Sealing Knife

Chapter 79 - Cocoon breaking (5)

There are evil spirits everywhere in the Weeping Blood Cave.

As soon as Gu Lifang entered, he felt uncomfortable. Not only was it unbearable, but every piece of earth and stone here seemed to be refined, with a breath of choice, which was horrifying.

The ground beneath the feet is not hard. On the contrary, the mud in some areas shows a little softness because of a lot of flesh and blood, and it sinks slightly when stepped on, as if walking in the belly of the beast.

It is very dim here, except for the fine broken night pearl inlaid on the wall, there are only a few small holes that penetrate the mountain wall to barely take care of things. Under such a light source, anyone looks like a three-point ghost, let alone … there are real ghosts here.

Follow Yong Road to the end, there are two forks in front of you, all sealed by iron fences. Due to the dim light, Gu Lifang had to come closer to check, and found a bone, his deformed hands and feet were interrupted before his death, and his body was tied to the iron fence by the black iron chain.

That pair of empty eyes turned behind Gu Lifang. It seemed that this man was unwilling to look at the hole before he died, desperately trying to escape, but unable to break free of the shackles.

There are still a lot of bite marks on the bone, like the blood and flesh were bitten by the beast, but there is a wind blowing from the hole, there is no peculiar smell of the animal, and there are no sharp teeth marks on the remaining tooth marks on the bone. Instead, it seems to be bitten out.

Gu Lifang didn’t think about it carefully, because once he thought about it, he was easily panicked and indignant, and lost his position.

She looked at the fence on the right, there were still dark red blood stains on it, and the color of the soil below was slightly brighter than the surroundings. She stretched her hand and twisted it, probably because of the human blood dripping in the past few days.

Gu Lifang didn’t know how ugly her face was. She scolded her for being cranky. Gu Xiao’s little rabbit was never a good man. When he was a child, he was thrown in the wild mountains by an irresponsible mother-in-law. After eating, she was raised to such a large size as to be abducted, and she would never be a short-lived ghost.

Gu Lifang thought this way, and then looked at the chain on the iron fence. This thing is strong, and even without a key, it is difficult to split even a fine iron blade. In order not to disturb the inside, she did not draw a knife to cut the lock, but grasped one end of the iron chain with both hands, and exerted luck.

Although she is a daughter’s family, she is born with divine power. Before she was ten years old, she was able to carry a hundred-jin water tank and run around the courtyard. If she was a man, she would have the courage to “strengthen the world.” Right now Dan Tian gathers her energy, her hands are full of strength, her eyes shine, and the thick iron chain of the baby’s arm is accompanied by a crisp sound, which is torn off by her.

With a squeak, the iron fence was pulled away, and Gu Lifang’s body flashed into it.

The stone walls were covered with traces along the way, there were swords, axes, and claws, and there were many blood stains left. Most of them were dark red and black, and they became blood clots on the wall. After a light rub, they fell down. Blood meal.

In addition, there are the marks left by the palm, fist, and foot pats. Gu Lifang took a closer look, probably from the hands of one person, from shallow to deep, just like people step by step above the martial arts.

She was shocked in her heart and already guessed where this was-the place where Helian Yu Lianwu was closed.

The instincts developed at the juncture of life and death over the years have occurred at this moment, telling her that the danger here is no longer close, but she still has a feeling, that is … Gu Xiao, inside.

Between walking or staying, Gu Lifang only hesitated for a moment, and then entered without looking back.

The further in, the wider and darker the cave. The strange smell under Gu Lifang’s nose is getting stronger and stronger. Although her inner breath is long, she can’t hold her breath all the time, so she inevitably inhaled a little, her mind gradually became chaotic, and there was an irritability in her chest Unexpected rise.

She shook her head, seeing a low doorway in front of her, and prepared to bow in. Unexpectedly, a black shadow suddenly emerged from it, and she threw her down with a force, and opened her mouth to bite her throat.

