Save the Two-dimensional Devil

Page 374

Yin, without even making a move, was crushed to dust by the burst of energy from Teigu in Liu Xu's hand.

One move, death.

What kind of move is that weird Teigu?

very scary!

However, Liu Xu couldn't survive such a strong explosion!

In addition to relying on instinct to attack, Yin's body also hides a powerful bomb, which will choose to explode when invincible, and the resulting explosion is so powerful that it is terrifying even if you watch it from a distance.

The explosion light ball gradually dimmed and dissipated.

The expressions on the faces of the remaining three girls froze and suddenly became terrified.

The high temperature of the explosion did not dissipate, and a figure was indistinct in the distorted air.

He looks down on all beings with indifference.

"Silver is fine, now I'm here to save you."

Liu Xu didn't have the slightest ups and downs in his tone, as if he was stating an ordinary thing.

Although the three women had the tendency to encircle Liu Xu in a triangular shape, they fell into deathly silence.

With a flash in front of his eyes, the surrounded Liu Xu disappeared suddenly.

not good!

Wu Min was startled, but immediately her powerful fighting instinct drove her to calm down.

In the blink of an eye, an afterimage appeared in front of her.

Liu Xu's speed was extremely fast.

Wu Min's eyes turned cold, and at some point, two scimitars appeared in her hands.

The body of the scimitar showed a strange dark green, and the light flowed, as if there was a cloud of mist churning inside.

Servant, Wushuangyue Slash!

Wu Min stabbed Liu Xu with the scimitar in his right hand, the green light of the scimitar rose sharply, and countless green threads of light rushed out from the sword, entangled Liu Xu who was rushing towards him.

Facing the light thread, Liu Xu didn't have the slightest fear, and the light in his eyes soared. Just now, with the momentum, Adayos was in his hand.

Adayos in his hand suddenly let out a deep and loud whimper, and black mist spewed out from the sickle, but it seemed to be cut open by the knife.

The clouds all over the sky stirred and rolled under this slash, but Adayus's blade did not tremble at all, even under such an astonishing momentum.

"Reaper's Scythe!"

Liu Xu's eyes lit up with a strange light, and his whole aura changed dramatically, as majestic and unshakable as a mountain.

Witnessing this move, Pony and Chikushi's expressions suddenly changed.

The two women shot at the same time.

Amidst a loud whimper, Adayos slashed at the dense green light.

Those crazy green filaments of light instantly disintegrated.

Wu Min's complexion changed drastically, this tyrannical slash made her feel suffocated.

With the power from the light thread, the scimitar in his left hand flicked suddenly, and a green circle of light suddenly appeared.

Her body suddenly turned into a phantom and was pulled into the light circle.

Just as Wu Min's figure disappeared, Adayosi slashed towards him with sobs and black air all over the sky.


There was a scalp-numbing trill, and the chopping light gathered by the black mist flew out from the blade.

Wu Min dodged quickly, but Zhan Mang was faster than her, and also broke out the most powerful defense.

In front of the black Zhanmang, the light of defensive energy that had just lit up on Wu Min's body was as fragile as a bubble and burst into pieces.

The black slashing light slashed past, as if torn apart, the shattered light rained, and flesh and blood flew across.

Wu Min didn't even have time to blew herself up, so she was killed.

The ground was effortlessly plowed out a road.

Zhuzi and Boni's sneak attack also touched Liu Xu's side, but the two women groaned at the same time, they only felt a numbness in their hands, and then they were shocked to find that Liu Xu's surroundings were rippling with fine ripples.

Thinking of the scene where Yin was dismembered by the fine ripples and rained blood all over the sky, the hearts of the two women trembled.

At this time, the Zhanmang, which was still in the momentum, sank heavily into the ground.


The ground trembled, and a cut mark over a hundred meters long, like an ugly but terrifying wound, appeared in front of the eyes of the two women.

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Chapter 737 The trick, I have it too

ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

"How could this be?"

