Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 51

Chapter 49 Sixth world

In fact, there are not so many people locked up in Xiaofeng Village. Sister Hong does not come every year, and they cannot afford too many transactions. The village is not so rich. However, in the year they came, they would usually come two or three times. Sister Hong would not bring too many prey at a time. The more people there were, the more accidents occurred. She was a very cautious veteran.

Yao Liang shuttled silently through the village under the dark night. He could easily knock down the guard dogs, let the villagers who were immersed in the dreamland sleep more soundly, and then had enough time to find the key. Then try to comfort the victims, everyone is very cooperative, if they do not wake up is the best situation, he will quickly and carefully take them to the cellar, Cen Xingyue there to pick them up.

If the plan can be successfully completed, these people can come out of the cellar tonight and wait for the police or drive away by themselves; if the plan does not go well, Yao Liang alarmed the villagers, and Cen Xingyue would walk outside as soon as the noise rang out. , Arrange everything and hide this cellar to ensure that they will not be discovered.

She listened attentively to the movement outside, the light of the phone shining on her face, not illuminating the deep darkness in her eyes, many pictures and mixed thoughts flashed in her mind, and any movement from the outside could make her shoulders His back became stiff, ready to go out at any time.

The 110 number displayed on the screen of Cen Xingyue’s mobile phone was added with the area code, which could be dialed to the area closest to this place but not part of the county seat. Cen Xingyue had too many uneasy thoughts in her mind. The trust cannot be completely passed to the local police.

The cellar was very quiet, and there was no other movement except the sound of breathing. The victims gathered together, and several pairs of eyes were placed on Cen Xingyue’s body. Their pupils were gleaming with doubt or expectation. They did not relax, even after the worst. Except for the two people who were kidnapped with Cen Xingyue, their eyes were pure joy and hope.

The plan went smoothly. Except for one time, Yao Liang ran into a villager heading to the bathroom. He was adjusting the posture of a woman on his back, ignoring the slight movement in front of him. The other party did not react at first, and his sleepiness dominated him. When his brain started to process the information collected by his eyes and opened his mouth to call someone, Yao Liang brought him down in time, and then had to faint the entire room.

Ghost-like figures swept across the village, rescued all the original victims in the village, and then Yao Liang stood in front of the yard of the traffickers. There was a slight mistake in the plan. Compared with the villagers, these people had a higher level of vigilance. Even now, they still sent a person to sit in the yard, guarding the closed door.

Yao Liang’s whole body was attached to the roof like a gecko, carefully not allowing any tiles under him to move. He judged that the breathing in the room was even and smooth, there was no voice, and there was no sign of being awake. He did not act immediately. The previous actions consumed a lot of his physical strength. The traffickers were more difficult to deal with than the villagers, and the possibility of possessing weapons was not ruled out. He needed to ensure a better time and not to mess up everything because of fatigue.

He waited quietly as the cold wind blew his skin. In order to ensure that he would not expose himself because of his bloated clothes, he wore very thin clothes. The heat from the previous exercise was being lost. He remained motionless. Finally, he saw it. The people at the door left where they were.

The vigil was undoubtedly a boring activity. The man began to mumble to himself, which created better conditions for Yao Liang. He jumped from the roof, as dexterously as a cat, even when his toes were on the ground. Without a sound, he moved behind the target. When the other party focused on complaining about the cold and sleepiness of the weather, he kindly plunged him into a black and sweet dream, and then he shifted his gaze to the room behind the door.

Five minutes later, he walked out easily with the key, opened the heavy lock, and let them land quietly. When Yao Liang opened the door, he met five pairs of eyes full of disgust, fear and alert.

Fortunately, no one screamed and cut through the silence. The baby was asleep, and even the youngest boy just looked at him and plunged his body deeper into the arms of the older woman.

They looked at this strange man. He was not one of the traffickers, but he was not trustworthy. Some of them still remember Yao Liang. Among a group of villagers, he is undoubtedly the eye-catcher, which also means that in the eyes of these five people, he and the buyers are the same.

When they found Yao Liang was trying to come in, they all had a defensive action. Yao Liang didn’t stop, but he still opened his mouth to explain: “Don’t say anything, I’m here to take you away.”

“Why should we trust you?” A woman on the other side lowered her voice and asked. They hoped to be saved, but to believe that a local villager came to rescue them, it is better to believe that this is a malicious joke to make fun of them.

“Because you have no choice.” Yao Liang was already close to them, stretched out his hand in glaring, showed a fruit knife, lowered his head and cut the rope. This behavior made the ice in these people’s eyes begin to shake.