Gu Lifang was awake, and she was awake suddenly. She had no time to pull the knife, so she bent her leg on the belly of this thing, slapped her palm on the ground, and used her strength to bounce up. Jinghong’s sword clanged out of the sheath. Fei’s shadow had just rushed back, and it happened to hit the knife. He suddenly separated from his head, and he couldn’t die anymore.

Gu Lifang glanced at the shimmering night pearl on the wall. At his feet was a bare human head. The corpse on the ground was wrapped in several ragged rags, and most of his hair was lost. His limbs were thin, and his skin was shriveled. Freak monster.

A rustling noise came from the doorway. Gu Lifang took two steps back and saw six other weirdos crawling out of it.

It was indeed crawling. They landed on all fours like wild animals, their postures were twisted to the extreme, their bloodshot eyes had no expression, they almost protruded out of their eyes, and their mouths were unconsciously opened, revealing their white tongues and disgusting saliva.

This is a poor man who has lost his mind, and a carefully tuned animal.

Gu Lifang looked horrified. Her parents went early and walked the rivers and lakes at an early age. He had never seen such outrageous scenes and taught people horror.

These people have special cocoons on their hands and feet. They should all be martial arts practitioners. They have wounds on their bodies, some of them are bitten by each other, and more of them are finger marks that are exactly like the walls of the cave. Yu made them like this, mostly as a sparring partner.

She took two steps back, but the humans refused to let them go. They had lost their minds and would instinctively bite when they saw living creatures. Even when they saw a mouse, they would scramble to eat it, let alone look at it. Arrived at a big living person?

A man rushed in first, and Gu Lifang swept the scabbard on his head with his hand, but only let him tilt his head. The car was castrated, and the other five were unwilling to be lonely. They each rushed from one direction and could not wait to enjoy a big meal.

Gu Lifang leaned back, supported the ground with one hand, lifted his right foot to kick on the chin of the celebrity, kicked his mouth all the way out, and grabbed his head with his left foot. Tossed it up and hit the other two people behind him, making them a brother and a brother.

Seeing another man rushing, she got up and waved her sword. She started with a move of “Bai Hong” diagonally up to cut the flesh and bone. However, this guy was so fierce that she embraced her knife with both hands. Just in this moment, the remaining two human beings approached, and she flashed one, and the remaining bite was on her left shoulder.

Seeing the blood on the shoulder, Gu Lifang frowned, and instead of abandoning the knife, she increased her strength and turned to the left, swept it out, and smashed it against the mountain wall.

With his hands empty, Gu Biaofang’s elbow slammed back and found that his shoulders had turned black, and his skin was slowly festering.

These animals are poisonous! Gu Lifang’s face changed, and he nodded to stop bleeding without hesitation, so that the left arm could not move. She gritted her teeth, and saw that the five remaining animals were besieging again, her body pulled up from the ground, and she suddenly flipped over, kicking her feet on her upper arms, turning her upper body down, twisting her waist, and striking a “shock wave” with her right hand. Out.

The blood was splattered, and the five people crossed the bloodline between the larynx of the animal, almost bones could be seen, but there was still a little bit of extra strength, and he still grabbed her unwillingly. Gu Lifang landed on the ground, and the short body made another shot according to his legs, which was considered to have ceased.

She gasped in a hurry, her clothes behind her were soaked with cold sweat, and she stared at the dead bodies of human beings, and suddenly found signs.

These people have knife wounds on their animals. Except for what she did just now, there are also scabs, many of which are similar to her knife technique, except that the skills are insufficient, and the recruitment is also immature.

He Lianyu doesn’t need a knife, and there are only three people who will be able to count her “Falling Secrets”.

With a look in his eyes, Gu Lifang didn’t hesitate any longer, and turned around and drilled into the doorway. It was narrow at first and widened after a while, but it was dark enough to see only a few outlines.

