Saving The Villain Boy

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Moon night

Yan Qiwei thought for a long time but couldn’t think of the essentials, so she couldn’t let it go.

There is an old Chinese saying that soldiers come to cover the water. She thinks that people are still sane, and even if there is something wrong, she will do her best to solve it.

After the dinner, Yan Ziluo preempted Liang Xiao to suggest sending her home. Yan Qiwei was exhausted physically and mentally, and fell asleep shortly after returning to the room.

Opening his eyes again, it really went back to seven years ago.

What she saw in front of her was a pure and flawless white. She frowned and tried to sit up, and heard Aunt Shen yelling: “Weiwei is awake! How are you feeling?”

The unbearable pain in her heart has long since faded, and Yan Qiwei strenuously gave her a smile: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

“How can it be said that it’s okay? You’ve been in a coma for two days!” Aunt Shen said, raising the pillow behind her, so that her back and head can rest on the soft cotton, “That group of gangsters is really a crime, why? I have the heart to start with the two children! If it weren’t for Old Chen to arrive in time, I don’t know how things will turn out.”

Her heart seemed to be pierced by a needle, and Yan Qiwei hurriedly said: “Aunt Shen, how is Liang Xiao with him?”

“My eldest lady, you must not get excited. It is not good for your health. He has not suffered any injuries and is now at the police station with your parents.” Aunt Shen sighed, “But you have to be mentally prepared when the time comes. Don’t be scared by him. The doctor said that the stimulation aggravated his condition. Liang Xiao’s current symptoms are completely different from the previous ones-as if he was going crazy, several doctors and nurses were injured by him. .”

She felt as if she was crushed by a heavy stone in her heart. After thinking for a long time, she wanted to say nothing. After a while, she said in a low voice, “How about those bastards?”

“Oh, they.” Aunt Shen frowned and made a completely disdainful expression. “The boys wanted to run, but Old Chen used to be a soldier, so he knocked them down. Now We are locked in the police station. Your parents are very angry after this happened. Don’t worry, they will definitely vent your anger for you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the ward was gently pushed open.

The people here were Liang Qi and Chen Jiayi.

The expressions of the couple were obviously tired and haggard. When they saw their daughter waking up, the eyes were filled with a smile.

Chen Jiayi was so distressed that she softly asked, “How is Weiwei? Is it still painful? Let her mother hug her.”

After speaking, she embraced a warm and soft embrace, and Yan Qiwei held up her spirit: “Liang Xiao, how is he… okay?”

Immediately after her question sounded, Liang Qi’s calm and low voice: “Son, Weiwei is asking about you. Why are you standing outside the door? Come in.”

Yan Qiwei raised her head in response, and she saw Liang Xiao as a teenager at the door.

His originally pale and clear face was now almost bloodless, his thin lips pressed into a straight line with no curvature, and a little red blood faintly overflowed in his black eyes.

The boy’s gaze fell on her cautiously, and then moved away hastily and restrained.

They did not speak, but Chen Jiayi’s laugh cut through the silence: “You two, when you didn’t meet, you kept asking each other what was going on. Why don’t you say a word now? Really? Enough for the heart and soul.”

Yan Qiwei took a deep breath, lowered her eyes and smiled.

“It’s fine.”

Both of them asked for leave from school and were allowed to rest at home for a week.

In fact, Yan Qiwei’s body is no longer a serious problem. Since the real Liang Wei passed away and she took over to this time and space, except for the heart-piercing pain every time she crossed, she did not have any discomfort for the rest of the time.

Maybe it’s because this body is dead a long time ago.

After returning home from the hospital, Liang Xiao’s attitude towards her was obviously much colder.

He rarely laughs, avoids any physical contact deliberately, shuts himself in a room alone in his free time, and never speaks to him, even if he occasionally responds, it is only a few words.

This sudden change left her at a loss and at a loss. After thinking about it, she finally realized that Liang Xiao was afraid of hurting her.

