Sealing Knife

Chapter 180 - Extra-old year deep snow (five)

Aoshan Araki said:

spoiler! High energy! Be cautious! (The important things are emphasized at the beginning)

Note 1 is from Ye Xuan’s “May You Be Treated by This World”.

Note 2 from “Han · Hanying · Hanshi Gaiden”

And the flowers are blooming in two places, with the same minds.

Mu Qingshang returned to Wang Chenfeng with Shen Liu.

He has been down the mountain for more than half a year. The Taishang Palace is still the same as when he left, except that he changed the season twice, turning the spring cold into the autumn cool, and nothing else has changed.

Ji Qingyan’s blue silk tufted into a bun, a military uniform was also replaced by a robe, and a Tai Chi jade was added to the waist seal, and the wind instrument of the future leader was faintly visible.

He got the news early and personally took Jing Fei and Song Qiwei to wait at the foot of the mountain. When they saw the two coming together, they paid a courtesy to Shen Liu first.

Shen put his hands around his arms, and a soft color quietly settled in his eyes. Mu Qingshang has grown up so well that he is no longer a child who needs to be taken care of by others, but these people always keep him in mind, and they have not grown because of their years. And indifferent.

He finally understands why Mu Qingshang can still inherit the pure heart as he saw when he was young, not because the other party has not been exposed to wind and rain, but that the memory left by the Taishang Palace is always so pure. .

Treat the world tenderly, and hope the world treats you tenderly. (Note)

Shen Liu lived a life of fighting with evil spirits these years, and gave up a bad stomach, but he has not been dyed with a black heart. He does not agree with such a near-innocent tenderness, but it does not prevent him from admiring their persistence in good faith .

After all, only the people of Fly Camp Gou Go are left under this world, and that is not necessarily too sad.

Ji Qingyan, as the master of the Young Palace, is a half-master. Naturally, it is impossible to leave the guests on the side for a long time. He exchanged a few words with Mu Qingshang and handed them over to Jing Fei and Song Qiwei. A small jade bottle came out and smiled: “This medicine has the effect of replenishing qi for many days, please don’t dislike it.”

Compared with the still-green Muqing merchants, Ji Qingyan has done more than one star at a time. Although Shen Liu did not let go of his guard, he still reached out and did not laugh at the face. He took the jade bottle politely, and Ji Qing Yan also grasped the two. The distance between advance and retreat is just right.

Shen Liu smiled and said: “This time of trouble, I would like to thank Taishang Gong for your help. This is the reason Shen Shen does not dare to forget, and there will be rewards in the future.”

Ji Qingyan knew earlier that he and Muqing had a business knowledge about Chuaijiao, and smiled at Wen Yanzhan: “That poor road prayed that night and night, wishing Shen Gongzi a great blessing in case of death.”

Shen Liu couldn’t help but caress, if this person is not in the door, it must be a rare exquisite generation.

Mu Qing merchants saw that Ji Qingyan had a smile on his face, and this was settled in his heart. As long as his brother had passed this, Shen would stay in Tai Shang Palace for a period of time.

He was relieved, and Wen Yan smiled and asked, “Where is Master?”

Usually at this time, Su Qing Taoist either meditated in the quiet room to practice internal skills, or just read the scriptures in the study. Mu Qingshang had many things in his heart that he wanted to tell the master. The same class changed their faces in an instant.

Mu Qingshang’s smile melted in the corner of his mouth: “What’s wrong?”

Song Qiwei saw that his eyes were tired, and he could not bear it. He exchanged a glance with Ji Qingyan, but he did not expect Jing Fei to hide, and his voice was dumb: “Master is sick.”

Mu Qingshang knew that Jing Fei was a jump-off character. If Su Qing was only cold and scorching, the other party would never put on a face that was almost crying, but his heart was tight immediately, but Ji Qingyan pressed his shoulders when he wanted to ask.

“Don’t worry, Master is getting old and you will feel uncomfortable when you get cold. You will wait a moment …” He paused a moment, then replied, “You don’t need to see him later, so as not to disturb Master to rest. “

Mu Qingshang was stunned by this unexpected statement. He couldn’t understand the meaning of his brother. He glanced at the glance, and saw the flash of worry in Ji Qingyan’s eyes.

