Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 10



Arc VI Chapter 10



30th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“Ding. Dong. Dang. Ding. Dong. Dang. Ding. Dong. Dang. Ding.” The familiar metallic sound of bells resounded in the distance with clockwork precision. The church’s clock tower awoke from its restless slumber to announce the time. Each strike reverberated across the whole city, across corners, across every alley, reaching far and wide. Morning had passed. It was now ten o'clock, and, much to her displeasure, they were still waiting for their mentor to arrive. Said woman had not graced them yet with her presence, which already left quite a poor first impression. Being late on her first day ... How disappointing ... How shameful ... How unbecoming of their so called ‘mentor ’... Aurora would remember, her apparent lack of punctuality included. But for now, for the time being, they were simply waiting.


In their boredom, Aurora and her doll studied the guild board. Now that they had been promoted to proper and official adventurers in the eyes of the guild, it might be a good idea to consult the board for more than just local news. Its primary purpose was after all not to inform, but rather to report available missions, advertising them to the common adventurer in search of work.


The board featured three sections. Quests. Bounties. Hunts. And their respective rewards. Each was subdivided further according to guild ranks. It was a practical system, a solid system. It worked. Supposedly.


“...” Aurora scanned the board.


Quests were self explanatory. Minor jobs for minor adventurers. The daily bread and butter of the honest adventurer.


Bounties were less self explanatory. Criminals. Murderers. Thieves. Fugitives. Outlaws. Troublemakers. Traitors. Rebels. Brigands. Bandits. Heretics. Apostates. They were everywhere. They were the enemy, the bane and scourge of society since the dawn of time, firmly dealt with in the name of justice, law, and order.


But as reality taught, dealing with them was easier said than done, even for the authorities with their considerable resources at their disposal. Unsurprisingly, the average bandit wasn't exactly keen on being hanged on the gallows. Nor was the branded heretic on being burned alive at the stake by the church. They were on the run, fleeing, hiding. Thus, even the noble lords and masters required some help when it came to administering justice and making certain undesirable individuals disappear. How it reminded her of the good old times ...


“Wrrrrrr. Wrrrrr.” Little Aurora trembled, a sudden shiver overcoming her, her armsies hugging herself.


Aurora noticed her discomfort, her hand quickly intervening with a gentle head pat. “Is something the matter?”


Little Aurora shook her head, dispelling her stupor. “I am fine ... There was just ... this ominous feeling ... Cold and dark thoughts ... They made me shiver.”


“Ah, I see, poor you.” Aurora beamed, armed with a soothing smile. “It was probably nothing. Probably only your imagination.” 


Little Aurora seemed unsure, but she believed her. Good girl. “Hmm, if you say so ...”


Aurora smiled. “Let's talk about something more cheerful, what do you think about the quests? Would you like to do any of them?”


“Hmm.” Little Aurora stroked her chin. “Well, I am not sure, but this one looks interesting.” The girl raised her arm, pointing at one quest specifically.


Aurora followed her suggestion, her finger tapping the quest in question. “This one?”


Little Aurora nodded vigorously, her fisties clenched. “...”


Mischievous Cats

Rank: Copper

Difficulty: Low

Client: Freyburg City Guard

Location: Freyburg

Reports about a pack of mischievous cats have surfaced. The felines vandalise stands and shops around the corn market. Investigate the incidents and apprehend the culprits forthwith! Hand them over to the authorities! Bring an end to this feline reign of terror! 

Reward: 25 kreuzer”


Aurora was unsure. “Hmm, mischievous cats ... Are you certain? Aren't we kind of ... overqualified?”


Her words gave little Aurora pause, but she was quick to recuperate. “Well, possibly ... But mischievous cats are a serious matter! Law and order must be maintained! That is what my father has always taught me. Thus, we must stop these deviant felines! We must protect the poor merchants!” 


“...” Aurora offered a blank stare. Her doll was dramatising. The merchants were neither poor, nor were cats a credible threat to domestic law and order. They should survive a few thieving cats. “What about this quest?”


