Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 129

Chapter 127 Fifteenth world

The system had to come out under a series of desperate calls to transmit the memory of the original owner to Yao Liang. Of course, this child will not exist in the memory of the original body. Yao Liang remembered it clearly. When he returned to the room and walked into the bathroom, there was no shadow of the second person in the room. The child appeared out of nowhere while he was in the bath.

“Dad, Dad!” The child saw that he had been ignoring himself, with doubts written in his big eyes, the fleshy little hands firmly held his legs and shook them, and his voice kept calling his name coquettishly in his mouth. It’s so soft and waxy, maybe it’s going to melt away if you change your mind.

Yao Liang was dragged to an unstable center of gravity and almost fell to the ground. He bends over dumbfoundingly and wanted to untie the other’s hand: “I’m not your father, kid, can you loosen your brother’s pants first?”

The boy’s eyes were filled with water drops, and his accusing expression made Yao Liang, who was cheeky and claiming his elder brother, feel guilty, but he did not know him. He was about to lift the child up with his hands, just listen to “Pull”, the hem of his bathrobe, where he was grasped by the child’s hands, was actually torn off.

The young man looked at this scene in disbelief. The boy who knew he was in trouble let go of his hand, and the white cloth floated on the ground. The other man raised his head and showed an innocent smile with a flattering smile. He stretched out a little foot and tried to take it. The piece of cloth moved behind him and moved out of Yao Liang’s sight.

The young man calmed down. This extraordinary strength and the other party’s attachment to him made him think of another possibility. He looked at the boy carefully again, and then noticed that the other party was wearing a somewhat short jumpsuit. The arms and calves are exposed, and the clothes look a bit like a panda suit.

He looked at the little boy again, and tentatively called out: “Dumpling?”

The boy was very happy: “It’s me, Dad!”

Yao Liang couldn’t help but cursed an swear word. He never thought that there would be such a big surprise in the vacation world. It has been growing slowly and can’t speak. If it’s not for a high level of force, I would like to go to the mall to complain about a pet that is not true to the name of the beast. Suddenly it transforms without warning, no inhuman characteristics, no dark circles on the face and ears. It’s not black either.

Therefore, as soon as Yao Liang guessed the identity of the boy, he opened the storage ring. There was nothing inside, let alone dumplings, even the various foods he was afraid of pandas were hungry. Some worlds were stuffed before. The mess, including the eggshells that were hatched at that time, the golden cups stuffed in from the previous world, and even the tablecloth covered with fragments, did not leave a single one.

The young man was speechless. He also planned to study what was going on with that weird golden cup. He had also deliberately obtained the ritual process from Ai Lei before, and now it is completely immersed. He carried the boy from the ground to the bed, and asked suspiciously: “Did you come out on your own when you were hungry after eating?”

Think about it seriously, this is really impossible.

Sure enough, the dumpling smiled at him obediently, and touched the position of his belly with his hand: “I am hungry, so after eating everything in it, my belly is very swollen, and then it feels warm, so I went to sleep and woke up. Then it will be what it is now.”

Although the appearance after transformation is only three or four-year-old, but strictly speaking, after he has experienced so many worlds, the age of Tuanzi has been hundreds of years. Although I don’t know how the other party has practiced, the transformation is also Not surprising.

Moreover, he also saw in the description of the breeding of mythical beasts that the oviparous mythical beasts will eat their shells after they are broken. The energy contained in them can help them grow, and the various fresh and tender bamboo shoots and bamboos produced by the system also contain energy. Not to mention the golden cup fragments obtained in the previous world, Yao Liang stretched out his hand and rubbed the belly of the dumpling, and couldn’t help but start to wonder if he would eat his belly.


Yao Liang quickly covered Tuanzi’s mouth with his eyesight, he still couldn’t accept this title: “Don’t call me that.”

The pink-carved jade doll blinked and took a step back, plausibly: “But you hatched me. You were the first one I saw. I always call you that way.”

The smile on the young man’s face completely disappeared, and he didn’t have time to be happy for the panda’s transformation for a few seconds, and he realized the pain of raising a child. Co-authoring has always been the excitement of the other party’s “” and “Uh-huh” calls when they saw him, did they call him Dad? If he had known it long ago, he would not have happily agreed every time.

After explaining the misunderstanding caused by the language barrier, Tuanzi obediently changed his name to “Brother”, although his mouth was cocked enough to hang an oil bottle. Yao Liang breathed a sigh of relief and received a call from an agent he hadn’t contacted for a long time.

“Hey, young master.” A slightly ridiculous male voice came across from the receiver, “You have been playing for almost three months, and the fans under the account are beginning to worry about your withdrawal. When do you plan to come back?”

The original agent has always treated him this way. After all, the second generation of the rich is not in the entertainment circle. Even if he is urging him to work, he is still deliberating in a joking tone.

The gold-medal agent was somewhat unhappy with such an unprofessional artist at first, and was forced to accept it, but within a few days he was really fragrant. There was no other reason. The original family gave too much money. I probably know that it’s troublesome for others. The original family members are very generous, all kinds of red envelope gifts, what’s the problem with the stall on the original side, the red envelopes from the other side immediately call in, the attitude is courteous, and the agent has no ideas. Up.

Yao Liang learned the original tone, squeezed the face of the dumpling, and responded lazily: “I haven’t played enough yet, Brother Qing, what’s the matter this time?”

“I have an invitation for a variety show here. You know the variety show where the father and son were particularly popular before?”

