Sealing Knife

Chapter 226 - 521 Fanwai, "The Red Dust Has Sorrowful King"


The flowers inserted in the water bottle have all withered away, even the leaves are dead, and there is no vitality at all.

Mid-summer was hot, and more than ten days have passed since Ye Fusheng took it back, and Chu Xiwei has not returned.

At the beginning of last month, news came from the southeast. The three gates of the magic road gathered together. Within ten days, the two schools of the Qingfeng School and the Qiye Tower were destroyed. The three-way angle combined with the trend of a sharp knife besieged the White Road forces in the region. After the joint strike, the situation was chaotic for a while.

Since the Battle of Mizuling Mountain ten years ago, Jianghu hasn’t seen such a big move for a long time. What’s more, Sanmen not only targeted the Wulin Baidao, but also the people around them were more or less implicated by them, which alarmed the government to send troops to suppress it.

Since ancient times, “people don’t fight with officials”, rivers and lakes are intertwined with each other and separated from each other. The three gates of the magic road attracted the government to shoot, undoubtedly pushing themselves to the cusp of the storm, but they did not retreat, but set traps along the upper Huaijiang River. Ambush, blood-stained river for countless miles.

Bai Gui Men is far away in Zhongdu. Although he paid close attention to this matter and secretly planned for the child, he had no intention of entering the game and the reason for Chu Xiwei’s personal travel was a letter from Xuan Su.

Taishang Palace is located in Dongling, hidden as the leader of Bai Dao. Here, when the chaos started, Xuan Su sent his disciples to fight against the enemy, while Xuan Cheng and others joined Luo Ziting and Xue Chanyi to investigate the three collusion intentions as soon as possible. What was it, did not expect him to find clues.

In the past two years, the Donghai Yi people have repeatedly committed chaos, and the scourge of coastal pirates is unknown. Both the government and the martial arts have sent people to defend under this area. Because of the great chaos in the three gates of the magic road, they have to first adjust and defend the rear. .

The defense was backed up. In a short period of time, except for the garrison, the border was no longer defensive. Xuanying and others sneaked into a Linhai fishing village. Initially, they didn’t feel the difference. Until a disciple accidentally discovered the refugees hiding in the dark, they were dressed in the village. Fisherman——

Seven or eight villages along the coast were actually replaced by barbarous massacres coming from the water. A large number of corpses were thrown into the sea and disappeared. Only a few were lucky to hide. The murderer dove occupied the magpie’s nest, waiting for the inside and outside.

Seeing the frightened snake, Luo Ziting was as careful as he was, splitting the team’s manpower, fighting and retreating, and evacuating the bandits to the mountain forest. One group pretended to be invincible to kill and swindle to death. Newsletter.

The barbarians were fierce, and they were all good soldiers. They joined forces to siege them in the mountains. There was only a rugged eagle beak in the road. Xue Chanyi set off the wind and set the mountain on fire, and a group of people escaped from the cliff and escaped. Ten does not save one.

The mountain fire caught the attention of the garrison, which became the evidence for Xuanying and others to take a living mouth and report to the city. For a time, Guan Feng fired on the east coast, and the troops were transferred to the border city to fight against the warships against the people. The troubles that must be eradicated, the Taishang Palace, Wuxiang Temple, Huayue Mountain Villa and other schools sent people to blame, and there is a general tendency to fight again.

The three gates colluded with the bandits, and some people in the Devil’s Path didn’t have their teeth or agreed with them, and the rivers and lakes once again turned into a quagmire of right and wrong, and no one dared to relax his vigilance. Tian Zi Ying Ying Wei took the opportunity to go to Dongling to clear out the enemy thieves hiding in the local mansion, to gather the forces of differentiation and return to the defender, but Yingxiu mobilized Dark Feather to go to the Northern Xinjiang, and Lu Wei resisted the tempting Beiman.

Just in this chaotic time, something went wrong in the Baiguimen.

