Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 17



Arc VI Chapter 17



30th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“... ... ...” Aurora smirked ever so slightly, ever so unnoticeably to the careless onlooker, her lips savouring her hot chocolate. It was still warm and cosy. 


Touché. His point ... was taken. It was difficult to refute the truth now that he had glimpsed at what lay beyond her mask. It appeared that she had underestimated the boy. How negligent of her. “...”


Erich felt vindicated, a smug grin crossing his lips. He had scored a hit. “Suddenly silent, aren't you?”


“...” Aurora merely sipped on her cup of hot chocolate, her eyes closed in contemplation. Her first cup neared its inevitable end. What a shame. “...”


Ever the cheerful and forgiving spirit, Angelika tried her best to pacify, visibly uncomfortable with the entire situation. “Now, now, Erich, don’t you think that you went a bit too far here? After all, aren't we all friends here?”


Erich crossed his arms, his stubbornness getting the better of him. Once set, an unfavourable first impression was difficult to dislodge, but such was true for most of us. “No, I meant what I said, and I will stand by my words. No matter what she might think, she doesn’t belong here. And I am hardly the only one to think so.” His gaze shifted, focusing on her with renewed attention. “Edelgart, do you know what the people say about you and your doll behind your back?”


“...” Aurora raised an eyebrow, her second cup of delicious hot chocolate approaching her lips. So they were talking about her ... Behind her back, no less. Not that she ever had cared about the opinion of the many. “No, I do not.”  


“...” Erich narrowed his eyes. His stare spoke for itself. “They call you insane, Edelgart. They call you the crazy girl with the creepy doll!”


“Hey!” Little Aurora protested vehemently, fuming inside her arms. “Take that back! I am not creepy! I am cute and fluffy!”


“Hey!” Aurora protested vehemently, hugging her doll protectively. “Take that back! Dolly is not creepy! A bit maybe, but not much! She is cute and fluffy! And I am not insane! Certainly not.”


Erich dismissed her, scarcely convinced. “I have my serious doubts. After all, it was you who ordered a cup of hot chocolate ... For your doll!”


“Yes, of course!” Aurora nodded sagely, oblivious to the apparent contradiction. “Two cups for me. One cup for Dolly. All as it should be!”


“...” Erich blinked in return, his stare completely aghast, devoid of life. “Don’t you ... Don’t you see the problem, Edelgart?”


“Hmm … Hmm … Hmmm ...” Aurora tilted her head before shaking her head, her doll safely in her arms, “No, not really.”


“...” Erich sighed, at this point at the end of his ropes. “You see, Edelgart, your doll is ... a doll. A cup of hot chocolate is a cup of hot chocolate. Dolls don’t drink hot chocolate. In fact, dolls don’t drink at all.”


Aurora tilted her head, surprised by this most recent and most surprising revelation. Apparently, dolls were not able to drink. “Hmm, now that you say it ... Are you sure, though?”


“Yes, quite.” Erich clicked his tongue, the derision apparent.


“...” Aurora pondered her options. “Well, what if, what if we ask Dolly herself? What do you think, Dolly? Is it true what the mean boy says? He says that you don't like hot chocolate ... Oh, ... what do you say?”


“... ... ...” Little Aurora played her part flawlessly. Motionless and silent, she was resting among her arms like the good doll she was. Her façade was impeccable.  


Aurora leaned closer, lending her doll an ear. “I see ... I understand ... Good news, Erich, Dolly says that she would appreciate a cup of hot chocolate. Your concerns are misplaced.”


“Are they?” Erich clicked his tongue, not bothering to hide his disdain. “See, Edelgart, this is exactly why everyone thinks you are insane. You and your doll are living in your own little fantasy world. This, however, is reality. This is the real world. Life isn’t just one of your silly games, Edelgart. Seriously, stop acting like a child, and start growing up!”


“...” Start growing up ... If the boy only knew. Aurora shook her head, sighing. “Erich, my friend, listen ...”


“Erich! This is enough! ” Angelika slammed her fists onto the table, interrupting their little spat and claiming their attention. “Your concerns are noted, but this is no reason to attack her like this. Edelgart is one of us, and I will not tolerate any further transgressions, do you understand?”


“But ...” Erich protested.


“No buts, Erich”, Angelika countered. “This is my final word. Have I made myself clear?”




“Have I made myself clear, Erich?”


“Yes, Ma'am”, Erich conceded grudgingly. This was how their confrontation ended, for now. Anticlimactically.


His coat thrown over his shoulder, his swords holstered around his hip, Felix set once again foot in an opulent mansion of stone and wood. Aged oak and serene granite. Faded tapestries and soft velvet. It was a place that had grown familiar in recent weeks, home to him and his liege.


Barons, counts, margraves, dukes, princes, kings, emperors. Since ancient times, since times immemorial, the wealth, the power, the privileges of nobility exceeded those of the common masses. Founded on the strength of their magic, the strength of their indomitable bloodline, it was them to rule this world and her riches. All across the realm, far and close, they called lands and vast possessions, estates, and mansions their own. So did the House von Ehrbach.


They were the most noble and most ancient House von Ehrbach, the venerable Counts of Stiglitz. Of course, they would call a mansion within the walls of Freyburg their own. Of course, they would not allow themselves to fall behind their lesser peers. Of course, they would not be outdone by their rivals and competitors.


Because it was imperative for any noble house of proper standing to maintain presence, to maintain face in the eyes of their liege. To see and to be seen. To demonstrate their wealth, power, and influence in the face of the world. Such was the ancient game of the nobles. Such was the way the game was played. Whether it was yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Whether it was abroad or back home. It was a game that never changed.


His footsteps swift and firm, Felix passed the guards and the sea of servants. Maids and butlers dedicated to their work. He had returned, earlier than presumed, but such was the life of a loyal retainer. Always on duty. Always on guard.


Felix arrived at the chambers and the heavy wooden door opened. A familiar sight of Lord Viktor greeted him, his lord and master ensconced in his armchair a book in his hands, his intellectual pursuits interrupted.


“...” His liege noticed his presence, a flicker of surprise crossing his stoic façade of a face.


Felix spoke, his voice firm. He was serious. “My Lord, we have a problem.”



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