Ji Qingyan made the speech smooth, apparently not wanting to show things in the martial arts to outsiders who met for the first time. Jing Fei knew that he was speechless and did not talk much. He succeeded Brother to guide Shen. The latter turned his eyes on these four people and listened to Jing Fei’s introduction to the scenery along the way. He didn’t say anything extra.

Mu Qingshang was still at ease. He must see Su Qing himself, and then walked ahead with Ji Qingyan.

If Shen Liu added color to his pale childhood, the emergence of Su Qing brought him a future that he once dared not expect.

Just like a teacher is like a father, it is just like that.

Ji Qingyan and Jing Fei led Shen to stay in the guest house. Song Qiwei led Mu Qingshang all the way to the non-Dao Pavilion where Su Qing lived. Before the split, Ji Qing Yan obviously had something to say to Mu Qingshang, but the latter went too fast. Did not give him this opportunity.

Shen Liu followed Ji Qingyan’s gaze to the backs of the two. Sunlight’s long shadow of Song Qiwei also gave him a glimpse of the flashing edge of the opponent’s sleeve.

Mu Qingshang was not aware of it.

When he first arrived in the courtyard, Mu Qing Shang subconsciously glanced at the cypress trees planted in the courtyard. Many leaves had fallen, and he appeared bare, like the old man in the twilight.

It is said that this cypress tree was planted by Su Qing when he was introduced to the palace. After decades of ups and downs, the pavilion has been paved and covered forever. Evergreen has not been changed for many years. This year is now withered.

Mu Qingshang panicked.

Song Qiwei covered her mouth and her eyes were already red. She stepped forward and knocked on the door. Her voice was hoarse: “Master Gong, Master, and Brother Qing Merchant are back.”

Mu Qingshang stared at the gate, fearing that it would open, and that it would not open.

With a “squeak”, Su Yin opened the door too. When he saw Mu Qingshang, he had a stubborn hand and looked at him for a long time, but it seemed that he was not just looking at him, and told Mu Qingshang to be uncomfortable.

The Su Yin teacher is too rigorous, but has always been kind to these young people. Mu Qingshang is still the first time in the past few years that she has such a subtle cold eyes.

He couldn’t help but whisper: “Uncle Shi …”

“You … just come back.” Su Yin was too silent for a moment, after all he slowed down, “Brother Brother is waiting for you in the room.”

After she finished speaking, she passed by Mu Qingshang and took Song Qi out of the house.

Mu Qingshang was full of cold sweat behind him. He saw Su Yin Shitai’s back disappeared at the entrance of the courtyard, so he carefully pushed the door in, fearing that more movement would disturb Master.

However, Su Qingdao did not fall asleep.

He sat against the bed, holding a weird thing and a small carving knife in his hand. When he saw Mu Qingshang coming in, he put the thing on the mattress and smiled and beckoned: “After going out for a few months, I lost weight. less.”

In fact, the Muqing business hasn’t changed much, but Su Qing has lost a lot of weight in the past six months.

He was not young anymore, and he was not confused when he adopted Ji Qingyan. It was almost the year when he adopted the Qing merchant as a disciple, just because of his high internal strength and energy, he was not very old, and he was in a high position. No one dared to treat him as an old man.

However, Su Qing is indeed old.

Xufa was stolen for gray by the fleeting years, and the smooth skin was also loose and wrinkled. In the past few years, it was also easy to get sick. Although it is a little cold, damp and hot, it is becoming more and more frequent, and people are gradually losing weight. In a complicated costume, only skinny remains.

This is the first time Mu Qingshang saw such a youth.

When he was a child, he wanted to become a person like Su Qing. He was calm and powerful, and he seemed to be able to straighten his spine and never collapse. But now Su Qing is already in shape, and his powerful five fingers are now trembling even with the carving knife.

Mu Qingshang once thought that he had a lot of time to grow up and became a person like him under the blessing of Master. However, countless “futures” and “futures” piled up, and now he knows what it means to be “brother-to-breed.” Don’t wait “. (Note 2)

Today’s events look forward to tomorrow. Even if there are so many tomorrows, no matter how many years are unsustainable, the personnel is even more unbearable.

