Sealing Knife

Chapter 207 - Fengyun (Part 2)

The housekeeper is not easy to do and the person in charge is not good.

In just a few days, Lu Mingyuan not only suffocated several white hairs, but even wrinkles appeared between his eyebrows.

As a pioneer, Zuo Lujun, in addition to the subordinates of the hundred ghost gates in the middle and the middle, there are well-selected warriors and secrets among the major schools. Such people have the ability and understanding, but they are all arrogant and they are most capable of left. The two men under the command of the army first went to Mizuoling to explore the wind, and they had no choice but to pick up squats in the short, and drove Lu Mingyuan, the chattering duck, on the shelf.

When receiving the appointment, Lu Mingyuan hated to cover his face and ran to say that he was unable to take on this important task. As a result, he was beaten by Qu Jin and Qin Lanshang, and he kneeled and confessed in the house.

Qu Jin asked: “Ming Yuan, you are already in the crown, and you are no longer a child to escape and avoid. Why don’t you take the heavy responsibility?”

Lu Mingyuan smiled bitterly: “Uncle Qu, this time the action group is very strong, no matter martial arts means or seniority, it is not Mingyuan’s turn to decide!”

Qu Jin narrowed his eyes: “Because they are not ordinary people, they can’t let them be the leader of the left army, otherwise they will compete with each other, and fear that if they don’t wait for the enemy, they will fight in the nest.”

If Lu Mingyuan is changed, the situation is different.

He is a close disciple of Nan Ru Ruan Feiyu, his martial arts are strong, his ingenuity is changing, and when he was young, he walked with Qu Jin and other academics. With the family behind him as a reliance, even if not everyone valued him in the martial arts, he must be given to him. A little face, and what is most lacking at this time is not the strategic decision makers, but the balancers who are right and wrong.

Thinking of this, he looked to Mingyuan: “The most famous person in the left army is Zhao Tonghua of the Jiuxiao School. If this person is in charge, when someone in the team disputes the action, what do you think of him?”

Lu Mingyuan thought a little: “The Jiuxiao faction has a high prestige in the Bai Dao. Senior Zhao’s martial arts have a strong temperament. If there is a disagreement in life, he will press down the refutation with force, and guarantee that the order will be executed.”

“What if you are changed?”

Lu Mingyuan froze and said: “From the perspective of disciples, there are two major differences in personnel, one is for benefit and the other is for concept. If you need it, you have to choose between retreating and retreating. If the latter is the case, you should be sensitive to the situation. Those who do great things should be aware of the overall situation of the private situation.

Qu Jin looked solemn: “What if they still refuse to accept?”

Lu Mingyuan said: “The only people who can teach life are the worldly. Even if they are not convinced, as long as I am right, I will learn to be obedient if I suffer a loss.”

Qu Jin asked: “In order to prove your right or wrong, is it necessary to pay the price?”

“No setbacks do not grow, but I am not a big deal alone, so I will be prepared to deal with setbacks before the price is paid, to ensure that more people’s interests are not lost.” Lu Mingyuan seriously said, “Shi said ‘ “The enemy is in the first place”, but the strong enemy is the blade. No matter how many differences we have, we have common interests. As long as we grasp this point, we will be consistent when we are against the enemy. “

Before the words fell, Qu Jin slapped him on the head: “Since this is the case, don’t go quickly!”

Lu Mingyuan: “…”

Qin Lanshang, who eavesdropped outside, laughed into a ball.

This is indeed not a good job, but Lu Mingyuan agreed to do it, will do his due diligence. From Galan City to here, along the waterway, even with the help of “Water Ghost” and “Suishui Gang”, such a large team is still hiding its head, and it is ambushed three times a day as soon as it enters the hinterland of Xichuan. The matter of topographical consideration of the route is enough to cause headaches. Fortunately, Lu Mingyuan is quick-minded, asks questions, and discards the comprehensive clues.

In addition, the recent attacks have also made Lu Mingyuan have to worry about it. Qin Lanshang sorted out the information found by the corpses of the Baiguimen early and handed him to him, and found that these people were from the magic roads of Nishikawa. The martial arts, not countless disordered Wuhe people, but forced them to follow them. If it were not for Lu Mingyuan to change the route three times in a row, set up the suspects to lead part of the ambush, fearing that they would have been dumped.

“It’s weird. We are not the Tang monks in Xiangpiao Shili, why are they bitten by these guys?” Qin Lansang’s face was tired. After all, she was a young daughter’s house, even After a series of accidents, he has developed a prototype of muscles and bones.

Lu Mingyuan broke off the buns in his hands, and tore off the softest inside and handed her to her.