He cut the ropes one by one, and the three adult women rubbed their wrists and ankles. Although they still didn’t believe Yao Liang very much, they didn’t refuse to follow him. After all, there is nothing worse than now.

Before returning to the cellar, Yao Liang gave them a detailed description of the place to go and the route from here. Their destination was a house with an open door. A bench was placed on the road in front of the house, on either side of the door. Putting a basket in each, walked in and walked through the house to the backyard. On their left hand, there was a girl in their early twenties who arranged for them to hide.

Yao Liang repeated it several times, until the leading woman could repeat his words completely, and then she showed a faint smile and led these people out of the room.

The older women were holding the baby and the little boy. The four of them followed Yao Liang. When they saw the trafficker lying on the ground in the yard, they couldn’t help but breathe harder. They began to choose to put more trust in the man in front of them. On his body, he walked in the forefront, alert to the surrounding environment.

It’s a pity that the good fortune this evening seems to end here. Someone kicked a stone, and that stone hit a dog tied outside the yard. The barking awakened the nearest house, even if Yao Liang stopped it in time. It didn’t help to get down. The villagers who came to check found them and started yelling, which caused more voices to appear.

The only good news is that half of the people in Xiaofeng Village have fallen asleep, and there are not many obstacles to their way forward. While fearing to fix the hands and feet of the victims, Yao Liang stunned the villagers, smiled at them, and quickly confessed: “Don’t worry, you will reach your destination, and no one will overtake you. Now. , Let’s start running!”

They seemed to have their own thoughts under their feet. They ran quickly and moved in the direction pointed out by the other party. Before the brain commanded them, their bodies had already obeyed his orders. Run! Run faster! Do your best to move towards their destination.

She almost ran past the house with obvious characteristics. Before entering the yard, the girl glanced back. Indeed, no chaser could break through the line of defense. That scene made people even suspect that they were acting together. Otherwise, How to explain the scene of a group of people holding tools and being stopped by a man with bare hands. Is the man who was kicked and flew back three meters? Is it real?

Before she could think more, she was pulled in. They quickly came to the backyard. A girl was standing there with a pile of debris. After seeing them, she quickly pushed those things away, opened a hole, and beckoned them to go in. Afterwards, the roof of the cave was sealed again, and the five people were in shock, panting, facing a room of scrawny women, and carefully found a place to sit down.

Silence spreads in this space, and the increasingly stagnant air makes people breathless. They all know that when Yao Liang does not follow him, it means that the action has been discovered. Everyone here is very likely. Was caught back again.

Unlike these people, the eyes of the few people **** in the corner flashed differently. They hoped that the two demons who had caught them and tortured them were caught by others, and couldn’t hide their excitement. He has a look, but he lowered his head very desperately so as not to become the target of the uneasy crowd.

I don’t know how long it took. The passage of time became extremely slow at this time. It seemed that the night was about to pass. Finally there was a little movement outside. Everyone shrank. Then, someone held the pole and the hoe, and Sickles, kitchen knives, scissors, etc. These are weapons left after Yao Liang and Cen Xingyue negotiated. They left all the farm tools and lethal weapons in the house to these women for self-protection. The entrance to the cellar is very narrow and only one person can pass through. , Very good for defense.

In the suffocating silence, the entrance was completely opened, and a somewhat familiar and smiling voice came: “Are you okay? Everyone, the matter has been resolved.”

Then there is another female voice that most people are more familiar with: “Go back, for me.”

Cen Xingyue’s face appeared at the entrance of the cellar, with a bright smile on her face: “Come out and have a look, you will like this scene.”

The first woman to be rescued was also the fastest to go out. Then, these people hesitated to hold their weapons and left the temporary shelter. There were only two people outside, Yao Liang and Cen Xingyue. The two people who were watching with many eyes were calm and composed, Yao Liang went down and pushed the people who had been **** for a few days to come out, beckoning them to follow.

The outside scenes, these people may not forget for a lifetime. The noisy, noisy, constant curses and screams spread far in the night, but no one was aggressive. All the villagers on the road were villagers in Xiaofeng Village. Women and underage children over ten years old were caught Tied up with rope, all the adult males had their joints removed from their hands and feet, lying on the ground in an extremely embarrassed posture.

The villagers’ eyes shifted to the standing people, and Yao Liang, who was bathed in spiteful eyesight, blinked: “Sorry, the rope is not enough, so I took another way to make them give up resistance.”

Of course these people would not have any objections, they even looked at all this with a nearly-pleasant look. Cen Xingyue smiled: “I have already called the police. Before they arrive, you can do something to these people…”

“Do everything you want to do.” Yao Liang added, “Of course, put down their weapons, they can’t die now.”

