Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc III Chapter 1



Arc III Chapter 1



21st Fulmen Lunar VI AAC 747


Little Aurora ended up being tired. Her lessons exhausted the young girl.


The languages, the grammar, the orthography confused little Aurora. Her tutors showed no relent. They demanded nothing short of perfection.  


In her solitude, little Aurora wandered once again aimlessly through the castle. The walls of Schwarzburg provided little warmth. They felt lonely, cold, unfriendly, hostile since the death of her mother. The castle didn't welcome her.


Aurora hugged her doll. Her father neglected her. He didn't want to see her. Her presence wasn't desired. At least, her brother stood at her side. Tiberius still treated her with kindness, but the icy climate persisted. The servants perceived the ill winds conflicts within the castle walls. Aurora felt ostracised, and she didn't understand why.


Her eyes cried and droplets crossed her cheeks. She did nothing wrong. So why did father hate her?


From afar, from around the corner, a silent observer witnessed her agony. Friedrich clenched his fist. His heart was conflicted at such a display of injustice. Lady Aurora didn't deserve such a treatment, but his options were limited. The duke erred, but he was only a mere retainer. His voice accounted for nothing.


Friedrich entered the office with a stack of paper under his arms. He was a dutiful secretary. He procured the requested documents. Aether lamps illuminated the office. Their weak light created an ominous atmosphere.


Aurelius looked up. His eyes disengaged from his work. “You are late. I hope your recent tardiness won't develop into a bad habit.”


“My apologies, Your Grace. I was impeded. Your daughter ... required my attention.” Friedrich smiled. “Aurora can be quite a stubborn girl, as you might know. Just like her mother ...”


Aurelius' mood visibly worsened. His hand stiffened, and the temperature fell noticeably. His icy stare met him across the room. His purple eyes shimmered dangerously in the dark, as the patriarch of the Schwarz family showed his displeasure.


Friedrich had committed a serious blunder. He had overstepped his boundaries in his negligence.


Aurelius narrowed his eyes. “Friedrich, I will overlook your transgression for the sake of your father, but don't speak her name ever again unless you wish to displease me. I warn you, mind your tongue. I won't tolerate such insolence in the future.”


“Forgive me, Your Grace, it was an inexcusable lapse of judgement on my part. It will not happen again.” Friedrich lowered his head.


“I hope so. You are still inexperienced.” Aurelius returned to his work.


Friedrich studied the duke. He was a sad sight these days, a mere shadow of his former self. Aurelius still hadn't accepted her death. His heart cried. His heart suffered. Unable to cope with the grief, he resorted to denial, anger, hate.


The duke dipped his pen into the inkwell. He was a busy man indeed. “Tell me, what did she want from you? I imagine my daughter asked you again to play dolls with her. The servants told me the silly girl cherishes them much.”


“You are mistaken, Your Grace.” Friedrich shook his head. “Your daughter desired to speak with you, her father. Aurora feels you are avoiding her, neglecting her, Your Grace.”


“...” The duke neither disputed, nor confirmed, his suspicions. The patriarch minded his work, studying the documents. Reports from his vassals and vast estates. The Schwarzean possession reached from north to south, from east to west. The administration of the duchy taxed even the sternest man.“What did you tell her?”


“...” Friedrich remained silent. His grace was engulfed in his work. His attention lay elsewhere.“I informed her that Your Grace is ... occupied. Your noble duties impede you. Your daughter accepted such without complaint, although she looked disappointed.” Friedrich folded his hands behind his back.


“Good, I am not interested in seeing her for the foreseeable future. It's better for us both.”


“...” Friedrich kept quiet. As a mere vassal, it was not his place to speak, yet ...


“If I may be permitted to speak, Your Grace.” Friedrich straightened his back.


The duke raised an eyebrow, surprised by his sudden boldness. “Speak your mind, Friedrich, I am listening.”


“I think that ... you are being overly harsh with your daughter. Aurora is a good girl. Your daughter doesn't deserve your treatment. You should put your emotions aside, Your Grace. Anger and fury are bad advisors. Especially, if they are misplaced. Don't blame your daughter for her death. Aurora is not responsible, and you know it, Your Grace.


You knew about the risks of the marriage. The conflicting bloodlines, the elemental incompatibility, the potential complications during birth. It's common knowledge that light and dark don't intermix well. Your daughter bears no responsibility. The gods decided the fate of your wife. So please reconsider your stance, Your Grace. Anger and scorn are unbecoming of you. Aurora is still your daughter. It's not too late yet to fulfil your duties as her father.” 


Silence reigned and tension filled the air. Aurelius' murderous glare confronted Friedrich. The purple of his eyes darkened. The burning passion, the hate, overwhelmed Friedrich.


“Friedrich, you foolish boy, didn't I warn you and your loose tongue? Why are you trying my patience once again ? Are you defying my authority?”


Friedrich walked on thin ice, but he stood his ground. His honour didn't permit him a display of such blatant injustice. “That was not my intention, Your Grace. I might be in no position to speak ... A wise ruler listens to his subjects when the need arises.”   






The duke maintained his icy stare. “You are certainly a brave man, Friedrich. Your bravery almost borders on foolishness. You and your father are much alike. You both possess a soft heart. Nevertheless, my decision stands. Neither I am willing, nor do I possess the strength to forgive her. Others may, but I do not.”


“But ...”, Friedrich objected.


Aurelius ignored him. “You may leave now, Friedrich. You have decidedly overstayed your welcome.”


“As you wish, Your Grace.” Friedrich clenched his fist and obeyed. His efforts had failed. He had failed Lady Aurora.


“But before you leave, one last word, Friedrich. As you might know, Aurora will one day enter the Royal Academy. Her performance will reflect poorly on the House von Schwarz. Her capabilities are ... lacking, and my time is limited. I ask your family to assist my daughter in this matter. She will require guidance, a knight when the time comes. As far as I know, my daughter is quite fond of you. Treat her well, Friedrich. Felicia would have wished so if she was still alive.”


Friedrich understood. A slight smile adorned his face as he clicked his heels together. “As you command.”



18th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


The stars stood high above the ruins of Valentia, The night didn't bring any peace. Her body shivered despite her warm blanket. Her heart raced, and her mana flared up as fragments of her souls collided.


Even in her dreams, memories, spectres of the dark past haunted the poor girl. The girl had suffered much. There was only so much injustice a tender heart could bear.  


A tear crossed her cheek, a single droplet of sorrow, of wishes unfulfilled, of hopes long forgotten, touched her doll. Aurora shall suffer no more as long as she takes her place. Aurora deserved the happiness she never received. The strength Aurora lacked, she would provide.


Duke Aurelius von Schwarz


Check out my other novel and give it a try! =^.^=


Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Prologue

Death claims all of us in a timely fashion, but some are granted a second chance.

Armed with ambition, megalomania, and pride alone, an innocent girl reincarnates into the vast world of Naruto with the sole intention of writing history, her history. [Female OC] [AU elements]




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