Rabbit Menace 

Rank: Copper

Difficulty: Low

Client: Weitfeld Village Council

Location: Weitfeld

A horde of exceedingly numerous and voracious rabbits has been terrorising the local farmsteads, bringing about unspeakable mayhem and destruction. They devour cabbages, parsnips, and beets. Patrol the fields and fend off the marauding rabbits. Protect the crops!

Reward: 6 coppers for every dead rabbit”


“I don't know ...” Her doll averted her eyes, fidgeting with her fingers. “Bub buns are cute~. They are fluffy and cuddly~. I don't want to kill them.”


Aurora was inclined to disagree, but also not. “Fair enough, then no dead bun buns. What about this one?”


Rat Infestation

Rank: Copper

Difficulty: Low

Client: Freyburg City Guard

Location: Freyburg

We are always in search of some motivated adventurers. The sewers are overrun by swarms of rats. Their population is increasing, and they are growing bolder with each day. Deal with them. Explore the sewers and kill the annoying pests. Because only a dead rat is a good rat.

Reward: 1 copper per every dead rat, bonus included”


Little Aurora shuddered at the mere mention of ‘sewers’. “Sewers ... The filth. The dirt. The grime. The stench. The foul air. The rot. No, I would rather not. The sewers are not a place for two noble ladies ...”


Aurora seconded her opinion, “Hmm, I have seen worse, but I must concur. Pest control is arguably an activity hardly befitting our status. Not to mention, sewers are indeed far from a pleasant place to be.” No sewers then, which was probably for the better. “And what about these two? They seem promising. Also no sewers involved. No ugly critters.”


Gathering Herbs 

Rank: Copper

Difficulty: Basic botanical knowledge required

Client: Apothecary's and Alchemist's Guild

Location: Freyburg

The Apothecary's as well as Alchemist's Guild are in constant need of rare herbs and ingredients. Procure the necessary herbs and deliver them to the respective guilds.

Reward: Depending on the quality, quantity, and rarity of the herbs.”


Adventurer's Guild Postal Service 

Rank: Copper

Difficulty: Low

Client: Adventurer's Guild

Location: Freyburg

Deliver post and packages all across Freyburg in the name of the Adventurer's Guild’s Postal Service. No prior qualifications required. Honesty and integrity are mandatory.

Any infractions of the guild's code of conduct will be severely punished.

Reward: Depending on the commission, tips included” 


“Well, ... I guess, gathering herbs is out of the question, unless you happen to be versed in the field of botany ...” Aurora shared her doubts.


Little Aurora shook her head. “Little more than you.” 


“I see, how unfortunate ... And postal girl Aurora? Doesn't that sound like something for us? We will make for the cutest postal girls in all of Schwarzwalt! ” Aurora beamed.


Little Aurora tilted her head, hardly convinced. “Postal girl Aurora ...”


Aurora poked her doll, attacking her cheeks. “Come on, it will be fun~. We will be a splendid pair! Trust me! We will see the city! We will see the world! Tell me, did you ever have the chance to wander around Freyburg on your own?”


Little Aurora fell into deep thoughts. “Not that I remember. Father always told me to not leave the castle, because the world outside is dangerous.” 


Aurora grinned in victory. “There you have it. As I told you, this is an excellent opportunity to see a bit of the world ...”


“Hey, Edelgart, what on earth are you doing here ? Tsk, are you talking with your strange doll again?” A male voice cut her short, a voice and tone she knew only too well. It belonged to a certain precocious brat who had attracted her ire several times already.


Her eyes narrowed, and her head turned, welcoming her guests. “It's you, Erich ... And your friend, Ludolf. What a pleasant surprise. What do I owe the honour?” A schooled glare was her response.


Erich grinned, a confident smirk on his lips, his best friend and loyal henchman behind him. “I could ask you the same question, Edelgart.”


Erich and Ludolf, the two boys were standing before, their arms crossed and their hostility patent. The animosity was, however, mutual. They didn't like her, and she didn't like them. Their continuous presence aggravated her.


The only remaining question was, what were they doing here?



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