Last year, the old master Shen Wuyuan died of illness, and Chu Xiwei became the master of the real power. He secretly dealt with a part of the long-standing cancer in the root of the hundred ghosts. Qin Lanshang, the granddaughter of the old master, is also a granddaughter. Not benevolent to these veteran elders, they went out of the cave and went to the south to suppress the sub-rudder. They have not come back to be the guise of being affected by the feelings of grievance.

However, the Hundred-footed Insect died and was not stiff. While Chu Xiwei was scorching his head for the chaos, the tangled forces of the undrawn ghost actually colluded with the three gates and intended to usurp power. The Hundred Ghost Gate not only lost two rudders, but also Into the quagmire.

Ye Fusheng personally helped Chu Xiwei to cut through the mess, clearing the two-hearted people in the Gung Valley, together with the dark pile, intelligence network, and criminal hall, but Chu Xiwei had to leave him at this juncture. Tangling not only needs to recapture the lost ground as quickly as possible, but also to wipe out the stigma of collusion between the three ghost gates of the Baiguimen, so as not to cause more trouble in the future.

He walked for more than half a month. He used thousands of miles of fast horses. He used tremendous power and little rest. He had to arrive two days before the calculation. I do n’t know when I could get a reply.

Ye Fusheng thought in this way, and suddenly felt a headache. He had been picking up lights for five or six nights in order to rectify the omissions.

Burning the secret note from Yingxiu, Ye Fusheng retired from his servant, and moved Zhang Liangyi to the osmanthus tree, closing his eyes and resting.

He was very tired, but he didn’t sleep well. It was difficult to fall asleep for a long time. Finally, he was confused and felt palpitations, which made him frown.

Suddenly, the door of the courtyard was slammed open, and a man rushed in in a hurry and rushed over him.

“Uncle Ye!” Qin Lanshang was covered in blood, sweat and dust, and the hand that grabbed his arm was shaking.

Ye Fusheng suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart. He settled down and held her down: “What happened?”

“I … little, uncle he …” Qin Lansang’s face was pale with panic, “Yi robbed the boat, he chased someone up, but it was loaded with gunpowder, I …”

Ye Fusheng hummed in his head.

Qin Lanshang’s words didn’t fall, and I felt that as soon as the flowers were in sight, the whole person was knocked and staggered, and then looked up at the open door, and the person was gone.


The dog jumped the wall in a hurry, and the poor kombu didn’t chase it.

Chu Xiwei was not ignorant of this truth. At that time, Xuan Su and Heng Yuan took down the other side of the river one after another. The dilemma was only to escape from the waterway. The coastal villages were either under their control or were fighting. Difficult to divide is where Bai Dao is stretched, and it is also the only way for the bandits to survive.

However, if the thieves do not decapitate, even if they are repelled many times, they will inevitably make a comeback.

The Yi bandits obtained the border defense map and the gunpowder weapon spectrum from the hands of the country thieves. Once the poison was out of the country, it was an endless trouble. Although Chu Xiwei is no longer the king of heaven, he is the blood of the Chu family. The possibility of taking a corner of the mountain and river from him.

He let the water ghost go down the river and the bandits in the hidden channel to engage in an underwater fight, taking advantage of the border locks to take people to climb onto the warship, and meet their sword soldiers there, not you died It’s me who lives.

Chu Xiwei’s long knife almost rolled his blade. He staggered away from the dart, struggling back with a dark arrow, and swept back, cutting off the bandit’s head with two cuts, grabbing the blood-stained scroll.

Suddenly the fingers and the scroll got along, the loud noise exploded at the foot, and the culprit saw the failure but chose to die together and lit the gunpowder hidden in the cabin.

If Chu Xiwei responded promptly, he should be blown into a torn corpse with the people around him instead of jumping into the water to pick up his life.