Mu Qingshang sat on the couch, holding Su Qing’s skinny hands, holding back the sourness, and gently asked, “Master, what’s wrong with you?”

He was very quiet, afraid that it would make Su Qing feel uncomfortable, but Dao Chang reached out and touched the corner of his eye and smiled, “You are all sixteen when you are empty, so why cry?”

Mu Qingshang felt like a piece was hollowed out. He could not speak, and gently rubbed the palm of Master.

Su Qingdao: “I’m not sick, just old, you don’t need to make a fuss.”

Life, old age, sickness, and death, the world is going back and forth and back and forth, Su Qing said nothing more plain, but Mu Qingshang had a sore nose and almost cried.

Although there are three apprentices under Su Qing ’s knees, Jing Fei only hangs on the name of mentor and apprentice, and gathers the elders ’miscellaneous knowledge, and he has nothing to teach him. Therefore, Ji Qingyan and Mu Qingshang are his real disciples. .

Compared with the calm and proper Ji Qingyan, Su Qing ’s attitude towards Muqing businessmen has always been more careful and cautious. This young disciple is young, but he has a special background. He was brought up early by the harsh environment. The faults are soft and soft. Good and bad.

Su Qing always hoped that he could stand alone, but he could not let it fly. Instead, he restrained him without any traces using rules, methods, and human relations. He always thought that doing so would allow Mu Qing Merchants to start again, but he ignored human nature. The most difficult things.

He knew that this five-year time was more of a subtle tame than a careful teaching.

Unfortunately … this is not entirely correct.

Su Qing lowered his eyes and asked, “I read your letter and reunite with my old friend for a long time, but my heart is happy?”

Mu Qingshang originally had many words to ask, and now he does not want to say a word. He smiled along with his words, and he rarely did the trick: “Well, the disciples are very happy, just worried that they will cause trouble to the teachers. I specifically asked Master to punish you, but you have to start lighter. “

Su Qing lost his laugh: “You didn’t make a lot of laughs when you were a kid. Now I’ve gone to the monkeys of Jing Fei … I have personally checked your letter. Although the Taishang Palace is avoiding the world, it is not afraid of things, as long as it is not a traitor , Why not open a convenient door? “

“Thank you Master.”

The teacher and apprentices chatted a few words, and the atmosphere of some mourning has become more relaxed under the active activities of the two people. Mu Qingshang picked up the thing on the mattress and found that it was a mask made of silver. In addition to the eye sockets and olfactory pores, even the lips were not exposed. The forehead and the eyes were carved with a stream of clouds, and it looked like A mysterious beauty.

“this is……”

Su Qing smiled slightly: “For you.”

Mu Qing Shang was amazed: “I … who?”

He doubted the exit, but Su Qing didn’t laugh, but just looked at it quietly.

Although Su Qing is old, her eyes still do not appear muddy, black and white is clear, and she is so clear that she can make all the secrets indistinct and indistinguishable. Mu Qingshang is looked at by him, but he feels cold behind him, an inexplicable fear. The bottom of my heart rises with an unspeakable anger.

The anger was directed at himself, and at Su Qing in front of him, but Mu Qingshang did not know where this anger came from.

The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and his voice trembled a little: “Master, disciple … I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Since you can write your suspicion of the absent-mindedness on the letter, how can you not face me and ask yourself? Shang’er, you don’t understand, you just don’t want to think deeply.” Su Qing asked There was another question, “How is your” Promise “now practiced?”

Mu Qingshang reluctantly settled his mind: “The seventh level of entry has just passed, and now I have a glimpse of the ‘Ren situation’.”

In addition to the three realms of “Renqing”, “Relentlessness”, and “Forgetting Feelings”, “Wujigong” previously had the seventh order as a foreshadowing. However, this mentality was too harsh on people. Stopping in the realm of “Renqing”, even Su Qing spent all his life for decades, but only “Renqing” consummation.

Ji Qingyan has practiced for more than ten years, but he has only stepped into the threshold of “Ren situation”. Although he has made rapid progress in other martial arts, it seems like a snail in the martial art. Even if you don’t rely on it, you can achieve something.

