light atmosphere, Ye-jun made a heart with both hands and made a cute expression of biting it.

He didn’t show any hesitation or hesitation.

“Ye-jun is a cute kkungkkotto. So~ much, so much cute.”

‘This is… a pro.’

Kang Yugeon hid his face with the script and hid his body under the desk, sobbing.

“Why are you running away? Don’t run away if you asked for it, watch it properly, is my aegyo too burdensome for you?”

“Aww~ of course not. I understand. I’m sorry, Ye-jun-ssi. Wow, I’m wide awake now.”

Ye-jun and Yugeon’s banter was so funny that the chat window was in chaos.

[I’m going crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Pro’s spicy aegyo of male idolsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Look at the veins on the back of his hand, even if a ghost comes in my dream, I’ll beat it up by myselfㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Is that a bite heart or a bite apple?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

Yugeon, who finally came to his senses, finished the short introductions of Kyunghwa and Sungwon. Because they had used up too much energy before, the two’s turns went by smoothly.

After finishing the member introductions, Yugeon played the latest title song of Climax.

“Then, let’s listen to Climax’s fourth single Heat your wave.”

As the intro of the song flowed, everyone sighed with relief as if they had passed without any problems.

Usually, when the microphone goes down, the host and the guests have a brief conversation, but…

The studio was silent. It couldn’t be helped. The first button was wrong because of that guy.

“Now that the song is over, let’s start the talk. Ise-ssi, when did you start taking care of the diet? Did you cook before?”

It was a perfect progression that was annoying. I thought it would be a disaster if I read the prepared script and missed the timing.

I felt like I knew the source of his confidence that he came in just before the standby.

‘I’m good and I don’t make mistakes and even if I do, I can cover it with aegyo. Is that what you think?’

It was more annoying because he had a reason. I wish it would end soon.

I tried to make the spotlight go to all the members and continued the talk.


Finally, the short or long appearance was over and sighs of relief burst out everywhere.

“Yugeon-ssi, you did well this time, but don’t come so late next time, okay?”

Yugeon smiled sheepishly and answered with a face that clearly showed he was listening with one ear and letting it out with the other.

“Yes, I’m sorry. PD-nim. I’ll wake up on time next time.”

You’re going to wake up on time, not come on time? I muttered to myself not to hate him like a mantra and got up from my seat.

“Are you just going to leave? We didn’t make a promise when you’re going to make me food. Give me your number. If you don’t want to hear from the manager hyung.”

Are you crazy, why do you want a guy’s number? I reflexively frowned and said.

“Ugh, look at your face. Anyone would think you’re holding a gun.”

Ye-jun chuckled and shrugged his shoulders next to me.

“Ye-jun-ssi agrees, right? Right. I want to know Ye-jun-ssi’s number too. Can you give it to me?”

He asked me for ‘it’ and asked Ye-jun for ‘it?’.

“Of course! I’ve been wondering if I could ask for your number when the mic was off.”

“Wow, Ye-jun-ssi and I have a good personality. Ah, can I say that?”

They were having fun with each other, and I felt like my intelligence was dropping.

“Can I get out of here then?”

As I tried to slip away, Ye-jun and Yugeon each grabbed my left and right arms. They were useless guys who got along well.

“Oh, nice catch.”

“What catch.”

I was finally able to get away after giving Yugeon my number.

“Ah~. I wish I could invite you to my place today if the schedule was okay.”

Ye-jun’s nonsense made all the members share the same thought with their eyes. ‘What is this kid talking about.’

“Um, unfortunately. I have another schedule today. I’ll contact you when I have a chance.”

I wish that chance never came. I muttered to myself and went back to the van to move to the dorm.

It was time to check the feedback from today’s activities.

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