This time the Baekdo coalition attacked Fan Ziling, the wind has long been released, and it is indeed reasonable to be blocked and killed by the people in the magic road. However, within a short period of time, several waves of forces have joined from around the Quartet. Lu Mingyuan did not believe at all.

His temperament does not mean that the means is soft. Several hard bones in the team are pinned by his reasoning and action, and the remaining possible omissions are also set up by trusted people early. The changes are all based on a temporary change based on the facts, and even the dark pile of rats with wind leakage is unpredictable.

If the news is not leaked from the team, it means that in addition to those magic paths, there is a third pair of eyes hidden in the dark staring at each of them.

If this is the case, Lu Mingyuan is even more puzzled, because although this series of fierce battles is difficult, it has also helped him blend in the conceptual power of everyone in the team. From the initial thoughts to the current overall situation, it is not a good thing.

The other party seemed to deliberately provoke their conflict with the magic road, forcing the two sides to divert the original route rushing to the Mizu Ridge, and stalemate in the natural maze surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Lu Mingyuan’s position of not apprehending the people in the dark, with the conscientious minds of the contingent in the team, do their own vigilance, circling under his heart to weigh.

Qin Lanshang finished eating the buns, and looked at his wrinkled brows, his mouth that hadn’t tasted tasted a bit bitter.

Stinky scholars still look good when smiling and chatting, so frowning without saying a word, like a little old man with a lot of thoughts. She thought this way, but did not know what help she could help. At this moment, a “water ghost” emerged from the water and stood before her wetly, saying: “Miss, there is no way ahead . “

“What ?!” Qin Lansang stood up Huo Ran suddenly, the boat suddenly flicked, and Lu Mingyuan recovered.

“say clearly.”

“Water Ghost” said: “The subordinates were ordered to explore the road, and found that the main channel to the” Qiu Shui Wu “had been blocked by iron ropes, and even a net was set up under the water, which seemed to be the handwriting of the waterway gang.”

Lu Mingyuan frowned: “We can lay such a handy waterway checkpoint here, but there is nothing but the” Suishui Gang “. However, we can travel all the way here, and thanks to their vigorous help, why the **** is going on?”

Qin Lanshang only hated the people who didn’t have the Surabaya gang in the team, otherwise there was a question anyway. She held her anger and asked, “Can you destroy the level?”

“Water Ghost” shook his head: “Based on the experience of his subordinates, there are at least seven checkpoints in front, respectively in seven dangerous areas such as downhill slopes, corners, and canyons. It’s really difficult for people to spend their lives safely. “

Qin Lanshang clenched her teeth secretly, looking at Lu Mingyuan: “Shall we detour?”

Lu Mingyuan shook his head: “It’s not necessary to abandon the water from the mountain, but we have to figure out what happened on the waterway, otherwise, if we rush into the mountain, we will just throw ourselves in the net.”

Qin Lanshang suddenly hesitated.

Lu Mingyuan turned to ask Zhao Tonghua: “Senior, where is the nearest” Shuishui Gang “sub-rudder?”

Zhao Tonghua said: “In the town, I am afraid that it is too late to return to find them. However, such water gangs, compared with the land-based sub-rudder, they also pay attention to the control of the waters, whether they are sailing on the water or underwater. Set your own. If you want to contact the people of the Surabaya Gang, you might as well make a mark on the water. “

Lu Mingyuan realized that he found a cowhide sac and fastened it tightly with a slender string, with a fan pendant engraved with the word “Sanmei” and handed it to the “water ghost”.

“Water Ghost” tied it to the underwater dark web in front. The cowhide sac won’t sink in the water, but it can make the fan cleverly hidden underwater. It looks like ordinary drifting objects in the blink of an eye. It can be used by people who set the level. That said, there is a risk of exposure to the dark web.

As long as they went to investigate, they would find a fan falling underwater.

If they are enemies, they will meet in a narrow way; if they are friends, they will have to meet by faith. Either way, it ’s better than heads of water.

An hour later, Lu Mingyuan saw a bamboo raft drifting against the water.

Two people on board, a man and a woman, men with dark skin and long hands and feet, who at first sight are experts living on water; women dressed in black hooded smocks, seemingly transformed into shadows under the night, and Lu Mingyuan’s eyes were almost undetectable.

However, when she took off her hood to show her face, someone in the team exclaimed: “Girl with a sleeve ?!”

Neither Lu Mingyuan nor Qin Lanshang had seen surplus sleeves, but had heard of the candlestick gambling house.

With her sleeves full of wind and dust, her face full of weariness, she held the fan pendant in her hand, and her eyes were fixed on Lu Mingyuan in the crowd, knowing that the young scholar was the master of this army. .

She smiled slightly: “The night is cold and windy, and the water is thick and foggy. It’s not as good as Lu Gongzi, although I went ashore, how?”

