Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 38

Chapter 36 Fifth world

The object of transformation in this world is a perpetrator who has been transformed from a victim.

Tao Yuhuai is a student who graduated from a key university. He has excellent grades since childhood and his dialectical ability is not weak. However, when his trusted friend cheated into the MLM organization on the grounds of introducing a lucrative job, this smart man was brainwashed into a MLM organization. The fanatics never let go of their relatives and friends in order to develop offline, and even after being rescued, they still believed in the prospects in their mouths.

Yao Liang felt unable to understand, and he began to carefully review the whole process of Tao Yuhuai’s being deceived.

The first two decades of the transformation of the object were undoubtedly successful. He graduated from university smoothly. With the support of his family, he chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination. This made him encounter the first major setback and failed the postgraduate entrance examination. Perhaps it was to regroup for World War II. It was the right choice, but Tao Yuhuai did not make such a choice. Out of his escape mentality, he wanted to find a job to relieve the pressure of working in a big city.

Although his parents are willing to continue to provide living expenses, Tao Yuhuai’s self-esteem does not allow him to reach home. Under such circumstances, his former university roommate, Skinny Monkey, approached him, saying that he knew from the circle of friends that he was having difficulties and that he had a promising and lucrative job here, and asked him if he would come to him.

Tao Yuhuai didn’t doubt that the relationship between their dormitories was very good, and he only felt that his friend gave charcoal in the snow, so he bought a ticket right away. After arriving at the station, the skinny monkey picked him up with a very beautiful girl. Both of them were very enthusiastic. Tao Yuhuai said to find a hotel. The skinny monkey patted his chest and said that he didn’t need it, so he could live in their company’s dormitory first.

He didn’t think too much, and under the guidance of the skinny monkey, he called his parents to report safety, but when he arrived at the so-called company dormitory, Tao Yuhuai began to feel that something was wrong. They say that the company dormitory is in a community, which is not uncommon, but each apartment has a large number of mattresses that far exceeds the number of people that the room should accommodate.

Tao Yuhuai, who is educated and knows MLM, thought of this in an instant, but after looking at his good friend, he felt a little hesitant in his heart. He felt that the thin monkey should not be deceived by the MLM. It was this hesitation that made Tao Yuhuai miss it. The best time to leave.

Skinny Monkey put his luggage on a bed, and then took him to meet the leader. Everyone they passed by greeted him enthusiastically. Skinny Monkey said that the culture of their company is like this. But Tao Yuhuai was even more suspicious that this was an MLM organization when he saw this situation. After seeing the so-called leader in professional attire, Tao Yuhuai was even more sure of this.

He even expressed his suspicion straightforwardly, but the other party laughed instead. He did not admit or deny it, nor did he have any guilty conscience after being exposed. Instead, he said that their project is supported by the state. If you have doubts, you might as well stay. After going down to observe for a few days, the skinny monkey also asked him to stay for a few days in the name of a friend. Tao Yuhuai agreed to pull her roommate out of the fire pit.

Because of this nod, Tao Yuhuai was completely controlled his personal freedom. His mobile phone was taken away by the skinny monkey and he slept in the innermost bed, and people would follow him every day. On the face of them, they didn’t restrict Tao Yuhuai’s freedom, and they would take him “out and around” every day, and they would meet with the bosses who had already succeeded in their mouths.

Tao Yuhuai was still vigilant. The Lean Monkey took him to induction training, which was brainwashing. In this process, a person in suit and leather shoes first expressed how good their project was. After the support of the state and macro-control, and Still a confidential project, they will be the first people to eat crabs.

During the period, there were also various professional vocabulary, such as pure capital operation circular consumption, compound interest investment, multi-level distribution of mutual assistance, etc., which sounded very professional and tall. Tao Yuhuai still didn’t believe it, and even began to analyze how unrealistic this theory was, but this entered the second trap, because he didn’t understand these MLM terms, and he would inevitably raise questions about others in the process of understanding. At this time, whether it is an online boss or a developed downline, they will use their logic to explain, and provide further brainwashing for newcomers.

Next came the college student. Tao Yuhuai even saw his degree certificate and photos in the university. This man’s national policy was used to prove the reliability of their projects. In his PPT, there were news reports and red-head documents. After the college students, the class was said to be resigned civil servants, and they also had a lawyer’s license. He even conducted legal science popularization for these class participants to ensure that they were regular companies.

Tao Yuhuai has already begun to waver a little. Such a person who understands the law is also engaged in this job, is it really not against the law? Is it really a confidential project supported by the state?

Tao Yuhuai, who has not paid attention to national policies himself, and is not considered to be particularly knowledgeable about the law, can not see the PS traces of those photos, nor is he aware of the distortions of the national policies and laws among the population. He just listened very well, and seemed to be true. Where have you seen it.

There were cracks in the hard armor, and in the process of repeated brainwashing through various classes and chanting slogans, Tao Yuhuai gradually put down his guard and began to believe in this so-called state-supported secrecy project.

These people are very cunning. They beautify these into dreams, and the difficult environment is a necessary test in order to realize the dream. When he has doubts, he will use all kinds of words to dispel his doubts and transform them. For more trust in the project.

They also deepened the so-called friendship through emotional manipulation and completely tied Tao Yuhuai to this ship.

Then came the next step, letting the brainwashed Tao Yuhuai go offline. He began to pull people he knew into this so-called company, like the thin monkey before, asking his family for money to pay for the organization, and he would get it. The income has even become the dream of a senior salesperson.

Many of Tao Yuhuai’s offline development are people who knew him. After they entered, they also reported the same suspicion as before, but he would brainwash these people with other people like a skinny monkey. Of course, at that time In Tao Yuhuai’s eyes, this is just a correct point of view. In the end, his off-line also believed in this, and there were many people who sold houses and cars to invest.

