Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc V Chapter 15



Arc V Chapter 15



25th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


“4 taler and 3 kreuzer ... 1 gulden and 10 taler apiece ... 213 denarii ... 45 aurei ... 213 times 4 ... 45 times one ... That is ...” Gregor finished his task, performing the necessary his calculations on his wax tablet. His gaze turned to his mysterious girl and customer. “That makes 45 gulden, 1 302 taler, and 639 kreuzer. 2 266 taler in total. This is quite ... a large sum ... So it might take a few days to raise it ...”


“That is not an issue ...” The girl, however, remained unbothered. “I am flexible when it comes to payment. In fact, I don't need the money immediately, but I would rather prefer to receive it at a later point if possible ...”


“Of course ... Of course ... That can be arranged.” Her words surprised Gregor, making him raise an eyebrow. Apparently the need for money wasn't as pressing as he had thought initially. Nevertheless, he was glad to oblige. 2 000 taler ... That was a quantity of silver that he couldn't just conjure out of thin air ... “I will prepare the money in the coming days, and you can claim it on demand, if you wish.”


The girl merely smiled. “That sounds perfect~.”


Gregor pulled out a piece of paper from below his counter before preparing a pen, an inkwell, and his seal. The girl met his actions with a mixture of curiosity and interest. “Do you know what a promisory note is?”


The girl raised her index finger in a sage manner. “Of course, I do.” 


He doubted so. “Do you?”


The girl nodded. “Oh, yes. Dolly, explain what a promisory note is!”


The girl shoved her doll right into his face, all while imitating the cute voice of a doll. “Gladly. A promisory note is a legal instrument and written document concluded between two parties, denominanted either debtor or creditor. The promisory note proves the existence of a credit and obligates the debtor to pay a certain sum to the creditor, usually within a certain specified time frame. It is the responsibility of the creditor to enforce the debt.”


“That is ... correct.” More than just correct ... Ignoring the fact that he got lectured by her doll, the girl was truly full of surprises. From whatever family she was, the money spent on her education was apparently well invested.


Gregor guided his pen to complete the note. The debtor was specified. The sum was specified. All that as missing now was her name ...


Gregor looked up, his eyes drawn to the girl. “Your name ... I need your name for the note ...”


“Sure.” The girl beamed. “My name is Edelgart~.”


“Edelgart ... Just Edelgart?” 


The girl nodded. “Just Edelgart~.”


“Understood.” A first name, and yet no surname ... Curious indeed ... The name was probably a false name to protect her identity and that of her family ... Gregor finished the note before handing it to Edelgart. Their transaction was now official and sealed. “Do you need anything else?” 


The girl pondered a moment. “As a matter of fact, yes, I do.” Her hands were once again rummaging through her satchel. “If you would be so kind, I have a small favour to ask. I need you to safekeep a certain item for the time being, until I return to retrieve it.” Her hand produced an ornate dagger of ancient design. Most likely of Valentian origin and made of pure mythril. A single glance was enough to tell him that the weapon was worth a fortune. “Would that be an issue~?”


“Not all.” Gregor shook his head before taking the dagger into his custody, making it disappear into one of his many drawers. The girl was happy, and he was now not only her private banker, but also safekeeper ... How quick things change these days ...


And thus, his mysterious visitor left. Or, at least, he thought so. Her steps ceased, and the girl halted, her eyes drawn to the wall near the entrance. A variety of eastern memorabilia attracted her attention, the sight of a certain sword in particular. The blade enthralled her beyond mere curiosity. “...”


Aurora was gazing at the sword with a certain sense of fascination, her mind absorbing every detail. It was a blade that she would not have expected to stumble across in this time and age. Much less in this corner of the world. “...”


Gregor smirked. “Do you like what you see?”


“...” Aurora ignored his question, her mind completely immersed in contemplation. The edge facing skywards ... The elegant scabbard ... The timeless black lacquer ... The thin and light gold leaf ... The braided hilt wrapping ... The ornate hand guard embellished with delicate cherry blossoms ... the curvature of the blade ... There was no doubt as to its provenance ... And yet the blade had founds its way west from distant shores, so far from home. “... ... ... This sword ... It is beautiful ... How did you get your hands on this blade?”


Gregor grinned with a distinct sense of pride. It was the pride of a full fledged antique trader.“It is an import. I acquired the sword through an old Vittorian contact of mine. He got it from somewhere further east. Can't remember whether it was in Tyros or Sidon. Or maybe it was Theodosia ... Anyway, he told me that the sword comes from the far east, from an island country named Zipangu.”


“...” Aurora returned her attention to the sword, to the hilt in particular. The sword ... It was calling for her ...


Gregor crossed his arms, his index finger tipping against his chin, thinking. “I think he called it a ka ..., kat ..., kata ... Hey ... Hey! HEY, WAIT!!! What are you doing? Careful! Don't touch it! This isn't a toy! The blade is ... sharp ...” All to no avail. His warnings fell on deaf ears.


Aurora seized the hilt of the blade without even the slightest hint of moral qualms or hesitation. Her hand claimed the sword, her heart desired to unsheathe it from its protective scabbard in a swift draw. Her eyes inspected the blade, now held in hands at arm's length. A mere glance already satisfied her. “It is a good blade ... Truly a shame ...” 


Her interest didn't escape Gregor. “Well, if you are interested, then you can buy it. It's cheap. 500 taler only. Quite a bargain.” 


500 taler only ... Quite a bargain ... Sure ... “Not today, but perhaps another day ...” Aurora retracted the blade, sheathing it in a single fluid motion.




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