Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 The first world

By the time Yao Shang reached the school age, the Yao family was completely different from the original path of poverty and poverty, relying on poverty alleviation and farming to maintain a living.

Yao’s mother is really talented in breeding. From the initial small-scale breeding of hare and pheasant, she added a family in winter. Now she has obtained all the documents, opened a rabbit farm, and is ready to get involved in the fish farming industry. My father had already rented the land to other people in the same village to help Yao’s mother work.

With the income from farming alone, the life of the Yao family is getting better and better. They not only renovated the house in the village, built a two-story building, but also rented a house in the town to facilitate Yao Liang and the others to go to school.

Seeing that the Yao family’s breeding business is doing well, other people in the village are also ready to move, and some people start to follow the trend to breed rabbits and fish. Although the business is not as good as Yao’s mother, it has also improved their lives. There are also those who are more flexible and start to develop other things. There is an ancestral barefoot doctor who grows medicinal materials according to what he has learned, and his income is higher than that of the Yao family.

There are also people who have lost their money after investment failure. Yao Liang had heard that he planned to remind Yao father and Yao mother to pay attention that some people in the village might be jealous of their business and deliberately sabotage them. Pouring poison into fish ponds in the news is not an exception. However, before he spoke, Yao’s mother had increased his vigilance. The fish ponds and factories were already on the right track, and they were well prepared. They also recruited manpower as security and staff in the village, and tried to develop a fish farming franchise model. It is also more convenient.

After hawking in the vegetable market, dealing with various people in sales, and running around to find a market, Yao’s mother is completely different from the past. When Yao Liang saw this, he relaxed and no longer cared about it. He occasionally felt that Yao Shang’s business ability might be inherited from Yao’s mother. Even if the Yao family fails once or twice, it will not completely collapse. Yao’s father, Yao The mother has already exercised, and if there are no major accidents, the days must pass the better.

Yao Zhen and Yao Shang also developed the habit of getting up early in the three years to practice qigong. Unless they are sick, they can always be seen. They practice three-nine in winter and three-quarters in summer, and they don’t stop every day.

When Yao Liang went to school and lived on campus, Yao’s mother supervised the two children. Yao Shang would prepare the training plan on weekends and check them later. I don’t know how he did it. You can tell at a glance whether there is laziness, so Yao Zhen and Yao Shang are serious about training according to the plan.

Once during the summer vacation, Yao Liang showed compassion to the two children. They cheered in disbelief. They also told Yao’s mother not to wake them up the next day and not to make breakfast. They should sleep in until noon. However, the next morning, the biological clock woke the two people up during the exercise time. The two children closed their eyes and tried to fall asleep and failed. Finally, they lied with their eyes open for ten minutes and gave up their plan to sleep in. After lying down for less than half an hour more than before, she still did a set of basic training on her own, and Yao’s mother teased them for several days.

However, this kind of training is obviously good for the brothers and sisters. Not only is the physical ability far better than that of the same age, but even the personality is polished by the daily martial arts class to become more mature.

Yao Liang has learned the lesson of the last education failure, and worried that Yao Shang will also follow the same path, grasping the thought too tightly, leading to some overcorrection trends nowadays. Yao Shang has a sense of justice. A five- or six-year-old kid who heard the thief’s call when he was walking on the street dared to run to help stop the thief, and he could stand on the path where the thief escaped before his thighs were as high as others. Go up, hold the other’s leg and let the thief with an unstable center of gravity fall to the ground, and the people chasing behind and surrounding them all swarmed up and held down the thief.

In a blink of an eye, Mother Yao, who couldn’t find where the child was, followed the voice and almost frightened out of a heart attack. Yao Shang also smiled happily with his big white teeth.

Although Yao’s mother scolded him for an entire hour afterwards, she turned her head around and told others about his deeds braggingly, and gave him a very hearty meal as a performance. Father Yao and Yao Zhen heard this. After the incident, in order to encourage him, he also gave some small gifts.

But when Yao Liang came back from junior high school to listen to Yao’s mother, Yao Shang stood aside and stared at his elder brother’s expression. He was still a little nervous, because his brother always emphasized that martial arts training is not for brave fighting, and the most important thing is to protect himself. Very afraid of being blamed by the serious brother. Unexpectedly, Yao Liang just glanced at him with a complicated expression, rubbed his hair, and gave him the sports prizes he got from school as a reward.

Yao Shang, who has the support of his family, is even more enthusiastic about seeing righteousness. Every time when Yao’s mother takes a break, he pesters the other party to go to the street. After being educated a few times, he starts to converge.

When it came time to enroll in school, Yao’s mother almost couldn’t wait to throw this son into the elementary school, holding the head teacher’s hand and repeatedly emphasizing her son’s character. She couldn’t control it, and hoped that the teacher would help herself to teach it, not that she had a sense of justice. Well, I just hope that Yao Shang can pay more attention to his own safety when he is willing to help others.

Coincidentally, Yao Shang’s head teacher is also an acquaintance—Wang Xiaomei. Since Mr. Wang brought Yao Liang to graduation, he did not lead the class for one year, but was just a third-grade teacher. This time I started to be the first-grade class teacher again, which happened to be brought to Yao Shang’s class, and she also felt very fate.

