Saving Wang

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Love Lunch (Part Ⅰ)

A love lunch was something really tempting. However, the husband, Wang Weixi, had never expected this, because the wife, Chen Kexin, was obviously not suitable for appearing in such beautiful scenes. However, there can be unforeseen circumstances one day, and even if the dog was in a hurry, he could still jump over the wall. In order to promote the relationship between husband and wife, sometimes Chen Kexin would do something. However, Wang Weixi would say that he had suffered.

Today, Chen Kexin suddenly felt an urge to send food to Wang Weixi. It was really sudden because the ribs in the refrigerator looked like it was about to go bad.

So Chen Kexin sat on the sofa and began to harass Chen Keren and Yi Duanfang, hoping that the two of them could come to her side quickly.

Chen Kexin, who had no job, only remembered Wang Weixi who wanted to work and earn money to buy food for her, but she completely ignored the fact that Yi Duanfang, who was in the same company as Wang Weixi, was busy with his role as a big director, and she also ignored the fact that Chen Keren was working as the creative director of the creative company of a top design firm.

The tenderness of a wife was really touching, but the difference in the treatment of one’s wife was really outrageous.

However, it was strange that Yi Duanfang, unexpectedly, leisurely drove to Chen Kexin’s home in spite of his busy schedule, and Chen Keren also appeared downstairs almost at the same time as him.

“Hey, you’re here too!” Yi Duanfang seemed to have forgotten the awkward conversation last night and had resumed his usual casual manner. He wore a tight white suit, red close-fitting pants and a pair of white canvas shoes. His golden hair was gently blown by the wind, which was particularly provocative.

A charming smile appeared on that beautiful face.

Chen Keren was really glad that he didn’t greet her with orchid fingers this time, otherwise, she would have made sure he knew what free fall was!

“Hey, hey, why are you glaring at me so early in the morning?” Yi Duanfang spoke with a bit of anger because he had greeted Chen Keren with such “enthusiasm” and this was the reaction he got.

Chen Keren gave him a blank look and said coldly, “You give me a normal point.”

Yi Duanfang stuck out his tongue and then assumed a look of indifference.

The two went upstairs.

No one spoke the entire way.

Chen Keren felt a little regret in her heart as if they had exhausted the common topics that the two of them should have had.

“Well, do you know why she is looking for us?” Yi Duanfang suddenly asked nervously before Chen Keren knocked on the door.

Chen Keren looked at him strangely and asked, “Don’t you know?”

Yi Duanfang put on an expression of “why should I know” and blinked at Chen Keren.

Chen Keren slapped her forehead. “This person used to be so clever and extremely brilliant. How is it that after being around Chen Kexin for a long time he has become so dumb?” (In fact, she was the same as Yi Duanfang)

“Mr. Yi Duanfang, I’m very curious. You don’t know what it is, so you left work and came here?” said Chen Keren, wanting to beat the man in front of her. Looking at her watch, it was already ten o’clock…

Yi Duanfang touched his chin, thought for a moment, and then said, “Kexin kept harassing me and said that she had a surprise for me.” He was really naive.

Chen Keren made a look that said, “you are hopeless” and then knocked at the door.

“What exactly is going on, then?” Yi Duanfang grabbed Chen Keren’s sleeve and asked cautiously. He suddenly realized that if he went in, he would be with the two witches, and if they wanted to torture him, he could only “accept it calmly” because if he did not, he would die.

The optimist Yi Duanfang believed a certain principle: life was unpredictable. From time to time, evil people would coerce you and trick you. Since it was unavoidable, then just enjoy it.

Chen Kexin ran to open the door at the speed of Mars hitting the earth and saw Yi Duanfang’s bitter face.

She asked curiously, “Sister Duanfang, what’s the matter with you? Is it because you ate too much seafood last night and now have diarrhea?” She had been thinking in her heart that her sister Duanfang could not go to work because he had diarrhea, and therefore he could come to her place because he could not go to work.