Qin Lanshang hadn’t spoken yet, and Lu Mingyuan had replied: “The girl’s proposal is good, but unfortunately I don’t talk alone with three people in my life.”

“Which three people?”

“Different courtesy and ethics, rivalry between enemy and enemy, and unclear intentions.”

The smile on the corner of Yingxiu’s mouth slowly fell back. She stared behind Mingyuan, and everyone looked different, but she said nothing, apparently waiting for Lu Mingyuan’s next sentence.

The successors of Southern Confucianism are really as good as their teachers.

Her lips did n’t move, and her voice had gathered into Lu Mingyuan ’s ears: “Yes, I inserted a dark pile in this main road to observe your every move. I sent someone to fight the Devil ’s Dao several times, and the waterway ahead is also I asked the Surabaya gang to do the level, not only to intercept everyone, but also to intercept other Demon Schools. There is one count, and within two days, no one wants to enter the Lost Ridge from now on. “

Lu Mingyuan’s brow furrowed fiercely.

“Why did she do this?” Xuan Su couldn’t help being curious and asked questions when Lu Mingyuan said this.

When Di Yourong died, his hands seemed to be falling down, but Miss Bai Guimen said nothing, and she didn’t plan to keep them alive. Even the Xuansu people behind them made plans to cut the grass.

Snakes do not die but are victimized, and no one wants to harm others because of a soft hand.

In this case, the two armies met with each other, and each of them deployed behind them to rectify the communication on the spot. The four men Lu Mingyuan, Qin Lanshang, Xuan Su, and Hengyuan deviated a certain distance and exchanged information here.

Hengyuan asked in more detail: “How is the waterway now?”

Lu Mingyuan said: “I have left the main force of the left army in Qiushuiwu, where is the main waterway to the funeral palace. I met several waves of magical forces in the day, and the sprite gate is one of them. Fortunately, Qiushuiwu is easy to keep. It’s difficult to attack, we have gathered together, and with the help of the ghost doctor’s poison, we are temporarily stable. “

“She set a level to intercept you, why would she let you go to Qiushuiwu?” Xuan Su was even more puzzled. “And, since Zuo Jun camped in Qiushuiwu, why did you appear here with a team of people?”

Qin Lanshang said: “In order to chase Di Yourong.”

Hengyuan narrowed his eyes: “The poor monk thought that both Samadhi Academy and Baiguimen should know the truth of” the poor kombu. “

Lu Mingyuan sighed: “I don’t want to do this hard work either, but now the situation has changed and I can’t let them go.”

Xuan Su was stunned: “What happened?”

“I heard that there was a” crime of poisonous poison “on Wenshan Mountain …” Lu Mingyuan raised his eyes and said solemnly, “Helian Yuneng asked Chanshan with the poison of poisonous poison, wouldn’t he repeat the trick in the old nest? “

Xuansu and Hengyuan both change color!

“You should have found traces of corpse water in the forest. That’s really what we did.” Lu Mingyuan recalled the day’s things and couldn’t help but feel grief. “Among those corpses that have been disintegrated, there is a dark palace Guests, there are people in the Devil’s Dao, there are also … our left army’s Tongze. “


Hengyuan’s eyes were cold and his brain turned fast: “Those people are poisoned with Gu poison?”

Xuan Su was surprised, he saw Qin Lanshang’s complexion, Lu Mingyuan nodded painfully.

He relayed the information he got from Yingxiu to these two people, including Ye Fusheng ’s plan and entrusted it without any omission, so he said: “I was half-trusted. After all, this action was like using a soldier. The girl in Yingxiu agreed to go to Qiushuiwu to verify the situation first, and then, based on the main points, she would not enter the Lingling Ridge, and then … “

They saw Sun Minfeng at Qiushuiwu, and several people from the funeral palace who ran out of the madness of the mountain.

At that time, Di Yourong and other demons and horses also broke through the level and reached Qiushui Dock, where the two sides were fighting fiercely. They were suddenly attacked by these uninvited guests regardless of their enemies. If Sun Minfeng had already prepared, I am afraid that there would be more people who were affected by the poison. .

“If I’m not wrong, those people with poisonous poison are the bait deliberately released by the Burial Soul Palace, but they didn’t expect to encounter us at Qiushuiwu.” Lu Mingyuan twisted his eyebrows, “Although Mr. Sun helped , There are also a dozen people on our side who are infected with poisonous poison, and this is even more true of the devil and his party. We dare not kill in the waters, lest the poison will drift along the water and cause scourge for hundreds of miles, so we have to let Mr. Sun and Yingxiu girl lead the left army to keep the autumn Dock, take precautions to prevent the trouble before and after, Lan Lan and I led the people to lead the poisoned person and the magic road to the mountain road, and took advantage of the terrain to kill. The dead were dissolved with corpse water to avoid leaving poison, but still let Di Yourong and others I ran out of the encirclement, and thank you for meeting you. “

Xuan Su’s ten fingers clenched: “Can’t be saved?”

