Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc V Chapter 10



Arc V Chapter 10



23rd Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


“Now, what makes the aspecting elements special is their reactivity. Whereas the classical elements avoid each other and usually don't interact, light and darkness do interact and react. Quite easily if I might add, which is the reason why you will rarely encounter light and dark aether in their pure form. Light and darkness bond. They join. They combine. Never with each other due to the antagonistic nature of the aspecting elements, but with the six classical elements. This is why we also call them aspects. Light and darkness grant their associated elements either a luminal, or an umbral aspect, transforming them into aspected elements, or elementa aspecta, such as luminal fire and umbral fire, luminal lightning and umbral lightning, etc.


This dualism between classical and aspecting elements translates, of course, also to the realm of mana, or rather to our souls. As we know, we are all born with a soul. Some souls are stronger. Some souls are weaker. Yet they all possess what we call an affinity. We are born with it. It is in our blood. Just as every type of aether possesses an elemental alignment, so do our souls. Our souls are naturally drawn to a certain element, to one aspecting element, and to one classical element. Together, these two elements form our elemental affinity and establish the elemental nature of our magic. Your affinity irrevocably determines which elements you are able to use, and which not. There are cases of elemental affinities with three, or even four elements, but such cases are mostly theoretical rather than practical …


As you might have already realised, Edelgart, my affinity is fire and light, or, in short, luminal fire, which means that my mana consists of fire and light.” Iris beamed, a smile gracing her lips. It was a sight to behold. She was the image of a proud woman, proud of her achievements and accomplishments in life, proud of her mastery of magic. Yet her pride lacked the arrogance so common among those ordained of higher birth. It won her respect.


Aurora and her doll raised their hands, begging for attention. “And what about me? What affinity do I have?”


Iris chuckled, visibly amused. “Hehehe, as far as I can tell yours should be umbral fire, or fire and darkness.”


“Oh ...” Aurora marvelled long and loud. “So that means that I am a fire mage too ... But I am darkness ... Sister Iris, doesn't that make us opposites?” Her best impression of genuine sadness clouded her face. She was a sad little girl.


Iris, however, was quick to placate her and dispel her worries. “In a certain sense, ... yes, we are on the opposite ends of the aspecting spectrum, yet it doesn't matter ....”


Aurora tilted her head. “How so? Aren't light and darkness opposites?”


“You see, technically speaking, yes ... Practically speaking, no ... It is true that light and darkness are regarded as antagonistic elements, but in practice the differences are marginal at best. Light is said to be the more beginner friendly element, whereas darkness is said to be more challenging due to the more unrestrained nature of its power, but otherwise ...


Some claim that darkness is the nobler element of the two because it is less common, which is true, and the household element of many ancient noble families, which is also true, such as, for example, the House von Schwarz. They are famed for their mastery of fire and darkness. Personally, however, I think that the argument doesn't hold up to closer scrutiny considering that the royal family itself is luminal fire ... Others claim that darkness is somehow related to evil, but that is just woeful superstition. Although, the Church of Darkness and their rather supremacist doctrine compared to the Church of Light don't exactly help to dispel this image, but that is a completely different discussion. Anyway, do you have any further questions, Edelgart?”


Aurora shook her head. “None whatsoever.” It was probably better to leave before getting accidentally drawn into a lengthy ecumenical and ecclesiastical discourse about the theological stances of the Church of Darkness and the Church of Light. That sounded like something that she should better avoid if possible.


“Wonderful. Then I will let you go for today. I hope that my explanations were helpful ... No, wait, Edelgart ... I still have something for you~.” Iris started rummaging through her satchel, clearly searching for something. For what Aurora didn't know. “Ah, yes, there it is.”


Her hands produced what looked like some kind of crystal. It was a white, transparent hexagonal crystal. Aurora gazed at the mysterious item with a mixture of perplexity and confusion. “What is this?”


Iris merely smiled. “This is a gift. It is for you ~. Take it~.”


Aurora took the crystal, albeit cautiously. The crystal was her size, fitting perfectly into her hand. “...”


“This is an Auracite. It is a rare unaspected mineral and crystal. I received it when I was younger and entered the church. It is an old custom among mages to bestow a piece of Auracite upon a fledgling acolyte. We use them to train and practise our mana because of their manaconductive properties, but I don't need it any more these days, so I give it to you. You can keep it. You need it more than me.”


“Really? I can keep it?” Aurora threw a questioning gaze at Iris.


“Yes, really.” Iris beamed, a radiant smile was her answer.


“Thank you, very much, Sister Iris~. I will cherish it.” Aurora and her doll shared their happiness about their most recent acquisition. A piece of Auracite was acquired! Now officially added to her inventory!



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