Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 118

Chapter 116 Fourteenth world

Yao Liang followed the recommendation of the innkeeper, and when he found the dessert shop, another player was under the leadership of the veteran, stepping on the spot in Derosa Town.

Jiang He and Brother Dao are very cautious, worrying that the disappearance of the two girls is related to the people in the town, so they did not reveal that they came for this matter, so as not to startle. Instead, like ordinary tourists, they took the map bought from the hotel reception desk and took a mobile phone camera to tour around De Rosari, with an expression of amazement on their faces, constantly taking pictures, and then returning to the hotel to coordinate with the map integration.

Before going out, the newcomers who were repeatedly instructed or even intimidated by two seniors also used their lifelong acting skills and pretended to be tourists. However, De Rosa’s scenery is really good, and there are various things that they have not seen. The seniors also seem to be more relaxed. They are infected by this atmosphere. At the beginning, there are still a few newcomers who are nervous because of anxiety. Is thrown into the game.

They finally stopped in the plaza in the center of De Rosa. Li Xian and Si Kongli squatted aside to feed the pigeons. Others sat in chairs to rest, and others stood and looked around.

There are not many people in the square, and the place is empty. Someone can see it at a glance. There is no monitoring device yet. It is very suitable for exchanging information, although nothing useful has been found yet.

“It doesn’t look like anything unusual here, it’s a very happy resort town.” Jiang Yunfei held a bowl of ice cream and stared at the two people playing with the white pigeon.

The people in De Rosa are very friendly, and the locals are very romantic, regardless of age or sex. Before they passed by a shop, the young man standing at the door stopped her with a rose, and opened his mouth sweetly, boasting that Jiang Yunfei, who had lived in a restrained country for a long time, had a blushing face. Although she refused the rose, she was squeezed in her hand. Sikong Li also has a cup of ice cream, and she is a little embarrassed until now.

This is not an exception. The whole town has the same atmosphere. If the game is not too surreal, and the warnings of the veterans are in their hearts, they will not see any abnormalities in this town.

“What can I find while walking like this, or just ask the locals!” Wenbin didn’t like the uncomfortable feeling at all, and he walked out of sweat and felt very uncomfortable. He raised his neck and drank it in one breath. Bottle of water, wiping the sweat from his forehead, fanning constantly with his hand as a fan.

“Then everyone knows what we are here for?” Brother Dao glanced at him coldly, and the eldest brother of society didn’t speak anymore. They are dragging their feet here, and they can’t offend the person who can solve the problem.

The rest of the journey was like a tour. After dinner, they turned back to the hotel. De Rosari was brightly lit everywhere, with neon lights of various colors shining brightly. Not only did the whole city not slowly calm down as the night fell, but it was three times more lively than during the day.

At this end of the street, the playing cards were flipped between the magician’s hands, and the girl standing in front of him was dazzled in her fascination; on the steps of the house on the other side of the street, the old man with the puppet in both hands was playing a wonderful script. The children watched. Intently; the clown holding a large number of balloons with exaggerated makeup, with a grin on his face almost to the edge of his ears, distributing balloons that symbolize happiness to everyone; the crowds in the distance formed a circle with fighting dances inside. Street dancers; teenagers on skateboards move through the crowd as dexterously as fish; saxophone musicians walk by leisurely, occasionally other people take out their musical instruments to have a duel with him, and the sweet voice floats to the sky …

Anyone standing in such a city will join the carnival, but the players have no such interest. A group of people bypassed the carnival crowd and returned to the hotel.

The hotel was different from when they left. The furniture in the lobby was moved to the side, and a large area for movement was cleared in the middle. Various foods were placed against the wall, and there was also a place to sit. The store was playing soothing. The music, men and women in pairs in the open space, there is a dance party impressively.

A few people rushed back to the room to discuss, took a glance and prepared to leave. The hotel owner who was standing at the top of the stairs holding a red wine glass with a look of intoxication was very surprised: “Aren’t you going to play for a while? De Rosa is the most fun right now.” when.”

“No, we are a little tired today.” Jiang He refused with a smile, and the others also rushed to add that they had indeed walked a lot. The fatigue on their faces was not fake, and they were more trustworthy.

