Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 2



Arc IV Chapter 2



5th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Friedrich mustered his courage. After knocking at the door, he entered the study. Duke Aurelius might be busy, but his business was of equal urgency. His grace awaited Friedrich’s report on his most recent findings, even if they consisted mostly of unfortunate news.


“Excuse my intrusion, Your Grace, ...” Friedrich bowed. “My apologies, Your Grace, I wasn't aware that you were entertaining guests. If you allow so, Your Grace, I will take my leave ...”


Aurelius raised his hand. “No need to leave, Friedrich, you are not disturbing us at all. We have already settled the most pending issues, haven't we, Wilhelm?”


Friedrich turned his head. Clad in an ensemble of Arcadian fur and heavy brocade, three nobles fell silent. His eyes identified Margrave Wilhelm, Chancellor of the Treasury and a loyal vassal of the House von Schwarz since time immemorial. Count Konrad and Count Emeric, Chancellor of Commerce and Chancellor of Justice, accompanied him. All three of them were present.


Wilhelm bowed to offer his respect. “True enough. We will take our leave then, Aurelius. Consider our words with care. I and the rest of the Council are of the opinion that we need to act. In fact, we need to act as soon as possible. This issue cannot be allowed to remain unsolved.”


“Do not worry, Wilhelm, I will. I am well aware of the delicate nature of the current situation, probably more than everyone else. Rest assured, Wilhelm, I do not intend the House von Schwarz to fall this easily.” Aurelius reciprocated with a gentle smile, the smile of old friends.


Wilhelm chuckled, satisfied with his answer. “I am glad to hear so. It seems that you haven't lost your sense of humour yet, despite these trying times ...”


The duke was drumming his fingers on his desk. “Trying times ... That is quite an understatement ...”


Wilhelm nodded. “Possibly so. I won't deny that the House von Schwarz has seen better days, but even the darkest time are bound to end.”


“Let's hope so, Wilhelm.”


“We will take our leave, Aurelius. May the spirits protect you.”


The duke returned a mere nod. “Farewell, may the spirits protect you all. Greet your family on my behalf, Wilhelm, especially your children. I was told that your son, in particular, is quite the promising talent in the field of magic.”


Wilhelm beamed. “You honour me, my children are indeed my pride. Sadly, recent times have caused them to indulge in bad habits. Nobility breeds arrogance. Magic breeds overconfidence, but I hope the coming years will mellow them. They are still young, and their noble blood runs wild with passion and pride. They are full of dreams and ambition. Not unlike us back in our younger days. They will both grow wiser.”


Aurelius folded his hands with a faint smile. “I will take your word for it.”


The nobles departed, but Margrave Wilhelm halted at his sight. The margrave studied his figure from tip to toe. “Lord Friedrich, I presume?”


Friedrich nodded, straightening his back. “Margrave Wilhelm.”


Wilhelm scrutinised him.”You have grown tall. Lord Friedrich. I still remember you when you were young, many years ago. You have become a respectable man ... Time truly passes fast.”


“Your words honour me, Margrave Wilhelm.”


“My deepest condolences for your loss, Lord Friedrich. I knew Geralt well. I think that we all did. We have heard about what happened to him. Truly a tragedy. He was an honourable man. To think he would fall victim to the cold steel of assassins. What an unfortunate end at the hands of such despicable cowards.”


“Rest assured, Margrave Wilhelm, my father fulfilled his duty to the last breath. He met an honourable death.”






Benevolence filled Wilhelm's voice. “I hope that we will meet again under more pleasant circumstances. As the eldest son of your family, it now falls upon you to carry on your father's legacy.”


“It does.” Friedrich mustered a faint smile.


The door closed. Margrave Wilhelm, Count Emeric, and Count Konrad had left. He and Aurelius were now finally alone, surrounded by a veil of uncomfortable silence.






“What do we owe the pleasure of their visit?” Friedrich's gaze lingered on the closed door.


“...” Aurelius leaned back in his chair, sighing. A hint of annoyance clouded his stern face. “Margrave Wilhelm voiced the Council's concerns regarding the current hereditary situation of my House ...”


Friedrich's smile vanished from his face. He understood. “So, they know ...?”


Aurelius nodded. “Yes, I have informed them recently of the situation. So far only they and a few others know, but you know, word travels fast these days. Some information is bound to leak sooner or later. In fact, it is nothing short of a miracle that we were able to keep this incident hidden so far with your father slain and my daughter already missing for three weeks. It is imperative for us to maintain our façade. My daughter's death must remain a secret. We cannot allow the world to know. At least, not for the time being.”


