Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc IV Chapter 9



Arc IV Chapter 9



10th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


Erika, a ubiquitous name, a name frequent among the common classes, and the name of a certain hard working adventurer’s guild receptionist. A demure woman with hazel hair and a fitting pair of light brown eyes, Erika pursued her duties with the diligence demanded by her profession. Hailing from a respected family of artisans, from a proud line of blacksmiths, her family had been calling for generations a modest workshop in the outskirts of Freyburg their own. It was her grand, grand, grandfather who finally acquired the privilege of full citizenship. Ever since, her family sought their luck behind the protecting walls of Freyburg.


Her family struggled, but fate looked upon them with benevolence. Through the hard work and sweat of her forefathers, their business flourished, and her family amassed a modest fortune to lead a simple, but comfortable life. Unlike her less fortunate brethren, unlike the much disdained paupers and beggars who filled the streets of Freyburg, Erika had suffered little hardship. In fact, she was among the few fortunate enough to enjoy a formal education. While her brothers took on the mantle and responsibility of the family craft, her parents sent her to pursue an academic career, as she was granted the privilege to study the literary arts under the tutelage of church. 


The clergy absolved her from the curse of illiteracy, teaching her the arts of reading and writing, even instructing her in the basics of mathematics and accounting. Both sets of skills would prove useful later in her life, as literate and numerate personnel was scarce highly sought-after in a prospering city such as Freyburg, especially personnel versed in the fields of accounting and bookkeeping. No trade without proper administration. No commerce without bureaucracy. That was what her teachers used to say.


Her educational background led eventually to where she was standing today, earning her a stable occupation. The guild was searching for an additional receptionist, and thus she was hired. Her credentials spoke for her.  


“♫ ♪♩♪ ♫ ♬ ♩♫ ~”, Erika hummed along, while organising her precious files and documents. Archival and diligent documentation were an integral part of her work, simple tasks that filled her with abundant joy. Having everything neatly and tightly organised was a beautiful sight to behold. Everything was in order. Everything was in their places. Everything was where it belonged. A perfect example of impeccable efficiency!

Some people might resent or despise the sight of venerable parchment, but not her. Her heart appreciated the beauty ink and paper harboured, wishing for little else. Letters and numbers, paragraphs and column, comprised her little kingdom. This was her true calling. This was her little world. “♫ ♪♩♪ ♫ ♬ ♩♫ ~. ♪ ♫ ♫ ♩♬♪ ~. ♪ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♩♪ ♫ ♩♬♪ ~.♫ ♪♩♪ ♫ ♬ ♩♫ ...”


“Hello~, is this the guild reception~?” A girlish voice called for her, and Erika was swift to respond, greeting her newest customer with her brightest smile ... At least, she tried so. Her mysterious customer was nowhere to be found ... Where was she?


The girl raised her hand. “I am down here~.”


Erika lowered her gaze until finally locating her mysterious customer. Short and petite in stature, the girls' fluffy head barely reached the high counter. No wonder that she had overlooked the girl. “Oh my. Hello, little one, welcome to the adventurers' guild. How may I help you?”

“Hmm ...” Together with a doll tightly enclosed in her arms, the girl studied her. Her dolly eyes of profound purple observed her, eyes full of childish innocence and hope. Such a cuddly child. 


The girl posed a timid question,“Does big Sister have any time for me~?”


Erika maintained her smile. A smiling receptionist was a good receptionist. That was rule n. 1  of the adventurers' guild staff handbook. “Of course, little one. Tell me, what do you need? Do you want to post a mission? Are you hungry, or thirsty? Or did you perhaps get lost?”


The girl tilted her head, thinking,“I have a question, is this the place where you can register to become an adventurer~?”


Her words only served to deepen Erika's suspicions. The curious little airhead in front of her truly did appear to be lost. “Correct, this is the official registration point for aspiring adventurers. They may submit here their application here and apply for registration.”


Sunken in thoughts and hiding behind a pensive expression, the girl and her doll studied her with scrutiny. “Hmm.”


Erika maintained her polite smile. “...”










The girl hugged her doll. “I was told the guild offers a junior program for beginning adventurers ...”


Realisation struck Erika, as it dawned on her where this was going. So the girls was one of them. “Indeed, the guild offers such a program. I presume that you intend to apply, don't you?”


The mysterious girl nodded vigorously, confirming her suspicions. Meanwhile, Erika decided to play along. Her chances of being accepted ranged from slim to non existent anyway. Not that the girl knew. It wouldn't hurt to hand her a registration form.


Rummaging through her stack of paper and folder, her search produced a form. “Applying at such a young age, all alone. A brave decision, I must say. Here is your application form. Please fill it out and return it. Your request will then be processed.”


The girl accepted the form and was staring at it with a certain degree of incredulity and curiosity. “Hmm.”


Erika deployed a gentle smile. “Do you per chance need any help? If you want, I can lend you a hand with filling out the form. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.”


The girl returned a radiant beam. “No, thank you. I have everything I need. Just wait a moment. I will be back soon.”


As thus, her mysterious visitor, from one moment to the next happily, bounced away like a kitten with her doll in her arms and a form in her hands. What a curious girl.



After successfully claiming her registration form, Aurora and doll returned to Lambert, as they had encountered an unexpected obstacle on her path to adventurerhood, which required external support.


Her hands tugged at Lambert's overcoat. “Nice Uncle Lambert, nice Uncle Lambert, nice Uncle Lambert ...”


“Oh, already back?” His eyes blinked in surprise and what might qualify as hints of mild annoyance. “This was ... fast ...”


Little Aurora and her doll presented their form to him. “I need your help ... with this form.”


“For what?” Lambert furrowed his eyebrow.


For what she could, but couldn't, as she couldn't, because she shouldn't. What she shouldn't, because she mustn't. Because she mustn't, she thus didn't despite she could.


“... ... ... I can't read ...”



“... ...”

“... ... ...” Everyone fell silent.


“Well, ... that ... makes ... a lot of sense.” For once, Lambert agreed with her without employing any sort of persuasion.





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