The shop owner has no doubts, shrugs his shoulders and regrets: “Okay, but you really missed the true charm of this city. Every tourist will experience De Rosa’s night. If you don’t like the games here, There are also casinos and many interesting shops in the west of the city.”

He gave an ambiguous smile and turned his eyes back to the dance floor: “I have to say, your friend dances very well.”

A few people still didn’t react, they didn’t have any friends here, but then they looked in the direction the boss was looking, and immediately understood. The blind young man whom they regretted was standing on the dance floor and dancing with a woman in a small dress. He didn’t hold a blind cane in his hand, he couldn’t see the surroundings, nor could he see the dance partner’s movements, but he was able to slid into perfect dance steps with the music. He would not run into other people, nor would he move cramped, or even guide his own The female companion has become the most eye-catching scenery on the dance floor.

After the song was finished, there were even kind applause and whistles around, the eyes of the women dancing with him were bright, and they talked to him. After the music sounded, the two began another dance together.

However, in the eyes of the players, this poor man has completely given up the task and started to give up on himself. This is also a way. After all, the game is very cruel. It is good to be able to enjoy some time before death. This time the level is set in Tourist towns are also kind to young people.

A few people gathered in Jianghe and Brother Dao’s room. After walking like this for a day, they barely rested. Except for seniors who have strengthened their physical fitness, and Wenbin, who seems to be frequenting the gym, the others are a little overwhelmed. They are in the room. The crooked, faintly sore muscles protested the abuse by the owner.

There is nothing to say about today’s summary. They just went around in this city, and basically didn’t get much useful information and could not extract anything; but the task for the next day was assigned, and it was done by Brother Dao and Jiang He and the two led a team and acted separately. They continued to pretend to be tourists, knocking on the side to inquire about the two girls.

After the arrangements were made, the few people dispersed and would rest in their own room. Only then did Wen Bin remember that he had no keys and planned to go downstairs to find the young man named Yao Liang. Coincidentally, the other party was coming up from the stairs, without a cane, he walked directly to the door of their room, and stopped one meter away from Wenbin.

“Something wrong?”

Wen Bin looked at him in amazement, and took a step back: “It’s okay. We live in the same room. I don’t have the key.”

The young man smiled embarrassedly at him: “Sorry.”

He took out the key, inserted it precisely into the keyhole again, and opened the door. Wen Bin followed behind and walked in. As soon as the door was closed, the outside sound could hardly be heard. The soundproofing effect of the hotel was very good. He raised his head and looked at the youth: “How did you find the right place? I just saw Li Xian open the door, right? Didn’t get in a few times.”

“It’s very simple, just remember the position.” The young man replied casually, picking up the bathrobe on the bed, “Should I take a shower first?”

Wenbin nodded, only to remember that the other party could not see, and added: “You go first.”

The young man easily bypassed various obstacles on the road and walked into the bathroom. Hearing the movement inside, he didn’t bump into anything, just like ordinary people. Wenbin wanted to light a cigarette, but felt that it was not appropriate. He rubbed his fingers anxiously. The sound of water came from the bathroom. There was no sound of falling or the sound of anything falling on the ground. He recalled the young man’s eyes and shook his head: “This How did you do it, it looks exactly like a normal person?”

When Yao Liang came out from wiping his hair, Wenbin wanted to speak but stopped talking and wanted. He hesitated for a moment without asking. He just picked up his bathrobe and walked into the bathroom to wash. He also took a special look at the various items in the bathroom. There is no mess, the toothpaste, toothbrush and towels after unpacking are all neatly placed.

Wenbin opened the shower and couldn’t help but muttered in his heart: Is he really blind?

He didn’t take long to wash while thinking about the weirdness of the town. When he walked out, the young man in the same room changed into a set of pajamas. He was standing in front of the bookcase with his finger on top of a book, as if he was thinking about something. One pump: “Do you want to read a book?”

The young man raised his eyebrows in surprise, a little amused: “I can’t see it, it’s not Braille.”

Only then did Wen Bin react: “No, sorry!”

“It’s okay, my friends often forget this.” The young man took his hand back and sat down by the bed, “Did you find anything today?”

