Sealing Knife

Chapter 195 - Qingshang

Regarding the name “Mu Qing Shang”, Ye Fusheng and Chu Xiwei are not ignorant.

The eight masters have been well-known on the rivers and lakes for a long time. Mu Qingshang, the master of the “Breaking the Clouds and Opening the World”, is at the top of the list. Whether it is his early name in the early years or his later fierce name, it is the hearts of the martial arts people In a forbidden area, some people hate it, others sigh with grief, and more people yearn for it.

Ye Fusheng has listened to many versions of the legend since childhood, and Chu Xiwei has also read all kinds of sayings in the information. It is because of the divergence of opinions that the “Mu Qing Shang” has been distorted in the legend. It can be said clearly.

Until today, they heard an unknown “Muqing Merchant” from Isar’s mouth.

Isar took them into a secret room, where precious golden jade and porcelain were placed on the sandalwood shelf, the four treasures of the study were placed on the Nan wooden table, and there were some pens and ink of a literati and a jade flute hanging on the wall. It looks like the decoration of the Central Plains study.

Ye Fusheng’s eyes fell on one of the paintings. The painting paper was made of Tianshan antelope skin, and was carefully framed with golden axis jade. It was only because the years were too long, and it had already turned yellow.

The picture shows a woman in a Chinese dress, silk wrapped chest brocade satin skirt, hookah tulle auspicious cloud pendulum, a long hair dish into a recurring bun, embellished with agate Huasheng and jade jade, shaking the lips with a smile, but the eyes of the autumn water are drawn. Painted amber, a red vermillion mole at the corner of the eyes. Even though the painting paper is no longer white, the beauty of the people in the painting is not compromised.

Ye Fusheng is naturally not a beauty who has never seen grace and nobleness. When he was in the palace, he was responsible for guarding the safety of Chu Ziyu, and he followed him in and out of the harem. A single portrait of the beauty in the palace was not enough to distract him.

The reason why he was stunned was that the people in the painting seemed familiar to each other. Before he could come up with a reason, Chu Xiwei read out the inscription above: “Hongyuan, 15th, July 24th.”

“Hong Yuan” is the last year of the former dynasty, but the former dynasty had been destroyed in the 14th year of Hongyuan. How come 17 years?

Isar said at the right time: “The man in the painting is my biological mother Helen Sahua. The person who painted it was her former husband, Mu Zening.”

Ye Fusheng’s face suddenly changed.

He didn’t know “Helian Shahua”, but he had heard the name “Muzining”-a genealogy of the former royal clan that was sealed at the highest part of the case clan in the Tianying Caowei Wei Mi.

In the past, Anle was originally an alien, and the root was Anle, one of the four major countries outside the southwestern customs. Since he entered the Central Plains, he has used wild and arrogant manners to challenge the traditional customs and ideological culture of China and Turkey. The two sides stalemate in chaos. In the end, it was still a concession of the previous dynasty, and began to implement Chineseization, so that the two sides gradually merged in the friction. The royal family took the example of the Chinese name. The original “Mute” surname was homophonic and was named “Mu”.

Mu Zening was the last prince of the former royal family.

In the year that Jiangshan changed its dynasty, the great ancestors of Chu Chu led the soldiers to the city. The former dynasty was noble or died or surrendered. The rest retreated to the palace city, burned the palace with a fire, and turned them into burnt soil.

At that time, Gu Zheng, the first glimpse commander of Gaozu, personally handled the matter, and counted the corpses and residues from the ruins. Each one was recorded in black and white. Each body of the royal family was burned beyond recognition, only from the body. Judging from the identification of the remnants and survivors of the clan, their identity cannot be fully determined.

If someone moves the flowers, it is not known.

“At that time, Anle had three major tribes, one was Muth, the other was Saber, and the third was Helian.” Isar said lightly. “The three tribes have been fighting for power for a long time. Mu’s royal family, Saab still stayed outside the customs, the Helian family changed their attitudes, while providing assistance and seeking benefits by in-laws, which has been inseparable for decades. Helian became the most prominent in the court at that time. Strong relatives. “

Chu Xi narrowed her eyes slightly: “The grandfather sits big, can the clan be sitting and watching?”

The person who answered him was Ye Fusheng: “Since the ancient sect had been afraid of foreign officials, there must be a premise that their own strength is enough to suppress the other party. As far as I know, although the royal family of the former dynasty beat down the mountains and rivers, it was also because of the war that the children were thin. There are not many people who can stand alone in military, political, and professional fields. In the Hongyuan period, the last emperor of the former dynasty had only one son and one daughter. Coupled with internal worries and external troubles, even if he feared that his foreign relatives would seize power, he had to resort to the Helens. the power of.”

