Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 8



Arc VI Chapter 8



Anno Imperii 23.06.1932


Aurora rushed off, storming down the corridors, but in her rush and excitement, negligence took hold of her. She had forgotten one of her books in her father’s office, namely Economy and Society: The Foundations of Interpretive Sociology. How utterly careless of her ... She must retrieve it forthwith!


Her feet halted and changed course to retrieve her forgotten book, but her momentum crumbled in an instant, the moment she turned around the corner. Her father's office was close, yet so was someone else, someone else whose presence she usually avoided, her mother. The daughter of a noble house, her dark chestnut hair caressed her finely embroidered gown.


Aurora quickly retreated, disappearing, scurrying behind the corner. Her fluffy head surfaced to take a peek. Her mother was furious, quite furious, extremely furious, judging by her twisted face and her fierce glare, her furious steps guiding her right into her father's office. Her hands thrust the door wide open, the hinges flinching under her force. Her father was in for a serious discussion, it would seem. Fortunately, she hadn't noticed her.


“...” Aurora despaired, her hopes crumbling. Her poor book ... Her retrieval mission had officially failed ..., at least, for now. It was better not to disturb her mother. Especially, when she was in such a terrible mood. She would return later when her mother was gone ...


“TELL ME, AUGUST! Why are you so intent on keeping this little wretch here?” her mother exploded, her voice echoing far and wide.


Her father ignored her aggressive tone, ever the gentleman. “My dearest Eleonore, it is a pleasure to see you. What honour do I owe your visit ...”


Her mother cut him short, her blood seething. “Stop playing dumb, August. You know why I am here. You are perfectly aware of the purpose of my visit, August. Four years have passed since her arrival. For four years, I have watched. For four years, I have endured. For four years, I have suffered. But enough is enough, August. The girl must go. The little wretch has overstayed her welcome. I cannot stand the little mongrel any longer. Her very presence, her very existence affronts us all, August.”


“...” Aurora tilted her head, her curiosity consuming her. Could it be ... Were ... Were… Were they ... talking about her? How? Why?


Her father merely smiled in response. “Eleonore, my dear, I ... I understand your pain well ...” 


“Understand? Understand? YOU THINK THAT YOU TRULY UNDERSTAND?” her mother hissed, her voice laced with venom. “You understand nothing, August! Not only have you brought us this illegitimate bastard girl, you even have the gall to demand from me that I should play the role of her ‘mother’ for the sake of appearances. Our little act deceives nobody, August! Do you realise what they are saying about us in society? Do you realise what they are saying about us behind our backs? Do you realise what they are saying about our little bastard child? You don't, do you? Or you don't care. But, I do. One of us still cares about our reputation.


So, tell me, August, who was it? Who was the dirty street whore whom you knocked up? Who was the slut? Was it your pretty maid? Or was it some stray peasant girl you picked up during the war? Was it enjoyable? Did you enjoy sullying my reputation with your infidelity? Answer me, August!”


“...” Her father ignored her taunts. Silence was his answer. “Eleonore, I love you my dear, but sadly, it is not your place to know, nor am I willing to disclose such details.” Her father’s tone was firm and like steel, his customary veneer of velvet missing. It was the voice of a noble, of a duke commanding.


Her ... mother clicked her tongue. “I thought so. At least, other noblemen have the decency to adequately dispose of their ‘accidents’, instead of bringing their failures home to dote upon. August, wasn't it you in your younger days who was always rambling about the ‘purity of the noble blood’ and the ‘unbroken honour of a noble house’? And yet it was you in the end who has stained the honour of the House with some filthy mongrel of dubious provenance. It is because of her magic, isn't it? It is because of her potential that you took such an interest in her, investing so much time and effort in this peasant girl.” 


“...” Her father countered her accusations with unshakeable stoicism, his eyes staring her down.  “Eleonore, ... I will tell you once more, ... once and for all, Aurora is my daughter, whether you will have her or not. Forget not that the girl is my own flesh and blood. The blood of the House von Schwarz courses through her veins, stronger than you ever could fathom, and that is all that truly matters. I will protect her, no matter the cost. And I will not be swayed by mere words alone, Eleonore. Let the people gossip as much as they wish. As if I had ever cared about the opinion of the many.”


Her ... mother fumed, her annoyance audible. She seethed, clenching her fists, sneering. “I see ... So, ... this is ... how you truly think. Keep your stray girl if you wish so, August, but don't expect me to play your little game. I will not. Not ever.” She left, slamming the door behind her. Their discussion was over.






The door slowly opened and Aurora entered, her books tightly clutched to her chest. “Father ...”


“...” Her father merely stared at her. “You heard it all, didn't you?”


“...” Aurora merely nodded numbly.


“I see ... How regretful ...” Her father sighed before approaching her. His gentle hand caressed her hair, patting her head. “Don't fret about it, Aurora. All will be fine. I am here for you.” 


“...” Aurora glanced up, taking a breath. “Father, ... may I ask ... If mother is not my true mother ... Who is it?”


“...” Her father scrutinised her, a smile on his lips. “What a curious question ... It is a secret, you know, one that should not be carelessly divulged. And yet you yearn to know, Aurora? If you wish so, I will tell you.”


“...” Aurora nodded again.


Her father leaned closer, whispering in her ears. His voice was gentle and soft, his words carefully chosen. “Your mother ... You ... don't ... have ... one.” 


“...” Aurora froze, unable to understand. How ... How ... could she have no mother? 


Her father receded, smiling, his index finger sealing his lips. “It is a secret. One just between you and me. So don't tell anyone, Aurora.”



29th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


The first rays of sunlight greeted her, and little Aurora awoke from her deep slumber. It felt as if an eternity had passed. It was a long night. It was a long dream with many, many questions.



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