Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc III Chapter 6



Arc III Chapter 6



25th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


Nelaeryn fumed, clenching his hands. His knuckles turned white. “Silence! Show some respect, girl, you have no idea what you are talking about.”


Aurora grinned. He took her bait without a second thought. A serious mistake on his side. “Nelaeryn, I couldn't care less about wounded elven pride. In fact, your insolence humours me. You Elves love to make bold claims about your ancient civilisation and culture. And yet you seem to have forgotten your roots. You Elves were elevated by our grace from simple savages, from barbaric paupers to what you are today. So who do you think you are? How do you even dare to compare to us? When it was we humans who were erecting cities of marble and stone when your ancestors were living in wooden huts and caves. It was we who taught you, a collection of tribes and wood dwellers, the secrets of magic, the arcane arts of spell crafting, the true power of mana. It was we who taught you, some humble hunters and gatherers, the blessings of agriculture, of irrigation, the wonders of masonry, of craftsmanship. It was we who raised your ancestors from nothingness to the heights of civilisation, and how do you repay our kindness? You repaid your rightful masters brought with betrayal and treachery, with war and destruction. In the end, you are nothing but rebellious slaves with delusions of grandeur.”


“...” Nelaeryn narrowed his gaze, studying her figure with renewed interest. He retained his calm despite gritting his teeth. “I retract my statement, regardless of who taught you these nonsensical fairy tales, you are surprisingly well versed in history for a mere commoner, aren't you, amnesia girl? Your little game ... a convenient excuse, isn't it?”


Aurora beamed, while hugging her doll. “I can't deny ... its usefulness. My amnesia has certainly proven its worth.”


Nelaeryn revised his opinion, Aurora was far more devious than he could have ever imagined. “... Aren't you afraid? What will happen if I tell them?”


“Are you threatening me?” Aurora raised an amused eyebrow.




Aurora returned an ambiguous smile. Her index finger crossed her lips. “How amusing. I know you, Nelaeryn. I know you far better than you think. You don't strike me as the type of person to spill secrets. Why would you ever share your valuable secrets with some lowly humans? You wouldn't, right?”




“And even if, who is going to believe you? Lambert?” Aurora motioned at the party leader. He and Michael had already lost interest in their conservation. “Unless I am mistaken, you both aren't exactly on the best terms with each other.”


“...” Nelaeryn fell silent.“You are truly a shrewd girl. I hope they won't regret what they have got themselves into.”


Aurora beamed. “I take that as a compliment.”





27th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


Another day. Another martyr of boredom. Once again, Aurora was dangling her feetsies in the air, sitting once again on the same rock together with her doll. Nothing had changed. The passing days were still as boring and uneventful as ever. Her guardians remained ever watchful, putting her under constant scrutiny.


After her little dispute, Lambert admonished her in no uncertain terms to stop bothering their elven companions, effectively eliminating even her last source of joy. But Aurora was a good girl, and good girls listened. Mainly because evil Lambert threatened her to reduce her rations.


Aurora clicked her tongue. Such a nuisance. Everyone treated her like a child, like a little girl. Her words weren't taken seriously, and her feelings marginalised. Annoying. Her childish appearance put her at a severe disadvantage. Her doll nodded in agreement.


Spending her days doing nothing, her daily life bored her to death. Nelaeryn did whatever. Lambert and party guarded the perimeter against non-existent enemies, occasional overgrown spiders, and foolish lizards. Meanwhile, Arwing was rummaging through mountains of rubble, treating every stone with the utmost, almost religious reverence of an overzealous archaeologist, as her delicate brush removed every last speck of dust. Every worthless stone was a relic of the past. Every measly pebble, a treasure in disguise. Her progress was slow and cumbersome. At this rate, she would take another few centuries, if not millennia, to unearth anything of note.


Aurora didn't possess Arwing's divine patience. She would have long since resorted to more effective, more explosive, and less academic means.


All the fighting severely damaged the catacombs, leading to rubble and debris blocking passages and corridors. As such, more destructive means were required to gain access to the deeper floors, but it was their expedition, not hers. Unlike her, her elven friends were driven by academical pursuit, and not by personal greed and avarice. Valentia was a wealthy city. Even the most scrupulous adventurers could have impossibly taken everything. There had to be some treasures left for a little innocent girl without funding and cheap, ruined rags for clothes. 


Her future undertakings would demand money. Money was always a useful resource to have at your disposal. Without money, you were nothing. After all, a little girl had to provide for herself, as she couldn't forever rely on the generosity of her benefactors.


Aurora caressed her doll, who shared her thoughts. Lambert, Iris, Michael, her companions currently remained in the dark. They were ignorant of her true identity, her past, but it was abundantly clear that she couldn't deceive them forever. It was only a matter of time before her lacklustre acting would fail her. Not that it mattered.


Her future was bright, as she was destined for greatness. Aurora von Schwarz was by far not an ordinary girl. She was the lone heiress to a proud and noble house. Her birth alone elevated her above the common masses of rightless peasants.


Yet it was still too early to reclaim her birthright. It was probably better to wait and observe. Her memories remained fragmentary at best. Her knowledge of Arcadian politics was severely lacking. Not to mention, all the people once close to her former self would take notice of her radical change in personality. She was easy to deceive some strangers, but not them. They would ask uncomfortable questions.


Aurora sighed in exasperation. So many questions. So many problems. So much work to do. At least, she still had her lovely doll, the cutest doll across the entire land.  


Patting her doll, Aurora's gaze fell on her latest companions. Her fluffball friends returned. They were once again dancing around her, keeping her company.



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