Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 84

Chapter 82 Tenth world

If you ignore the cracked door and the missing corner of the roof, the environment in this small wooden house is even better than the place where he lives in the church. Although the furniture is a bit shabby, it is still complete, and the cleaning is also very clean. With a bunch of flowers to decorate, it looks like Dicati is a person who loves life.

There was only one chair in the house. The girl who walked in did not sit down. Yao Liang was also standing. The two were separated by a table, two or three meters apart. No one spoke first. The black cat was bored and hit. A yawn, jumped out of the girl’s arms, walked to the table and lay down, only to break the stagnant atmosphere.

“Thank you.”

This opening sentence of DiCasi made Yao Liang a little confused. He searched in the memory of the original body, but did not find the impression of having met the opposite person. Not to mention, he was completely confused and repeated the other party’s words: “……Thank you?”

“Don’t you remember?” DiCasi looked very surprised. She took a step forward, pointed to her face, and then rolled up her sleeves to reveal the interlaced scars. “Seriously wounded like me should Rarely, it was you who saved my life and bandaged the wound for me, and there was no charge. If it weren’t for you, then I would have died long ago.”

She spoke in great detail, but Yao Liang still couldn’t find the seriously injured woman in his memory. Just as he wanted to ask if the other party had admitted the wrong person, the doctors now wear the same clothes and beak masks, and it is not impossible to admit the mistake. , Dicati added: “You really saved me? Don’t you remember it? Not in Fusha Town, but in the forest near the main city.”

In this way, there seemed to be a bit of impression in the original body’s memory, and the scars did look familiar. After thinking about it, he finally found a similar example, but a little bit different.

Yao Liang frowned hesitantly, and looked up and down Dicati again hesitantly: “I did rescue a seriously injured person on the road a year ago, before coming to Fosa to settle down, but…” He paused. , His gaze swept across the opponent’s neck, and the obviously feminine dress, “I remember that I saved a teenager?”

The young man was still very impressed in the memory of the original body. After all, there were a lot of seriously injured people in this era, but there were very few people who could be rescued and died on the spot. The boy’s whole body was covered with wounds, including cuts, wounds pierced by sharp objects, and burns. The first sight the original body saw at the time, he thought it was a corpse, but the boy still had weak breathing, although Very difficult, but still alive tenaciously.

However, the original body did not rescue him out of sympathy or kindness, but he had learned a new way to deal with wounds at the time, and he chose to try medicine with this young man lying alone in the forest. Even so, he also spent twelve points of energy, and used up all the gauze and thread he had accumulated.

Just like a miracle, the young man came alive and was wrapped up like a mummy. He couldn’t remember his face at all. At that time, the other party seemed to want to say something, but because he was too weak, he didn’t make a sound. In the memory, the original body did not stay for too long. He just changed the medicine to the boy once, and then left some powder, and collected some raw materials, showed the boy one by one, explained how to deal with it, and then left. .

At that time, the original body was full of the feasibility of the treatment method, and he had not considered whether the abandoned boy could survive. In his opinion, it was enough to be able to do this. He would not do it all alone, etc. The other party is completely healed. Although he is a doctor, he does not have the good qualities of a doctor’s kindness. If it is normal, he will never see a doctor without paying him.

“I am indeed a woman.” When DiCashi mentioned this, her expression was a little subtle. “Although everyone, including my parents, thinks that I should be a man, I think I am indeed a woman.”

Yao Liang has some understanding of gender disorder. If this Dicati is really the seriously injured teenager, recall the mentality and behavior of the original body. He was ashamed of this life-saving grace, so he shook his head: “I Come to think of it, but I didn’t do that for the purpose of saving you. It was just for experimentation. You don’t need to thank you.”

“No,” DiKasie was serious, “No matter what your reason, it is an indisputable fact that I helped the dying person. Without your medicine and dressing, I would definitely not be able to survive, so I am very grateful. .”

After learning about this, the atmosphere in the room was not as stiff as before. Dicati asked Yao Liang to sit on a chair and poured him a glass of water. He also held a cup and sat on the bed: ” Before I say anything about me, I want to tell you one thing. I was in the forest and saw someone lighting your house.”

Yao Liang raised his eyebrows while holding the water glass without drinking. He didn’t expect that he would meet an eyewitness.

DiCasi looked even more nervous, and her fingers touched the wall of the cup, almost twisted together: “I can see his face, there is nothing wrong with it, it’s Father Bernie.”

He saw Yao Liang didn’t speak, his tone became a little eager: “It’s true. The person who set fire in Fusha Town has always been not a witch, but Father Bernie.