However, so open-minded, he was very strict with Muqing merchants in this matter. Three weeks in the morning and evening is the most basic requirement. He usually pays more attention to it, almost forcing him to practice “Wuji”.

Mu Qingshang is now sixteen years old, and is able to glimpse the “Ren Qing” doorway for the first time. It is due to his talents, and it is also the hard work of Master Yan. If it is spread, it is afraid that the name will be moved.

But when he was finished with anxious confession, Su Qing’s expression was very solemn.

“At first glance at ‘Renqing’, it is no wonder … that things are going to be reversed, it is too much, it’s my fault.” Su Qing sighed, he rarely did, but now he has to sigh.

The doubt cloud on the top of Mu Qing ’s head grew bigger and bigger, and he unconsciously became nervous: “It ’s the disciples who do n’t strive, and the progress is slow, disappointing Master.”

Su Qing shook his head: “You didn’t do anything wrong, I was oversight … When you go down the mountain, should you reach the bottleneck?”

Mu Qingshang nodded and hesitated: “The disciples felt that their internal interest floated for a few days, but there was no hindrance. When they saw Master’s avatar and lack of skills, they were silent.”

“If you said that, I won’t let you go down the mountain at that time.” Suddenly, Su Qing said almost coldly, “I will keep you in the Taishang Palace until you reach the” innocence “in a hurry, if not , Then abandon your martial arts. “

Mu Qingshang was shocked, and the chill behind him turned into a sharp thorn, and he tapped him hard, from the skin to the bone.

Although Su Qing was old and weak, but when the voice fell, there was an invisible murderous intention. Mu Qingshang retreated instinctively, forcing himself to release his hand holding the sword, the inexplicable anger became stronger and stronger. He couldn’t help shaking slightly.

Mu Qingshang was alert since he was a child, and naturally heard Su Qing ’s words not coaxing him, but true.

He was panicked and aggrieved, more doubtful, pinching the silver mask in case he could n’t control the instinct to hold the sword, trembling: “Master … why?”

Su Qing replied: “Do you know why I want to make an exception to pass on your Promise?”

Mu Qing Shang shook his head stunned.

“” Wuji “can make people calm and calm, and it can be more complementary to the state of mind. Its three realms correspond to the three changes of the human mind, that is, unrestrained, restrained and natural.” Su Qing said indifferently, “You are a well-behaved Children, who have been gentle and pure since childhood, do not fight against or fight against others, are the best seedlings to practice “Wuji”, but this is not the reason for me to pass on examples. “

Mu Qingshang’s fingers clenched unconsciously: “That’s … why?”

“Because you need it.” Su Qing raised his eyes to face his four eyes, as if to see deeper inside through those eyes, “Human nature cannot be trampled on maliciously, nor can it grow arbitrarily in a wanton, you can obey self-discipline, But … he can’t. “

Mu Qing Shang backed by this sight, instinctively took a step back: “He, who is he?”

Su Qingdao: “He is you.”

Mu Qingshang followed his gaze to the bronze mirror on the wooden stand next to it, and his panic face was reflected in the mirror. However, he was so miserable that he buckled the silver mask in his hand.

The cold mask obscured the description of the five senses, and also concealed all the weak and panic expressions, only showing a pair of eyes.

Mu Qingshang found for the first time that his eyes were cold.

Suddenly there was a soft sound outside the door, it seemed that someone accidentally bumped into something, but Mu Qingshang did not look back.

A familiar trance hit the brain. This time he gritted his teeth to stay awake, and the darkness still hit his eyes. At this moment, he heard the sound of Su Qing getting out of bed and approaching, but instinctively waved his hand but was forced to pinch the vein.

Mu Qingshang heard the relieved sigh of Su Qingdao, “You will grow up if you don’t see you in five years.”

Five years … That was when he and Su Qingdao met for the first time.

At the last moment when consciousness fell into turmoil, Mu Qingshang suddenly realized that he could not remember what happened that day.

He realized that he was standing outside a dim window paper, but unfortunately his mind was silent before he could pierce it.

