Saving the Villain

Chapter 171 He Was Fine

The next day…

Since Maxen stayed over at Luke's place, Cosette had to travel all alone to school for the first time in a long time. But Conrad, for obvious reasons, offered to give his daughter a ride to school.

In the past, Cosette would only ask him to drop her at the bus stop. But since their talk last night, she didn't ask for such a thing and stayed as the driver drove past her usual stop.

"I thought Maxen returned last night." Conrad broke the stifling silence dominating the backseat.

"He stayed out," she muttered, glancing to his side. "Luke ran away from home and Maxen was worried since the second young master Quinn rented a place near the school. The area and the place are far different from what Luke grew up in, so Maxen was worried."

Conrad arched a brow as his eyes fell on her. "The second young master Quinn did?"

"Mhm… He looked determined."

His lips parted, but Conrad zipped his mouth again. A shallow breath slipped past his lips, leaning back, propping his elbow on the armrest attached to the door.

"And why would the second young master Quinn run away from home?" he asked just for the sake of continuing the conversation.

"He probably got scolded because of me?"

Conrad gazed back at her. "Because of you?"

"Papa, I sold him out to his father, remember?" Cosette let out a short sigh. "I was just concerned about him since he was being involved with the wrong crowd. I didn't think he'd get scolded so badly he would run away from home."

"Did he tell you that's the reason?"

"No, but what else could be the reason if not for that?"

"Cosette." Conrad adjusted his position to face her squarely. "Believe me or not, but I highly doubt that is the reason."

"Papa, you don't have to worry about me and make me feel good."

"I'm not." He shook his head. "I just know Maynard Quinn and he might scold his sons, but for an entirely different reason."


Conrad let out a shallow breath. "That guy… don't scold his sons ruthlessly. I might sound like I'm defending him, but I'm not. He won't scold Luke for skipping class, but rather, for getting found out. That's the type of man Maynard is."

"Then… Why did Luke run away?" she frowned. "I already thought it was weird, but he looked determined. Luke is an arrogant guy, but he got himself a shabby place means his reasons are deep."

"I'm not sure and it's not something I should concern myself with," he remarked, catching her glance at him. "But should I let his father know? So you won't get worried?"

"Papa, how can I do that? I am worried, but I don't want to get into their family problems." Her frown deepened as she sighed deeply. "All I can do right now is to give him moral support. Moreover, Maxen is there with him. So… I think that's good enough already."

"I see…" Conrad rocked his head in understanding.

Silence followed his remarks as neither of them talked for minutes. He would glance at Cosette from time to time, seeing her sigh each time.

Last night, Cosette was determined and spewed ridiculous remarks such as wanting someone dead. As a father, it alarmed him on so many levels. However, now that he looked at her and conversed with her, he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. At the very least, Cosette didn't seem completely invested in that dreadful idea.

Conrad slowly peeled his eyes away from Cosette to the window.

'Maxen and Luke…' he thought. 'Those two remind me of Maynard and Rocco.'

An inexplicable glint flickered across his eyes as he recalled the friendship he used to have. Back then, life was much simpler than how it was in the previous years.

'Life… surely has its twisted way of turning things around.'


The rest of the ride to school was silent. Every once in a while, Cosette would talk to her father regarding his agenda for today until Conrad dropped her off at the bus stop.

pA n,dan(-)0ve1.c0m After bidding him a sweet goodbye, Cosette walked to get to her school. It was early – too early since she didn't have to go through the usual stops the bus would make.


Cosette turned and saw Sarah jogging from across the street. She stopped and smiled until Sarah reached her.

"You're early," Sarah pointed, fixing her bag that was clinging to her shoulder.

"My dad dropped me off," explained Cosette, keeping it short and simple.

The two of them resumed, walking slower on their way to school. There were already other students walking in the same street, but unlike usual, they were the early birds.

"Sarah, how is home?" Cosette asked out of plain curiosity, remembering that Sarah was an early bird because she didn't want to stay home.

"It's… the same." Sarah smiled awkwardly, and that's Cosette's cue to stop prying. "Don't worry. I'm used to it by now, but thanks."

"Sarah, you know that I'm always here to listen if you need an ear to vent, right?"

A subtle smile turned up on Sarah's face. "That's why I'm thankful." she chuckled. "Anyway, don't you live near Maxen's place? That's why you two always go to school together? Is he absent? Or was he sick? You didn't fight, did you?"

"No." Cosette chuckle. "Maxen… will probably get late."


"Also, why did you think we fought? Even if we have, we'd most likely ignore each other."

"I'm just concerned." Sarah smacked her lips. "After all, Remo is back to school and they're bad news."


"They used to bully Max."

"He was bullied, but people think they're Max's friends."

"That's because they eventually became friends."

"Huh…" Cosette snapped her eyes at Sarah, treading carefully not to trip. "Sarah, what makes everyone think they eventually became Maxen's friend?"

"Because… they suddenly looked like friends?" Sarah shrugged. "I'm not sure about the real story, but there's just this sudden change in Remo and Maxen's relationship before Remo was detained in the juvie. But what I know is that it's not a gradual change, but a sudden one. It's weird, but we don't want to pry because we don't want to be a subject of bullying."

Sarah then leaned in and whispered. "They're really scary. I heard that they even commit r*pe and video it to blackmail girls."

"That's… sick." Cosette frowned, watching Sarah draw away with a shrug.

"It can be just a rumor, but there's no smoke without a fire."

Cosette sighed. "So, they're really bad news, huh?"

"That's why I'm a little worried that Maxen is absent."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Yesterday, remember?" Sarah frowned and sighed faintly. "You pressed Wyn's nerves. He might pick on you, but don't worry, we won't leave your side in case they ambush you or purposely trouble you."

"Ahh… haha…" Cosette chuckled, looking back at Sarah with admiration. "That's sweet, but don't worry. I'm strong."

"But it won't hurt to fight with a group. I'm sure many of our classmates will step in if the worst happens."

Cosette chuckled again, shaking her head at Sarah's determination. As she did so, she caught Sarah's shoes. Unlike usual, Sarah was wearing sneakers, causing Cosette to raise her eyes at her friend.

Winter High wasn't particularly strict with the student's uniforms. Or rather, the school just gave up on practicing such strict rules because most of the students were troublemakers and stubborn.

Despite that, Sarah had always followed the student dress code. She was a role model, so seeing she was breaking the dress code for the first time since Cosette transferred only told Cosette one thing.

Sarah came to school prepared for the worse.

"You didn't get in trouble yesterday, did you?" Sarah turned to Cosette, only to see the latter smiling gently at her. "Hm? Is there something wrong with my face?"

"No, there's nothing." Cosette shook her head and decided to not point out Sarah's sneakers. "It's just that something happened, and we had to leave school early."

"Yeah, I heard. We're really worried. Especially Fay and Amie. They were restless, and only did they calm down when we were told that your uncle picked you up."

"Yes. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It's fine. I mean, that's better than hearing the news that those guys beat you and Maxen up."

"Haha. We're fine. Maxen is fine too."

Cosette and Sarah chatted as they reached the school gates. For the most part, the two were smiling and giggling like how friends would do. They didn't rush since it was too early, but when they reached their classroom, the two of them stopped by the door.

"Cozie, did you say Max was fine?" Sarah asked awkwardly, eyes locked inside their classroom.

"Uh… he was…" Cosette cringed. "... but I think he — they had quite a night."

Cosette let out a sigh and glanced at Sarah. At the same time, Sarah also looked back at her before they set their eyes on the two male students — Maxen and Luke — looking back at them from their chairs with dark bags under their eyes.

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