The youth paused, his gaze shifted to the place where he was pinched to red, on a dumpling that dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. He even suspected that this was the ghost of the system: “I know, but you tell me What are you doing, I’m not married yet.”

Shen Qing smiled: “Of course I know that the program team sent the invitations and plans. This time they changed the format and opened a side story, which is to invite unmarried young stars to bring their children, other people’s, relatives There are plans at home and at friends’ homes. I saw it and it was quite interesting. Would you like to try it? If you have a child you can recommend, you can tell me.”

“Where can I bring a child? Do I take care of me on this kind of show?” He subconsciously wanted to refuse, especially thinking about the character of the original body. He is really not suitable for bringing children.

When Tuanzi heard these words, he walked a few steps forward and leaned in front of him. Although he didn’t say anything to disturb him, he was barely writing the word “Want to go” on his face. Shen Qing was also persuading him in his ear. He couldn’t help but change: “I will think about it.”

After chatting for a few more words, he hung up the phone, rubbed the face of the dumpling with his hands, as he rubbed the panda before, stopped the child with tears and tears: “Isn’t it good to go out to play? Why do you want to shoot a variety show? ”

Unlike the original body who wants fans, Yao Liang is not cold about the work of actors and stars. He is very interested in the different customs of the world. The original body has a good family background. He can travel the world without working and take a good vacation. , So the first day of arrival has already begun to consider the matter of leaving the circle.

However, Tuanzi’s thoughts were completely different from his. He glared at the contractor severely, clutching his rubbed cheeks, and replied with a grinning voice: “Why not go, I can do variety shows as well? I can not only play. You can also take money. Why should you refuse such a good thing? You are so stupid!”

“You better change back to the original shape. With your mouth now, I am really worried that one day I will be locked in for child abuse.” Yao Liang pretended to have a headache, and Tuanzi made a grimace at him: “I change back, you can immediately because Attempting to raise a national treasure privately, but was arrested for suspected poaching.”

“Good point.” Yao Liang laughed without anger, picked up the child, made a few flying high gestures, and then walked out holding the dumb dumplings, “I’ll go and sell you first. ”

A joke is a joke, Yao Liang’s purpose of holding the dumplings is to buy him clothes. The jumpsuits on him are cute, but they don’t fit well. They don’t have shoes yet. They look like a runaway or kidnapped person. appearance.

The panda dumpling looks very cute after being transformed. When Yao Liang hugs him to the children’s clothing store, no matter which store, if there are not many customers in the store, there will be two or three shop assistants around him. The emotion of affection is almost It’s almost overflowing.

Good-looking clothes are easy to choose. Casual style, denim, little gentleman in suits, doll clothes, Hanfu, etc., can be controlled by dumplings. The clerk praises sincerely and sincerely. At the beginning, he still praised the clothes to make people look more beautiful, but in Yao Liang I took two pieces of diametrically opposite styles. After changing the clothes and pants with serious color contrast to the dumplings, the clerk originally wanted to organize this disaster-like match, but after seeing the dumplings came out, they still looked very cute, so she started to praise the dumplings. It looks good.

Yao Liang was also happy when he heard it, and bought all the clothes he fancyed generously. Not many shops were already full of paper bags, and the shop assistants in the shops passed by were all smiles. Everyone was very happy, but the dumplings who bought new clothes were not so happy. He finally realized the fear of many people about shopping. The fact that they kept changing clothes was so terrible. The dignified beasts were exhausted and could not wait to pull them directly. Leading people back to the hotel.

However, Yao Liang has always maintained a high-pitched interest, showing him one by one, seriously suspecting it is revenge for his previous actions. In fact, it was really a nasty tease. He got stuck on the fringe of the dumplings. He ended the action and bought an ice cream as an apology gift. The dumplings ate happily, and they completely forgot the previous thoughts. Yes: The ice cream is delicious, and the contractor brother is really nice.

After coaxing the panda cubs who are particularly scammed, Yao Liang is planning to open his mobile phone to make a play plan and take the small dumplings to have a good time. As a result, he received a call from the original brother. He was a little surprised. The original body communicated with his brother. Not many, most of them were calling from the original body, rarely receiving calls from his brother, and a subtle anxiety flashed in his heart.

Yao Liang didn’t speak after he was connected, and he heard a slightly tired voice from the other side: “There is an accident in the company at home, you should come back first. By the way, don’t buy anything extra, just buy a ticket and come back.”

“What’s the matter?” Yao Liang frowned. There seems to be no such thing in the original track. His brother did not answer directly: “I can’t explain it on the phone. When you come back, I will explain in detail. There may not be much money at home during this period of time. Spend a little.”

“Okay, I’ll buy a ticket and go back tomorrow.”

“I have already bought it for you. Remember to go to the airport tomorrow morning at ten o’clock.”

“it is good.”

Yao Liang furrowed his brows, clearly he could be a dude who could eat, drink and have fun, but now it seems that there is an economic crisis. Listening to the other party’s words, it seems that the company has a problem and may be out of money.

The youth looked serious: How could this be possible? He still wants to take a good vacation! If there is really no money…

He turned his attention to the dumplings who ate ice cream with relish, and thought carefully: He seemed to say that he wanted to go to the variety show before, can he ask Qingge to pay more for the notice?

Tuanzi shivered with Shen Qing who was far away in the country at the same time.

The author has something to say: Hey, why did everyone easily guess right? It is indeed perfect

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