The knives under the river were covered with dark nets, and the water was rushing like fierce beasts. Chu Xiwei tore the knife net open with his last effort. The dark surge swept him away, and the river of extinction swallowed all consciousness.

When he woke up, it was already in the sky.

The tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of the Huaijiang River were widespread, and Chu Xiwei did not know which tidal flat he was in. There was nothing intact on his whole body, and there were fine stings in his bones. .

It was desolate everywhere, only a glimpse of cooking smoke was seen from afar, but this did not reassure him, but became more vigilant.

The terrible war disaster, in addition to the enemy, also has a heart.

He didn’t go in the direction that there might be a village. He only left a secret sign on the stone, drank some water with his small hip flask, and walked hard into the mountains.

This mountain is not large, but because of the surrounding water, the vegetation is lush, and naturally there are many birds and beasts. Chu Xiwei didn’t dare to use his current body to fight against the fierce beast. After searching for some wild fruits and herbs along the way, he escaped into a hidden cave.

The medicine on his body was soaked in water, and only a little was barely available. He swallowed a pill, and just about to drive the internal force to adjust the rate, he was excited to spit blood.

He hasn’t suffered such a serious injury in a long time.

That day he ate some wild fruits, chewed the herbs on the ulcerated wounds, hidden in the shadow against the bluestone, and unconsciously became a little dazed.

He knew that the wound caused the fever. There was no other way than swallowing the medicine and wiping with water. He could only believe that his life was hard and clenched his teeth to stay.

The Ping’an jade buckle clinging to his chest was slightly cool, which became his only comfort now.

Fingers rubbing the jade buckle, this was the congratulatory gift he received from Shen Wuduan when he and Ye Fucheng were married. It was originally a relic of Qin Liurong, blessing them all these years.

Ye Fusheng …

He remembered the name and shook his head again, trying to make himself more awake.

I can’t die. He thought so, what if he could not go back?

The man is not too old. Although he looks like he is not old yet, his heart has softened a lot. In these years, the two have walked side by side. If there is no one at first, it is better to call the remaining one. ?

Chu Xiwei was dazed. He desperately needed to think about something to distract his attention. As a result, after thinking about it, the thousands of sails in his brain were like floating glimmers of light. At the end, there was only one Ye Fusheng wandering around in his heart.

“Master …”

He was very tired, murmured these two words, and then fell asleep.


When Chu Xiwei was sixteen years old, he had already drawn a young man with a beautiful appearance.

The Dongming Valley is hidden in the dangerous mountains and evil waters. It is not as good as the people in the land of fish and rice in the south. The people of the Baiguimen are more or less with a fierce temper, and this breath falls on Chu Xiwei, so that his long open His eyebrows showed a bit of coldness in Xiu Meizhong, which made people uncomfortable.

He is the young master of the Baiguimen, but not the only young master.

At that time, the Baiguimen was still a cruel place like raising a Gu. Shen Wuduan had more than ten apprentices, but only gave them two ways to go-either alive to become the next master, or died to become a winner. stone.

Chu Xiwei has the shallowest qualifications, the root bone is not the best, and even the practice of “Qilu Jing” is not top-notch, and he does not have any advantage among the same-aged youngsters. Dead ghost.

However, Qin Liurong could not protect him for a lifetime, and Chu Xiwei was not willing to live a life under the shadow of others.

It has been five years since he left Tianjing, and 1,800 days and nights have passed since the palace’s ruined palace, but he still awakens for it when he dreams back at midnight.

He dreamed of the fire that burned the palace, dreamed of the dark and damp dungeon, dreamed of the expressionless expression of Chu Ziyu, dreamed of his parents leaving him with blood …

Young time hurriedly turned around, but in the dream he could not see the betrayal.

Gu Xiao.

The pen in his hand weighed heavily, leaving ink spots on the drawing paper.

The boy with long hair in the painting is tall, and he is more handsome than the cypress in a green suit. The long sword is behind him, and the blade of the sword reflects the unstoppable cold mountain. The face enveloped by the sunset is still heartbreaking. Smile.