Chu Xiwei looked down: “So, when the palace was burning, the people of Helian secretly rescued Mu Zening.”

Isar nodded: “Mu Zening as a prince, married the eldest daughter of the Helian family as a concubine, in the eyes of the Helian family, he is still valuable.”

Ye Fusheng rubbed his chin: “Value … means to use his name as a puppet to raise the flag, and after returning to Anle, call the Mut people and their tribes to prepare for a comeback?”

The fifteen years of Mu Yuanning ’s drawing on the painting should have been the first year of the Great Chu, but he was never willing to lose his own emperor ’s throne in his heart. One day, I can return to the prosperous area.

Isar twitched his mouth: “Unfortunately he has this heart, but not this life.”

The former dynasty clan abused Aurong, and Mu Zening was also infected with this terrible thing. Later, the country broke the family and died from love as a madness, and it took a year to force himself to quit this. Thing.

However, his body foundation had been defeated when he took Afraid, and later became ill during a long-distance escape, and then experienced a painful addiction. From a good man to a skinny, although he successfully carried A The erosion of Furong completely ruined himself, and after half a year he let go and buried in Anle.

When Mu Zening died, Helian Shahua had just been pregnant for three months.

“My mother hates these power fights and is neither willing to stay in the Mute tribe as a princess of her own name nor to return to the Herlian. She knows in her heart that these people are just so kind of her The royal blood in her belly, she ca n’t have an abortion in order to save her life, but she ca n’t raise the child for freedom. ”Isar looked at the painting with a long-term look.“ So she gave birth to the child and nurtured it carefully. The baby fled the chaos at the hundred-day banquet and left the child in Anle. He traveled long distances with the caravan and finally came to Jiu Yao City, remarried to the city owner, and gave birth to me two years later. “

Chu Xiwei was startled.

Although he has been in the turbulent winds and blood for ten years, and has seen more mother-child relationships in the world, but in terms of his own body, Princess Tang Zhiyin loves him as life; from the perspective of the world, Zhao Bingmo is sincere and sincere.

Therefore, hearing Helian Shahua’s behavior of abandoning his son, he could understand it intellectually, but he could not agree with it emotionally.

Ye Fusheng suddenly said, “That child is Mu Qingshang?”

Isar didn’t answer, and his expression turned to tell him the answer.

When Mu Qingshang was born, he had some birth defects. Without breastfeeding, and in such a harsh environment outside the customs, he had to face the internal struggles in An Leguo. It was not easy to raise him.

The only way to feed him is Helian’s Gu Gu.

Therefore, after some disputes, the Helians and the Mut clan compromised with each other. The Muti clan stayed in Anle and merged into Saab. The Helian clan moved to Mu Zuoling with Muqing merchants, in the southwest frontier. By communicating with each other, one can pay attention to the situation in the Central Plains, and one can keep in touch with the outside of the customs. It also allows the child to isolate other powers from prying eyes and grow up under their eyelids in accordance with their plans.

He was just two years old when he was planted with “Eternal Life Gu”.

The grub can heal his five internal organs, so that a weak and sick child gradually grows to be no different from ordinary children. However, the grub is made by blood sacrifice, and it is extremely fierce. Even if there is special care of the Helians and the control of long-term soup, A deformed seed was also planted in the child.

The Helians only wanted to use him, not really want to feed him, as long as he lived in control one day, he was foolproof.

But how many people are born to be rebellious?

“When Mu Qingshang was nine years old, he disappeared in Mi Zu Ling.” Isar turned around, “Mi Zu Ling is the residence of Helian’s family, not to mention Tian Luo Di Wang, but also an ambush in ten directions, he is a nine-year-old child Wan Wan can’t go out unless someone is taken away by outsiders, and insiders have to be covered. How is it? I wasn’t quite clear when I was young. I only knew that Helian’s family was killed after Mu Qingshang disappeared. In order to look after all his servants, and then contact the Mute tribe in the Central Plains, outside the secret search, but unfortunately found nothing. “

After a pause, he looked at the token held tightly in his hand and said: “Until forty-seven years ago, my mother had a 50th birthday, Jiu Yaocheng celebrated all night, and Mu Qingshang also appeared here.”

On that day, Isar was still a young man with a weak crown. He brought the newly-hunted sand fox into the backyard to celebrate the life of Helian Shahua, but ran into her talking to a man in white.

