Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 29

Chapter 27 The fourth world

Observing this room carefully, you will find that its space is actually larger than the rented room in the previous world, but there are too many miscellaneous things to make the visual effect look at at a glance, but only produces a sense of narrowness with nowhere to stay.

A whole row of wooden cabinets stand on the wall, occupying one-third of the space of the entire house. Outside these cabinets, which appear to be very old, are covered with dense talisman paper, and the wooden surface that is not covered by talisman paper has The traces of pits and pits look like someone caught his nails.

In addition, there are many cardboard boxes, which contain boxes of charred branches, dilapidated dolls, photos stained with strange black stains, and so on. Yao Liang’s eyes moved from these objects that seemed to be exuding indefinite meaning to the other side. The peach wood swords, talisman paper, prayer beads, crosses, weird earthen jars, etc., smelled of blood in the air, but Yao Liangyi You can immediately find that this is not human blood, depending on the layout of the environment, there is a high probability that it is chicken blood or black dog blood.

The owner of this house is a wonderful person, putting the evil things and evil spirits together. He looked at the last place, outside the cabinet, among the cardboard boxes, the most conspicuous coffin that was placed horizontally. The figure who sprang from the side was standing next to the coffin, carefully placing the zombie in the coffin with a distressed look.

Yao Liang took a step back in disgust, found a fairly clean chair and sat down, and began to organize the information of the world.

Wang Anlin, the target of this world’s transformation, is a greedy **** stick. At the beginning, he was just setting up a stall under the overpass. He was given a nickname called Wang Banxian, but he didn’t actually have any calculation skills. He just relied on a mouth to fudge. other people.

The turning point of the matter appeared after he was thrown into a stall for deceiving people, and Wang Anlin, who was beaten up, was taken to a nearby mountain by those frustrated family members, intending to teach him a lesson. The mountain is not very high, there are no ferocious animals, and not even a few people who have entered the mountain have seen poisonous snakes. In this weather, Wang Anlin stayed on the mountain for one night at most because of darkness and was bitten by mosquitoes.

However, Wang Anlin, who was thrown in the mountains, was not lucky. He ran into an evil practitioner who had failed the fight in this absolutely safe field. He was afraid to talk to others, but was overpowered by the evil practitioner with a spell and prepared to wake up the zombies. Offerings.

His luck was good enough, Xie Xiu was seriously injured, and his zombies broke away a little, and the violent zombies once again severely injured the former owner, and the Xie Xiu who was interrupted by the curse was backlashed by his own spells. And beside him, Wang Anlin, who was bleeding into a coma, accidentally hit a zombie who had contracted evil repairs by mistake. When he woke up, only a scorched black-shaped grass and a coffin were left on the scene. He did not see the shadow of the zombie. Not daring to stay longer, hurriedly ran away.

Wang Anlin, who was escaping, heard a strange sound at night. He turned on the bedside lamp, but found that there was an extra coffin beside his bed. He was scared almost out of his body. After Wang Anlin tried various methods and still couldn’t get rid of it, he found that no matter how much he tossed, the coffin and the contents of the coffin did not harm him, so the **** stick boldly opened the coffin and found zombies lying quietly, and some The items of evil cultivation, including the exercises he practiced.

Just like this, Wang Anlin stepped into the door of metaphysics. He sneaked the coffin into the basement of his house. In order to save his life, he began to learn how to control ghosts and avoid being killed by zombies. Later, he enjoyed it. He contracted a lot of ghosts. The first thing he did was to let them make trouble with people who had beaten him. He would also use these to reshape his image as a master. For example, he would let them go to the rich merchant’s house to make trouble, and then he would pretend to be a master. , To solve the incident, to cheat money.

But he was originally a person with a very low moral bottom line, and he was practicing an evil cultivation technique, and he naturally entered an evil way. From the beginning of a little trouble, to the temptation of money later, under the guidance of a profiteer, he used zombies to deal with the opponent’s competitors, completely becoming an evil cultivator.

As long as the other party gives enough money, he can manipulate his puppets to do anything. Money can cause ghosts to grind, and it becomes a literal meaning for him. Although there is no personal murder, there are not a few people who are ruined because of him.

Wang Anlin, who has done a lot of bad things, is also afraid of being punished. He has been setting up a stall on the sky bridge for many years and has his own ability. At least he is very proficient in disguising himself and playing the rudder. He only sees people he trusts, and does not touch anything. People who may be related to metaphysics become a particularly mysterious master to avoid possible hunts.

However, the paper couldn’t contain the fire after all. He was still found by those serious practitioners. Like the previous evil practitioner, the same battle failed and death by backlash can be regarded as evil and rewarded.

The current timeline is that Wang Anlin only got the zombie not long ago, and he is still working hard to learn those difficult words. At the same time, he contracted a new soul who jumped off the building and died. The party party went to the house of the person he hated to make trouble, and initially tasted the sweetness of controlling ghosts. Be baby to the zombies who hated fear at the beginning, and the zombie himself loses his sanity at this time and only has his instincts. Just like raising a lethal pet, he gradually gets better with the zombies, even with a casual Buddha name. I don’t want to hear it.

At that time, Wang Anlin did not do too many bad things. He just used the soul of his contract to get money. In the process, he really helped some people who were troubled by the little ghosts solve the time, and he did not get to the point where he was willing to do everything for money. .

The layout of this room can also be understood. Wang Anlin looked for different things with scary legends and tried to find the spirit body possessed because of his practice, but usually found nothing; while buying those exorcism products, Coaxing customers has no effect. Buy a peace of mind for customers, or use them to make a scene by yourself to look professional. If you want to pretend to be a master, you have to look like a fairy, and you can’t let others discover that you are such a gloomy ghost as it is not a good job.