Chu Xiwei stared for a long time, and his men’s strength was shocked, ruining the painting

He hated him for five years. In order to make him not forget the blood and deep enmity, he not only recalled him every day, but also drew a few strokes every three times to improve his original poor painting skills.

But Chu Xiwei recalled so much, and painted so much, but found that he was most impressed except his last back, which was his smile.

He looked at the portraits placed randomly around the room, and for a moment he felt that the people on the painting looked to this side, and he was helpless.

Chu Xi fled from her room in a state of embarrassment, just hit Shen Shen for no reason.

He called him a righteous father, in fact not like father and son, but more like a master without a name. Shen Wuduan taught him the “Qilu Jing” and taught him to plot tricks and methods of fighting. These have become the basis of his present life, and he should be grateful.

However, Shen Wuduan did not hide his secrets from him, nor from other apprentices. He let his disciples fight openly and secretly, but whoever did not affect the overall situation of the Baiguimen, no matter who died or lived.

Seventeen disciples in the past, but now he is still only four left.

Shaohua’s man in a brocade suit and a fan smiled, but it was more temperatureless than Chu Xiwei’s painting.

“I want you to do one thing.” Shen Wuduan withdrew his eyes from the hut behind him, and said lightly, “The ghost doctor is in trouble in northern Xinjiang. You go and bring him back to live.”

Chu Xiwei raised his eyelids: “What trouble?”

Shen Wuduan’s smile remained unchanged: “Burial Soul Palace, Beiman.”

There are only a few words, and Chu Xiwei’s heart is cold.

What the ghost doctor does in Beiman is unknown to everyone, but since it involves the devil’s burial soul palace and Beiman, no matter what he does, this trip is dangerous.

Chu Xi silently said for a moment, and said, “I’m the only one taking me?”

“This trip is dangerous, and it is difficult for one person to take care of the overall situation, so your three brothers must also go together.” After a pause, Shen Wuyuan’s smile deepened, “May you be the master, act cheap.”

After hearing this, Chu Xi narrowed her eyes slightly.

The four young masters have their own strengths. He has no great advantage among them, and even the background is thin. In this case, Shen Wuwu allowed him to exercise power. This is not a preference, but to push him to the forefront.

He knew in his heart that there was no displeasure on his face, and Shen Sheng responded: “Thank you for your kind father’s love, and the child will not insult the mission.”

Shen Wuduan raised an eyebrow: “Don’t you blame me?”

“It’s up to the person to do things, to be good is to do well, but to be incompetent if you can’t do well. Why not blame them?”

Shen Wuduan took a deep look at him, and then suddenly turned his corner of the mouth, and then the words turned: “Since your righteous brother has gone, Liu Rong’s health has deteriorated in the past two years, and I am also old. It will only become dull in hand, it’s time to change the master. “

Chu Xiwei’s ten fingers tightened without saying a word.

“The four of you are all raised by me. No matter who sits in this position at the end, there are pros and cons, but …” Shen Wudi’s palm patted his shoulder. “Although I won’t be partial to you, but since you Call me ‘Fair Father’ and don’t embarrass me. “

Chu Xiwei raised his head and said in a deep voice: “Yes.”

This was not his first journey, nor was he the closest to death since he suffered a lick of blood from a foreign enemy.

It was not accidental that the ghost doctor got into the funeral palace, but he was ordered by Shen Wuzhen to take the opportunity to draw down the fighting ground, and use the pressure of the funeral palace to force out the inner ghosts of the northern ghost branch of Baiguimen, and four The real task of the young master is not to save him, but to win the final victory of this open fight.

The enemy is everywhere.

Chu Xiwei went ahead and hid, clung to the power of another young master, made the three of them fight each other, and let themselves back for a while. He took the opportunity to reach an agreement with Sun Minfeng and obtained the real intelligence right of the northern Xinjiang sub-helm. In the shortest period of time, spread the nets against foreign enemies and inner ghosts.