The man looked about the size of Isar, dressed in a white-sworded swordsman from the Central Plains. Isar did not know how he crossed the guard and entered the backyard, nor did he know why his mother wanted to leave the person to talk alone, let alone Know why she would not cry to this person.

The man in white stood upright and silent, like a poplar tree in the desert, but he was so clever that Isar had been found before he reached the door, so he walked in with a scalp.

When he came, the man in white turned around and left, but instead Helen Shahwa chased him up, irrespective of her makeup, she was crying with tears, and took out three tokens from her girdle.

Isar recognized that it was the private order of Helensawa.

“You don’t want to recognize me, for granted; but I know that you are still alive, I have to make up for you, otherwise this heart is uneasy, and will not look at death.” Helian Shahua grabbed the man’s sleeve and said, ” You think I ’m hypocritical or I ’m just doing my own thing, and I have to consider myself. There are always many wrong ways. “

At that time, Isar was full of fog, and the man in white stopped for a moment, and took the token and walked away. When he chased out of the door, he could only see the yellow sand billowing and disappeared.

“I asked my mother ‘Who is he’, and she did not hide me, told me these things piece by piece, let me swear.” Isar rubbed the ruby ​​on the token with his fingertips, “Father is not I am a son, and she can manage to turn me into his most important son and take over the position of the city master in the future. “

Helian Shahua has both beauty and imagination, and has been tossing between the royal family and the Anle tribe in the previous dynasty. Who can compare the beautiful wife and concubine in the city’s palace with her wrist?

She was just tired of fighting.

Ye Fusheng’s eyes fell on the token, saying: “She did it, so as a price, you have to do something for the person holding the token.”

“I promised her that if someone enters Jiu Yao with this order, I will do three things for it. As long as the foundation of Jiu Yao is not compromised, I will spare no effort to account for the gains and losses of the cause and effect.” Isar tickled his mouth, “Since then , I have been paying attention to the news of ‘Mu Qingshang’, watching him challenge the world’s masters for the swordsmanship martial arts, and retreating the sword at the time of becoming the famous figure outside the Central Plains, and then … “

“Then, after watching him get into trouble with” Qiangong Gong “thirty-four years ago, the heroic gentleman praised by everyone turned into a lunatic demon who shouted and beat across the street.” Ye Fusheng knew the secrets of Chaotang, but he knew the anecdotes of the rivers and lakes better than him, and then he told the later development.

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly.

Isar sighed and said: “The relationship between the aliens outside the customs and the Central Plains is already subtle. He can ride alone into the city for help, but I can’t take people to the southwest to rescue him, but …”

Immediately after this turning point, Ye Fusheng jumped: “But what?”

Isar recalled the past and said: “However, I didn’t wait until he came to seek asylum with his order, but he waited for his disciple, Mu Yanan.”

Hearing this name, Ye Fusheng and Chu Xiwei’s faces changed!

Isar did n’t notice their anomalies, because it was too long ago, he carefully recalled it for a while before reopening: “He claimed to be Mu Qingshang ’s personal disciple, and also brought his teacher ’s letter and a token, I saw the evidence in hand, and saw that his martial arts skills and words and deeds were quite similar to those of Mu Qingshang, and I believed the man’s words. “

Ye Fusheng’s voice turned cold: “What did the letter say?”

“That letter was a copy of the Muqing merchant’s handbook, saying that he could not be hunted down by the various schools of the Central Plains, so I asked my disciple to secretly Chen Cang came to me for help, so that I would send a man at three o’clock in the seven days after the son, to respond to the ghosts in the southwest border He paused, and Isar’s face froze. “I acted according to the words, but the dispatched person unreasonably exposed the hiding place before the agreed time, and was encircled and suppressed by the big Chu border forces and martial arts people. A few people came back, and even the shadow of Mu Qingshang was not seen. “

Chu Xiwei had a pair of Xinghe eyes, and at this moment suddenly widened.

As the successor of Jinghong Dao, he has been very concerned about the matter of the eight masters since he entered the Baiguimen. Although the stormy blood that was launched by the master of the broken cloud was whitewashed, there was an undercurrent surging under the light. Chu Xiwei once read the relevant information word by word, knowing that there were many people who doubted the fashion of Muqing Shang’s first **** crime at that time, and the real pursuit of the joint killing was because of another thing-an affair with the outside of the customs. , Related to the former dynasty.

Because the time is too long and the information is incomplete, Chu Xiwei did not know how this statement came from, but knew that after that, all the people who had refuted Mu Qingshang halted all and blamed themselves.

