Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 143

Chapter 141 Sixteenth world

On the first day of coming to this world, Yao Liang deeply felt the horror of natural disasters. Although he did not know the maximum coverage of magma when volcanic eruptions in other worlds, but here, he walked all the way to the darkening of the sky and stretched out his hand. I didn’t see my fingers, I didn’t see a living thing, but I saw a lot of animal bodies engulfed by magma that couldn’t escape.

In the face of natural disasters, predators and prey are treated the same, and death is treated the same. However, Yao Liang did not see any traces of human beings, nor did he see any corpses. I don’t know if it is due to the extremely sparse population that survived in this world.

Yao Liang sighed again. After coming to this world, the number of sighs that he sighed soared. Whether it is out of recognition of his human identity or the obvious reminder of “no survivor” mentioned in the system, he needs to find a human settlement. Now it seems that it may take longer than imagined.

Using the original body to cast it means that he does not know the current status of humans in this world, nor does he know the nearest gathering place. But he wasn’t in a hurry either. The days of being away from the crowd and being alone in some past worlds had tempered his patience. Since eagerness is of no avail, it is better to let the flow go.

On the second day, they finally walked out of the lava and saw the plants. Half of it is lively mountain forest, and half is scorched earth covered with magma. Standing on the dividing line between life and death has a very strange feeling, if those plants are not so unpleasant.

The young man drew out the nameless sword and slashed at the thick vines that came from behind. The other party did not flinch when the sneak attack failed. He stretched his teeth and danced his claws to form a net to try to capture the young man and the weapon. After success, it would drag itself. The prey went back, wrapped around him, and turned him into nourishment with the sucker on his stalk. The vine has dealt with many four-legged and two-legged prey, and those two-legged prey also hold various things, but they are not powerful, so it does not think it will be an exception this time.

But this vine driven by hunting instinct did not expect that the young and young man with a sword would cut him off, intertwined with silver and light, and chopped it every inch. Plants without pain can also understand the threats given by the opponent, and produce the meaning of retreat.

After the first wave of confrontation, Yao Liang’s wrist flicked, and the silver snake in his hand moved up along the vine. The opponent moved faster and drew back quickly, hanging quietly on the big tree it chose to cling to, pretending to be one. A harmless plant for humans and animals.

The tree was on the verge of withering. Yao Liang observed the appearance of the vine and recognized the mutated plant: “It turned out to be a dodder flower.”

But for now, it is more appropriate to call it the “Deadly Noose”. Before it mutated, it used to cling to other plants to draw nutrients. The more it wilted, the more luxuriant the species became, and the more brutal after the mutation. Yao Liang didn’t rush to kill him. There were countless plants like it in this place. He didn’t need to clear out an area if he didn’t settle down, but he forced the other party to give him some seeds and put them in a bottle, just in case. It will be convenient for any future use.

Yao Liang continued to walk forward. The wasteland was also good. There was no need to be alert to attacks from animals or plants. However, there was plenty of food and water. Yao Liang bit a palm-sized grape and squinted his eyes contentedly.

Yao Tuan’s eyes also turned around on these plants. Although Yao Liang was raised when he was a child, Tuanzi is not unsuitable to nature, and his nature makes him feel like a fish in this environment. And as a divine beast, the dumpling is at the top of the food chain. He can eat anything, but he still prefers bamboo. Although the bamboo shoots produced by the system store have the best flavor, the bamboo after the change in the different world should also have a unique flavor. The panda swallows it in one bite. Put the grapes, smash it, smash it, and think that bamboo is still delicious.

Compared with Yao Liang, who is a human being, Tuanzi’s perception is more acute. There is a wonderful substance suspended in the air, trying to squeeze into his body, but they all fail. Yao Liang does not feel that way. It may be because of this. Things are originally aimed at animals, which may be the cause of biological mutations other than humans.

