Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 33

Chapter 31 The fourth world

Boss Zhu is more enthusiastic than they thought. In fact, Wang Anlin only wanted a small-sized house on this construction site. He was still hesitating to say it. Boss Zhu had already arranged it. He first gave away 100,000 yuan. The cash of the money shocked the two of them, and then took out the atlas of the villa area and asked them which set they wanted.

“This, it’s a bit too expensive…” Wang Anlin recalled the cover of this villa area introduction. He had also seen the publicity advertisements. The largest high-end villa area in the city, it can be said that it is very expensive. He also calculated himself. If you want to buy the smallest set of villas, how long will you need to struggle for? Later, I decided to wash and sleep instead of dreaming.

Now the dream seems to come true, and Boss Zhu is wealthy, so he directly asked them to pick one of them. Wang Anlin loves money, but the money is too much and it’s a bit hot. He feels that although the journey is hard, there are no dangers. The big credit goes to Yao Liang. The price of an eight-figure villa is a bit too high.

Boss Zhu himself didn’t think so. He tried his best to persuade the two of them to accept his gift: “It’s okay. This is the property I developed. You solved a major issue for me. In order to avoid hundreds of millions of losses, this is a reward. do not worry about it.”

That night, although Boss Zhu did not follow into the construction site, he was guarding outside, ready to pick him up when the two escaped like other masters. This wait is overnight. When the two show up again the next morning, take him Shocked.

One was covered in color, his clothes were stained with blood, and many places were torn, as if it was scratched by a sharp object or torn by someone; the other seemed to be fished out of the water, with vain steps, and it felt like the next moment To fall to the ground.

Boss Zhu almost didn’t recognize that these were the two people who were eating together before. He hurriedly stepped forward, and his driver hurried up to help, put the people on the small truck, and then carried the coffin in. I was all seated, and when I started to walk to the hospital, I cautiously asked: “Two masters, what’s the matter?”

“Fortunately, the problem on the construction site has been solved for both of us.” Wang Anlin, who was still energetic, opened the chat box and happily told Boss Zhu about what he met last night. His eloquence was good, and an experience of eliminating ghosts was good. He described the ups and downs, and he heard that Boss Zhu’s heart was up and down, until he heard that Li Gui was overtaken, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he happened to arrive at the hospital. Boss Zhu registered for the two of them. Not only did he bandage the trauma, he also checked it from head to toe. Yao Liang was not injured, but the wastage was too great. The hospital checked it out that he was only weak. First, he hung up a bottle of glucose. The two were so tired that they fell asleep in the hospital.

Although Boss Zhu was also very sleepy, he did not go to rest. Instead, he went to the construction site to take a look. As soon as he stepped into the construction site, he felt a sharp difference from before.

After the shutdown, when everyone walked into the construction site, compared to the sultry heat outside, they seemed to step into the air-conditioned room. Now there is no such temperature difference, which gave him a little more confidence in what he had heard before. Boss Zhu called up the surveillance last night and wanted to know what happened last night. Then, he saw a strange scene in the surveillance that he might never see again in his life.

It was normal in the surveillance until I was still there. However, not long after I left the camera range, the two people in the surveillance seemed to have seen something. They looked around. After a while, it was as if someone had taken an eraser. The lens was wiped the same. The two and a coffin disappeared from the surveillance in an instant. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that this was not an illusion.

He looked for all the monitors on the construction site and did not see two people, but on the back door monitors, three figures in robes were recorded. The other party fluttered on the ground with a click and then jumped over the iron gate. It was the same magical scene as before, and they also disappeared.

In the hot summer, boss Zhu looked at the surveillance and felt a chill. He fast-forwarded all the monitoring, until it was dawn, a looming figure appeared in the monitoring, and it slowly became clear. It was the two masters he invited yesterday and the three men in Taoist robes standing together, both sides It seemed that after a few conversations, they separated, and then the two helped each other to leave.

Boss Zhu was silent for a while, deleted the surveillance records from last night, and sent someone to find the corresponding news according to Wang Anlin’s description of the ghost. After he woke up, the relevant information had been found. This was a big case, and it was recorded in the newspapers, but the time was a bit far away, and it was more than ten years ago.

There was a murder case in the area he was working on. In the building where he was tossed down, the neighbors called the police because they couldn’t bear the smell of the next door, but the police knocked on the door and failed. After forcibly breaking in, he was surprised by the scene in the room. Stayed, turned around and vomited.