On this day, a sudden upheaval in the non-Dao Pavilion suddenly stopped.

Su Qing Dao, who had been ill for many days, fought with the disciples who had just returned. The sword cut off the dust, but before being injured, Mu Qingshang was pressed down by himself, and then left with the Shen Liu who broke into the hospital.

Su Yintai didn’t feel angry when he got the news. He just sighed deeply and handled the follow-up in an orderly way, so that a few witnesses shut their mouths. This led Ji Qingyan, Jing Fei and Song Qiwei into the Suqing room.

Su Qing sat cross-legged on the couch to adjust her breath. The ground was covered with broken lenses and debris, and a few drops of blood.

Su Yintai changed his face and hurried forward: “Brother, he …”

“He didn’t do anything.” Su Qing opened his eyes and looked at the few drops of blood. “I’m fine.”

The two fought against each other, and since Su Qing was unscathed, the blood naturally came from a person who never returned.

Ji Qingyan saw a blood-cutting knife, but there was not much blood on it, but it was very dazzling.

Song Qiwei’s voice shivered: “Sister Qing Merchant …”

“I thought that I could use this last effort to give him a relief. I made the worst plan for this, but I didn’t expect that … he would close his hand at the last moment.” Su Qing sighed deeply, as if in this Instantly ten years older, “This time, I was wrong again.”

Ji Qingyan suddenly turned and ran out.

Su Qing didn’t stop him, but closed his eyes tiredly. Song Qiwei covered his mouth and dared not get out. Instead, Jing Fei said, “Master, what have you done wrong?”

Su Qing didn’t say a word, but Jing Fei continued to ask, but was too depressed by Su Yin.

For a long time, Su Qingcai said: “Come on the name spectrum.”

Ji Qingyan traveled around for more than a month, almost found the entire Tangling, but never saw the shadows of Mu Qingshang and Shen Liu. Occasionally heard a clue, but said that he saw the young fox-eyed young man with a silver mask on his face. After walking through the waterway, I don’t know where to go.

He was so anxious that he wanted to continue to chase and search, but at this time Jing Fei was dragged back to Taishang Palace.

The fourth generation leader of the Taishang Palace, Su Qingdao died of illness.

Ji Qing Yan Ru was hit by five thunders, the Taishang Palace was full of eyes, and no one smiled.

However, Mu Qingshang still did not return.

Seven days later, Su Qingdao was buried in Qingjingping. Ji Qingyan wore a plain suit to succeed the fifth head of the Taishang Palace, and became Duan Yaodao.

No one knows what happened in the non-Dao Pavilion that day, as if with the death of Su Qingdao, all this has become a thing of the past.

At the end of his life, he did not mention Mu Qingshang’s words, nor did he ask any disciple to put a beak on him, as if the man had never turned back from the mountain. The short shocking change in the Dao Pavilion never seemed to happen.

On the day Su Qing was buried, Duan Yao Dao stood alone in Qingjingping for a long time. From dusk to the willow branches on the moon, small pieces of Fei Bai gradually fell on him.

The winter of this year came early and now the first snow falls.

The young Duanyao Daochang closed the book in his hand and placed it in front of the grave of Suqing Daochang. His steps came to a halt, and he finally turned and left Qingjingping.

The snow is getting bigger.

When the book was about to get wet with the melting snow, there was only one hand to pick it up.

Seeing its stature, he was still a young man, carrying an ancient sword, wearing a white smock and a plain arrow sleeve gown, pedaling a moiré satin boot, and long hair bundled up high, covered with broken snow, but his face was hidden in a piece Under the silver mask.

The only eyes exposed outside the mask were the cold eyes.

He picked up the name book that records the inheritance of the priests and disciples of the Taishang Palace, and carefully turned from the first page to the end: the fourth generation of the leader of the Taishang Palace, Su Qing Dao Chang, and the disciple of the disciples Duan Yao Dao Ji Qingyan Mu Qingshang, Duan Heng Road Chief Jing Fei.

The finger paused on one of the names for a moment, and the cold eyes suddenly shrank,

The end of a column that originally wrote “Mu Qing Shang” was supplemented by a name with familiar handwriting-Duan Qing.

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