In the same gate, Chu Xiwei knew from the beginning that the biggest scourge of this trip was not the funeral palace, but his three brothers.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and kills with a knife.

By the end of the picture, Chu Xiwei saw that Chu Xiwei was supposed to push Sun Minfeng as a decoy according to the plan, and to do the backbone himself. In this way, except for the last competitor, he was the only heir of Baiguimen.

But Sun Minfeng rescued him more than once, no matter if it was in an order or whatever, Chu Xiwei would always hesitate before making the final decision.

He finally chose to let Sun Minfeng retreat in secret, went around to take advantage of the opportunity to reorganize the rudder, but he himself made the bait.

Sun Minfeng said that he was soft-hearted, but Chu Xiwei felt that although he was in a hundred ghost gates, he still wanted to be an individual.

It takes seven days for the integrated forces to bring people back, not to mention the possible ramifications. Chu Xiwei will not put the odds on this road.

It took him two years to install the hidden pile next to that fellow, and it was time to come in handy.

Er Niang, whose surname is Yu, and her sister San Niang were all killers picked up by Hundred Ghosts and carefully trained, as well as obedient maid. Two years ago, Chu Xiwei’s body first opened. When it was time to learn about human affairs, the two sisters were instructed to serve him. Chu Xiwei grabbed his belt and froze for a long while. Finally, he pushed the two girls away and ran to find them. Qin Liurong.

He had no interest in the affairs of men and women, but he also knew that he would refusal to easily blame the innocent two women, so he asked Qin Liurong to be their subordinates, and wrote nonsense to beg her.

Qin Liurong couldn’t speak, but she had an exquisite heart, and Chu Xi’s poorly perfunctory nature couldn’t deceive her, but she didn’t force anything, but persuaded Shen to persuade him.

For Chu Xiwei, this is a trivial matter, but for the two sisters of the Yu family, it is a turning point in their lives. They do n’t have to be a concubine who can only serve the bed, but can really kill themselves. future.

They became the sharpest knives of his men.

San Niang came back to fight, and Niang Niang collaborated with her inside and outside to conquer the power of the “ghost”. Chu Xiwei and the fellow brother were fighting to the end, and finally the victory will be decided.

But he underestimated the ruthlessness of the other party, and both fell into the rapids.

They struggled to fight in the turbulent water, Chu Xi slightly held his breath to cover his mouth and nose and sink straight down, like two trapped beasts biting each other, and when the man finally stopped, he no longer crawled himself With the strength to go ashore, he could only grab the dwarf tree with his hands, but failed to climb the river bank.

At that time, the water flow was more urgent than this time. The huge impact force pulled his limbs and almost torn a big living person apart. At one moment, Chu Xiwei had the urge to let go. Maybe it was a hundred deaths. Such torture.

But the shattered light of the setting sun fell on the water, and the sparkling waves reflected his embarrassed description. In a flash, the silhouette changed, and he seemed to see Gu Xiao.

The ten-year contract has not yet arrived.

He has not seen Gu Xiao again.

Thinking of this man at the critical moment of life and death, Chu Xi slightly hated him and couldn’t help but miss him. Until the last point of consciousness dissipated, a figure appeared in his blurred vision, and then his wrists tightened, and he was dragged onto the river bank.

It’s a pity that he fell asleep, only half a dream and half awake, he felt that he was lying on someone’s back, the road was rough and steep, but the other party never let go.

That night they were in the same cave, Chu Xi was slightly burnt and confused, and it was unclear to anyone, but only a vague glimpse of the silhouette of a hunched back, like a half a hundred old man.

He had no energy, and his throat was so painful that he couldn’t speak. He could only touch his face and let out a sigh of relief—the Yi Rong mask was still there.