“No, we went and took a look. The town looks very harmonious.” Wenbin sighed heavily. It would be okay if the boss he was going to deal with was clearly placed in front of him. It would take a little bit of investigation and there is still no clue. , The game level that doesn’t know where the problem is, it’s terrible.

If he speaks these words, he might reap the emotions of the opposing youth watching the friend. He is also not good at this, but the people in De Rosa are really enthusiastic and unsuspecting. They answer everything they ask, with a kind of carelessness, as if He felt that the disappearance was not important, and he didn’t even worry about it on the surface.

Like the hotel owner, the owner and clerk of the dessert shop, the chef and the waiter of the restaurant, when Yao Liang asked about the recent events, they all mentioned the disappearance of the college student. I said everything I knew.

The two girls did not visit these two places very often, and they were recommended by the boss at first, but during the meal they said that they were very interested in De Rosa’s treasures. Later, they seemed to have found the so-called treasure clues. , I also met them looking for something with a diary.

Yao Liang asked what De Rosa’s treasure was, and the clerk laughed: “Where is there any treasure? De Rosa is our treasure.”

He told Wen Bin all this, his expression became stiffer and stiffer, his eyes widened and his mouth couldn’t close in surprise: “You have heard so much?”

“It’s not much. People in De Rosa are very enthusiastic, asking what to answer.” Yao Liang lay on the bed and nodded in Wenbin’s direction, “I’m asleep, the key is on the table, and you move a little bit less. ”

“Oh, okay, people in De Rosa are really happy.” Wenbin was a little confused. He sat on the bed and thought about it, then he checked the time displayed on his phone before giving up the idea of ​​sharing the information, and planned to talk about it tomorrow.

I didn’t feel it if I didn’t lie down, and he nestled into the soft bed, and his exhaustion immediately flooded him like a tide. After a long time, Wenbin fell asleep.

He slept unsteadily. In his dream, he came to Monkey Mountain. The monkeys all over the mountains were all of the ferocious and evil type of Mount Emei. He was fighting against the monkeys. One of the monkeys was very agile and kept holding his hairy hands to trouble him. He caught it irritably several times before catching it, grimacing at the monkey triumphantly, the furry touch on his hands.

The touch… doesn’t seem to be right? Not in a dream, but he really has something in his hands. Wen Bin struggled to open his eyes forcibly. The next second, a big man screamed in fright, crawling towards the wall behind him with his hands and feet. There was no reason for him, just because there was a half-human spider in front of him, lying between the two beds.

His mind was blank, and he was so scared that he just wanted to run, and couldn’t stop yelling.

In the next second, a silver light flashed across, and the young man in silk pajamas stood on his bed, his cane penetrated the spider and nailed it to the floor, his hands firmly and fast. Wenbin did not see the movement clearly, and the spider did not react until he was nailed to death, his nerves still conveyed a message, and several claws were still struggling.

Wen Bin, who was paralyzed on the bed, just watched the young man pick up the fruit knives in each room on the table, and removed the spider legs little by little. He acted gracefully and as if he was tearing apart a crab. Wen Bin couldn’t help but come into being: Who am I, Where am I, this is a question of what I am doing.

He slid down from the bed cautiously, with some soft legs, and did not dare to disturb Yao Liang. After the young man’s movements were over, he pulled out the blind stick from the spider, and took the key to look like he was going out, before he hurriedly followed. Going up, a sturdy man shrank behind the slender young man, and even changed his name: “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to see other people.” Yao Liang himself didn’t pay attention to the details. He quickly walked to the door of the other two players. “There is something in our room, and they may also meet.”

The young man stretched out his hand to knock on the door. Before the knuckles hit the door, the door suddenly opened. The two residents of Guikulanglang rushed out and hid behind them. “Yes, there are spiders!”

The face of the young man who received the impact from the front did not change his color. The white blind rod stabbed forward like a rapier. A few strokes made the spider follow in the footsteps of the same clan. Then he lowered his knife and faced the emotionally complex players behind him. To Wenbin, he said in a relaxed tone: “Look, I’m right, right?”

The author has something to say: This player is not good.jpg

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