She was down to earth and couldn’t see her surroundings clearly, but heard heavy breathing from the right side, just like the animals just now, with irresistible madness.

With a tragic heart, seeing the dark shadows flashing, the strong wind breaking through the sky, Gu Lifang shot with a long knife, swiftly thundered and thundered, and stab the opponent’s chest straight, which is the most unarmed trick in Jinghong Jue. One-thunder.

However, this black shadow did not use the claws like the previous human beings. He also had a knife in his hand. He was also focused on one point and turned back, with a domineering edge like thunder.

The faint light is illuminated by the cold blade, reflecting the frowns of both sides, one as frost and snow, and the other with madness.

Suddenly, Gu Lifang’s pupils tightened, and her eyes were killing ice and snow, and she had no time to withdraw, so she had to let go of the knife when she couldn’t let it go.

However, the person in front of him, with a long knife in his hand, roared like a wind and thunder. Although Gu Lifang was reluctant to open his mouth, how much slower did she tune in by herself, how much slower than her?

The blade penetrated the chest, and with the sound of bone cracking, it penetrated into the flesh and blood like a broken bamboo, and the remaining power was still pressing, pressing her step by step, nailing her to the back wall of the cave!

She was so painful that she couldn’t breathe. The cold blade was like a ghost growing in flesh and blood, and quickly sucked the blood from her body.

Gu Lifang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but her throat was blocked by blood flow. She coughed and shuddered, unable to speak a word.

But it was this cough that made the mad person sober for a moment.

Blood flowed down the handle of the knife, Gu Xiao was shocked, he first looked at his hand, only to see the darkness in the dark.

One hand, with thick, warm blood, fell on his face with trembling, gently touching the corner of his eyes.

He thought in a trance, he asked Gu Lifang when he was very young, why do everyone have fathers and mothers, and he only has a master?

At that time, the woman smiled heartily, and gently raised her hand to wipe away the tears in the corner of his eyes, saying, “Do not cry, Master hurts you.”

Gu Xiaoru was struck by lightning, he had a headache, and he also had flowers in front of him. He could not see anything clearly. He could only hold that hand and said hardly: “Master … Father?”

Duan Qing was wearing a star and wearing a moon all the way, and finally arrived at Mizuoling this night.

When he went outside the ridge, the horse fell because of exhaustion, and he almost fell. The internal force that was forcibly lifted was so painful that the meridians were sore and Dantian wanted to split it, leaving his bloodless face even paler as a ghost.

Duanqing came by coincidence, not coincidence.

Coincidentally, a fire broke out in the mountains, and the outposts became a pot of porridge. It was suitable for touching fish in muddy water. Unfortunately, when he dismounted, two horses came to the ground with wind and dust. Man Ziyi silver face, carrying the ancient sword of Liuyun behind.

He Lianyu seemed to be very surprised to see him here. He froze for a moment before waving his hand to let Wei Changyun, the master of Xuanwu Palace behind him, retreat first.

He walked a few steps in the same place, and there was unmasked joy in his tone, even through the mask: “Duan Qing … Dao Chang, how come you come to the Zongling Ridge?”

Duan Qing looked at him coldly, his hands clenched slowly in his sleeves, the back of his hands exposed, and then loosened.

He didn’t answer, and He Lianyu answered himself: “I wouldn’t think of me anymore … Since I took over as the lord of the palace, the governor did not say He Xi, he didn’t even come to see me.”

There were infinite grievances in this remark, and Duanqing was stunned by the ear. He opened the door and asked, “How is Gu Xiao? Where is Lifang?”

“What joke did the master tell you, your wife is not optimistic, but now she came to ask me?” Helian Yu only supported his cheek. “The master also saw it. I just came back from outside, how could I know?”

After a pause, he added: “As for Gu Xiao, if the director said that the little cub that broke me first and then intercepted me under Feiyun Peak, he did know.”