The few explanations of Mu Qing Shang were just obliterated in the meaning of Qianfu.

He carried a thousand miles to chase and fled to the southwest. He wanted to find Wuxiang Temple with a proof of innocence, but before the rebuttal began, news came from Xiling that Rong Mo’s assassin sneaked into the ghost and wept, intending to respond to this demon’s head.

If Isar didn’t send someone to go at that time, maybe things wouldn’t be so unconverted; if he didn’t believe in Mu Yan’an and didn’t believe in that letter, maybe Mu Qingshang wouldn’t cut off even the last retreat.

Isar’s kindness became the strong proof that Muqing merchants colluded with aliens. At the moment when the news came, Mu Qingshang knew that no matter what he said, no one would believe it, and no one would dare to believe it.

In the end, Rong Mo secret **** was rushed back to the customs, Mu Qing Shang jumped off the deep cliff.

The legend of a sword breaking through the clouds fell in that night, and since then it has been crushed and bones are gone.

“After the accident, I realized that I had been cheated, but when I sent someone to find ‘Mu Yanan’, he had transformed into Helian Yu.” Isar raised his eyes, “I live in Jiu Yao for a long time, except for Mu Qingshang In addition, he did not pay attention to the news of the Central Plains. Only then did he know that the Helian family had been split up in the fighting, and was replaced by the Burial Soul Palace, and he became a decisive person in it. “

Ye Fusheng’s hands clenched into fists without realizing it. Chu Xiwei gently opened his fingers to smooth out the traces of his palm and asked, “Since you know who he is, why don’t you avenge Muqing business?”

Isar looked at him fixedly, not talking, but Ye Fusheng suddenly spoke.

He is a person who loves to laugh, but he ca n’t laugh at this time, even his voice is a little hoarse and trembling–

“Because Mu Qingshang is still alive.”

He remembered that 20 years ago, when he was a child, he was lying on the back of his mother-in-law, and he made up the long hair with ink splashing into a messy twist. The mother-in-law was not angry. Set aside, write down the line of truth.

At that time, Master Gu Lifang was sitting next to him holding a jug of wine, and his eyes were all smiling into a crescent moon: “You look really like a girl, quiet and careful.”

Duan Qing glanced at her angrily, and the left hand freed snatched the hip flask, saying, “Drink more and hurt yourself.”

Gu Xiao was not yet ten years old at the time, but the book used Gu Enfang’s words for enlightenment. The book raised a head of gossip and blinked and asked, “Master, are you really the one you robbed?”

Duan Qing wrote a meal, Gu Lifang patted his thigh and smiled, “I thought, but he didn’t let it … but it’s also close, your maid was picked up by me.”

Gu Xiao was startled immediately: “Where did you pick it up?”

Gu Lifang only supported his cheek with his hand: “That year, I walked by a horse on a dark river in the southwest. I wanted to drink horses and drink water, but I didn’t expect to find a person lying on the water, or a great beauty.”

Duan Qing shook his head, undecided.

Southwest Frontier, Muqing Shangyao cliff, Shenjian, Anhe, Sister Niang, Changsheng Gu, Po Yunjian, token … The yellowish memory picture gradually became clear in the brain, Ye Fusheng connected these clues together, his face slow It slowly turned white.

He was shocked, he only knew that the name of the teacher and the girl was clear, but he didn’t know the name of the other’s layman. He only remembered Gu Gufang’s smiling face when he was still alive, and his intimate nickname—

A merchant.

If Mu Qingshang lived to the present, it should be an old man over sixty years old, then … Duan Qing is a host brother, the elder of Taishang Palace, how old should he be now?

Can a single “Promise” martial arts really make people immortal?

Chu Xiwei suddenly felt that Ye Fusheng was holding his palm, instead of exerting much force, it was not like joining hands. It was more like not standing firm at this moment, putting his weight on his body.

He was stunned for a moment, thinking that Ye Fusheng was hurt again and again, and he would subconsciously support him. However, the man quickly stood firm with his arms and looked directly at Isar. The tone was a rare urgency: “Thank you, the city host We have a ruthless request for these things, and hope that you will manage to hide the sentry along the way. We … will return to the Central Plains immediately! “

Ye Fusheng’s heart beat like a drum when he talked, a kind of fear that hadn’t appeared in a long time entered from behind, like a poisonous snake crawling on the flesh, creepy.

He had a strong instinct that he dare not admit, and it was clear that something had happened.

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