The whole house was stained blood, with mutilated limbs scattered in every corner. Three male heads were placed on the coffee table, staring in the direction of the door; and the owner of this house—a young couple, husband and The wife’s body was found in the kitchen and bedroom respectively.

Later, the identities of the three men were found out. They were all fugitives with criminal records, and they had lives on their hands. After eradicating autopsy, on-site investigation and surrounding investigations, they finally inferred most of the process of the case.

The three fugitives kidnapped the couple and returned to their house and controlled the couple. They even lived in their house for a period of time. In the process, the young couple cooperated with them, but did not escape them. According to the traces of the scene, it can be judged that the fugitives killed the couple with kitchen knives, and even used a knife to chop the body in an attempt to divide the body.

But after this step, the case became complicated and confusing. They didn’t find any traces of a third party. They didn’t know who killed the three fugitives to avenge the couple. Later, the case became an unsolved case. The room where the murder occurred was also sealed up, and no one wanted to move in.

The ghost described by Wang Anlin is almost exactly the same as the husband of the couple.

Boss Zhu’s mood is very complicated. If it is what he thinks, he can actually understand that ghost. Boss Zhu sorted it out and went to the hospital with the documents. At this time, Wang Anlin and Yao Liang also woke up. When they looked at the photos, they immediately recognized Li Gui as the husband.

Perhaps it was because of some chance at death, coupled with the hatred that he and his wife were killed, the husband turned into a ghost, and after his vengeance was supported by hostility and resentment, he fell into a deep sleep, and nothing happened for so many years.

Perhaps it was the construction movement that awakened this soul, or perhaps it was due to other reasons that the awakened ghost began to make chaos on the construction site. But he still has the last trace of saneness. There is no time for casualties. The master who solved the problem can prove this. Wang Anlin and Yao Liang were probably out of luck. When they went there, they happened to encounter a ghost who lost their sage. The same This also resolved the incident.

Finally, when Li Gui regained his sanity, Yao Liang had planned to stop chanting, but the opponent blocked his movements with his eyes. Yao Liang understood what he meant, and then continued to act superfluously. Now it seems that the opponent has already Knowing his current situation, recalling the memories of the past, and not having a trace of nostalgia for the outside world, he chose to leave so peacefully.

The three sighed at the same time and put the story down. Boss Zhu wiped the sweat from his forehead: “I’m thinking about whether I should change to another industry next time. If I do it again, I can’t stand it.”

Wang Anlin laughed: “Don’t worry, there are very few ghosts who can become ghosts, and the chance of you encountering ghosts again is about the same as the odds of winning a lottery after buying ten lottery tickets. Besides, after thousands of years, we In the land under my feet, which inch of the land hadn’t been stained with blood and buried the corpse, I was scared by an accident and changed my job, but my rain boots choked and gave up eating.”

Yao Liang also agreed with him. He has not yet recovered his vitality and is as fragile as a porcelain doll. Wang Anlin simply let him stay in the hospital for a few more days. I couldn’t take it easy, and after changing the medicine, I followed Boss Zhu to see if there was any yin on the construction site. Fortunately, this is summer, and the remaining yin air only needs to wait for a while, and it will disappear after the sun is exposed. There will be no problems at this construction site, and the matter has been solved perfectly.

On the day Yao Liang was discharged from the hospital, Wang Anlin took a taxi and took him to the villa area. Boss Zhu was so kind, he still accepted the gift and chose a villa with the smallest model. After Yao Liang was hospitalized for two days, he The excitement has not passed, showing Yao Liang their new residence.

Wang Anlin’s plan is very good. The next step is to find another wealthy businessman who is troubled by this aspect, and then solve the matter with Yao Liang, and also solve the travel tools. He has already seen the future of drunken gold fans beckoning him.

It’s a pity that Yao Liang’s words made him fall into the cold reality: “Did anyone who claims to be the Association of Heavenly Masters contact you in these two days?”

“No.” Wang An was lying on the sofa with Yan Da Da, “I now have a headache thinking about the Association of Heavenly Masters and the metaphysical circles…”

On the impulse before, he said that he wanted to change together with his little partner. After the hot head calmed down, he began to regret it.

The Association of Heavenly Masters is a formal organization. They only saw three members of Qingfengguan, but there must be many people in the association like Qingfengguan. In terms of the number of people, it might be two to tens of thousands or even a few. One hundred thousand, a single spit can drown them. At the same time, they don’t know anything about the association, and the association may be investigating their life and past. To be an opponent with such an association and want to win, he must have been brain drained at the time.

