Sea Hunting: Contract a sea beast and control the entire ocean

Chapter 231

Then, Jiangchuan saw a series of big bubbles in the sea behind him.

His mind was still filled with Huniu's screams.

As the saying goes, if you don't punish someone for three days, he will break the roof. Huniu, this little thing, must be allowed to experience the dangers of society every now and then.

The killer whales just now have been following Jiangchuan's fishing boat.

"Uncle Gou, please go get a few live breams so I can reward them.

After all, they just gave us a lot of money." Looking at the group of killer whales who kept trying to please him, Jiangchuan also said to Gou Fugui.

"Of course! I'll go right away." Gou Fugui nodded with a smile.

Then more than a dozen breams were caught in the live warehouse, and the ones he chose were all larger.

After all, the price of these fish is completely different from those yellow lip fish just now.

Even the smallest yellow lip fish can be exchanged for all the breams on the boat.

"Everyone, let's go after eating!

We are going to go to the sea later. If you scare my uncle and brothers, you will be in trouble..."

Jiang Chuan also injected some spiritual liquid into the fishing rod, and then fed it to the group of killer whales one by one.

These killer whales are indeed very intelligent, and they seem to have completely understood Jiang Chuan's words.

After each killer whale ate two fish, they swam away happily.

More than two hours passed quickly.

At this time, Jiang Chuan and his team had arrived at the Yinkou sea area.

However, this sea area was calm, and there were no other ships except them.

After all, this sea area is still very large, and it is estimated that other fishing boats are fishing in other sea areas.

After arriving at the destination, Jiang Chuan immediately asked his uncle and his team to fix the two boats together.

Then let everyone come to the big ship.

Then Jiang Chuan began to arrange the next work.

"Uncle Gou, your legs and feet are not convenient, so it is not suitable for working at sea. You can stay on the boat to watch the boat for us and keep an eye on the surrounding situation.

Apeng is also on the boat with you.

As for fishing for abalone, leave it to the four of us."

Jiang Chuan decided to leave Gou Fugui and Gao Peng on the boat.

The reason is very simple. Gou Fugui's legs and feet are not convenient, so diving is definitely much more dangerous than ordinary people.

Although Gao Peng is physically healthy, his mind is not complete, and it is also very dangerous to go to sea rashly.

Moreover, some of them cannot all go to sea together. Someone must watch the boat and keep an eye on the situation around the sea.

In case of encountering the North Island patrol boat, someone on the boat can delay some time...

"Okay! Leave the matter of watching the boat to me and Apeng!" Gou Fugui also immediately agreed with a smile.

Of course, he is clear about his situation.

There is no problem going out to sea to help, but if he dives to catch abalone, it is estimated that he will be a little overwhelmed.

After seeing that Gou Fugui and Gao Peng agreed,

Jiang Chuan turned his gaze to Uncle San and A Gang.

He said seriously, "Uncle San, the four of you will be divided into two teams, two by two, and take turns to go to sea.

This way, we can leave four people on the boat to guard each time, and we can better deal with emergencies.

Remember, if you encounter the Beidao patrol boat, don't confront them head-on, just drag them away, I will handle it when I come."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"I know, brother..."

Jiang Tao and A Gang also nodded quickly. When they were at sea, they never questioned Jiang Chuan's decision, let alone opposed it.


Jiang Chuan paused for a moment, "The distribution of abalone this time.

The abalone you four caught will all be put on the small boat, and they will be the harvest on the small boat.

The abalone I caught belongs to the big boat, which means I own it personally."

Jiang Chuan felt that this distribution was fairer.

Moreover, with his ability and hand speed, even if he caught abalone alone, he would definitely be able to crush Uncle San and Agang.

"This... Xiaochuan, how about putting the abalone that Agang and I caught on the boat?

You, Adong and Abo can put the abalone that you caught on the big boat!"

It is obvious that Uncle San is afraid that Jiangchuan will catch too few abalones and his income will be too low.

Jiangchuan said firmly, "Uncle San, just follow the distribution ratio I just mentioned.

You won't forget that the boat also has 80% of my income, right?"

After this, Jiang Tao was speechless.

Indeed, even if all the abalone were put on the boat, Xiaochuan would still get the lion's share of the money."Okay, let's start changing clothes!

I want to emphasize that although our main target this time is black gold abalone, we must not let go of other valuable seafood if we encounter them.

Even mosquito legs are meat!!"

After saying that, several people immediately started to change diving equipment.

Each of them had two net bags hanging around their waists to hold seafood.

These diving equipment are not equipped by professional divers, and the depth they can dive to is at most 60 to 70 meters.

However, according to rumors, most of the black gold abalone in this area live in coral reefs and reefs at a depth of about 50 meters, so these diving suits are completely sufficient.

After changing clothes, Uncle San and A Gang went into the sea first.

The two of them also tied ropes around their waists. This rope can be regarded as a lifeline. If they encounter dangerous situations on the seabed, they will pull the rope immediately.

At that time, A Dong and Gao Bo on the boat will cooperate with the net machine to pull the rope back as quickly as possible.

Jiangchuan naturally had no use for this thing.

After taking the eight net bags, he jumped up and instantly disappeared from the sight of everyone on the boat like a fish.

When Jiangchuan dived to 50 or 60 meters deep in the sea, all the pets swarmed around him.

The moment he saw Hu Niu, Jiangchuan couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha!! Hu Niu, what's wrong with you?

Did the pig hit a tree? Why does it look bruised and swollen?"

Looking at the white spots on the body, which looked blue and purple, Jiangchuan couldn't help it.

Hu Niu rolled her eyes at Jiangchuan.

This bastard master was obviously asking knowingly. He forgot what he said just now so quickly!

"Master, is this enough?

If not, I'll beat it again and beat all its white spots into purple?"

The childish voice of Datou also came to Jiangchuan's mind at this moment.

"Enough, enough!

If you hit me again, I'll beat Hu Niu to death...

Be gentler next time. Look how pitiful Hu Niu is!!" Jiang Chuan suppressed his laughter and severely criticized Datou and Tiechui.

Hu Niu looked at Master Yin's crying wolf look and was immediately angry.

Tiechui said aggrievedly, "Master, I only used three-tenths of my strength just now!"

Hu Niu's grinning look on the side clearly showed that she wanted to eat Tiechui and Datou alive.

But her strength did not allow it...

"Okay, little cuties, I didn't come down here to play with you this time.

Hurry up and find me black gold abalone...

Whoever can find the most black gold abalone nests first can drink the spirit liquid for a month."

The moment Jiang Chuan finished speaking, the group of pets that had just gathered around him suddenly scattered.

Afterwards, Jiang Chuan also began to search around seriously.

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