Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 1



Arc VI Chapter 1



Anno Imperii 18.04.1932


The first rays of dawn pierced her windows, announcing the coming day. Their gentle light roused the whole room from its deep slumber under the auspice of chirping birds. It was nature, rearing her head once more.






“Lady Aurora.”






“Lady Aurora.”






“Lady Aurora, it is time to rise”, an unfamiliar voice filled the room. It was a female voice without a doubt, but its allegiance escaped her knowledge, eluding her. It was a voice she neither knew, nor ever had heard before. It was a voice unknown to her. Who was she? Who was this woman? Who was this voice that even called with a subtle sense of intimacy? Did they know each other? If so, then why didn't she remember her?


“Lady Aurora, I repeat, it is time to rise. Breakfast has been prepared. Furthermore, your father awaits you, Lady Aurora. It would be unwise to make His Grace wait.”


Breakfast? Father? His Grace? Questions filled Aurora's mind. How ... How was this possible? How was father here? How had he found her? Was her soul not locked inside her doll? Had all of it been only an unsettling dream?


“...” Her body turned, rolling around in her soft bed, giving in to the luring temptations of slumber and fluffy pillows instead of rousing. In the end, the voice's words went unheard and were ignored. Her actions did little to please the unknown voice. Quite the contrary.


“Lady Aurora, with all due respect, but I must unfortunately insist. It is time for you to rise. The day before you is long, and your schedule busy. Your father awaits you. Not to mention, your lessons are due to begin, Lady Aurora.” 


“...” There was no reaction from her body. Her arms were still wrapped around her fluffy pillow, unwilling to change the status quo. Her body refused to listen, embracing the joys of blissful slumber.


The voice sighed with a mild sense of consternation, as if the current predicament was a situation that she was quite familiar with, far more than she would like. As if this impasse was hardly a rare occurrence, but rather one that befell her, much to the woman's displeasure, with a certain degree of regularity. “Lady Aurora, there is no need for Your Ladyship to pretend to be still asleep. I know Your Ladyship well. I am keenly aware that Your Ladyship is awake and listening. It is time.”


“... ... ... How unfortunate ...”, her body answered, her lips moving. A stern voice resounded. It was a youthful voice, melodious and tender. The voice of a child. The voice of a little girl. A girl of her age, or younger. It was her voice, yet not. The voice was strange ... different. Cold. Resolute. Firm. Hardened. This voice ... The ductus ... The tone ... The similarities were uncanny. They all very much reminded her of a certain someone ... Of a certain girl whom she had come to know in recent times.


Aurora stretched her arms and yawned. Her eyes opened, her eyelids adapting to the golden glow of the dawning sun. Her drowsy body rose from beneath layers upon layers of silk sheets and pillows on her canopy bed, her tousled hair surrounding her. The sight of an opulent bedroom greeted her, a room adorned with ornate furniture, tapestries, and the air of noble extravagance. The style was alien, yet the sense of opulence wasn't. This was undoubtedly the room of a noble scion. This was her room. Her little kingdom. It always had been, even when she had never been here before.


Her eyes fell on the mysterious woman attending her, the source of the unknown voice. Dark hazelnut hair, green eyes, a decade her senior, the woman appeared to be a servant, a trusted maid, her trusted maid. Even though she had never seen this woman before, her black and white garbs, her apron, her neatly pinned hair betrayed her station. Her name was Anna, and it was her duty to accompany her mistress since childhood.


How did she know her name?


“Guten Morgen, Lady Aurora. I hope that Your Ladyship enjoyed a pleasant night’s sleep.” Anna bowed, lowering her head to offer her respect to those of higher birth, a notion rightfully appropriate, only too natural within the borders of the Reich.


The Reich?


“... ... ...” Her body merely acknowledged Anna before moving on its own. Her petite toes touched the soft carpet, approaching her maid. Her arms rose and her negligée waited. “Anna.” A single world sufficed to convey her intentions. Her wish was her command.


Her maid nodded and commenced her work. Anna hurried. “Of course, My Lady.” 


Her silken negligée dropped to the ground, her naked body now laid bare to the eyes of the world, revealing her slender figure beneath strands of her black hair, her fair complexion, her immaculate skin. A mild blush overcame Aurora at the sight. This body ... This body was one of absolute perfection. One almost artificial. One that of a doll.






This was not her. This was not her room. This was not her maid. This was not her world ...


Who was this girl? Where was she?




26th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


“... ... ...” Little Aurora's eyes shot wide open, her entire body shaking, trembling, her breathing erratic, her thoughts in disarray. Her dream had come to an end, but countless questions unanswered remained. What ... was this? What was this dream?


Nothing had changed. Reality had clawed her back and returned her to the room of the previous night. It was the same room she had come to know, the rustic room and furniture located in the adventurer's guild. Reality returned her to her body. She was a girl not any more, but once again a doll carved from porcelain.


In the distance, there she was, standing motionless in front of the window, her back facing her. There she was, the other Aurora. They were all alone in the room. It was only the two of them.


“...” Aurora turned her head and their eyes interlocked. Her purple eyes met hers. Her lips formed a saccharine, a suave smile, a knowing smile, an understanding smile, a smile of recognition. “...” 


There was no doubt, the girl knew. It had not escaped her notice, nor her watchful eyes.


Aurora beamed, her smile unfaltering. “Guten Morgen, Lady Aurora.”


“...” Little Aurora stiffened in an instant. There it was again ... This subtle indifference in her voice. It was her. The dream ... They were her memories. “...”


Aurora giggled in response, not bothering to hide her intrigue. “It seems, much as I have suspected, that we do not share just a soul. I presume that you have seen a fragment of my past, Lady Aurora, did you not? I only hope that my memories have not unsettled you.”




Check out my other novel and give it a try! =^.^=


Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Prologue

Death claims all of us in a timely fashion, but some are granted a second chance.

Armed with ambition, megalomania, and pride alone, an innocent girl reincarnates into the vast world of Naruto with the sole intention of writing history, her history. [Female OC] [AU elements]


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