Nelia, who was a little lost, looked at the figure that looked like a demon god, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Liu Xu's shocking blow just now was so powerful that it completely exceeded Nelia's imagination, but this was not the reason for her being in a daze.

"No, it's not true..."

In Nelia's eyes, the terrifying cut marks on the ground are like a crack leading to another world, which contains endless dangers.

The surrounding temperature seemed to suddenly become much colder, and her heart also cooled down a little bit.

Because Nelia felt that Liu Xu was really killing people, how could he do this?

Those are all his women!

Liu Xu kept saying that he was not playing tricks on them, but that he had feelings for them, but what he is doing now...

Pony and Chikushi's expressions became serious, and their eyes showed hesitation and hesitation involuntarily.

But the feet were nailed in place like a nail, without a trace of retreat.

Liu Xu's eyes glowed with a strange luster, like a red-hot iron, radiating blazing heat indifferently.

so eye-catching.

Bonnie suddenly sneered: "How many more attacks can you do?"

Liu Xu said in a deep voice, "Have you been deprived of the right to speak?"

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Xu's place just now was empty.

Bonnie only felt a chill behind him, and his face changed drastically, not good!

She reacted extremely quickly, and the weapon in her left hand was hastily blocked behind her.


A powerful and heavy slash hit the weapon so hard that Bonnie felt the heat in his palm and almost couldn't hold the weapon.

However, she knew that life and death were at stake, so she clenched her sword tightly.


Bonnie's throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body flew out as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Weapons shattered, bodies shattered, people died!

"I remember, you didn't use weapons before!" Liu Xu looked up at Zhuzi, "Only Chikushi sauce is left."

There was a box in front of Chikushi at some point, the box was full of light, and in the earthy yellow light, phantoms of poisonous snakes were swimming in it and neighing.

Court tool, Pandora's box.

Chikushi's fair and slender fingers exude a luster like jade, which involuntarily attracts Liu Xu's attention.

Ten fingers fluttered like clouds and flowing water, and the handprints kept changing, while the box suspended in front of her exploded with light, and countless snake shadows bit Liu Xu.

"Your weapon, Prometheus, do you still remember it?" Liu Xu's bloody eyes, which had always been strange, did not change a bit. He said softly, "It's with my friend. I'll help you get it back next time!"

The huge sickle appeared in front of Liu Xu again out of thin air.

That is……

Oh oh oh!

The sobbing sound was so deep that it made the scalp tremble, and instantly suppressed other voices.

Layers of extremely fine ripples spread from Adayus' blade to the surroundings.

"I will destroy those bastards of the Imperial Academy of Sciences!"

As if he could feel Liu Xu's state of mind, amidst the long howls that filled the sky, Adayosi vibrated more violently, the ripples around the blade became finer and finer, and the deep whimpering trembled as if the whole world was trembling.

Adayus was so powerful, Chikuzi's face changed drastically.

In her horrified and unbelievable eyes, Adayos turned into a phantom and bumped into her snake shadow.

The snake shadow shattered into a thin awn.

Chikushi's face turned pale, her hands numb in the seal, a terrible vibration spread from her palms, and the blood in her body was churning.

Chikushi's slender and white jade-like ten fingers were trembling non-stop, and the corners of her mouth were bloodstained.

Adayosi, who smashed the snake shadow without hesitation, slashed at the Pandora's box in front of Tsukushi like a fired shell.

The snake shadow in the light of the box, before it could whimper, the light shattered suddenly, and countless cracks appeared in the box, Chikushi was struck by lightning, blood spilled into the sky, and his figure fell to the ground like a kite with broken strings.

Xiangxiaoyu died.

Liu Xu took out the Nether Twins [substitute dolls], and the souls of the four girls Yin, Wu Min, Bonnie and Zhuzi sank into it like a swallow.

Back to Nelia, Liu Xu put the necklace Teigu around her neck and said with a smile, "Okay, help me take good care of them."

"Wow..." Nelia threw herself into Liu Xu's arms with a wow, and burst into tears.

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