Save the Two-dimensional Devil

Page 356

God knows how sad I felt when Natalia and Amri were in the room with Liu Xu.

This bastard, he captivated every girl's heart, including himself.

"when are you leaving?"


"So urgent?"

"So you have to hurry up."

"pay close attention?"

"Because there's not much time left."

"What, why is it running out of time?"

"Time to confess to me."


Until dinner, Liu Xu didn't understand why Avril beat and kicked him after scolding him "shameless", instead of jumping over and holding her leg to let him stay.

What a wrong girl!

In the hotel, Liu Xu was resting with his eyes closed. He told Xinnai just now that Xinnai and the others should go to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army with the Sabatini Troupe, and go to them after finishing their work.

Because their strength is really not good. Although they are far superior to ordinary people, they are not at the same level as Teigushi. When the empire expedition to Japan, if it hadn’t encountered a typhoon, Japan might indeed be an enclave of the empire now. .

Let Xinnai and Avril go on the road, firstly, it can ensure the safety of the troupe, after the theater incident, he is already on guard against Danguan, secondly, Natalia and Amri are members of the Revolutionary Army , Bringing Nobuna back to the headquarters will not cause unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, the bathroom suddenly opened, because Liu Xu happened to be facing the door, and Huang Yueying could see half of her head sticking out, with a strange expression on her face.

When she saw Liu Xu, she blushed a little, and said in a low voice, "Brother Liu, come quickly and help me take a look."

"What's the matter?" Liu Xu noticed that Huang Yueying's expression was very strange, as if she couldn't speak.

"I, I can't fasten this, what can I do, I'm so anxious." Huang Yueying said anxiously through the crack of the door.

"Which one?" Liu Xu still didn't quite understand.

"Oh, you're so stupid, that's the one you asked me to wear!"

"Ah..." Liu Xu came to his senses and thought, "It's been so long since I've bought it, but I dare you to never wear it!"

However, why couldn't she wear it, but thinking that Huang Yueying hadn't worn this thing before, this situation was also normal.

Turning her head to look at Miko, she found that she was watching him with a very subtle gaze.

Liu Xu said: "How about I ask Yuzi to help you wear it."

There was a flash of hesitation in Huang Yueying's eyes, and then she suddenly cast a faint glance at Liu Xu, and said coyly: "Will... or else, come in and help me put it on!"

"What... what?" Liu Xu almost spat out blood, but felt that these words came out of his mouth a hundred times more difficult than before, and there was a sound of water in his throat, "I... will wear it for you. ?”

"If you don't want to, then forget it." Huang Yueying's eyes could kill him. Could it be that the Huang family's martial art is pupil technique?

"I'll come in!" Of course Liu Xu was willing, he got up and went into the bathroom.

The moment the door was closed, Liu Xu seemed to see Yuzi looking at him with resentful eyes.

There is not enough light in the bathroom, and there is a lot of space. There is a huge mirror on the wall, which is not only convenient for women who change clothes to view their own figures from the mirror, but also adds more convenience when doing such things. fun.

But right now, everything matters...

Liu Xu's eyes had already stopped at the position where Huang Yueying was only wearing underwear, covering Yuexiong's mouth with her hands.

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Chapter 699 The original agreement

Ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

Huang Yueying turned around, her smooth pink back was facing Liu Xu.

"It's really beautiful!"

Liu Xu couldn't help standing there quietly admiring, smelling the intoxicating fragrance from Huang Yueying's body, it was as beautiful as drinking fine nectar.

"Brother Liu..." Huang Yueying called Liu Xu softly, her shy voice contained a trace of joy of being appreciated.

"I'll tie it on for you." Liu Xu stretched out his hand, took the two laces hanging from Huang Yueying's armpits, pulled them lightly, and tightened them to the back.

Perhaps because she was surprised by his actions, Huang Yueying snorted.

When fastening the buttons, Liu Xu felt his hands tremble. In fact, his concentration has improved a lot compared to before.

The current Liu Xu is no longer the otaku who wanted to be pushed to death whenever he saw a beautiful woman when he first entered the Two-dimensional world.

He has been able to control it well and enjoys the pursuit more.

This form of falling in love with two-dimensional beautiful girls is much more interesting than being a bulldozer, which is why Chi Tong and Hei Tong can still maintain their pure bodies.

Liu Xu fastened the belt of his underwear, and was about to close his hands when a gust of fragrant wind penetrated his nose, feeling his body was locked by an extremely soft and tender body, he raised his head in amazement, but Huang Yueying had already held him tightly. hug...