As for the cabinet that occupies the most space in the room, it is something that scares people from work fakes. It was originally the equipment in the haunted house. Wang Anlin bought it after being deceived. Although Yao Liang didn’t even think about it, the dead souls in modern society would like such a dilapidated “home”.

The original body was Wang Anlin’s accomplice who was embarrassed for being a treacherous pit and abducted, and he was also a member of the stall under the overpass. The two had similar smells. Wang Anlin asked him for help as soon as he found out that he was haunted. Unfortunately, the original body was also a complete liar. There was no way, but he was still a bit loyal, did not run away, but tried to help Wang Anlin solve the problem, but it was all useless.

After Wang Anlin started to learn the law, he also tried to get the original body to learn, but the original body and the zombie contract, so he has some abilities is different, there is no little room to learn, no matter how much practice, there is no little effect. You can still only see the actualized zombies, not even the dim shadows.

In the original trajectory, Wang Anlin has never given up on his friend, Yuan Shi, who eats meat on his own will also let him drink soup, let Yuan Shi be his spokesperson, and Yuan Shi’s life will also be better. He has always envied Wang Anlin, often dreaming that he could have that kind of luck to contract a zombie, and perseveringly try to learn how to control ghosts.

In order to be like Wang Anlin, the original body also began to look for zombies that could be contracted, trying to get Wang Anlin to help him conquer. It’s just that what he eventually met was not a zombie, but a ghost. Although he touched the threshold of entry, he was torn apart by the wrong spell and fell into a rampage. Wang Anlin also nearly died before sealing the ghost. At that time, the original body had already connected the soul. All have been eaten.

Both people ended up because of greed. It can only be said that people gather in groups by things.

I just don’t know, in this world with souls, can others see that their soul and body do not match, which is the result of a loss of life? Yao Liang is very curious about this.

When he accepted the original trajectory story and memory, Wang Anlin had already settled his baby zombie and walked over with a whisper: “What were you doing? Almost scared me, even Xiao Zheng was scared, just now I was telling me a grievance. If it were not for Huang Fu, he would be so close and unprepared, and he would almost be injured.”

The intimate name Xiao Zang really makes people wonder what to say, but Yao Liang’s focus is on the last sentence. The original body has no spiritual power, and he will still linger outside the door until death. He should not have a Buddha name casually. Such an effect.

When Wang Anlin finished speaking, he also noticed that something was wrong. He looked at his friend in surprise, trying to find a different place on the face he was used to seeing. He also reached out and picked up the other’s wrist and looked up and down: “What’s going on? Didn’t you see that you have such an ability? Is it the wrong direction? Well, it must be the wrong direction. You have no talent for controlling ghosts and Taoism. Instead, you have a predestined relationship with the Buddhism, just as they say you have a root of wisdom. No wonder Practicing for so long has no effect at all, but you are very talented in Buddhism, and you can almost hurt a small stiffness if you say anything casually.”

Yao Liang himself has not spoken yet. Wang Anlin has given a reasonable explanation on his own and successfully convinced himself. He also patted Yao Liang’s shoulder hard, and said with emotion: “Brother, you have just entered the wrong door. If you knew that talent was here a few years ago, I would still be so downhearted. To shave a bald head and forge a ring scar, you should be this famous master.”

Yao Liang looked up at him and didn’t say a word. Wang Anlin felt tremendous pressure for some reason, and smiled and took his hand off the other’s shoulder.

[What he said is actually pretty good. ] The system suddenly jumped out, [This is the vacation world after the tested world, the purpose is to let the host relax, and there will be no too difficult tasks. In order to allow the host to spend a happy vacation in this world, I specially installed the pure Yang power for this body. As long as the host practiced hard, it will be able to exert the maximum effect and reach the point where the gods and demons are not invaded. I don’t know if you are interested in this gift satisfied? ]

[I know. Yao Liang didn’t have any thoughts about this gift, but having the ability to protect himself in this mysterious world is also a happy thing. Facing Wang Anlin’s policy can also be changed.

At this time, Wang Anlin, who knew nothing about the dialogue between the system and Yao Liang, was imagining the future: “The last time I helped that family deal with a villain and made 10,000 yuan easily, I found out that there is a Wealthy businessmen’s construction sites have recently been haunted. You said that if I solve this problem, will he send me a villa directly?”

He was thinking about it happily when he saw his friend smile: “This kind of petty mess is a waste of your talent.”

When Wang Anlin was puzzled, seeing his friend raised his eyebrows, Jun Xiu’s face seemed to be wicked: “Why don’t you give a big change to the metaphysical world?”

After the awkward silence, Wang Anlin stretched out his hand and touched Yao Liang’s forehead: “I don’t have a fever, why did you start talking nonsense?”

The author has something to say: Thank you little angels for subscribing to favorite comments, love you all

Although this world is a supernatural background, I don’t feel scary. The vacation world is just relaxing and happy. After all, I’m also a timid person. Watching ghost stories will shrink into the quilt that scares me to sleep. _(: з」∠)_

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-2612:11:15 2019-12-2812:00:00

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: The thing is, one is intoxicated and one is put in alcohol;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Youyou, a drunk drink, and a cat girl;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of fluffy foxballs; 22 bottles of Autu; 20 bottles of spine and su screen cover; 15 bottles of Shangxie; 10 bottles of cat girl; 4 bottles of things; 3 bottles; Bloody, Hilbert, 54411220, 1 bottle of Little Love Witch;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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