Oh, if this wasn’t the case, then did he come only to see Keren? If so, then she could take him as the volunteer for her test as she liked.

As she thought of this, her eyes flashed and she smiled at Yi Duanfang.

Yi Duanfang felt his hair stand on end as he glanced at Chen Kexin and said, “Last night’s seafood seemed to have been finished by someone by the time we returned.”

Chen Kexin turned her head up 45 degrees and looked at the chandelier, suddenly recalling last night…

“Ahem… then why is your face so gray?”

Yi Duanfang looked at Chen Keren with a bewildered look as if asking, “Is it?”

When Chen Kexin saw the exchange of glances, she suddenly opened her mouth and cried out ecstatically. “Ah! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! It turned out to be so! You… you… you!!!”

Yi Duanfang shouted helplessly. “What’s wrong with us?!”

Chen Keren’s face was also red and white, waiting for Chen Kexin. Had her rootless sister’s brain always been this involved?

But then, Chen Kexin shyly hit Yi Duanfang and then said coyly, “Oh, you don’t have to be shy, Sister Duanfang, I know, I know.”

What do you know?! Yi Duanfang stared at her in exasperation. He then turned face to face Chen Keren, hoping that she would teach her idiot sister a good lesson.

But Chen Kexin got even more excited, saying, “You don’t have to explain. I won’t be angry, really! You young people always have a youthful spirit, don’t you think? What was that, the night when the moon was blue and the stars were thin, and two people… feel the heat or something. It is normal, wouldn’t you say so?”

“What do I need to say? The two of us are whiter than milk! What has your mind been thinking up all day?” Unable to bear it any longer, Yi Duanfang finally spoke.

“Life, you are too strong this time. Rape is too violent and has no aesthetic feeling at all. I quit.”

Chen Kexin looked at him with a sympathetic expression, then clapped him heavily on the shoulder and solemnly said, “Young man, beginning today, your sister-in-law will not call you Sister Duanfang anymore. From today onward, my evil sister will be handed over to you. Although she is very powerful, she does things with high standards. Every time she hits you, she will not kill you. This I promise personally.”

Yi Duanfang wanted to cry. If anyone rolled in the sheets with this kind of woman, it was likely that the next day there would be a dismembered body and also all parts of his body spread everywhere. No, actually, with Chen Keren’s sultriness, maybe his body would travel around the world. Ah, how wonderful ah.

Chen Keren helplessly motioned with her hand and said, “Don’t waste time on such boring things, and don’t forget today’s things.”

She spoke to Chen Kexin in a sincerely helpless manner. However, since she knew that she liked Yi Duanfang, she did not hate Chen Kexin’s misunderstanding at all. On the contrary, she began to have a little regret. Why didn’t she think of it? Last night was really a good opportunity. It was a dark night when flowers were picked. The kind where a lover would say, “The Peng Gate opens tonight for you.”

If Chen Kexin and Yi Duanfang knew what she was thinking, they would vomit blood. Sure enough, people with foreign education… were bold and unrestrained. (But dear, can you not use classical poetry when you are unrestrained… Spoiling the poetry!)

Chen Kexin nodded and said, “Yes, yes, there’s a reason why I called you here.”

Yi Duanfang face did not look good as he asked, “What is it?”

Chen Kexin ambiguously said, “You gave your sister-in-law such a big surprise this morning. Of course, my sister will also give you a big surprise~”

Yi Duanfang vomited three liters of blood, declaring that he had been aggrieved by Chen Kexin.

“If I do, at least I will die without regret…”

He complained.

Chen Keren coughed twice, and the corners of her mouth revealed a smile.

Yi Duanfang slapped his forehead. Chen Keren, the devil sister, had been misunderstood, but she was not angry and laughed at him.

Was it said that the mistress who was pressed under a sissy boy felt very happy?

However, Yi Duanfang suddenly realized that if the two of them were to be together, it was obvious that the one who would be pressured was he…

So he continued vomiting three liters of blood.