Now he is like a man, and he doesn’t know what he will do after the onset of illness. The teenager’s secret and fragile self-esteem does not allow him to pick up what he thinks. In order to avoid unconscious attacks after a manic episode, Liang Xiao can only keep away from everyone around him.

Delicate but jerky, like a gentle fool.

Except for her secret love for Liang Xiao for so many years, Yan Qiwei has always said that she can’t hide her thoughts, so she knocked on Liang Xiao’s door on the second evening after returning home.

At this moment, Liang Bozhong participated in after-school tutoring. Liang Qi and Chen Jiayi and his wife were busy with work, and only two of them were left in the family.

The muffled hollow of the door panel being knocked reverberated in the quiet air, and no one in the room responded.

Knock again, there is still no sound in the room, it is almost weirdly quiet.

A thought flashed through her mind like lightning, Yan Qiwei gritted her teeth and whispered: “I’m here.”

Opening the door, he saw Liang Xiao curled up on the bed.

There was no rain outside the window, and the heavy twilight was like splashing ink overwhelming the sky, smudging under the dome wantonly. A crescent moon showed a shy half-face from the dark clouds, shedding some radiance, Lingling fell on the pale cheeks of the young man.

Hearing the door opening, Liang Xiao looked up ignorantly.

The bangs were soaked in sweat and drooped in front of his forehead finely; the dark pupils were no longer clear from the past, as if they were covered with a layer of gray mist, bloodshot entangled like crazy vines, and his gaze was confined.

He trembled all over, like a lonely and helpless little beast behind bars.

The evening breeze blew the branches and leaves in front of the window, sending the rustling sound to the ears, but the room was extremely quiet, even the slow pacing of the second hand of the alarm clock was clearly audible.

Yan Qiwei felt that even her breathing was stagnant, and she caught a glimpse of the hazy water mist under his eyes, as well as long wet eyelashes.

The water vapor caught her heart, making her so distressed that she couldn’t breathe, her eyes were sore, she was about to cry.

It turns out that when I deeply like someone, I really feel the same for his pain.

“Liang Xiao.”

She called his name softly, but she didn’t know how to comfort her. All the words were extremely pale, unable to relieve the unbearable pain in the slightest.

The boy took a deep breath, trying to make his voice sound more stable: “Get out.”

Now even the simplest breathing has become a painful torture for him. Whenever you breathe in a breath of air, even the smallest rhythm of your body will pull on the fragile pain nerve, causing the tearing sensation to spread all over your body suddenly.

There was no light in the room. Before she came in, the only light source was a broken crescent. The moonlight in the evening was also cold, and when Liang Xiao raised his head and looked at the curved arc, he felt that it was also mocking him sadly.

Being cowardly, inferior, taciturn, and knowing when will become a mad dog who bites people without reason, alone is also retribution.

Until the little girl opened the door and came in.

Draped in the gentle light of the incandescent lamp in the corridor, the wind pouring into the room from the screen window was stepped on by her, and the shadows of the trees flicked past, revealing her dazzling eyes.

The light in her eyes, as if it was radiant and warm, melted into the night lightly, quietly dissolving a certain kind of affection that had been frozen in his heart for a long time.

Liang Xiao lost consciousness for a moment.

For no reason, he wanted to get closer to her, like a dying flying insect delusional to pounce on the light.

But he didn’t dare, let alone couldn’t.

The dryness in my heart turned into a beast waiting for an opportunity to break through the imprisonment at any time, showing sharp minions.

She can’t get hurt.

Yan Qiwei didn’t speak, and took a step forward.

Liang Xiao deliberately avoided other people, indicating that he had drawn himself away from them in his heart. If she turned and left at this time, it would only aggravate his feelings of inferiority and disgust.

Thinking of Liang Xiao’s cold and cruel gaze on campus, she was not without fear, but how could Yan Qiwei leave him behind.

