Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 19



Arc IV Chapter 19



13th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


“Ebner!” Hartman shouted, his voice reverberating across the sand dusted training ground. His eyes swept through the ranks of fresh recruits. It was the most classic example of a traditional roll call. All for the sake of maintaining order and discipline. Order and discipline were the core tenets of martial education.


“Present!” The boy stepped forwards in his full gear, eliciting Aurora's momentary attention and a fleeting glance. The boy was of average height and undescriptive appearance, with chestnut hair and green eyes. Hailing from the common folk, he lacked her noble pedigree. What the boy did not lack, though, was conviction, so much was clear even from afar. His eyes were burning with determination, as were everyone else's. Whether boy or girl, everyone present was here for a reason. They were all hand picked from innumerable applications. It showed. Morale among the recruits ran high.


“...” Hartman acknowledged the boy's existence with a mere nod before ticking off the boy’s name on his wax tablet. His stylus cut into the malleable wax with precision. “Next, Eckbert!”


“...” No reaction from the crowd.


“I said, Eckbert!”


“...” Still no reaction.


“... ... ...” Hartman was chewing on his lips, his mood darkening ...


“Present!!!” A shout originated from far behind. Better late than never. The boy was rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Sorry, Sir Hartman, I missed your call. I didn't ... pay attention for a moment.”


“Tch ...” Hartman clicked his tongue before eliminating another name from his list. A visibly annoyed frown crossed his lips. “No problem, Eckbert, but next time please pay more attention. We are here on a training ground, and not on a playground. The guild expects a certain standard of diligence from its adventurers. I don't want or need any slackers in my class, do you understand me?”


“...” Eckbert gulped before nodding vigorously. He was lucky to have escaped worse.


“Good. Trust me, a healthy dose of discipline makes life easier for all of us. Fewer worries and hassles for everyone.” Hartman returned to his wise wax tablet. “Edelgart!”


“Present!” Aurora raised her right arm, responding at the top of her lungs, mainly out of her fear of being overlooked among her taller colleagues. Judging by her surrounding fellow adventurers, she was by far the shortest person present, even among her female peers. Everyone else was at least two heads taller than her. How discouraging.


Hartman furrowed an eyebrow before ticking off her name on his tablet. His stylus danced across the surface. “Calm down, lass, save your breath for later. I appreciate your enthusiasm, girl, but no need to be so energetic. I hear you loud and clear ...”


Hartman suddenly stopped, even going as far as to neglect his precious wax tablet. His eyes narrowed at her, scrutinising her figure with unprecedented rigour. “...”


“Hmm.” Aurora and her doll both tilted their heads. A giant question mark was floating over their heads.


“...” Hartman's gaze intensified and the uncomfortable silence continued. Yet his gaze lacked any signs of hostility, animosity or antipathy. It was rather blatant bewilderment paired with surprise that filled his eyes. Together with him, everyone present was staring at her. Everyone's attention, everyone's curiosity was directed at her. Aurora felt their piercing glares.  They were coming from all directions.


“...” Aurora was rubbing her chin. Had she done something wrong?


“...” Hartman's eyes wandered downwards, drawn to the source of his bewilderment. “Edelgart, are ... you really holding a doll in your arms?”


Finally, realisation hit Aurora. From one moment to the next, everything made sense. Instructor Hartman was of course admiring her cute doll, which was only proper. Her doll’s incomparable cuteness must have startled Hartman.


Aurora beamed, proudly presenting her doll in her arms. “Yes, Sir, this is my precious doll~. Her name is Dolly~!”


“... ... ...” Hartman returned a blank, soulless stare. Her statement only caused further confusion. “Edelgart ..., tell me, why are you carrying a doll around with you? Why the hell do you bring a doll to my training ground …? I don't believe that I need to tell you that this is no place for a doll ...”


“...” Aurora's shoulders deflated, as her hopes were brutally crushed and sadness befell her. Hartman didn't seem to approve of her doll. “But ... But Dolly is an essential part of me~. Dolly is my friend~!”


Their judging gazes, their belittling smirks, their mocking sneers, their derisive smiles, they were everywhere. Nor did her ears miss their secretive laughs, their open chuckles, their deriding giggles. Her doll made her the target of endless derision and ridicule. 


Aurora hugged her doll tightly. Her doll did nothing wrong, yet her fellow adventurers ..., they were laughing at her and her doll behind her back, falling upon them like gleeful vultures upon their helpless prey. They were laughing at her expense. “Tch, Dolly ... Friend ... What a stupid girl ...”


“WHO THE FUCK WAS THIS!!!” Hartman turned, his furious gaze sweeping through the ranks of recruits behind him, searching for the culprit. “WHO is the little dimwit COCKSUCKING SCUMBAG who couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut? WHO IS THE LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!?”


“... ... ...” Profound silence followed. For obvious reasons.


“Nobody, huh? Having the guts to bitch behind my back, and yet our little bitch doesn't have the balls to stand up to me!”


“It was me, Sir!” A boy raised his arm after finally finding the courage to confront the raging Hartman. The boy was either brave or foolish, or possibly both.


Hartman narrowed his blazing eyes at the perpetrator. “So it was YOU!!! Who are you, boy? What's your name?”


“My name is Ludolf, Sir.” Ludolf straightened his back, despite the murderous glare levelled at him. The boy grew smaller and smaller. 


“Did I give you permission to speak, Ludolf?”


“No, Sir!” Ludolf shouted.


“Did I ask you for your opinion, Ludolf?”


“No, Sir!” 


“EXACTLY, YOU DIMWIT!!! And now SHUT THE FUCK UP, Ludolf!!! I am talking to Dolly here.” Hartman focused his attention on her and her doll. “So where did we leave off, Dolly? Ah, yes, it was about you and your little dolly.”


“Well, ehm, excuse me, Sir Hartman, but my name is Edelgart, not Dolly.” Aurora raised her hand and an objection. She might look like a doll herself, but she was not a dolly.


Hartman flatly dismissed her protest. “Ah, yes, it was Edelgart ... Doesn't matter. You look like a Dolly. You are a Dolly. I will call you Dolly from now on.”


“...” Aurora was speechless. What kind of logic was that supposed to be? But at least, she got a cute nickname out of it. That was something ...



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