He could feel Huang Yueying's deep affection for him, and in return, Liu Xu was ready to give her the greatest happiness in the world...

As a result, unfortunately, the Sabatini circus came.

So, Liu Xu didn't go back to the hotel that night, but stayed in the Sabatini Troupe.

Because Avril said that the script he left behind had been rehearsed, and he wanted Liu Xu to be the first audience.

Although due to conditions, the effect Liu Xu imagined could not be achieved, but he is sure that if it is performed publicly, it will definitely cause a sensation. After all, this is a work handed down from another world.

At night, although it was getting late, Liu Xu did not rest.

There was a frenzied banging on the door outside.

"Is it finally here?"

Liu Xu opened the door and saw Avril standing outside.

She specially dressed up. At this time, Avril Lavigne was wearing a white court dress, with some powder makeup on her face, and she was looking at Liu Xu excitedly at this moment.

"Have you thought about what to say?"

Liu Xu also looked at her with a smile, and she finally couldn't help but rushed over and hugged Liu Xu in her arms.

"I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to either, but some things have to be done, and the people need me."

"You are a hero, so I won't keep you."

Speaking of this, Avril stopped talking, and looked at Liu Xu with affectionate eyes: "I don't know how to tell you, how grateful I am. You wrote me the best script in the world, and You gave us hope; you saved me from that satyr... Oh, you are like an angel, a real angel, the gods answered our prayers and sent you from the sky to us Come around and save us from danger..."

Tears of excitement flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't say a word.

Liu Xu hugged Avril tightly, he ran his fingers across her face, and then lightly imprinted a word on Avril's fiery lips.

Don't let Avril's face turn red and hot, and then she suddenly hugged him...

After a long time, Avril let go of Liu Xu, looked at him obsessively, and murmured: "I want to try."

"What?" Liu Xu was taken aback.

"You don't need to make any promises to me, this is what I want." Avril blushed and said softly, "I taste the taste of that forbidden fruit."

Forbidden. Fruit this time, Liu Xu really wanted to know who discovered it, but it made him feel uncontrollable just hearing Avril uttering it.

Does it have offensive spiritual magic?

"You know that, don't you? What I said that day..."

"That's what you said when you were insane, you don't need to take it to heart."

"No, my heart tells me I want you."

Saying that, Avril leaned on Liu Xu's chest, and the two hugged each other tightly.

Natalia and Amri, who were peeking at the window, sighed resentfully.

"I knew she would fall into that guy's clutches sooner or later." Natalia sat.

"We should be thankful that we made an early move." Amri also sat down and said very dissatisfied: "Now Avril Lavigne is coming later. In this matter, she has to thank us for our generosity."

Liu Xu's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear: "If you are so generous, why don't you join together?"

The two girls looked up in astonishment, only to see Liu Xu smiling narrowly at them at the window.

"Ah!" the girls screamed together, and ran to their rooms at the same time.

Liu Xu withdrew his reluctant eyes, and looked back at Avril, the head of the group showed infinite hope in his eyes.

"Nobody bothers us now, does it?" she said with a smile.

"Yes." Liu Xu smiled, and he walked towards Avril Lavigne, "I am a person who keeps my word, so I have come to fulfill the original agreement..."

"Promise? Ah... scoundrel!"

The so-called agreement in Liu Xu's mouth is naturally mentioned when he left the message, and the next meeting will take away Avril's first time...

Naturally, Natalia and Amri did not join in. This night, Liu Xu belonged to Avril Lavigne alone, and of course the other way around was also true.

The next day, Liu Xu got up quietly, leaving Avril still asleep, and left the room.

Liu Xu saw Natalia and Amri walking towards him.

The two girls have been entangled with Liu Xu these days like glue, nourished by beautiful love, and become more and more touching.


The cute little faces were filled with smiles like the coming of spring. The two women ran towards Liu Xu, hugged Liu Xu and kissed him on the left and right cheeks.

Natalia said: "Why did you get up so early?"

Before Liu Xu could open his mouth, Amri laughed and said, "I must have had a good time last night!"

"You villain, it's okay to bully me and Amri, even Avril..." Natalia acted like a baby to Liu Xu, "You have attracted everyone."

"This may be the most beautiful compliment for a man." Liu Xu laughed.

"Maybe today... you will want the three of you together..." Natalia gave him a very tempting proposal.

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