Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 16



Arc IV Chapter 16



12th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Today was an important day. In fact, it was such an important day that Lambert, in his infinite wisdom, decided to accompany her, a common occurrence in recent times. He was standing right behind her, watching over her. According to them, grumpy Lambert and gentle Iris, she apparently couldn't be trusted yet with being left alone. Such a silly notion.


She was a big girl! She was already fourteen! That was old enough to look out for herself, despite her spotty track record, despite unfounded allegations, despite misguided accusations, and despite misplaced assertions on Lambert's part. Right, Dolly? 


Her doll nodded vigorously, signalling her ample support. Her doll was definitive proof of the rightfulness of her thoughts! She was clearly old enough to fend for herself!


Aurora and her doll stared at her cute, lovely badge with a mixture of distrust and suspicion, her eyes focused on a copper badge placed before her on the wooden counter for her to claim, a badge that would make her the cutest adventurer all across the lands of Schwarzwalt. The guild provided her with a small, but fine steel plate, decorated with elements of polished copper, and marked with the distinctive crest of Freyburg's proud adventurer's guild. 


The badge reminded her of those of Lambert and his party, with the only difference being that hers was made of steel and copper, meanwhile theirs were embellished with a thin layer of gold leaf. At least, she suspected so. She doubted that the guild was so generous and charitable as to hand out genuine gold badges. That was an undertaking beyond their budget and benevolence.


Her hands reached for the badge, claiming her prize. From now on, the badge was hers. “Sister Erika~, Sister Erika~, what is this?” Her gaze turned to the helpful guild receptionist.


Erika returned a polite business style smile, her hands presenting the badge as if it was for sale, and she was a potential customer that had to be convinced of its utility. Old habits died hard, as the saleswoman in her showed. “This ... This is your adventurer’s badge.”


Yet her words didn't exactly answer her question. “An adventurer’s badge ...”


“Yes, it is your very own adventurer’s badge”, Erika confirmed.


“And what is its purpose?” Aurora furrowed her eyebrow.


Erika raised her index finger before initiating a lengthy monologue, “Your badge is an essential part of the life of every licensed adventurer. Your badge serves as official proof of your guild membership before the authorities, as you are granted herewith certain rights and privileges. You are now able, for example, to leave and enter the city as you wish, without restrictions, fully exempt from all gate tolls. With this in hand, you can now rent a private room in the city, if you wish so. And last but not least, the badge allows you to accept guild missions, guild commissions, and to claim your rewards, aside from giving you access to various other exclusive guild services. Such as our private guild library, or our training grounds, or our guild inn if you are in need of lodgings. You even receive a discount whenever visiting affiliated guild shops to purchase gear, weaponry, potions, supplies, or other useful items.”


“Oh.” Aurora and her doll marvelled at their shiny, mighty copper badge, bringer of limitless possibilities. Apparently, the badge was used for identification purposes among the common populace, besides serving as a fully fledged travel permit. 


Erika beamed. “I hope that makes everything clear? Or do you perhaps have any questions?”


Aurora merely nodded. “None that I know of.”


“That is wonderful ...” Erika clapped her hands together. “Ah, silly me, I nearly forgot to mention, the badge serves of course also to determine your guild rank.”


“My guild rank?” 


Erika nodded, ever the cheerful guild receptionist and clearly destined for her occupation. “Indeed, your guild rank represents the total of all of your experience, knowledge, skill and prestige within the guild hierarchy that you have accumulated throughout the years. Your guild rank demonstrates your proficiency and strength as an adventurer. In a certain sense, the rank system functions both as a protection mechanism, especially for newer, less experienced adventurers who cannot yet properly weigh the risks and dangers of their profession, and as quality assurance for potential clients. The rank system was designed to guarantee a certain uniform and standardised level of service and professionalism. Not only would we endanger the lives of our members and clients otherwise, but also risk the reputation of the guild. And what is a guild without its reputation?”


“I guess... nothing?” Aurora shrugged, an imaginary question mark floating over her head.