This mountain forest was supposed to be a city. The reinforced concrete was covered by plants, but some outlines could still be seen. The dilapidated steel forest was replaced by the real forest. The area originally dominated by humans became a natural territory. Yao Liang used his sword to open the thorn bushes, and the broken walls that were exposed afterwards were eroded by the years. He even found a small house among the rhizomes of an extremely huge banyan tree, and some of the items in it were preserved. However, they were all occupied by plant roots protruding through the gaps.

“Feel like walking on the ruins of civilization.”

Tuanzi stroked the wall with a bear’s paw, and then the white wall was like cream, which was wiped off raw, scared the panda cubs to retract their claws, and their eyes looked elsewhere, pretending to be irrelevant.

“A new civilization can be born on the ruins. As long as there is still fire, I can still think.” Yao Liang lowered his head and picked up the cloth that hadn’t completely decayed, covering the scattered bones in the house. Afterwards, they left the area and continued to move forward.

The night in the forest is always the hardest. In order to avoid being attacked in their sleep, they have to take turns to watch the night. However, as more and more animals escaped and were eaten after the challenge, the news of two seemingly weak and fierce gods in the forest also spread far away. It is difficult for animals to distinguish the difference between humans, but panda dumplings have The unique appearance is easy to recognize even if it is far away.

So in the later stage, Yao Tuan, who was in an attacking posture, had not rushed over, and saw a tiger-sized black cat screaming, turning his head and running wildly. This was what they had seen. The fourth one escaped without a fight. animal.

Yao Tuan, who watched the enemy disappear in sight, sat back again, biting the endless bamboo, “It looks like you may not be able to eat meat.”

But his contractor did not respond. Instead, he looked down at the ground and gestured with his hands, so the chubby panda also put his head over: “What are you looking at?”

“Look at this,” he gave a place to the dumpling and pointed to a mark on the soil. It was a footprint. Unlike an animal, it looked like a human footprint. Since he didn’t wear shoes, his toes were clearly visible. People lifted their spirits, and after nearly a month of trekking, they finally found traces of human beings.

Starting from this footprint, the trees became sparse, and after a few days of walking, they met humans in this world, two women, one large and one small, sitting against the root of a tree.

The little girl held in her arms looks not more than ten years old, and her clothes are tightly wrapped, but if you look closely, you can find that they are all made of rags, and they are probably due to activities in the forest. They look a little embarrassed. , Clothes and face are dirty.

The girl holding the little girl does not seem to be very old. It may be her sister. Her clothes are much worn. She has a disheveled hair and bare feet. The exposed skin is also smeared with mud, perhaps to insulate the smell and reduce Factors discovered by animals.

“Hi…?” Yao Liang greeted him friendly, before uttering the first syllable, he saw the two people on the opposite side stand up with a panic expression, ready to escape at any time. He was a little embarrassed: “Sorry, did you scare you? It’s just that I am a little excited when I finally see someone after so long.”

He thoughtfully did not step forward, because the woman had become tense since he appeared, and the little girl also buried her head on her sister’s shoulder, shivering. This kind of reaction was different from what Yao Liang had expected. It stands to reason that he should feel relieved when he meets the same kind in a dangerous forest. Even if you are very vigilant, facing someone who didn’t act maliciously in the first place, you shouldn’t look like you will run away when you get closer.

Tuanzi also slowly stepped forward from behind the tree, bumping his head against the contractor who had not yet turned from a relatively peaceful world, Yao Liang still somewhat underestimated the evil of human nature in the last days, and met a strange man, not necessarily Safer than meeting other beasts.

The girl saw the panda who was close to him, and tightened the little girl in her arms, her eyes were even more desperate, and her voice was hoarse: “You are… the master animal trainer?”

“According to your opinion, it may be.” Yao Liang nodded, but Yao Tuan was very dissatisfied with the title of animal trainer. He kept pawing his legs with his paws. After he restrained his strength, this little protest was more like a protest. Coquettish.