The ban was quickly enforced. These people gave up their weapons, but it didn’t mean that their revenge would be lessened. As the first person roared and threw on her “husband”, the scene began to get out of control. Except for the five new people and a baby, only Yao Liang was still standing still, and even Cen Xingyue couldn’t hold back his hatred, and attacked a face in his memory.

All of this is undoubtedly chaotic. Those former perpetrators have become mermaid weak, but no one will bet extra pity on them, those faces with unstoppable tears and twisted joy, pouring out Women with their own emotions are the ones who need to be distressed.

Yao Liang sighed and noticed that in this revenge action, there would be no retaliatory behavior such as death, and also observed that in this situation, those who still have not been retaliated, the victims who have almost lost their minds will not leave anything. An enemy, whether he has been violent or malicious, will be “cared for”. At this time, it is possible to distinguish among those who are not locked in, who is the only remaining fruit in this village innocent.

His gaze patrolled the area like an eagle, and a cold light flashed across the corner of his eyes, almost as if it was an illusion, but Yao Liang still moved quickly. He grabbed the knife and successfully made The tip of the knife stopped just above the Adam’s apple. If the person pointed at swallows drooling droolingly, they might feel the tip of the knife.

The horrified screams of the man who was almost killed almost overwhelmed all the sounds, and for a while, he focused all his attention here.

Yao Liang didn’t care about other people’s reactions, nor did he care about the sharp pain from his palm. He held the girl’s palm with his other hand, so that the knife did not continue to pierce.

“Xingyue.” He called the girl’s name in the softest tone, took the sharp blade from the palm of his hand that was so hard that the knuckles were white, and then carefully hugged the girl, but the action was very strong to take her to the other side , “We’ve said it, save their lives, don’t you? No one is worthy of you.”

“He killed my parents.” Cen Xingyue buried her head on his shoulders, with indelible fatigue in her tone: “Until now, I can still see that scene before my eyes.”

At that time, she was in the house, looking through the window, and saw her parents find herself, the joy of reunion just climbed to the corner of her mouth, she saw a scene that made her blood chill, she shouted to her parents to be careful, But it was useless. The man who held the shovel high up and slammed the shovel down on her father’s head, and her mother suffered the same bad luck.

As a daughter, she watched her parents be brutally killed in front of her. The overflowing blood stained her eyes. Before her parents died, they were still whispering her name and struggling to stretch out their hands. In her direction.

This was a nightmare that Cen Xingyue couldn’t get rid of, and it was also the source of her hatred.

So, today, when she saw the man in the nightmare lying on the ground, she could no longer control the hatred in her heart, even, long ago, she planned this day, she knew she would hate Under the impulse of intention, he still hid the knife in his cuff.

It’s a pity that she didn’t move any faster now. If it were faster, even the gods would not be able to save the man’s life. He should have been the first.

“You are too keen, I’m only a little bit…”

Cen Xingyue said in a complaining tone, Yao Liang rubbed her hair, her tone was harsher than ever; “I said, it’s not worth it, your parents are not dead, they are looking for you, they are waiting for you to go home. Do you want them to visit their daughter in jail?”

“I will call them and apologize to them.”

The exact same words awakened Yao Liang’s memories. He remembered what Cen Xingyue said when they had just interrogated the group of traffickers who had just been arrested in the cellar. She had already planned it since that time. Even Yao Liang suspected that even if their plan was not successful, she would look for opportunities to avenge the people in her memory.

Yao Liang looked down at the girl’s eyes. Inside, the flame of hatred that he thought had been extinguished was burning again, even more violent than what he saw the first day. It turned out that it never disappeared, it was just suppressed.

Even now, if it weren’t for Yao Liang to hold her shoulder, Cen Xingyue might pinch her teeth with both hands, and kill the enemy. Now that it is no longer something he can handle, the wound in his heart needs to be healed by someone more intimate.

“Sorry, but you shouldn’t do it.” He clicked on Cen Xingyue’s body. She realized the feelings of the traffickers. She didn’t know how the other party acted, and her body was already out of control. Let alone revenge, all she can do now is wink.

At this time, the vent came to an end. The imprisoned women didn’t have much physical strength. They finally gathered together, covering their faces and crying.

Yao Liang handed Cen Xingyue to one of them, and then hastily bandaged the **** wound on his hand, and then pulled the group of Sister Hong out of the crowd. As the common enemy of these victims, the traffickers have been attacked more often, with a swollen nose and a swollen nose that is almost indistinguishable.

Yao Liang turned a small knife in his hand: “Which one do you want to start with?”

The author has something to say: Yao·Shuangbiao·Liang: You don’t want to kill or cause permanent damage. They are not worth it, so I just come!

↑This is the wrong thing, good kids don’t learn

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