“Correct”, Erika praised her for her correct answer, although the question was rhetorical, with the answer being on the more obvious side. “Anyway, as you can see, your badge features a layer of copper, which identifies you accordingly as a copper rank adventurer.”


Aurora studied her badge. It was indeed clad in copper. “That sounds ... logical. So I assume, the higher my guild rank, the better?”


“Exactly, the higher, the better, even though the higher ranks are obviously limited to the most experienced and talented adventurers. If you want more information, then you should consider asking your companion. Lambert here is a senior guild member, a veteran of the trade, and gold rank adventurer. He should be able to provide you with much insight.” Their gazes turned to the adventurer in question.


“What? Why me?” Lambert pointed at himself, slightly dumbfounded. “Isn't explaining part of your job, Erika?”


“I guess so, but I and Edelgart will still see each other often enough in the future. And it doesn't hurt if she gets to hear it from an actual adventurer with experience.” Her words did little to persuade Lambert. Quite the contrary.


Lambert furrowed an eyebrow, patently confused. “What is that supposed to mean?”


Aurora agreed. What was that supposed to mean?


Erika returned a secretive smile, her index finger blocking her lips. “That's a personal secret, but you both will see soon.”


Aurora and Lambert exchanged a series of confused looks. Neither of them had any idea what she meant. 


“Anyway, share some of your hard earned wisdom with Edelgart.”


“...” A heavy sigh escaped Lambert's lips. He grumbled, his unwillingness clearly written all across, yet he relented. Whether he relented out of a sense of genuine friendship, or out of a sense of pure resignation remained unanswered, though. “Whatever, I guess we should start with the basics. The rank system consists of ten ranks, ranging from one, to ten, divided into four different tiers. Each rank is assigned a certain metal or alloy, which corresponds to your badge, and by extension to your rank. Your copper badge identifies you as a copper rank adventurer. My gold badge identifies me as a gold rank adventurer. Easy to understand. Easy to comprehend.


As Erika has already said before, your rank is based on your alleged experience and skill, which are the deciding parameters. Complete beginners and youngsters usually start in the bottom tier, basically the beginner’s tier. They start at copper rank, and then progress through missions and training to bronze, and later iron rank. If you climb the ladder further, you eventually reach the second tier, the first proper adventurer tier and with it the steel rank. That is the rank more experienced personnel usually joins at. They already join as fully fledged and trained adventurers, effectively skipping the beginner’s tier. Next follows the veteran tier, ranging from silver, to gold, to platinum rank. They provide the gross of the guild's financial and combat strength. Most adventurers eventually progress to silver. Some even make it to gold. And a few chosen make it even as far as platinum.”


“Silver ... Gold ... Platinum ...” Aurora tilted her head. “You are a gold adventurer. Doesn't that make you a high ranked adventurer, Uncle Lambert?”


“It does.” Erika nodded from behind the counter. “Lambert might not look like it, but he and his party are among our most senior. You should consider yourself fortunate, Edelgart, to be taken under the wing.”


Lambert clicked his tongue, visibly annoyed by his newly gained prominence. “Are you trying to flatter me; Erika?”


Erika shook her head, beaming like a little sunshine, her interpersonal skills as impeccable as ever. “It's not flattery if it's the truth.”


Lambert rolled his eyes. “If you say so, Erika. Anyway, beyond platinum, lie the highest ranks, mythril, adamantium, and orichalcum. Rank VIII, IX, and X. They are the most selective ranks within the guild hierarchy, only reserved to the strongest and most talented parties. These adventurers are the elite of the elite, to the point the entire Eastern Arcadian branch of the adventurer's guild only has a handful of them.”


“That is correct”, Erika elaborated. “They are a rare sight indeed across the whole kingdom. In fact, the entire eastern branch, from Freyburg to Kronstadt, from Laibach to Königgrätz, only counts seven mythril parties, and a single adamantium party.”


“Hmm, I see”, Aurora mused. That was an … informative discussion. Her doll agreed. She currently held the rank of a copper adventurer, located at the absolute bottom of the hierarchy.



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