At this time, he couldn’t believe anyone, but fortunately, Yi Rong was still there, and there was nothing to show his identity. The **** old man didn’t pursue it, he just fed him the clear water and bruised him with medicated wine.

Chu Xiwei drank the water so that she could barely move her lips: “Who are you, why?”

“Old is a passer-by, cough …” The old man plucked the fire with a branch, coughed over his mouth, and his voice was more hoarse than Chu Xiwei. But you still have to catch the tree … Since you do n’t want to die, there must be nostalgia, I ’ll save you a life. “

He looked at the rickety shadow, inexplicably felt a little familiar, but the pain accompanied by sleepiness swept, Chu Xiwei only felt tired all over the body, wishing to sleep for long.

Everything in front of me was blurry to disappear, and finally the fire was still burning in the thick darkness. Chu Xi reached out his hand subconsciously, but saw the fire scattered into a few points, like a star falling from the sky into the world.

He opened his eyes, and the pain that swept up made him frown, and finally he could bear the blood flowing into his throat, only to find that he had a strong gauze wrapped around his arm.

“Woke up?”

A familiar voice came, and Chu Xiwei only found out that he had left the cold and dark cave when he was lying on Ye Fusheng’s back.

He is tall and naturally heavy, plus the slippery road after the rain in the forest makes it very difficult to walk. However, these were not problems for Ye Fusheng. He held Chu Xiwei back very steady and did not make him feel any slight bumps.

Chu Xi moved her lips slightly, withdrew her thoughts from the chaotic dream, and vigorously cheered up, dumbly said: “Why are you here …”

In such a short time, Ye Fusheng should be far away from China, how could it appear here?

Ye Fusheng heard him talking, even if his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, it fell into his ears like a natural sound.

He was terrified, and he wished he could count him a thousand words and nag him again, but all these words poured into his mouth, but only a short sentence: “Why are you here, why would I not come?”


From Dongming Valley to the Upper Huaijiang River, the normal distance is less than three months.

Ye Fusheng ran to death seven fast horses, and later all his internal force was used for light skills, which was rushed to Tangling within half a month, but he came a step late and failed to stop the barrage.

The moment the fire spread across the river, Ye Fusheng rushed to the river bank, and he almost fell.

At that moment, he was cold all over, and he almost didn’t stand still. He clenched his teeth fiercely and settled down. His subordinates were preparing to search for salvage along the coast, and he personally led people into the water to find people.

He soaked in the cold water for a day and night, his bones were so cold that he stabbed, and he took over a dozen corpses, but none of them was the one he was looking for.

He was glad and scared again.

Er Niang led the people to continue to salvage, Ye Fusheng nibbled a cold bun and continued to look downstream, but Chu Xiwei’s tidal flat on the shore was unobtrusive. The first few waves missed the traces, but Ye Fusheng was desperate to go. Go here.

Fortunately, he chose the right way and found someone.

“Did you see my crushed clothes corner under the stone?” In the inn, Chu Xiwei let Sun Mingfeng, who was afraid of it, commit the crime and brutally wrapped him into a big dumpling, but looked straight at him while sitting. The leaf blowing cold soup medicine at the table floated.

“Yeah.” Ye Fusheng put down the medicine bowl without being angry. “But you are hiding too much. Although this mountain is not too big, it is not too small. At that time, it was dark. Everyone had to toss torches. One night, fortunately I went straight to the cave … “

Chu Xiwei said strangely: “How do you know I am there?”

Ye Fusheng touched his chin: “Talk of experience.”


“Probably more than a decade ago, when I went to work in Beijiang, I passed a big river. I saw someone falling into the water. I was unconscious, but I still caught the dwarf trees on the shore and refused to let go …” Ye Fusheng handed the medicine bowl to him, and there was a reminiscent look in his eyes, “I had a good intention to drag him up, but I didn’t expect that the kid looked very tall, but he didn’t even wean. He caught me and said something incomprehensible Nonsense, I still don’t want to let go … I think there is a leather mask on his face, thinking that he is a martial arts man, I didn’t intend to get into this trouble, but I can feel the bone age is about the same age as you. He went away. “

Chu Xiwei choked on the medicine soup and almost coughed to death.