“I want to give my dear husband a surprise. I want to go to the company to send him food,” Chen Kexin said with a happy face as if the person who would be sent food was herself.

The whole room was silent for three seconds.

Chen Keren seems to have known for this for a while and had mobilized all the cells of her body to accept this extravagant and unrealistic idea, while Yi Duanfang was completely panicking. Hearing Chen Kexin say these words was more ridiculous than hearing her say that he and Chen Keren, that siren, had rolled in the sheets… Bullshit.

“But, you know, this kind of egg is not something everyone can pull off,” Yi Duanfang said solemnly.

Chen Kexin blinked her eyes innocently, then held out her hand and pulled at his tender face and said, “I can, ah.”

“This egg is not just an egg,” Yi Duanfang said through clenched teeth.

Chen Kexin, however, solemnly explained. “A face is also an egg.”

So, “Face is an Egg” won.

Chen Keren quietly looked at the two most bullshit people there as she surveyed the kitchen. “Chen Kexin this woman, can she really do it? She can’t even cut vegetables?!”

“Duanfang, good brother-in-law.” All of a sudden, Chen Kexin delicately cried out.

Yi Duanfang’s body became numb and he had goosebumps. He shook out three more liters. Today, by the time he came out of Wang Weixi’s house, he would have taken off his skin and had a massive hemorrhage.

“Say it. Be quick.” Yi Duanfang used his hand to fan his cheek.

Chen Kexin said coyly, “Brother-in-law Duanfang…”

This time Yi Duanfang didn’t have to speak. Chen Keren had already said, “Forget it.”

When Chen Kexin heard this, she immediately said earnestly, “I heard that Brother-in-law Duanfang is clever and skillful, and his cooking is incomparable, especially his knife skills. Is this really true?”

Yi Duanfang froze for one moment, then shook again, then opened his mouth wide and after a long time, asked, “You scum, do you want me to do it for you?”

“This is another story! No, this is just robbing others of their credit!”

Chen Kexin hurriedly shook her head and said, “How could it be? Duanfang, is your sister-in-law so shameless?”

“No, you are not so shameless in my heart, because you are more shameless than this.” Yi Duanfang lamented.

Chen Kexin naturally didn’t see the meaning contained in Yi Duanfang’s expression. She continued to explain happily and said, “I just want you to slice the ribs for me.”

“Is it that simple?” Yi Duanfang asked suspiciously.

Chen Kexin pointed with her finger and said, “By the way… remove its bad smell.”

“Chen Kexin, why are you so stingy? Your family has so much money that it can bury a house and yet your conscience finds it acceptable to prepare lunch for your husband using stale ribs? Is this Weixi’s life, you… vicious woman!” Yi Duanfang howled like a wolf, almost to the point of snot and tears.

Chen Kexin coughed awkwardly and said, “Because… because the supermarket is too far…”

When Yi Duanfang heard this, he immediately got up and pulled Chen Kexin and said, “Let’s go and buy spareribs!”

Looking at Yi Duanfang’s serious expression, Chen Keren became somewhat upset. Could her speculation last night be true?

Chen Kexin nodded and suddenly said, “Go with Keren. I still have an episode of anime to watch.”

Yi Duanfang looked at her helplessly, his eyes bitter.

Chen Kexin gave a quick laugh and said shamelessly, “I only waited for Weixi last night, so I didn’t watch.”

“Very well… Chen Kexin, you’re hopeless!” The flustered Yi Duanfang shouted.

Chen Kexin bit her lip and asked miserably, “What did I do wrong? Don’t I just want to give you two more time to be alone? Where do I need to be? Not only did you misunderstand the kindness of others, but you were also so cruel to me, meow… you bullied me.”

Looking at Chen Kexin’s tearful look, Yi Duanfang suddenly softened. So, no matter what bullshit the bloody girl said, he just waved his hand and said, “Well, watch your anime. I’ll go with Chen Keren.”

