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Arc I Chapter 7



Arc I Chapter 7



11th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


Where was she? A common question. A simple question. Supposedly. The question wasn't as straightforward as it might seem.


Once again, the question occupied her mind. Once again, the answer eluded her. The twisted gods of fate remained silent, not deeming her worthy of their attention. They didn't respond, and empty silence was her answer.


Where was she? She didn't know, nor did she care. She survived the white hell of nothingness.


Rising from the mud and dirt covered ground, her strength gradually returned and her condition improved. Filth and mud didn't appeal to her. As such, ending their relationship early wasn't much of a tragic lose. It was better for both sides.


Barely able to stand, her legs felt stiff, powerless. Every step challenged her determination. Warm blood circulated through her arteries, but her weakened state didn't pass. Much of her power proved inaccessible. Her mana didn't react. Her magic didn't respond.  


Aurora felt small, vulnerable, weak ... A state she loathed from the depth of her heart. Her terrible headache abated, and her vomit reflex subsided, a definite improvement in these trying times. The purple rift had turned her world upside down.


Barely lucid, Aurora wandered aimlessly across the clearing in search of a tree, seeking protection against the pouring rain and the raging elements. She didn't get far.


Anonymous figures blocked her way. Their presence annoyed her. Her mood had already deteriorated to a critical point after dealing with her fair share of trouble today. Who were these idiots? Not only were they armed, they also possessed the insolence to threaten her.  


Her suspicion increased. Were they friend, or foe? The latter seemed more likely.


Aurora narrowed her eyes. Her instincts concurred, as did her mana. It itched in a way she only knew too well. Her mana yearned, thirsted for battle. How she had missed this feeling, this wonderful, this exhilarating, this blissful euphoria of excitement. Her heart relished every single moment. This was how it felt to be alive.


Her lips smiled in joy, forming the sinister smile of an innocent girl. Aurora studied the enemy. Her enemies observed her, and she observed them. Their stares showed determination, resolution, but also traces of fear. Their eyes betrayed them. These men weren't as steadfast as they believed.


Their solemn faces were hiding the truth, but their hearts didn't lie. They were afraid of her. They feared her.


Aurora stepped forwards. Her steps prompted an immediate reaction. The enemy readied their weapons. Swords, spears, staffs; all pointed at her. Their reaction answered her question, they were hostile. The enemy surrounded her, outnumbering her by a significant margin. They were many and she just a lone girl, how terribly unfair.


“Who are you?” A man broke the uncomfortable silence.  


Her eyes narrowed. A single glance told her the man was different. He wasn't like the rest. His bearing, his aura differed.


The man gripped his blade. “I said, who are you?!”  


“... .... ...” Aurora tilted her head and played dumb. It didn't work.


The man didn't fall for her bait. He didn't lower his guard. “Answer me, who are you? Identify yourself!”


Aurora spoke and regretted her decision immediately. Her throat felt sore, dry like a desert. Her voice raspy. Even her lips refused to cooperate, barely able to utter a single word, not to mention a full coherent sentence.


“Who ... ... ... I ... ... am? ... ... ... Such ... is ... ... none ... of your ... concern ...”


Silence reigned amidst the monotony of falling rain. Her attackers froze. They hesitated. Her words intimidated them. Outright fear was written all over their faces.


“Captain, she is ... She is ... She is ...” Ludwig spoke, his voice filled with panic.


Guenther gripped his sword. His men wavered, but he wouldn't allow such. His stern voice rallied them. A little girl wouldn't scare them. “Listen, stand fast! Don't break formation!” His commands proved effective and restored a semblance of morale. 


He didn't know how, but they had somehow attracted the ire of a spirit, powerful, ancient beings lying dormant across the land. They must have accidentally awakened such a spirit, yet her summoning defied common knowledge. Spirits didn't appear out of thin air, nor did they possess human bodies. They had performed no ritual. They had activated no catalyst. They hadn't disturbed the aether of the land ... The girl should never be here. “Stay together and ...”


Hans ignored his orders and charged. Overconfidence, inexperience, foolish courage and youth drove him over the edge.




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