Wang Anlin turned his head to look at Yao Liang. The zombie who was squatting beside the sofa and was brought out to let the wind also turned his head to look at him.

Yao Liang looked at him and knew what he wanted to say. The other party hadn’t said it but he hadn’t expected it. After all, Wang Anlin was a petty citizen before, and had various problems such as greed and timidity and low morality, so he suddenly told him that his opponent was A behemoth who did not show his defection on the spot can be praised.

Perhaps the more important reason was that he had to do this. The attitude of the people of Qingfeng View towards evil cultivation made Wang Anlin instinctively feel a bad feeling. If the Tianshi Association practiced this way, he did not want to just hand over the ghosts after his contract. Go out, and then obediently be abolished.

Not to mention other things like making money and making money, Wang Anlin has read the records of evil cultivators, and there are also ways to abolish gong, but there are more or less sequelae, and he dare not gamble on how good an unfamiliar association can be.

After thinking about it, since Wang Anlin met that evil cultivator, his position has been destined to be different from the association.

However, to make him think of a way to deal with the association, he can only think of running away. Thirty-six counts are the best plan, two people, a zombie and a new ghost. The world is so big, and he can live in peace where the tentacles of the association cannot extend It is also feasible. However, there is no guarantee that there is too little information about the Association of Heavenly Masters in their hands, and he is not sure whether the other party has a special way to detect evil cultivation, and he is not very willing to hide in Tibet.

Both fleeing and staying are a dead end, and he is so sad that he will be caught bald by himself.

“It’s actually not that difficult,”

Before he could finish his words, Wang Anlin sat up with a “jerk”, his tone was anxious: “What? What do you think of?”

“Only with a direction, more information needs to be collected to determine whether it is feasible.” Yao Liang picked a thread from the plot of the original trajectory and the true and false news he heard during this period. Analysis to Wang Anlin, “The Association of Heavenly Masters is an organization in the dark. Although Taoist temples can be seen everywhere, but on the bright side, it does not promote spirits and gods. The official attitude is probably that it does not exist, and the Association of Heavenly Masters will solve it in private. Those non-human incidents. Moreover, there is a supervision office in the Association of Heavenly Masters, and its members are all ordinary people.”

At this point, Wang Anlin suddenly realized: “You mean to break it from the inside?”

Yao Liang glanced at him approvingly: “Many celestial masters have a sense of arrogance. They feel that they have abilities that ordinary people don’t have, so they are superior to others. Ordinary people like the supervision office can also control them. Naturally, there are complaints; and the representative of the supervision office Ordinary people who cannot deal with non-human incidents need to rely on the Association of Heavenly Masters, but they also worry that they will abuse their power and face this world that they don’t understand or see. Over time, they will feel tired.

The two sides can barely maintain a balance. After all, they have to rely on the other side. There should be a fuss here.

It’s not just internal destruction. The key to fighting is to unite all the forces that can be united. For example, if you learn the evil method by mistake like you, and then find that you have no way to stop, but there is no one who has done bad things; another example , The ghost that did not harm the world, but was chased and beaten by the heavenly master…”

Wang Anlin had nodded his head again and again, but at the end he looked a little weird: “No, a group of ghosts and a group of evil cultivators are standing together, no matter how you look at it, they are all villains.”

“Regardless of black cats and white cats, catching mice is a good cat. In exchange, whether it is evil repairs or ghosts, it can stabilize the society, which is good for the officials.” Yao Liang is not worried at all, “not to mention the internal of the Association of Heavenly Masters. , It’s not a monolithic one. As long as we have the capital to talk to the official within this time gap, we don’t need to worry about the association.”

Wang Anlin suddenly realized: “So, Yao Liang, you are really reliable. I finally understand what others mean by being extremely smart!”

The smile on Yao Liang’s face stiffened. He looked at Wang Anlin, and a murderous smile appeared on his face; “In that case, it’s up to you to gather information!”

Wang Anlin, who was kicked out abruptly, waved to the blank-looking zombie inside the door, and ran away laughing. In any case, it is better to try it first than to sit and wait.

And half an hour after he left, Yao Liang welcomed two visitors.

The author has something to say: Happy 2020, little angels! In the new year, I wish everyone all the best and happy. If there is anything unhappy or unsatisfactory, all will be lost to 2019.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-3112:17:34 2020-01-0112:00:00

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Molian; 28109851, 10 bottles of Porcelain An; 5 bottles of Pi Xiu, Shi Xin is not Xin, Mu Pavilion 5 bottles; rice name, no no no language, 1 bottle of shallow;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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