Scumbag Regrets the Divorce

Chapter 297

Chapter 297 The only way to cure Xie Yun

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He Feng didn’t know how he went home… as if he had lost consciousness. There was a pain in my heart like a knife pattern. There is only the picture of Xie Yun just going crazy in his mind. Han Rui himself is an expert in this field, but he is already helpless. Does it also mean that Xie Yun will never be better from now on? He Feng will never lose his mind. On that day, when he brought Xie Yun home from the cave, Xie Yun looked at him. -Bright eyes.

At that time, He Feng looked at Xie Yun’s eyes, feeling a little smug in his heart. He always felt that he didn’t care about Xie Yun. But until now, he didn’t realize how much he yearned to be able to see those eyes in Xie Yun’s eyes again… It was just that everything could not go back.

The transparent tears had already blurred He Feng’s eyes. In the past, he never thought that one day he would be able to shed a tear for Xie Yun. But in these days, he no longer knows how many times he has fought for Xie Yun. Everything is his fault. The pictures he used to stimulate Xie Yun are also his self-directed and self-acted. He knew very well that Xie Yun did not sleep with those people. But he just used that video to constantly stimulate Xie Yun. Insulting him to force ol.) Now this sentence has really been deeply carved into Xie Yun’s bones. [“Just went crazy, Xie Yun couldn’t help this sentence, and kept talking about how dirty he was.. However, at this time, He Feng realized that he regretted…3 He Fengyuan just wanted to teach a lesson. Xie Yun is nothing more than that, he himself did not think of why it would cause such terrible consequences? Such after-fruits are too cruel, and he can’t afford it even when he is thinking about it.

Unknowingly, he has reached the door of the house. On the doorstep, there was a small figure shrinking there. Xiao Ling was wearing a big cotton-padded jacket and sat there alone. I don’t know how long he has been waiting? Until he saw He Feng appear in front of his eyes, his dead eyes suddenly lit up.

Xiao Ling raised his head and looked at He Hao with a smile. He has been waiting for He Feng for a long time… But He Feng didn’t know where he went? The child didn’t keep it, so he finally took it away. During that period of time, there was only one person in the hospital, and received all the cynicism. Even with things like miscarriage, He Feng didn’t even know how he survived these days. He always huddled in the quilt and broke out alone in the dead of night.

After finally walking out of the hospital, Xiao Ye was suddenly confused and didn’t know where to go? He didn’t want to go to places like nightclubs. Keep going to please those men, that kind of life will only make him feel sick. So, he didn’t know why he walked to the door of He Feng’s house. He has been sitting here, waiting for He Feng to return home. Although He Hao beat him, he even dropped his child. But during this time in the hospital, he kept thinking about He Feng, and he couldn’t control it. In his not long life. In this world, the only person who treated him well was He Feng. , 3 Xiaoling will never lose heart when He Feng regards him as An An, so gentle. Knowing that he could carry it, but he still came back here. Because he found tragically that he seemed to fall in love with this person… The wind was really strong, and Xiao Ling’s face blew red. Xiaoye had been waiting here for a long time, until he saw the familiar figure again. Xiao Ling’s face was full of excitement.

Xiaoling really wants to be as if nothing happened, and let everything go back to the past. But only when his hand touched He Feng’s, He Feng used him vigorously. “Why are you here? He Feng’s voice is full of coldness. “Brother Feng, I don’t have a place to go…so Xiao Ling bit his lip, and the whole person was a little embarrassed.

He Feng sneered, he used his hand to pinch Xiao Ling’s chin, “Aren’t you a male prostitute in a nightclub? If you have nowhere to go, just go back and be your male prostitute. Come to me, why are you Xie Yun? It made He Feng’s mood to the extreme. He originally needed an opportunity to vent. At this moment, Xiao Ling obviously hit the muzzle.

Why can’t he keep any of the people he wants to stay with? msubl. Why does he want this male prostitute? It’s just a fake. He’s not really An’an…, 3 He also ignored Xie for this male prostitute… Nan 74

Thinking of this, He Feng’s fingers clenched tightly. “Let’s go, don’t show up in front of me anymore.” Xiao Ling’s face became abnormally pale. He always thought that He Feng was different. He had never disliked his status as a prostitute.