Sixteen-year-old Yan Qiwei lives as she pleases. She has parents who spoil her, her naughty and arrogant brother, and a lot of friends with different personalities. For her, companionship and warmth are cheap goods that can be seen everywhere, but Liang Xiao is different.

At the age of sixteen, he cut off all contact with the past and came to the new home of the imperial capital alone. His parents were too busy with work and most of his classmates were curious and watched. The young world was quiet and empty, and the only person with him was her.

Once she turned and left, Liang Xiao really had no one to rely on.

Seeing her stepping forward, Liang Xiao struggled to prop up her body and moved back slightly.

As if she was an untouchable scourge.

Yan Qiwei sat quietly on the edge of the bed, facing the boy’s face pale in the moonlight.

“I’m not afraid,” she said softly, “so don’t be afraid, I am here.”

This sentence turned into a key, carefully opening the box in Liang Xiao’s heart.

Those sad, unbearable memories were washed away in one fell swoop, turned into distant and vaguely dim dust, and there was only a soft glow around them.

This is the warmth that he never dared to dream of.

Yan Qiwei raised her eyes and reached out to touch the bottom of his eyes soaked with tears. The place where the fingertips touched was cold, and her movements were extremely gentle, worried that she might frighten him with a little effort.

They were very close, and the girl’s slight breath followed the night breeze to the place close at hand, quietly dyeing the ears of the red Liang Xiao’s white ears.

He held his breath, his eyelashes swayed up and down like a small fan, his divergent eyes gathered little by little, and a new layer of light gathered at the bottom of his eyes.

He was so fond of the touch of the girl in front of him, and even the soft, feathery touch could not fill the gully in his heart, and wanted to further embrace her in his arms.

This thought made him faintly panicked and confused, and at the same time, he was a little bit inexplicably excited.

Yan Qiwei didn’t know what he was thinking, only that Liang Xiao seemed to have survived the most painful time.

The boy’s tight body unconsciously relaxed, and finally began to breathe gently. His eyes were red and swollen, and the tip of his nose and cheeks were also dyed eye-catching red. Yan Qiwei has always seen him indifferent and arrogant. At first glance, the lone wolf has become a little rabbit, which looks too alluring.

Hold on, Yan Qiwei, he is just a child!

She warned herself righteously in her heart, and on the surface she pretended to be careless and smiled and told him: “Liang Xiao, you are so cute.”

At this time, the night was completely suppressed, the daylight was swallowed, and the moonlight was sultry, like water rippling on her face.

Yan Qiwei paused and continued: “Touching other people’s bodies is actually not as difficult as you think, right? I will try to contact others in the future, okay?”

Liang Xiao lowered his head to conceal the flushing on his cheeks, and said with a smile, “Yes.”

He would not tell her that the reason why he would accept it so naturally was only because that person was her.

“Stop crying.” Yan Qiwei squeezed his nose inch by inch. It turned out to be soft, “Otherwise the moon will laugh at you.”

This sentence was childish and caused Liang Xiao to chuckle.

Seeing that his condition has improved, she stood up and stretched out her hand to him: “Can you come down?”

Liang Xiao nodded and got out of bed with Yan Qiwei’s palm.

Because he curled up on the bed for too long, after the soles of the feet touched the ground, the parts below the calves numb uncontrollably, he staggered forward one by one, and Yan Qiwei stepped forward, trying to hold him.

So he jumped straight on her, and Yan Qiwei subconsciously clasped Liang Xiao’s waist with her arm.

Yan Qiwei’s eyes widened, and a bunch of fireworks exploded in her mind as if she was scratched by the paws of a young cat.

The whole body was wrapped in the scalding heat of the teenager, she thought faintly, she must be blushing, otherwise why the whole head was hot and numb, and she was so dizzy that she couldn’t think clearly.

His hair is black and his breathing is rapid and warm.

Waist…is soft.

The author has something to say: I will not abuse it!

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