“You slow down, and no one robs you of bitter medicine soup.” Ye Fusheng quickly slapped him on the back, glancing down at Chu Xiwei’s strange eyes, and wanted to find a supplement quickly. Move his mask, I do n’t know who is under his skin, in the end it is beautiful or ugly, good or bad, and he also treats himself as a bad old man.

Chu Xi looked at him for a long while, and suddenly smiled, and said softly, “It is not… not possible to say” I want to say something “.”

Ye Fusheng was stunned. He reached out and touched his head subconsciously, worrying: “Did you not turn down the fever, or did Sun Mingfeng prescribe the wrong medicine again?”

“…” Chu Xiwei said nothing, but grabbed his finger and slowly covered it in his lips, a little wet, a man who had obviously passed by, but still like a little wolf who licked and approached Cub.

Ye Fusheng was so licked by him that he almost overturned the medicine bowl, and his bones were all crisp.

“You, you …” He wanted to back away and was reluctant to pull his hands, an old face was rarely red, “You are a wounded and want to be a hooligan, is it dead? To face not … His! You still bit me ! “

Chu Xiwei loosened his teeth and let go of his finger, but still grabbed his hand to play, saying: “I don’t want to kill or shame, I want you, can you give it?”

He looked straight at him, his eyes fiery and sincere, and Ye Fusheng was a little uncomfortable.

The two have known each other for many years, and they have been married for ten years. They have passed the age of oil and gas in their honey, and they have been together for a long time. It turned out that Chu Xiwei didn’t know if he was taking the wrong medicine today, and even repeatedly called him.

Ye Fusheng felt that the fingers he had licked were hot, and Chu Xi pulled him a little hard, pressing the person on the bed, and leaning over to kiss, he was gently pushed by him, only He kissed his cheek.

“Pooh hahaha …” Ye Fusheng laughed and hugged him, wishing to roll on the quilt, “I said … you still have to wait for the injury and think about it again, I’m afraid you will do half the injury and the injury , I’m going to find Sun Minfeng after a while, how bad is the waist? Hahahaha … “

“…” Chu Xi faced slightly black, threw the bedding on the ground, and pushed the **** up and down his hand, just as urgently as the Maotou kid.

Although Ye Fusheng made a joke, he dared not really push him back, lest he would touch his wound, but instead he arched his back to let him undress smoothly, and let his legs stumbling on his waist, let Chu Xi Slightly pressed on himself.

He felt Chu Xi’s tiny broken kiss. The man licked and kissed his shoulder and neck like a wolf dog, and his fingers reached under him to fumble. Apart from passionate desire, he was more like looking for proof.

Ye Fusheng raised his neck and let him bite his throat knot. He didn’t care about sending the key to people’s lips and teeth. He just supported his body with his hands so that he wouldn’t hurt when he touched the wound.

Indulging him for so many years, he didn’t care about this nonsense.

“Master …” Ye Fusheng heard his light call when his feelings were strong, and his brain was a little lost because of the climax.

Since the two became married, Chu Xi has called him “floating” for the most part, or has deliberately called him foolishly on the bed.

“… What’s the matter?” He forced the crazy pain and pleasure, trembling around his back, and asked softly, just like the young boy who coaxed a naughty child.

Chu Xi closed his eyes slightly and refused to let him see his red eyes, for fear of leaking childishness.

He just circled Ye Fusheng, and he pushed hard under him, teeth biting his earlobe, and murmured when the man couldn’t help moaning, “Master … I love you.”

I do not regret the miles of thorns that I have stepped on, nor do I regret to let go of the **** and rainy days. I love you and win over my life, but I am fortunate to walk with you in this life.

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