Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 24



Arc IV Chapter 24



17th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Aurora and her doll wandered through the guild with a large wooden pail in her arms, enjoying her free day. Much to her delight and that of the common adventurer, the guild boasted of a public fountain, freely accessible to adventurers, guild personnel, students, and guests alike. The fountain provided them with the precious liquid, with potable water. Obviously, running water was not yet an amenity that saw widespread use outside wealthy and nobles households. Pipes and valves were a luxury and not yet available to the common populace.


Thus, Aurora and her doll were forced to resort to more traditional methods of water transportation, namely her feeble muscles and a wooden bucket. It was a sturdy pail of wood, reinforced by a pair of robust steel rings holding the planks together. Armed with her glorious pail and doll, Aurora raced down the stairs through the guild hall to her fountain. It was a stone fountain, located directly in the guild yard and featuring multiple basins with considerable capacity.


The only issue was that she encountered a familiar opponent, height. Not that she was too short, but the edge of the fountain was too high for her to reach, Fortunately, architects far wiser than her foresaw the necessity of a stone step for little girls like her. Her pail dived into the cold water, sending ripples across the surface. Dry wood kissed the fresh water. Her bucket was growing heavier and heavier as water filled her pail to the brink. With her full bucket safely in her arms, Aurora and returned to her room, her heavy load accompanying her.


Careful not to spill any water in the process, Aurora walked across the yard, through the guild, up the stairs, down the corridor, up another set of stairs, down the corridor, left around the corner before arriving at her rooms.


Her destination were her rooms, or rather Iris’ rooms. They were now living together, sharing rooms. Yet Aurora was today and for the rest of the week on her own. Lambert and his party took on a new mission, making them leave the city. In the meantime, Iris entrusted her with the keys. Aurora and her doll were now holding the fort.


Aurora’s chest swelled with pride. It was now her responsibility to guard their new home against any intruders and strangers. She would protect Fort Aurora with her life.


In exchange, Aurora took Iris' absence as an opportunity to enjoy a bath! The prospect of a wonderful steaming bath already warmed her heart.


Aurora was even allowed to use Iris' precious supply of imported Pavese soap. Real soap from south of the Nohrian Alps! A wondrous invention and the product of chemistry, made from potash and pressed olive oil, produced to caress her tender skin. Dirt and filth be gone! Neither dirt nor filth would stand any chance against the unlimited might of hot water and soap!


The door opened and Aurora entered, hauling her bucket to her bath, which was little else than a giant wooden barrel cut in half. Her bucket emptied its contents into the bath, yet the water level had barely risen at all.


“Hmm ... ” Aurora gazed at the barrel, her frustration written all over her face. It would take an eternity for her to fill her bath this way. Her petite arms were only able to carry one bucket at a time. This was her first bucket and there would be many more buckets to come.


Her hopes and her shoulders deflated. A heavy sigh escaped her lips. It was the moment that Aurora felt keenly felt the loss of her loyal maids and servants. It was a luxury whose presence was sorely missed. She and her doll were now on their own, completely alone, but it was far too early to despair. Not all hope was lost yet. 


Aurora clenched her fists, her eyes blazing with determination, prepared to fight for her bath and soap! Sacrifices had to be made and many buckets to be hauled for the sake of cleanliness! 


Angelika was sitting in her corner and enjoying her herbal tea while perusing her newspaper. Her hands were flicking through the pages. It was the latest issue of the Freyburg Courier. As usual, her eyes were set on her favourite column  ‘Cats and Kittens. Our cuddliest and fluffiest companions’.


But her favourite feline companions aside, a peculiar girl attracted her attention. Sipping on her herbal tea and her figure hiding behind the cover of her newspapers, her watchful eyes peeked at the source of her curiosity. A cute little girl with a small bucket and an adorable doll passed before her eyes.


The girl was already distracting her the entire afternoon. Time and time again, the girl and her doll were racing through the guild halls. Up and down. up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Her cute little bucket always clutched in her arms. The girl with her fluffy black hair and brilliant purple eyes worked tirelessly, toiling diligently like a cute little bee. Good gracious! So young, and yet so full of exuberance. How admirable.


Angelika giggled, a cheerful smile crossing her lips. The girl and her cuteness warmed her heart. Her doll even resembled the girl, sharing her long black hair and  purple eyes. A curious sight indeed, but they made for a cuddly, adorable duo. The only question was, why was she carrying so much water up and down? Wasn't the bucket far too heavy for a little girl of her age ...


Angelika held her breath in a moment of terror. Oh, no ... The girl nearly tripped over a loose floorboard, but fortunately, she was able to regain her balance. Angelika touched her heart, a sigh of relief escaping her. No harm befell the girl, but no doubt, this must have been a sign.


Her maternal and sisterly instincts had awakened. The girl required her help! Her honour and sense of chivalry didn't permit her to forsake a little girl in need! They were just like kittens! It was her duty to lend her hand! Do not fear, sister Angelika was coming!


Angelika closed her newspaper and hurried to the rescue. There was no time to lose.



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