Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 59

Chapter 57 The seventh world

In the dark, Gui Yuan was still muttering dreams, Huo Qianqian was very quiet in the bedroom, Yao Liang sat up, looked up at the ceiling, and thought of the system’s prompt:

The danger often comes from the safest place.

He originally believed that this was a reminder that the victim was killed. He was killed with a knife in the back, and there was no trace of too much fighting. First, it proved that the murderer knew the vitals of the human body. Second, it proved that the victim was at ease with the other party and was unsuspecting Leave the back to the opponent.

The police also had such speculations, but unfortunately they didn’t find the person who had intersection with so many victims and could still be trusted. Then there is a second guess that the victims lost consciousness when they died. Yao Liang also thought that someone close to them might have stunned them, and then a person killed these people.

But now he suddenly began to wonder whether the system sent himself into the body of the original body that opened the convenience store deliberately? Although there is no clue in the memory of the original body, is there any clue in his body, is there a trace of the murderer in the human network that the original body trusts, and the convenience store, is there a hidden mystery?

If this reminder was to make yourself pay attention to the surroundings of the original body, Gui Yuan and Huo Qianqian’s suspicion would be greatly reduced. After these several worlds, Yao Liang has figured out the scope of the system’s capabilities. After the host is put into the body, the system will not know the direction after the event, and the people the host knows are not in the system’s plan.

So, what is most likely now is the Fangge who did not appear in the field of vision at the beginning, or the convenience store?

Yao Liang recalled the original convenience store in his mind. Like other chain convenience stores, there was nothing special. But today he did feel a strange sense of peeping from the camera of the convenience store.

The feeling of being snooped is definitely not his illusion. Is it because someone is monitoring him through that camera, or is there any place in the convenience store where people can see him? And the tourists from Province C always find it very weird.

He suddenly remembered what happened when he left during the day. He was clearly sure that there were no new customers in the store and no one should use the toilet. Why did a man suddenly open the door and walk out, looking like the tourist from the back. The clerk also said that sometimes the wind chimes were not heard in the store, and she met the weird customer next to the shelf with a flower in front of her. She met more than once.

An incredible idea came to his mind: in the convenience store, another person lived.

This is not impossible. It is not uncommon for people who live alone to find news, literature, and film creations in which people live together. There are also arguments for the excessive loss of goods. It’s just that when the original body is working in the store, all day shifts and night shifts are available. The convenience store is open 24 hours. If someone wants to sneak in, it’s impossible, and there is no place to hide…

No, maybe there is still a place. Yao Liang thought of the sign of the convenience store and the camera on the ceiling. From the outside, the ceiling of the store was below the sign. At that time, he thought the convenience store looked a little short. Now, thinking about it, there is still nearly one meter of space above the sign, enough for an adult to lie down or even squat around.

If he thinks correctly, the original body and the top of his head have been living with another person, that person may lie down and watch their every move, and they will come and go freely without them finding out. shudder.

In the convenience store, there are only two aisles for him to go up and down, either a storage or a toilet. In order to ensure the airtightness and security of the space when decorating, he did not leave any gaps, only these two places can make people not draw Climb that people pay attention to. The storage is usually locked, and you cannot enter without opening the door. Only the clerk has the key, and the more likely it is on the toilet.

The figure that came out of the bathroom suddenly, like a tourist, was explained, and the strange boss also had a reason.

However, someone must have discovered that if he wants to take something, he will definitely not escape the eyes of the clerk. Once or twice, he can walk into the toilet and be neglected because of negligence. After a long time, he will definitely be found out. There should be one of his accomplices to cover up for him, and Fang Ge’s suspicion is even deeper.

Yao Liang took a long breath and moved his stiff neck. All this is just his guess now, and it may be wrong. After all, if according to his idea, the tourist who claims to be from Province C can live on the top of the convenience store for a few months, how can he suddenly appear in front of him? , There have been several times in just a few days, but it seems to have deliberately attracted my own attention.

There was the sound of opening the door lock in the bedroom, and then the sound of slippers walking. Huo Qianqian, who was holding a cup, just walked into the living room when she was taken aback by the eyes looking at you, and stepped back to cover her. Her mouth suppressed the scream that had reached her throat, and when she saw that it was Yao Liang, she returned to her usual expression.

“Can’t you sleep?” Huo Qianqian walked to the water dispenser to receive water, looked at Gui Yuan, who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, and asked Yao Liang with concern.

The young man also stood up, took a cup and waited to receive the water: “I had an uncomfortable dream and thought of something.”

Huo Qianqian nodded, did not continue to speak, Yao Liang did not speak any more, only the sound of water pouring into the cup, and the atmosphere was a little awkwardly silent for a while. She looked down at the pure water in the cup and found some words to comfort her: ” Don’t worry, we will definitely find him.”

“Yeah.” Yao Liang nodded noncommitantly. The girl took away her cup and Yao Liang pressed the button. “What do you think stimulated the murderer? As far as I know, the seven people in the drama club did not see it in private. Cross over.”

“How do you know?” Huo Qianqian did not say his own speculation, but instead asked Yao Liang, with an imperceptible vigilance.

To this Yao Liang just lightly perfunctory: “I have my own news channel.”