I slapped some pandas on the panda’s head as a comfort. After hearing his confession, the other side seemed to be more scared for some reason. The girl did not speak. The little girl pulled her sister’s clothes tighter. Yao Liang, who felt embarrassed inexplicably, tried to change I released my kindness a lot, but couldn’t find the entrance. Just at this moment, the other party’s stomach rang, and the boy breathed a sigh of relief: “Are you hungry? I have something to eat here?”

He took out the fruits that he had left before, and two cans exchanged with the system, walked in front of the two of them, and when there was still some distance, he put the things on the ground, and backed away under the gaze of two pairs of dark eyes. At some distance, such a move seemed to be feeding on animals that were covered in bruises and did not believe in humans.

After a few minutes, the girl calmly patted the little **** the back, coaxed her in a low voice, put her aside, and stepped forward cautiously, staring at the food on the ground while secretly watching Yao Liang. It seems that if there is a slight change, she will retract. Yao Tuan feels bored to touch Yao Liang’s hand, which can make her stop.

As if he had found something interesting, the panda moved deliberately, paused for a few minutes, waited for the other party to move, and then moved again, making the poor girl act like a robot, knocked by Yao Liang, who couldn’t see it. The head finally converged.

The woman who got the food went back to the tree. After eating a little, she gave the rest to the little girl, and the sensible child passed the food to her sister.

The light gradually dimmed, Yao Liang used a sword to chop the branches, set up a bonfire in the middle, and lit it with a lighter. The little girl who was eating looked at the lighter in his hand curiously, and whispered something to her sister.

After they had eaten the fruit, they still did not dare to come close. The little girl looked at the two cans. They were not full, but did not open them.

“what is this?”

Yao Liang keenly caught this problem. He looked at each other in surprise. The little girl covered her mouth as if she had done something wrong. The nervous looking girl opened her mouth to apologize.

“Have you never seen canned food? You can eat it when you open it.” Yao Liang approached again, took out another can, and showed them the way to open it. A smell of meat filled it, and the little girl opened her eyes wide: “This Is it the canned food that grandma said?”

The girl awkwardly opened the can for them in his way, and touched her sister’s head: “Eat.”

After eating the food, Yao Liang realized that the atmosphere on both sides eased a lot, and was about to ask about the situation. He listened to the other side and said: “What do you want?” Before answering, she hesitated to cover the little girl’s ears: “We Can you change the place?”

After thinking about it, Yao Liang quickly shook his head: “No! I don’t need you to do anything, really, I don’t need anything!!!”

He almost jumped up and retreated three feet. The other party seemed to be more upset. Yao Liang quickly changed the subject: “Speaking of which, why are your sisters in the forest?”

The girl avoided his question and denied the relationship he had guessed: “She is not my sister.”


“This is my daughter.”

Even if there is mud cover, it can be seen that very young women answered like this. Yao Liang fiddled with the branches of the bonfire and almost sent all the branches in: “Girl, daughter?”

“Yeah.” The girl nodded. The little girl raised her head and grabbed the hands that were still in her ears: “What’s the matter, mother?”

Yao Liang, who finally reluctantly believed, looked at the mother and daughter in disbelief: “You take the liberty to ask, how old are you?”

“Twenty-seven years old, she is only eleven.”

After calculating his age in his mind, Yao Liang’s face suddenly sank. He stood up, holding the hilt in his hand: “Excuse me, I will leave.”

In the doubtful eyes of the mother and daughter, Yao Liang walked out of the area covered by the bonfire. In the dark forest, faint curses and the sound of tree branches being cut down came.

The author has something to say: I’m really sorry. When I updated it early in the morning yesterday, I clicked it and put it in the manuscript box. Because I was too sleepy, I went to bed. I didn’t go to Jinjiang today, so I haven’t found it. Now I think of sending a red envelope. When I saw that it was the deposit box, and the time orz has not been set

In order to express my apologies, the little angels who leave a message in this chapter can also get red envelopes. I am really sorry.

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