Duan Qing frowned, “Hand him over to me.”

“Why is the Taoist so indifferent, I did not treat him badly, just use him as a name for you to come to me, of course, it is not difficult to get what I want.” He Lianyu smiled, “I haven’t seen you for years. Long walk with me all the way, I will take you to pick him up, how? “

Duan Qing turned his head and looked at the fire in the mountains, not sure: “Are you in a hurry?”

“If my men can’t handle these miscellaneous fish well, I might as well switch to a dog to come to see the door.” Helian Yu turned over and dismounted, only imagining with his hand, “Please.”

Duan Qing didn’t hesitate. He stepped up to catch up with him. Helian Yu said a lot along the way, but he didn’t answer a word. Rao was so happy. Helianyu was also very happy and didn’t feel bored.

Until they reached the Weeping Blood Cave.

He Lianyu took Duanqing away from the sentry and went from the secret road in the mountain to the Weeping Blood Cave. He did not present masterpieces like humans and animals in front of Duanqing’s eyes. He only led him into the final chamber.

Hearing the fresh **** smell, he tightened his eyebrows and tightened his head. He Lianyu chuckled and felt the flames from his arms blowing, illuminating the corner of his eyes.

At the next moment, Duanqing saw the messy ground and the half blade on the hole wall in front of him, because the knife had some rust, so when he was away from the body, there was a little scrap of meat residue, and the fresh blood was still running down. The blade trickled down, winding a scarlet thread on the wall.

He didn’t know who the blood was, nor whose body the knife passed through, but he was cold all at once, and a mass of blood in his chest was gripped by a cold hand, which could be crushed at any time.

Duan Qing’s body shook insignificantly, and Helian Yu heard a “huh” sound: “Strange, why was he originally here?”

Having said that, he held up the fire zipper and looked at it carefully. Looking along the bloodline on the ground, he suddenly realized: “It’s amazing, he went to this place.”

Looking at Duanqing, I saw that Helian Yu was talking about a secret door, made of giant stones, weighing about a thousand pounds. Gu Xiao’s martial arts and strength could not be pushed anyway.

However, there is another person who can.

Through the fire, he saw two **** handprints on the stone door, which were much smaller than men’s, with five fingers slender, clearly the hand of women.

Duan Qing suddenly panicked.

He retired for half his life and suddenly retreated. It has never been like this when the six gods have no master, and even the hand that fell on the stone gate trembles a little.

He Lianyu just smiled silently. He looked at Duan Qing, like watching the prey that had stepped into the trap and was bound to get.

He pushed the door open with both hands, like a naive child who couldn’t wait to open the gift box seal.

The mountain breeze screamed, and behind the gate was a platform that was not very spacious. Below was a cliff. Although there was long river water, the undercurrent was urgent.

The blood stains on the platform were mottled, looking forward along the blood. There were two people on the edge of the cliff, standing on one knee and kneeling.

The kneeling woman was exhausted, but the standing teenager was unstable.

Holding the Jinghong knife picked up from the ground in his hand, he pointed tremblingly at Gu Lifang. His eyes flashed clear and clear, and sometimes he fell into madness, as if the spirits were torn in half, taking himself as the battlefield and started. There was a fight between you and me.

Gu Lifang wanted to call him, but it was a pity that he couldn’t scream, and he could only cough up blood from his chest. Hearing that the secret door was behind, she and Gu Xiao turned back instinctively, and both of them shrank.

Gu Lifang was frightened, but Gu Xiao seemed to be mad suddenly, lifting the knife like cutting off her neck.

“Stop it!” Duan Qing’s pupils tightened, and Gu Xiao hit Gu Xiao’s hand with a volley. The knife missed his head, and he knelt down.

At this time, He Lianyu’s palm also broke into the air, knocking Gu Xiao back backwards, if not instinctively inserting the rock with the Jinghong knife to hang on the edge, I am afraid that the whole person would fall.

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