“Indeed.” Friedrich folded his hands behind his back.


Aurelius scowled, his troubled fingers drumming on his desk. “Margrave Wilhelm fears that the duchy might fall to the crown with no successor in sight. With my daughter killed and my son fallen in battle, I lack a direct heir, which means that the proud House von Schwarz might finally cease. Millennia of glory for naught ...” 


Friedrich straightened his back. “Are there truly no alternative candidates?”


“Unfortunately not. Grandfather left us with a dangerously thinned out stirps. Whether it was intentional on his part or not, I cannot say. Now only myself and my sister remain. Her children, however, will continue the House von Wallenstein unless we can negotiate a suitable arrangement. Not the most ideal solution, but theoretically possible. Whether my nephew is particularly keen on accepting the offer is a different question altogether. Personally, I doubt so.” Doubts plagued Aurelius. His troubled voice betrayed his concern.


“That's indeed ... highly problematic”, Friedrich concurred.


Aurelius gazed through the nearby window, to the horizon, across the duchy, the land of his forefathers. “Wilhelm urged me to remarry. I need to sire another heir before time claims me. As for an immediate solution, he suggested blood adoption.”


Friedrich hesitated. “Blood adoption ... An extreme measure, if I might say so ...”


Aurelius sighed. “A necessary measure, though. You know, desperate times require such drastic measures. Neither the nobility, nor the church are likely to oppose the use of black magic, not with the survival of an ancient noble house at stake, a major house no less. I also doubt that the Crown is willing to risk the very existence of the Schwarz bloodline over some petty disputes and grievances. I hope so, at least. The Kingdom needs our magic, our might, our strength. No matter how much the King might dislike us, he cannot afford us to die out. Not yet.”


Friedrich maintained his composure. “You know what the nobles will say, though, Your Grace. You know what the people will say. Blood adoption is a practice widely frowned upon. For legitimate reasons, I might add.”


“I couldn't care less, Friedrich. Not that we have much of a choice. These nobles can gossip as much as they want behind my back. Their opinions are irrelevant. My first and foremost priority is to secure the survival of the House von Schwarz, even if I must sacrifice our pride and the purity of our blood.


But tell me, Friedrich, what has brought you to me? I doubt that you are only here to exchange pleasantries.”


Friedrich nodded. “You are correct, Your Grace, I came to report the newest findings.”


“I see. Did the investigations yield any results?”


Friedrich shook his head. The truth hurt. “Negative, none so far. No matter where we are searching, we have failed to locate your daughter's corpse. Her body is still missing, but we must presume her dead at this point. Three weeks have passed without any sign of her. We suspect that Aurora must have perished in the chaos of battle. The assassins deployed potent magic, easily capable of obliterating any traces of human flesh. The scale of destruction and the scattered nature of the battlefield supports our thesis. Craters. Scorch marks. Incinerated corpses. Her corpse probably didn't survive the ordeal.”


“Aurora ...” Aurelius’ empty gaze swept to the window. His heart grew heavy and pain gripped his chest as fears turned to certainty. His daughter was no more.


His anguish didn't escape Friedrich. He pitied the duke. No father was meant to outlive his daughter. “We have dispatched the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Knight Company. Baron Stahl and his men are scouring the land for clues, but the assassins covered their tracks well. They travelled in small, separate groups, so as to not arouse suspicion. Their identity and affiliation thus remain unknown.” 


Aurelius clicked hos tongue.. “How unfortunate ... Anything else?” 


Friedrich nodded. “We were able to secure some their horses, some of their weapons and armours, and several corpses, or rather what remained of them. The majority of them were burned beyond recognition.”


Aurelius listened, carefully pondering his words. “And what about them? Did they yield anything useful?”


Friedrich shook his head. “Unfortunately, not. Unremarkable horses. Horses of average breed. Probably purchased locally from various different vendors. The same is the case for their weapons and armours. Standard quality. High quality steel. No common origin. Manufacturer marks from all over Arcadia from a variety of different smiths and forges. A few samples displayed mana conductive properties. What we can say for sure, though, is that our assassins were certainly no amateurs. Our friends enjoyed considerable support. They were highly skilled and trained. Whoever was behind this attack must be an influential actor from inside the highest circles of nobility, if not from inside the ... itself.”


Words were left unspoken, but Aurelius understood, regardless. Their true meaning didn’t elude him. “The royal family. How troublesome.”


“...” Friedrich agreed wholeheartedly.




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