The information he obtained from the system can illustrate this point. These seven people are continuing their own life trajectories, and there is no intersection, at least no offline intersection. As for whether there are one or several chat groups on the Internet, there is no such thing. Regarding the information, the system does not give all the clues.

“It’s hard to tell. It may be that Song Yayun has news, and the murderer suddenly learned that these seven people may be related to her disappearance or death, so he launched revenge; it may also be that he had known for a long time, found one of them, and thought Asked for an apology to explain, but the other party had no intention of repentance, stimulating the murderer; it may also be that the murderer felt that Song Yayun was dead, and these people could not get well, so they suddenly became perverted.” Huo Qianqian did not go into details, she put down the empty cup again He took a glass of water and said, “No one can clearly explain the specific reason. Perhaps only by confronting the murderer can we know it.”

“When will we find the murderer?” Yao Liang drank the water in the cup, staring at Huo Qianqian closely.

The other’s eyes didn’t dodge a bit: “If we can figure out the connection between Song Yayun’s affairs and this case, then we will soon find the real murderer, and he won’t hide for too long.”

The girl’s eyes were very clear, with a firm expression hidden, reflecting Yao Liang’s shadow. He laughed: “Go to bed early, there are still many things to do tomorrow.”

In the early morning, Gui Yuan was the first to wake up, but he was rolling around on the floor holding his pillow until Yao Liang and Huo Qianqian had finished washing, and he closed his eyes and did not want to leave the bed. Before Yao Liang spoke, Huo Qianqian kicked it. Five minutes later, Gui Yuan, clutching his waist with a painful face, sat down by the dining table.

After the target of the investigation became Song Yayun’s affairs, Yao Liang’s task was still to go to work, but he should not only pay attention to suspicious persons, but also search the Internet for news that may be related to Song Yayun. Unfortunately, none of them had the victim’s communication account. Otherwise, more key information can be obtained.

This time Yao Liang went very early and before the normal shift time, Fang Ge was surprised when he saw him coming in. The sleepiness on his face was dispelled: “Boss, you came so early today.”

“You watched two night shifts. I came early, and you can go back early and have a rest.” Yao Liang greeted him without stopping, and walked straight to the bathroom, “I’ll go to the bathroom, and then come. Substitute.”

“Okay, boss.” Fang Ge followed a few steps, “By the way, how to deal with yesterday’s bread?”

“It’s okay as usual.” Yao Liang didn’t pause, walked to the back of the bathroom a few steps, and opened the door. He could be sure that in the previous second, there was some strange movement in the door, but when he opened the door, all he saw was a clean space with no abnormalities.

At this moment, Fang Ge walked by his side and smiled at him, so Yao Liang smiled back at him and closed the toilet door.

He looked at the toilet, it was clean, there was no dust and there was no trace of stepping on it. His gaze rose along the wall without a trace. Finally, he looked up at the ceiling. When it was renovated, there were no gaps in the gussets attached to it. It didn’t look like it had opened up and down from here, and the vents were not small, but they had to accommodate one person in and out, unless it was a small child.

But he did hear the sound again. Yao Liang looked at this small space again, pressed the flush button and walked out of the bathroom. Fang Ge was ready to leave, but was scanning the barcode for the guests. Yao Liang quickly changed shifts with him after coming over, and walked out the door yawning. The strange sense of spying reappeared, Yao Liang absentmindedly for the next guest. Service, Yu Guang has been looking at the situation in the store.

When the shop was empty again, he looked up at the corner last time, the camera was still staring at him, and then the line of sight disappeared.

Throughout the day, he did not feel any abnormality, and the tourist from Province C did not reappear, and the news of Song Yayun on the Internet was mostly a short paragraph of text and photos from the school’s official website to the drama club. Huo Qianqian and Guiyuan also had poor harvests. But they were not discouraged. Now this is the key to open the door to the truth, so they need to pull the cocoon and find the murderer’s information.

Having said that, when the progress was slow for a week, Gui Yuan still wanted to turn his head to investigate other directions, but was persuaded by Huo Qianqian’s forcible suppression, and continued to follow him away. Yao Liang sent a message and told them that he would not go back tonight. If he had something to do, he would contact with his cell phone. He was on the night shift alone today and decided to see what was on the ceiling.

Yao Liang closed the door of the store with a closed sign, and he seemed to have another sight falling on him. Yao Liang took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom. He stepped on the back of the toilet, easily touched the position of the ceiling, knocked, and the sound coming back was indeed empty.

He didn’t look for the mechanism, but grabbed a hammer and directly broke the gusset. At this moment, Huo Qianqian sent a voice message.

Yao Liang clicked on the phone with one hand, and continued the money-smashing action with the other hand, still very regular, quite like a small hammer 40, a sledgehammer 80. The girl’s voice slowly flowed from the earpiece: “We have a new discovery. Song Yayun is indeed dead, and her mother and father divorced. We found her father’s relatives, and we are investigating whether there is any elder brother.”

Yao Liang caught the movement in the space on the ceiling, and finally smashed the ceiling. He threw away the hammer in his hand and looked at the space exposed above. There was a rope hanging down because the place was too big. .

Yao Liang pulled the rope and said to the microphone while pressing the screen. “It’s a coincidence, I also have new discoveries.”

The author has something to say: Hey, everyone guessed it a bit when I saw that, yes, there is a person hidden in the ceiling, but it is not the one who spy on him.

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