Tao Yuhuai successfully became a business manager, and then the MLM organization was wiped out by the police.

These people who committed crimes or were deceived were all taken away from this place. Some people who had been deceived for a short time and had a low degree of brainwashing reacted to howling and crying, and some who had been brainwashed too deeply and still clamoring that this is a confidential project. , Let the police go to the superior, they must have caught the wrong one.

Tao Yuhuai is the latter. He still believes in this scam, and even thinks that it is also a test. He must support the organization more firmly and pass this test without any doubt.

Poor, sad, and hateful.

Yao Liang even thought, maybe it was because Tao Yuhuai could not bear the consequences of being deceived. He was the most ardent supporter. If he admitted, he would have nothing, and even face the anger and condemnation of those offline, so he I deceive myself more and more. Only in this way can I escape all this.

Tao Yuhuai was originally a person who was not strong enough, so his ending was doomed. When he was forced to face the reality, he could not accept it. Looking at his aging parents, the bleak future, the dilemma of not being able to find a job, he was bottomed. With savings, he can’t even pay for next month’s rent.

Therefore, a family of three chose to commit suicide by jumping into the river on a winter night. Tao Yuhuai unfortunately survived, his parents died, and he was completely crazy. In this way, Tao Yuhuai survived madly, living under the bridge cave, picking up **** every day or being sent some supplies by kind people until he died.

This is a scam using dreams as an excuse. They built a pyramid with the flesh and blood of others, and used offline money to guarantee their luxury life. Whether it was deliberately or unintentionally, everyone who participated in it made this The web of sin has become even larger.

Personal control, repeated brainwashing, closed life, severing contact with the outside world, mental and emotional manipulation, and some verbal and behavioral violence, use psychological loopholes to achieve their own goals. In this way, it is no wonder that vigilant college students like Tao Yuhuai will fall into this trap.

The situation of the original body is actually similar to that of Tao Yuhuai. He and Tao Yuhuai are classmates at the same school, but they are of different departments, and they must be one grade lower. He was also tricked into by the thin monkey. It took a few days at night than Tao Yuhuai’s. In memory, this was the first day he was deceived.

In the original locus, there are also some mentions of the original body. The difference between him and Tao Yuhuai is that he not only has a stronger vigilance, but also is very stubborn. From the beginning to the end, he believes that this is a scam, and tries to make those who are also deceived. People who fled, have been planning to instigate these people. However, those who had firmly believed in this project did not appreciate it, and instead sold the news of the traitor, the original body, to the team leader.

Tao Yuhuai was his ally at first. They agreed to escape and report the organization. However, Tao Yuhuai was shaken. The original body was seen and taken away by the group leader who came to look for someone when he was trying to dispel his idea.

In the original trajectory, the ending of the original body was not revealed. It can only be seen from Tao Yuhuai’s point of view that the original body was taken to another room. He guessed that there might be violence, and then he never saw the original body again. There is no change in this organization. Maybe the original body did not come back and did not call the police after he left, maybe he was controlled, or maybe he was dead, Tao Yuhuai didn’t know the answer.

The matter of the original body is more like a wake-up call for Tao Yuhuai, making him more cautious, but unfortunately, he did not escape the brainwashing development in the end.

Yao Liang opened his eyes in the dark. This is a dormitory for twelve people. There are many such dormitories in this apartment. It is conservatively estimated that at least a hundred people are controlled, and the extended online and offline channels, and other MLMs. Density, I don’t know how many there can be.

The staff of the MLM organization are very alert. All windows that can be accessed are sealed with wood. There is an exhaust fan at the top of the toilet, but there are no tools in the house. There is also an exhaust fan in the bedroom. Unless the mattress is built up, otherwise Impossible, this kind of action is too big, it is impossible to do it with eyes everywhere. They also don’t have pens and paper. They only distribute textbooks when they are in class, and someone will follow them when they go out, eliminating the possibility of asking for help.

However, it is not difficult for Yao Liang to break out now. To deal with ordinary people who have not undergone exercise, he can do it even if he has no internal strength and only relies on skills. At present, he can even break the wooden boards sealed on the windows with his bare hands.

Under such conditions, Yao Liang can take his transformation target, Tao Yuhuai, who has not been brainwashed yet, leaves this den with ease. As long as you stay away from the current environment, let Tao Yuhuai find a job, get on the right track, and then call the police to destroy this den, the red progress bar will be full in an instant, ending the world.

The B-level mission does not seem to be any more difficult than the previous mission. If he is only responsible for transforming the object, he is even easier than the previous vacation world. At least this time, his opponents are ordinary criminals.

But to make such a choice, you can think of it with your toes. The score must be the lowest grade, maybe there is only one basic score, because he has given up more of his help-seeking hands.

Yao Liang didn’t want this. It wasn’t for those points. He now has 380 points. He doesn’t know what the world will be like in the future. He is very cautious in using it, because he doesn’t know if it will require hacker skills like before. But although he wanted to have more points to rely on, what prompted him to really make the decision to stay was everything he saw in his memory.

Understand this network, prevent them from developing more victims, and then completely destroy this cannibal MLM network.

Since you have more power than ordinary people and plug-ins like the system mall, why not do more?

The author has something to say: I’m back, it’s really uncomfortable to be sick, and I’ve gotten better after taking the medicine. This is probably what I gave to me in 2020_(:з」∠)_

I almost missed the update today, the next one is at 6 pm

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-0511:57:47 2020-01-0711:50:13

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 1 Mo Yuesheng;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Don’t move my chicken 10 bottles; , Jie Cheng, next door ginger, rice name 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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