Chen Keren snorted coldly. “Did I say I want to go?”

“What do the sisters want?”

Yi Duanfang helplessly said, “What’s your problem?” He looked at Chen Keren strangely.

Chen Keren chuckled and did not speak.

“Well then, I’ll do it by myself, won’t I?” Yi Duanfang finally compromised and turned to walk out.

Chen Keren said coldly, “Did I say no?”

“Big Miss Chen, what do you want?!” Yi Duanfang heaved a sigh.

Chen Keren gave him a harsh look, thinking she must be out of her mind to like this kind of man who did not understand amorous feelings! (Ouch, my girl, where did you show your amorous feelings when it was a murderous look?)

She said nothing and went straight to the door. Yi Duanfang stood there, not knowing whether to go or not.

Chen Kexin said with some exasperation, “My silly brother-in-law, why aren’t you going?”

Yi Duanfang was speechless. “…”

“Keren was just being coy with you!” Chen Kexin wished Yi Duanfang would immediately rush to Chen Keren’s side. No, she was very anxious to get them married and have children immediately.

Yi Duanfang’s mouth became O-shaped. Chen Kexin’s words almost deafened his ears. Coquetry? Yi Duanfang looked at Chen Keren at the door in disbelief. At the moment, she had turned her back to him stiffly. Yi Duanfang shook his head desperately and said, “Impossible. If she is being coy, then if she is gentle with others, isn’t that a hint that she is about to kill?!

Chen Kexin didn’t know what else to say, but then she saw Chen Keren turn around. Her face was livid. “Are we going or not?!” She shouted angrily.

Yi Duanfang nodded hurriedly and said, “Come on.” Before leaving, Chen Kexin, who was standing there, received a pointed look that said, “See, how could she be coy?”

When the two left, Chen Kexin shook her head helplessly. She might not be able to understand others, but she was probably the one who knew Chen Keren best in the world.

“Keren ah Keren, your seed of love.” Chen Kexin laughed and then turned and went to the bedroom. Anime was the most important.

No one spoke the entire way.

At home, Chen Kexin watched a cartoon and laughed like a pig. In the supermarket, Yi Duanfang and Chen Keren were stuck in an awkward silence.

Yi Duanfang really didn’t know what was wrong with him. He was full of doubts and did not know what he wanted to buy. He also asked with his eyes if he could take it. Chen Keren didn’t speak either. She just frowned or showed indifference. Frowning meant she didn’t like it, and expressionless meant she reluctantly accept it.

But… Originally, Yi Duanfang didn’t care about Chen Keren’s silence toward him, but he gradually became more and more anxious.

“If you don’t like going to the supermarket, wait here. I’ll buy something for Kexin.” Finally, Yi Duanfang pushed the shopping cart and spoke with some sadness.

Chen Keren raised her eyebrows and asked, “Do you know what my sister likes to eat?”

The tone of the words was as if she had not just been completely angry. Yi Duanfang actually did not understand. Chen Keren saw that Yi Duanfang took such care of Chen Kexin. He was so thoughtful and it gave her mixed feelings. She was both gratified and sad.

The good thing was, if he really became her man, he would be very kind to the only family she cared about. Sadly, this guy did not even ask why she was angry and did not care about her at all.

But she didn’t want to think about it herself. What was the reason why Yi Duanfang didn’t care? Was it not because someone looked like she was going to eat people? Yi Duanfang was afraid to say something wrong and get killed immediately.

He nodded and said, “I took note during my last visit with Kexin.”

Chen Keren’s face darkened and she said, “Then go.”

Yi Duanfang was ready to leave, took a few steps, then suddenly turned around and said, “What about you? Do you have any snacks you want to eat?”

Chen Keren’s heart suddenly felt warm. The corners of her mouth rose slightly. Just as she was about to say, “There is nothing I want to eat,” she saw Yi Duanfang wag his hand unceremoniously as he said, “Why did I even ask, strong women wouldn’t eat these little things.”

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