Although I know this, I can’t tell other people. No one will believe it, but the doctor, you live with the priest, and you are in a dangerous situation. ”

The most interesting thing in this world is that everyone will tell him that you are dangerous now. Yao Liang didn’t trust Dicasi all of a sudden. He looked at each other curiously: “So even if you are suspected, maybe When I told the priest, should I also warn me about this matter?”

“Yes, you saved me after all.” Dicati said categorically, Yao Liang didn’t make a statement, and changed the subject: “Don’t mention this first, you were accused of being a witch, and what happened to you escaping again?”

DiCasi seemed to want to say something, but changed the subject along the way: “You should have guessed it. When I met you, it was when I escaped from the cell. I’ll start from the beginning. ”

The story is not long. Dikasi is an ordinary civilian teenager. He was also called Dika at the time. Aside from gender cognition, he is not very special. But since childhood, because he thought he was a female, he had never looked so strangely at him. His parents could not understand his choice. His mother often wept in the middle of the night and went to church every week to pray and pray to her son. One day it can return to normal.

Under such environmental pressure, Dika has been wearing men’s clothing, pretending to be a man, but still reveals his perception of being a woman in many places.

This did not bring much change to his life when the old priest was there, but after Bernie took over the position of the old priest, and the rumors of the witch spread in Fusha Town, he found that the people around him started They think that he is a victim of a witch, and only after the evil spells of the witch can he reverse his gender, no matter how absurd he thinks, these people think this is the truth.

And it was just a small thing that really changed his life upside down, falling into the step of being imprisoned and tortured. Dika thinks he is a woman. He wants to wear women’s clothes in the modern world. Maybe he can get the title of women’s magnate, but in this era, he is a heresy, and it is the witch who has increased the persecution of him.

But Bernie, who was invited to cast out evil, came to an incredible conclusion when he saw Dika in female clothes. Dika is not a victim of a witch, he is a witch, and the real Dika is no longer there. At this moment, it is a witch who is occupying his body, so he will make such a feminine move.

Except for the inexplicable client, everyone felt that the priest’s conclusion was really correct. Even Dika’s parents thought it was the case. Otherwise, why would a good son suddenly say that he is a woman? They selectively forgot their children. It was like this when he was young, and he has completely regarded him as a witch.

Under such circumstances, Dika was thrown into the cell of the church. As the only male witch, he was subjected to unimaginable and heinous abuse and torture. But he did not give in at all, let alone give up. Even though he was covered in bruises, he escaped under the cover of the night, with the help of some people who couldn’t bear it, and then met the original body.

After surviving, Dika changed his name to Dikasi. He gave up the town and lived with others. He wandered in the forest, and then met the black cat and was led by him. I found this wooden house and lived here for a year.

In the meantime, he would also visit Fusha Town on the edge of the forest, and he had never been spotted. It was precisely because of this that he would see the priest lighting the house.

After Dicati finished telling the story, she emptied the water in her glass nervously, and then stared at Yao Liang, hoping that he would have a reaction.

This story is about true and false. Yao Liang is not completely stupid. He is completely bewitched by the tragedy that has not been emphasized. How did a severely wounded man ran out of Fusha Town steadily, without being caught back, and being able to run close to the main city; and how did he survive after the original body was processed. These two points, it is absolutely impossible for a single person to do it, Dicati must have concealed an important part.

But these are not important in Yao Liang’s eyes. Even though Dicatsi is indeed strange from unknown origin, they have a common enemy, Father Bernie. He was sure that he did not show any clues, and the information about Bernie in the original trajectory did not say that he had private connections with other people, so the possibility of two people uniting to set up a set can be ruled out.

He made a look of thinking, and then replied after a long time: “Although I am not sure if you are talking about it, but I will not tell you about you, and I will also pay attention to Father Bernie, to be honest. , I still find it unbelievable.”

Yao Liang stood up and put the untouched cup on the table: “It’s getting dark, I should leave too, I will pay attention, thank you for your reminder.”

“I’m all true.” Dicati stood up and sent him off, “You must be careful of Father Bernie, and every time he sets fire, he will choose an innocent woman to identify as a witch, and set him on fire. The matter is pushed off to them, and you may be asked for your opinion. I hope you will not point the source to anyone.”

“I understand.” Yao Liang nodded and said goodbye to this man and a cat. He also had a windfall. Unfortunately, DiKasie cannot be used as evidence of accusation against Bernie. It just appeared.

He returned to Fusha Town along the way he came, and after dealing with Bernie’s temptation with the reason of being lost, he began to think about how to prevent more victims from appearing and let Bernie’s disguise be lifted.

Yao Liang, clueless, fell on the bed and sighed deeply. He knocked his hand on the hard object beside the bed. He turned his head and saw that it was a doctrine. He pushed the book a little further and continued thinking. , The next second, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and turned to look at the book.

When dealing with religion, it is more effective to use the same weapon.

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