Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 14



Arc VI Chapter 14



30th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“...” Erich crossed his arms, standing in one place, scowling, frowning, his general dissatisfaction written across his face. The current situation displeased him. Ludolf was not much different. They both growled, mumbled, grumbled under their breaths. 


The cause of their irritation was evident. They waited. And waited. And waited. Hours had passed, yet their mentor remained nowhere to be seen. Their mentor's truancy had considerably soured their mood and expectations.


Aurora, meanwhile, was occupied with her doll, patting, caressing her soft hair as though it was a little kitten. For little Aurora was a reliable source of constant calm and happiness. Today, her doll helped her to graciously overlook a certain someone's ill timed tardiness.


Little Aurora pouted, venting her anger with her tiny angry voice. Even a gentle soul like hers had its limits. “Do you think that she might have forgotten about us?” 


Aurora shrugged her shoulders, equally at a loss. “Who knows. Perhaps. Perhaps not. To be honest, I stopped caring an hour ago. If she comes, she comes. If she doesn't come, she doesn't come. Fine by me. I will get us some hot chocolate if she doesn’t show up soon.”


“...” Little Aurora declined to comment, but there was nothing that could be done about an absent mentor.






Another minute passed, but this time the camel's back was broken. Discontent turned to frustration. Frustration to rage.


“Enough!” Erich vented his anger, clenching his fists. His temper got the better of him, albeit for understandable reasons. “This is ridiculous! This situation is unacceptable! Seriously, who does she think she is? Does the woman know no shame?” 


He was not alone. Ludolf agreed, “Spot on! We are adventurers. Not her lackeys. She has no right to treat us like this.”


Erich clicked his tongue, already resolved to take his leave. “Yes, exactly, we deserve some punctuality! Imagine! Three hours! We have already been waiting for three flipping hours ...” 


The guild’s door burst wide open all at once, the hinges shrieking under the force. A woman barged in head over heels, her blonde hair dishevelled, the sweat dripping from her forehead, all in a state of utter exhaustion. They all stared at her in astonishment. Poor creature. 


The woman came to a halt right in front of them, her lungs panting, gasping for air. “... ... ...”






“...” Erich, Rudolf, Aurora, even her doll, they all exchanged confused looks, blinking.


“Listen, ...” The woman raised her index finger, still panting. “Please, ... give me ... just ... a moment.” Her words took all of her remaining strength.


They did. All she needed was a moment of rest to catch her breath. The brief respite worked wonders. Her exhaustion receded, gradually vanishing. Her breathing slowed and the colour in her face returned ...


“...” Aurora furrowed an eyebrow. Her face ... Her face seemed familiar. She was sure she had seen the woman somewhere before, but where?


The woman beamed, back on her feet and fully operational again after quickly adjusting her clothes, her armour, and her hair. “Thank you, ... I needed this.” 


“...” Erich scrutinised the woman, studying her. “Are ... Are you our mentor?”


The woman smiled, confident as ever. “Yes, I am. I am your assigned mentor.” 


Realisation dawned on Aurora, finally remembering her. This smile ... This cheerful spirit ... This overwhelming positivity ... “Ah, yes, it is her.”


“Her?” her doll wondered from the safety of her arms. “You know her?”


“Yes, we do.” Aurora whispered. “We have met her before. It was before your time, so you wouldn't remember.” 


Little Aurora nodded. “I understand.”


“I think her name was ... ... ... was ... ... ... was ... ... ...” Aurora tilted her head. “Never mind.” 


Erich, meanwhile, was less well disposed, his arms crossed. He wanted answers. “I see, so you are indeed our mentor. Tell us, what is your reason for being late. You surely have an explanation.”  


“...” The known unnamed woman struggled, visibly uncomfortable with the entire situation. The truth was rather embarrassing. “Well, ... you see …, I encountered some complications on my way here ... Namely, a litter of newborn kittens.”






“A litter? A litter of kittens? Are you serious?” Erich didn't believe his ears.


The woman merely nodded. “...”


Erich blinked. “So you are telling us that we have been waiting here all this time because of a litter of kittens?”


The woman confirmed, “Yes, but in my defence, they were the cutest, fluffiest, cuddliest, most adorable kittens on the entire planet. I couldn't leave them alone like this. They required my aid!” Their mentor clenched her righteous fist. “It was imperative to feed and snuggle them!”






Aurora whispered to her doll. “Our mentor ... She is strange, isn't she?”


Little Aurora merely nodded in response, “Yes, quite. But I think that she must be a good person.” 


“How so?” Aurora wondered.


“Kittens are cute and fluffy. That means that all people who like kittens must be cute and fluffy too. Such is well known.”


“...” Aurora was too polite to disagree. “What impeccable logic ...”


“That means that she needs our support! We must help her!” Little Aurora clenched her fisties.


“Really?” Aurora didn't share her enthusiasm. “Do we? ”


“...” Little Aurora nodded. Her round purple eyes were begging her.


“Are you sure? That sounds like work ...”


“...” Little Aurora nodded once more, leaving no room for debate.


“...” A heavy sigh escaped Aurora. So this was how it felt to be ordered around by a doll ...


“...” Erich grumbled, still engaged in a staring match with their mentor. The latter took the entire matter less serious. Now it fell to her to mediate.


“Listen, Erich ...” Aurora took the word, claiming everyone's attention. “Though, it is not my place to speak, I think you are being highly unreasonable here.” 


“What?” Erich retorted. He and Ludolf turned to her. Their mentor. Recognition flashed across her eyes after taking notice of her presence. 


The woman smiled, waving at her. “Ah, a familiar face. It's you, Edelgart~. You still remember me, don't you?”


“Yes ...” Aurora beamed, lying through her teeth. “Of course, I do.”


Her old friend, whose name she had certainly not forgotten, reacted, overjoyed. “I am glad you do! I knew, you would never forget Sister Angelika.” Yes ... Absolutely, most certainly not ...





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