“Now the Gu Gu people who have flowed out of Mizuo Ling are all cleaned up by us, but when the two armies of Zhengxie and Xie arrive, we will be able to prevent Qiushui Dock and the remaining three sides. In this way, even if we die for a lifetime It ’s also a permanent cure. ”Lu Mingyuan used branches to draw a simple map on the soil.“ For today ’s sake, we can only manage to move the first battlefield out of Mizuo Ridge in advance, and block the Burial Soul Palace before the threat of Gu is lifted. Get up, otherwise the more people who break in, the harder it will be to conceive after death or injury. “

Hengyuan knows: “So you need us to join forces.”

Lu Mingyuan nodded: “At present, the left army is choking the throat of the water. If there is a Chinese army guarding the guard post on the mountain road, the two roads will not work until I wait for exhaustion. The right army will go from the official road and will arrive outside the mountain of Mizuling Mountain tomorrow morning. Counting time from intelligence can just meet the devil’s army in a narrow way. “

Xuan Su frowned: “But at that time, neither the demon forces of our two blocks nor the burial souls who noticed the wind in the wandering ridge would miss the opportunity to fish in the muddy waters of the former mountains. If we can win, I am afraid it will inevitably be lost. “

Qin Lanshang heard this and took over the words: “I have sent people from the nearest Baiguimen sub-rudder to dispatch a batch of celestial thunders, and I can arrange them properly in Qianshan Tiancang without tonight. At that point, a jade will be burned, even if it breaks the bones with those harmful things, it will not tell them to leave the Zuo Zu Ling half a step! “

Lu Mingyuan patted her shoulder and looked at Xuan Su and Heng Yuan: “If the two of you have objections, it’s still too late.”

Hengyuan took a deep breath and smiled, “If you are living for a living, you will never regret the nine deaths. Since you have this last path, we have to make good preparations to encircle the lost track, whether it is interception Killing the enemy is still the first mover who can respond to it at any time. There must be no mistakes. “

As soon as Lu Mingyuan’s eyes were hot, Xuan Su raised his head and said: “The act of righteousness does not speak of the ego’s self, and life and righteousness are different from each other. I wait for my own life to sacrifice. However, sacrifice is not the value of life, how to take care of the life of the ego Going down is what we should do. On Wenshan Mountain, I have also dealt with Gu poison. Although this thing is fierce, it is not without weakness. “

Lu Mingyuan and Qin Lanshang were shocked at the same time, and Hengyuan doubted: “Xuan Su said, is it a longevity Gu?”

Xuan Su nodded: “Yes, this thing is the king of Wan Gu, and it is also the root of the Gu poison in the lingering mountains. Although there is no maternal life link, it has a great impact on them. If you have a longevity Gu in your hand, you can Find the gu holes and wipe them out before they fall out of the nest. “

But Hengyuan didn’t see the happy look: “But the only two longevity gu in the world are already …”

Xuan Su’s voice became very light at this moment: “As long as there is a ray of hope, even if it is slim, you can’t give up easily. Now Uncle Duan Qing, Floating Life and Lord Chu Men are all trying to live up this line of life in the Zongling Mountain. With painstaking efforts, why can’t we believe them once? “

As a chivalrous man, he should devote his life to Da Yi, and he should also do his best for his relatives and friends. Even if the wind and rain are dark this night, we must wait for the dawn of the day before the cold blade is exhausted.

Silent until the moment Qin Lanshang “fluttered” with a laugh, her daughter’s temperament was used to be arrogant, at this time stood up, her eyebrows dropped slightly, just like the first film of Hibiscus under the broad leaves Petals come.

“Of course. Uncle, they are so powerful, how can there be something they can’t do?” She leaned down and put her hands on Lu Mingyuan’s shoulders, with a smile on her shoulders, “Scunk Scholar, you laugh a little, it’s ugly to cry.”

Lu Mingyuan raised his head, and there was a woman in her eyes, so she was full, and she couldn’t squeeze into the sky.

After knowing Gu Gu, the frowned eyebrow was finally released. He smiled at Qin Lanshang slightly: “Okay, I will laugh with you and wait for dawn.”

Hengyuan looked at the three of them, slowly folded his palms, and smiled, “Amitabha, good-hearted and good-looking.”

Aoshan Araki said:

Young people have passion and enthusiasm, but also have great worries.

Don’t look red in your youth, it’s gorgeous flowers and blood of frustration, just watch how you go through it step by step.

The luckiest thing is probably that I am not alone.

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