For a student like Yao Liang, I am afraid that every teacher will find it difficult to forget. He is too smart, and he can learn by himself even without a point. As a teacher who teaches such students, he sometimes feels that he is not needed, but if Yao Liang asked them if they had any questions, and they were able to answer them. The sense of accomplishment was simply overwhelming.

And when Yao Liang took the entrance examination, it was also the most glorious moment of the town’s primary school. The county, no, the city’s first place, the town’s primary school was the first one since it was established so long, and the town’s second place was with Yao Liang The city ranking gap is three hundred.

When he was about to choose the junior high school, several middle schools in the city threw an olive branch to him. The principal of the town elementary school and Wang Xiaomei as the head teacher also experienced the feeling of being asked by teachers from several good schools. The superior was highly praised and very proud.

When Yao Zhen enrolled in school, I heard that it was Yao Liang’s younger sister, which also attracted a lot of attention. However, although Yao Zhen was also a very good student, she was not as enchanting as Yao Liang. Now that Yao Shang is enrolling in school, everyone knows that Yao Liang is a rare encounter in a century, and he teased his children ridiculously “to surpass my brother”, and the simple Yao Shang particularly loudly agreed.

When he really started to learn, he knew that the shadow of his brother could not be dispelled. However, in a certain aspect, Yao Shang surpassed Yao Liang. I am afraid that no one can break his record in the future.

He led classmates of different grades in the town elementary school to form a mutual aid team and successfully knocked out a bad youth gang entrenched near the town elementary school.

According to Yao Shang himself, after school one afternoon, he saw a second-grade student being blackmailed by some unscrupulous teenagers. After pretending to scare away the group of people, he heard from the blackmailed students that he had been bullying. Groups of elementary school students.

The second-year classmate was very afraid that he would be retaliated against, so Yao Shang, who had a sense of justice, patted his chest and said that he could help him solve this matter. They did not tell any adults, but chose to find the children who had been blackmailed, and through these people to find the senior students, they gathered together at the end of school every day to discuss what to do.

After the discussion, they gathered into a team and sent everyone home safely. And started investigating the bad group, starting with tracking the number of people in the small group, to mastering everyone’s information, and then formulating detailed plans, which made it more complicated than underground work, and finally succeeded in defeating this group of bad boys. And to escape, Yao Shang is the one who contributed the most.

When the school security heard the movement, they had already won a full victory, which shocked all the adults.

When Mother Yao got home, she was so angry that she picked up her broomstick and was about to hit him. The whole house was jumping up and down. Yao Shang even went out of the house while running, yelling aggrievedly, “I’m also doing good deeds, I’m not Are you okay?” When the fire was added to the fire, Yao’s mother became even more angry. Father Yao and Yao Zhen almost didn’t hold on to the fight.

Yao Liang, who was called by Yao’s mother to complain, came back from middle school early on Friday and took a leave of absence. He took Yao Shang, who was more well-behaved than a mouse and a cat, into the yard and cleaned him up with one hand. Shang “unfair” muttered in a low voice, smiled again and cleaned up the people once again.

Mother Yao’s tone went down. Taking advantage of Yao Liang’s return, she put all the dishes she had planned to cook on the table, indicating that this was a condolence to Yao Liang. Yao Shang saw that half of the table was full of his favorite dishes. As soon as he wanted to say something, he received his eldest brother’s eyes, swallowed the words, and honestly began to eat.

However, this is not the end. In the next two weekends, he once again thoroughly felt the care from his brother, and truly understood that his previous training was completely because his brother did not take him seriously. After being sturdily cleaned up, Yao Shang’s raised tail drooped, and after making countless guarantees, he finally got an understanding.

On Monday of the second week, the town elementary school held the commendation meeting and the criticism meeting together, and the same people who were commended and criticized were also the same. In a sense, Yao Shang reached what Yao Liang could not do. Achievement and success has become the proudest and most troubled student of the teacher.

Since then, the number of safety education classes in the town’s elementary school has increased significantly, and each time it has been repeatedly emphasized that if you encounter danger or being bullied, you should promptly inform teachers and parents. You can’t act as a hero to deal with it. Even if you think it can be done, you have to work with the teacher. Talk to the parents.

However, this is of no use. Yao Shang has become the protector of the town’s elementary school. In the eyes of all the children watching the hero, he is the one who is asked for help every time.

However, after understanding that the attitude in his family is worthy of praise, but the behavior is not desirable, Yao Shang decided to be a low-key man with a smile and one-handed sling his elder brother. Even if he can solve it, he must report to his family. Everyone was happy for a while.

During the six years in the town elementary school, Yao Shang did not attract all kinds of praise for his achievements as in the original track. In this regard, he may not be able to surpass Yao Liang. However, he has left a remarkable name in this school, and the mutual aid group he took the lead has also been retained, becoming a place where students can ask for help when it is inconvenient or unwilling to talk to the teacher.

It is also foreseeable that even if Yao Shang graduates, he and Yao Liang will become the two legends of civil and military in the town primary school.

The author has something to say: The system before the mission: I see how you get it!

The current system: Is the script I got wrong or is there something wrong with his strategy?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-2911:55:03 2019-11-3011:10:02

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Pink Phoenix; 1 bottle of Silent Earth;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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