Unexpectedly, Da He Feng was also calling him… “Qian” don’t you understand me? I’ve already played and hide you, you **** clear it for me!’ He Feng slammed at Xiao Ling Roaring out, he kicked Xiao Ling’s body. “Hao! I don’t understand, right? I’ll let you understand now. He Feng yelled and dragged Xiao Ling’s clothes and dragged him outside, like he was dragging a piece of garbage. Directly dragged it to the trash can

“If you don’t have a place to go, you will stay in the trash can from now on. He Feng walked to his house without looking back, never looking back…

Han Rui looked at the email sent by his teacher, and he was a little excited. The teacher said that a situation like Xie Yun’s is not without a cure. He had just treated similar patients some time ago. And it’s cured. So after learning the news, Han Rui felt that his entire sky was bright. Originally, his world has long been clouded with clouds…l, he has already given up hope. m.shubi he patiently rests on Xie Yun every day. He hoped that Xie Yun’s illness would get a little better. However, not only did it not, but it became more and more serious. 13

Arranged a meeting time with the teacher, Han Rui walked to Xie Yun’s ward alone. Xie Yun was still the same in the ward, scared of everything. But the company these days seems to have had some good results.

Sometimes it even takes the initiative to be in his arms. Xie Yunyi kept crying when Han Rui opened the door. The mouth was always saying: “I’m dirty. Han Rui’s face was pale for a moment, and he walked up and gently hugged Xie Yun. His chin rested on his head and waited. “Xie Yun, I want to tell. Good news for you. Your illness will be cured soon.. Soon we will be able to be together again. ”

Han Rui made an appointment with the teacher and met in his office in the afternoon. The teacher came soon too. Han Rui took Xie Yun’s hand and led him to his office. The teacher looked at Xie Yun, his brows kept frowning tightly. “His symptoms are worse than I thought. Han Rui’s face is full of hope. “Yes, he bumped his head, and he was severely irritated before. As Han Rui said, he told the teacher all the video that He Feng used to stimulate Xie Yun. Xie Yun’s original intention was already very bad, and when he heard Han Rui mention the video, he suddenly yelled like he was crazy!

Tears kept coming out of Xie Yun’s eyes as if the embankment had been broken. Obviously, the excitement that the video brought to Xie Yun was very serious. .,ol.) Han Rui looked at Xie Yun like this, his heart was like a knife. He quickly walked over and hugged Xie Yun in his arms. “Xie Yun, don’t be afraid. You don’t mind-he doesn’t know how many times he has said such things these days. At the end of his words, Jian Han Rui is already numb. His heart is like being intercepted by countless needles. , There is a lot of pain there.

Han Rui’s teacher frowned and said hesitantly: “The only way now is to hypnotize him.

“Well, the teacher nodded firmly.” Judging from his situation just now, that video was very irritating to him. So he kept saying this in his mouth. If we hypnotize him, let him remember this memory from the beginning of the video. Then his recovery will be greatly improved.

Han Rui was stunned. Han Rui still remembers that when he and Xie Yun first met, Xie Yun already said “I’m dirty”… Later, he always mentioned inferiority. So this video must have happened in this video. Before I met Xie Yun…If you delete the note after that video…Han Rui’s heart shrank suddenly. The indescribable sharp pain made his eyes blush in an instant. Deleting this memory of Xie Yun means that all the bits and pieces that happened between them are not known to Xie Yun…Even at that time, Xie Yun still loved He Feng the most, and silently paid for He Feng. when. He doesn’t love himself anymore, and he doesn’t know how strong emotions they have between them, but he will love him in his heart, the man who caused him to be like this. Han Rui shook his head. .subl.

How did he make Xie Yun delete such an important memory? (m

He is not willing at all. However, if you don’t do this, Xie Yun will have no chance to cure it. 43 What on earth should I do? Han Rui is actually better than anyone else, looking at his teacher in pain, and saying, “So the teacher means,…Me?”

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